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''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Letter from Asriel Octavius''
After a few minor scuffles with undead in the street, Asriel made his way to the brothel. Upon arriving he found the door barred from the inside.
"Open up!" he bellowed. "I'm not undead and I'm not going to attack you, I just want to make you wealthier. So open this bloody door!"
There was a sound of bars being drawn and the door was opened by a worried looking Pocuress. Asriel alias Antonine entered.
The first sight which greeted him was Bowie alias Amilcare pointing a sword towards the door whilst the three girls huddled behind him. Upon seeing him, Bowie lowered his sword.
"Yes, yes I'm not undead." said Asriel "Someone fetch me something to drink, and make sure its strong."
"Are things that bad out there? enquired Delana as Asriel sat down beside her.
"Pretty much yes." he replied as he tenderly rubbed her cheek with the back of his finger. "I was accosted by undead brutes several times on the way over here, needless to say they didn't erm unlive to regret it, and its bitterly cold out there."
"Oh dear, we'd better warm him up hadn't we Delana." said Nadia. They both snuggled up on either side of him. Meanwhile, Melani whispered endearments into Bowie's ear.
The Procuress brought a glass of a rich golden liquid over. Antonine drained it in one and relaxed back into the seat. "Ah that's better. I feel warmer already."
After a while Asriel asked "Tell me my dears, can either of you dance?"
They laughed "Of course we can nobleborn. We'd be pretty poor at our job if we couldn't." said Nadia. "But Delana is better than I." she added. "I mainly play the music instead."
"Well then." he said "Strike up a tune! M'lady," he said, standing up and flourishing his cloak to Delana "Would you care to dance?" "Of course my lord." she replied giggling.
They danced for quite a while.
''Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''
Nadia was playing the lyre, Delana, Antonine, Amilcare and Melani were dancing beside the fireplace, the Procuress was at the bar tending to two other men with another one of her women, when suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew out the fire and darkened the whole place.
Startled, the girls yelped. Then, it began, the undead siege!
The side window was smashed as two undead climbed in, the front door began to pound and as if it was staged, the sound of moaning erupted all at once. As the Undead began to climb through the window, the two men at the bar, who were local artisans, started to fight them off.
Black Bowie unsheathed his sword with Asriel and engaged the beasts. A chaotic brawl broke out. As the monsters were being mangled to pieces, and a few more fell in, the noblemen began to direct the scene.
“Quick! Put a table in front of the door, if they break the lock we’re drowned!”
“Cover the windows! Women, get upstairs!”
From upstairs they heard a woman’s scream.
“They’re up there too!”
“You two guys, get up there!”
“Women, try to get the fire going.”
Asriel and Bowie killed off the last invaders and put a tipped over table in front of the broken window. They could hear the moans from all around. The women were able to get a small fire going, but it was having a hard time igniting into one suitable to light the whole floor. From upstairs, they heard more fighting, a yell then a thud and a crash.
Asriel looked at Bowie and said,
“How many do you think are out there?”
“I do not know. Let us hope that they do not start pouring in. If we get overwhelmed we can’t win.”
“Right. Let’s see if the upstairs is clear, though one of us should keep command of this front.”
“Which one?” Bowie said,
“Does it matter?”
“I’ll check the top floor then, you guard the women. Keep an eye on that front door. It takes them a minute longer to enter through the window, and we can kill them faster. If they break that door down, they’ll just rush in.”
“Got it.”
They clanged their swords together in understanding and Bowie ran upstairs to manage the second floor.
“Alright ladies, relax and we should have everything taken care of by the morning. Hey Procuress, pour me another shot will yah. Those things aren’t going to ruin my night.” Asriel coolly remarked.
''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius''
After a while things sounded a lot quieter.
"Have they gone?" asked one of the women.
Asriel walked tothe door and out his ear to it. "It seems like it, but you should never trust appearances."
He pulld back the cover to the eyehole in the door. As he looked through he saw and undead monster right on the other side.
"You crafty bastard." he murmured, before ramming his broadsword straight through the solid oak door an dinto the beast. He drew back the blade and the creature let out an unearthly yowl.
As though this was some sort of signal undead started calmouring at the outside of the building again. asriel turned to the women.
"Don't let that fire go out. Try and spread more light in the place. If they get in under cover of darkness we're all dead. Do any of you know how to fight?"
Some of the women unsteadily raised their hands.
"Allright, let's rephrase the question. Who can hit someone over the head with a solid object or jab at them with a pokeror stick?"
All of them raised their hands.
"Good. Everyone find something to fight with. Form a circle round the fire with your backs facing it. If the barricades start to fail scream as loud as you can and I'll be straight back. I'm just going to check how things are going upstairs."
As the women did as he instructed, he grasped his sword with both hands and, holding it up in front of him, he climbed the stairs.
As he reached the top he had to step to the side of the stairway quickly, as an undead corpsefell down it. At the top he could see Bowie and a few other patrons fighting the undead merrily. Deciding he was unneeded he went back downstairs.
No sooner had he got there than the glass of the window splintered and two undead started climbing through. He charged straight at them cutting one down and impaling the other. Quickly he slashed at another that was climbing through and it fell back.
Something slashed at his leg and he collpased to the floor. Immediately the undead that he'd cut down earlier was struggling to get him. As he fought it with his bare hands he could see its innards hanging out from where he had cut it with his sword earlier. Too late he remembered that undead could take wounds that would kill mortal men in their stride and keep on fighting.
Somethign crashed into the side of the undead, knocking it off. It just had time to screech before a poker was thrust into its eye, killing it.
Hands helped Asriel up. It was the women. One of them handed him his sword and he got back to fighting. After two more had tried to enter and failed, the undead fell back for a bit and thise inside were able to put a bench up against the window. As they wedged it into place, Asriel found himself next to Nadia, the one who had wielded the poker earlier.
"Thanks." he said to her "You saved my life. Is there any extra charge for that?"
"No. It's all part of the service." she quipped.
A sound came from behind them. They all span around only to see Bowie and the others coming down the stairs.
Melani rushed to him. "Are you alright, Amilcare?" she asked.
"I'm fine." he replied "But some of the others aren't. Help them will you."
As the women rushed to tend to the injured, just flesh wounds in the main thankfully, Asriel spoke to Bowie.
"How were things up there?" he asked.
"About a dozen got in through an open skylight. When I got up there there was mayhem. Thankfully no serious injuries. Just a lot of frightened people. We killed the bastards easy enough."
"You seem rather cheerful."
Bowie grinned manically "It must be the demon. I never do feel as alive as I do when I'm fighting."
"Now someoned fetch us a drink!" Bowie bellowed "Fighting is thirsty work." he added.
''Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''
After the commotion from upstairs had ended, the noblemen inspected their surroundings. Upstairs was full of corpses and a wounded man. Downstairs had broken glass everywhere and more corpses, and the small group of stranded people. Asriel and Bowie were panting after that sortie, and the two other guys were trying to build a proper barricade over the window.
“You injured your leg. Procuress, get some supplies for Antonine. We can’t have him bleeding all over the place.” Bowie said,
“I am alright, it was just a scratch. The Allfather protected me from a gruesome death.”
“Thanks to the Dragons for the Allfather.” Bowie replied with a mischievous smile.
“So you think.” Was Asriel’s answer.
“I have an idea,” Bowie said, “Why don’t we behead the undead we have inside and put the heads on table legs. Then place them in front of the windows. If the undead see that there are already undead inside here, they won’t be so anxious to get in. They will think they already are.”
“Can you be certain the idea will work? It sounds as if the undead are stupid enough to fall for it, but say they ignore their comrades heads, will they not just keep battering in?” Asriel asked, while the Procuress rapped his leg with cloth.
“What do we have to lose?”
“Should we do the same for the upstairs? Why don’t we stab a full body or two near the windows too, then they will see more than just a crowd of heads.”
“That’s a good idea too. Let’s do it.” Off they went with everyone assisting them.
They started putting the heads on makeshift pikes and setting them up around the building. They were also taking full corpses and resting them near the openings, upstairs too, making it seem as if there is a crowd of undead inside. Then, they huddled near the fire together; Delana and Nadia with Asriel, and Melani with Bowie. One of the men chipped in,
“Can we stay here all night?”
“We paid for it didn’t we?” Another man said,
The Procuress clapped her hand to Nadia and told her to play the lyre. Asriel countered her command by saying,
“That’s not a good idea old woman; we are trying to make the deception that this place has already been invaded by undead. If they hear us in here, they will press in all the more.”
Silence rested on the night, then Bowie began to speak.
“Did I mention that I was a legend back in Fissoa? Before I came here I was a commander of the greatest infantry unit Dwilight ever saw, they were called the Iron Toughs. Let me tell you the story…[[Legend of the Iron Toughs]] ''(except the name Bowie is replaced with Amilcare for anonymity)''.”
''So the small group waited around the campfire for dawn, all the while the undead erroneously thought the building was full of their own. Naturally, more drinking led to loud laughter, but the undead did not seem to think anything of it.''
''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Once the brothel was secured, the isolated group waited out until dawn came. When that happened, an unlikely rescuer entered the scene.''
''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage'' 
As the darkness lifted a large shadow continued to move determinedly through the streets of Port Raviel. Even as the sun's first rays fell upon the city, glinting off the rising and falling blade in the shade's hand, he didn't hesitate or falter from his path. His black armor barely reflected the light in its blood soaked state and his only sign of life was his fierce gaze piercing out through the black lion helm that adorned his head. A casual observer might almost think him the leader of the undead horde that infested the city, at least until they witnessed his brutal assaults on any undead that crossed his path. This was most certainly a man, and a man who clearly didn't like to see his realm's capital infested with such filth as the living dead.
Continuing on his rampage, Cenarious fought his way through the streets alone. His work was far from done this night and though his Stormguard had long since fallen in combat, with any survivors being far too injured to keep up with their lord, he refused to rest before he knew that the people of his Queen's fair city were safe. This city was formed upon the land that had given birth to his family in times long forgotten, this entire island was sacred to Clan Stormrage, and Cenarious would not rest so long as undead polluted it with their very presence.
Ahead a large building, possibly an inn or something similar, seemed to have become a haven for the undead. Inside it seemed that they had taken up guard positions on the building's doors and windows while outside more then a few shambling corpses seemed to be circling the place. Enraged by the very thought of these filth taking up residence in Port Raviel, Cenarious threw himself at the undead with the strength and stamina only a well trained warrior possesses. Rending them limb from limb, and hacking off their heads for good measure, Cenarious made short work of the undead outside before he turned his attention inwards. Making for the door Cenarious casually beheaded the leering skulls that peeked out from the nearest window before gathering speed and using all his weight and momentum to drive his heavily armored shoulder into, and through, the inn's main door. As the door caved in before him he watched as the undead set to guard it fell apart without him even having to strike them.
"Dead undead guards?" Cenarious thought to himself as he charged into the interior. "And a well lit room?"
Luckily for the residents Cenarious was a soldier and not a berserker, following his instincts Cenarious didn't strike down the men suddenly scrambling out of his way as he was fairly certain they were still amongst the living and not the walking dead. Glancing around at the inhabitants, of what appeared to be a brothel, Cenarious saw no immediate threat and thus no reason for him to linger. More then one of the men inside was as scared as the women as they all stared at the black roaring lion that was Cenarious's battle helm.
Hoping to calm them, Cenarious turned to go before he called back over his shoulder, "As General of D'Hara I order you all to follow the street I just cleared back towards our Queen's estate. The majority of the Queen's Dragon Guard holds that part of city and a field hospital was set up to see to all of Port Raviel's wounded. You will be safer there then anywhere else in the city. Go there now and await word that your homes have been made safe once again."
As Cenarious headed out the door he called back one last time before leaving earshot, "Tell the guards you encounter that a Lion stalks Port Raviel this day..."
''Cenarious Stormrage''
''General of D'Hara, Marshal of the Queen's Dragon Guard''
<center>'''The End of the Second Evening.'''</center>

Latest revision as of 01:48, 28 November 2008

The Debauchery of Port Raviel

The Second Evening

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Black Bowie strolled gingerly down the snow blanketed, moonlit street. Along the way, an undead leapt out from an alley to attack. Startled, Bowie quickly unsheathed his sword and engaged with the creature. The incredibly strong monster nearly overpowered him, but luckily was not capable of defending against a trained swordsman. The undead lost both its legs and was immobilized.

Ignoring the dismembered beast, Bowie returned the sword to his side and continued walking, this time whistling.

He turned another corner and met with a second beast. This one had already found itself a meal. The shoe maker was half eaten and crawling numb towards his shop. He was caught working late. Bowie cringed at the mess before him, unsheathed his sword a second time and cut down the abominable thing. Then Bowie knelt beside the shoe keeper, examined the suffering man and dropped his sword into the man’s chest, mercy killing him. After wiping all the gore off his blade and boots, he continued walking towards his destination, whistling once again.

Finally, and without any more interruptions, Bowie entered the brothel near the overbridge. The place was quickly becoming his favourite hangout in the whole city.

So begun the Second Evening of Debauchery

Inside, Bowie flashed some gold to the Procuress who nodded immediately. The same three girls who met with Bowie last time came out and set up the table.

“Brrr, it is cold outside, but it feels really warm in here. How long have you had that fire going? Put more wood on it, we will need it the rest of the night. Say, has Antonine arrived yet? Play some music until he does. Delana dance while Nadia plays. Melani, sit with me.”

Melani smiled and set up two glasses and uncorked a bottle of brandy.

“Now that’s the stuff!” Bowie said as he sat down.

“Would you like anything to eat Master Amilcare?” Melani asked,

“No thank you love, please sit. Last time we spoke you said you knew how to swim. Can you believe that I am unable to? And you are just a peasant! Tell me what else you can do.”

“Well…I, my father was a very experienced man and always taught me the skills he learned. He also taught me how to read.”

Bowie’s eyes widened.

“Imagine that. You are literate! You know Melani, I am beginning to think that you are a scholar hidden in a peasants body.”

“Trapped in a prostitute’s life.” She frowned.

The Procuress overheard and detested.

“Melani! You are to entertain our guests, not depress them! Keep your pitiful thoughts to yourself. Smile, start dancing, and drink up!”

“Return to your quarters Mistress! This woman may speak her mind to me if she pleases. Intelligence is as pleasurable as the flesh is.” Bowie responded.

The Procuress silenced and returned to tending to the fire. Bowie ignored her and began to drink, Melani joined him.

“Trapped is a common condition,” Bowie said.

Melani answered, “Noble or not, we all share the same sufferings.”

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)

Letter from Asriel Octavius

After a few minor scuffles with undead in the street, Asriel made his way to the brothel. Upon arriving he found the door barred from the inside.

"Open up!" he bellowed. "I'm not undead and I'm not going to attack you, I just want to make you wealthier. So open this bloody door!"

There was a sound of bars being drawn and the door was opened by a worried looking Pocuress. Asriel alias Antonine entered.

The first sight which greeted him was Bowie alias Amilcare pointing a sword towards the door whilst the three girls huddled behind him. Upon seeing him, Bowie lowered his sword.

"Yes, yes I'm not undead." said Asriel "Someone fetch me something to drink, and make sure its strong."

"Are things that bad out there? enquired Delana as Asriel sat down beside her.

"Pretty much yes." he replied as he tenderly rubbed her cheek with the back of his finger. "I was accosted by undead brutes several times on the way over here, needless to say they didn't erm unlive to regret it, and its bitterly cold out there."

"Oh dear, we'd better warm him up hadn't we Delana." said Nadia. They both snuggled up on either side of him. Meanwhile, Melani whispered endearments into Bowie's ear.

The Procuress brought a glass of a rich golden liquid over. Antonine drained it in one and relaxed back into the seat. "Ah that's better. I feel warmer already."

After a while Asriel asked "Tell me my dears, can either of you dance?"

They laughed "Of course we can nobleborn. We'd be pretty poor at our job if we couldn't." said Nadia. "But Delana is better than I." she added. "I mainly play the music instead."

"Well then." he said "Strike up a tune! M'lady," he said, standing up and flourishing his cloak to Delana "Would you care to dance?" "Of course my lord." she replied giggling.

They danced for quite a while.

Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Nadia was playing the lyre, Delana, Antonine, Amilcare and Melani were dancing beside the fireplace, the Procuress was at the bar tending to two other men with another one of her women, when suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew out the fire and darkened the whole place.

Startled, the girls yelped. Then, it began, the undead siege!

The side window was smashed as two undead climbed in, the front door began to pound and as if it was staged, the sound of moaning erupted all at once. As the Undead began to climb through the window, the two men at the bar, who were local artisans, started to fight them off.

Black Bowie unsheathed his sword with Asriel and engaged the beasts. A chaotic brawl broke out. As the monsters were being mangled to pieces, and a few more fell in, the noblemen began to direct the scene.

“Quick! Put a table in front of the door, if they break the lock we’re drowned!”

“Cover the windows! Women, get upstairs!”

From upstairs they heard a woman’s scream.

“They’re up there too!”


“You two guys, get up there!”

“Women, try to get the fire going.”

Asriel and Bowie killed off the last invaders and put a tipped over table in front of the broken window. They could hear the moans from all around. The women were able to get a small fire going, but it was having a hard time igniting into one suitable to light the whole floor. From upstairs, they heard more fighting, a yell then a thud and a crash.

Asriel looked at Bowie and said,

“How many do you think are out there?”

“I do not know. Let us hope that they do not start pouring in. If we get overwhelmed we can’t win.”

“Right. Let’s see if the upstairs is clear, though one of us should keep command of this front.”

“Which one?” Bowie said,

“Does it matter?”

“I’ll check the top floor then, you guard the women. Keep an eye on that front door. It takes them a minute longer to enter through the window, and we can kill them faster. If they break that door down, they’ll just rush in.”

“Got it.”

They clanged their swords together in understanding and Bowie ran upstairs to manage the second floor.

“Alright ladies, relax and we should have everything taken care of by the morning. Hey Procuress, pour me another shot will yah. Those things aren’t going to ruin my night.” Asriel coolly remarked.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

After a while things sounded a lot quieter.

"Have they gone?" asked one of the women.

Asriel walked tothe door and out his ear to it. "It seems like it, but you should never trust appearances."

He pulld back the cover to the eyehole in the door. As he looked through he saw and undead monster right on the other side.

"You crafty bastard." he murmured, before ramming his broadsword straight through the solid oak door an dinto the beast. He drew back the blade and the creature let out an unearthly yowl.

As though this was some sort of signal undead started calmouring at the outside of the building again. asriel turned to the women.

"Don't let that fire go out. Try and spread more light in the place. If they get in under cover of darkness we're all dead. Do any of you know how to fight?"

Some of the women unsteadily raised their hands.

"Allright, let's rephrase the question. Who can hit someone over the head with a solid object or jab at them with a pokeror stick?"

All of them raised their hands.

"Good. Everyone find something to fight with. Form a circle round the fire with your backs facing it. If the barricades start to fail scream as loud as you can and I'll be straight back. I'm just going to check how things are going upstairs."

As the women did as he instructed, he grasped his sword with both hands and, holding it up in front of him, he climbed the stairs.

As he reached the top he had to step to the side of the stairway quickly, as an undead corpsefell down it. At the top he could see Bowie and a few other patrons fighting the undead merrily. Deciding he was unneeded he went back downstairs.

No sooner had he got there than the glass of the window splintered and two undead started climbing through. He charged straight at them cutting one down and impaling the other. Quickly he slashed at another that was climbing through and it fell back.

Something slashed at his leg and he collpased to the floor. Immediately the undead that he'd cut down earlier was struggling to get him. As he fought it with his bare hands he could see its innards hanging out from where he had cut it with his sword earlier. Too late he remembered that undead could take wounds that would kill mortal men in their stride and keep on fighting.

Somethign crashed into the side of the undead, knocking it off. It just had time to screech before a poker was thrust into its eye, killing it.

Hands helped Asriel up. It was the women. One of them handed him his sword and he got back to fighting. After two more had tried to enter and failed, the undead fell back for a bit and thise inside were able to put a bench up against the window. As they wedged it into place, Asriel found himself next to Nadia, the one who had wielded the poker earlier.

"Thanks." he said to her "You saved my life. Is there any extra charge for that?"

"No. It's all part of the service." she quipped.

A sound came from behind them. They all span around only to see Bowie and the others coming down the stairs.

Melani rushed to him. "Are you alright, Amilcare?" she asked.

"I'm fine." he replied "But some of the others aren't. Help them will you."

As the women rushed to tend to the injured, just flesh wounds in the main thankfully, Asriel spoke to Bowie.

"How were things up there?" he asked.

"About a dozen got in through an open skylight. When I got up there there was mayhem. Thankfully no serious injuries. Just a lot of frightened people. We killed the bastards easy enough."

"You seem rather cheerful."

Bowie grinned manically "It must be the demon. I never do feel as alive as I do when I'm fighting."

"Now someoned fetch us a drink!" Bowie bellowed "Fighting is thirsty work." he added.

Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

After the commotion from upstairs had ended, the noblemen inspected their surroundings. Upstairs was full of corpses and a wounded man. Downstairs had broken glass everywhere and more corpses, and the small group of stranded people. Asriel and Bowie were panting after that sortie, and the two other guys were trying to build a proper barricade over the window.

“You injured your leg. Procuress, get some supplies for Antonine. We can’t have him bleeding all over the place.” Bowie said,

“I am alright, it was just a scratch. The Allfather protected me from a gruesome death.”

“Thanks to the Dragons for the Allfather.” Bowie replied with a mischievous smile.

“So you think.” Was Asriel’s answer.

“I have an idea,” Bowie said, “Why don’t we behead the undead we have inside and put the heads on table legs. Then place them in front of the windows. If the undead see that there are already undead inside here, they won’t be so anxious to get in. They will think they already are.”

“Can you be certain the idea will work? It sounds as if the undead are stupid enough to fall for it, but say they ignore their comrades heads, will they not just keep battering in?” Asriel asked, while the Procuress rapped his leg with cloth.

“What do we have to lose?”

“Should we do the same for the upstairs? Why don’t we stab a full body or two near the windows too, then they will see more than just a crowd of heads.”

“That’s a good idea too. Let’s do it.” Off they went with everyone assisting them.

They started putting the heads on makeshift pikes and setting them up around the building. They were also taking full corpses and resting them near the openings, upstairs too, making it seem as if there is a crowd of undead inside. Then, they huddled near the fire together; Delana and Nadia with Asriel, and Melani with Bowie. One of the men chipped in,

“Can we stay here all night?”

“We paid for it didn’t we?” Another man said,

The Procuress clapped her hand to Nadia and told her to play the lyre. Asriel countered her command by saying,

“That’s not a good idea old woman; we are trying to make the deception that this place has already been invaded by undead. If they hear us in here, they will press in all the more.”

Silence rested on the night, then Bowie began to speak.

“Did I mention that I was a legend back in Fissoa? Before I came here I was a commander of the greatest infantry unit Dwilight ever saw, they were called the Iron Toughs. Let me tell you the story…Legend of the Iron Toughs (except the name Bowie is replaced with Amilcare for anonymity).”

So the small group waited around the campfire for dawn, all the while the undead erroneously thought the building was full of their own. Naturally, more drinking led to loud laughter, but the undead did not seem to think anything of it.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)

Once the brothel was secured, the isolated group waited out until dawn came. When that happened, an unlikely rescuer entered the scene.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

As the darkness lifted a large shadow continued to move determinedly through the streets of Port Raviel. Even as the sun's first rays fell upon the city, glinting off the rising and falling blade in the shade's hand, he didn't hesitate or falter from his path. His black armor barely reflected the light in its blood soaked state and his only sign of life was his fierce gaze piercing out through the black lion helm that adorned his head. A casual observer might almost think him the leader of the undead horde that infested the city, at least until they witnessed his brutal assaults on any undead that crossed his path. This was most certainly a man, and a man who clearly didn't like to see his realm's capital infested with such filth as the living dead.

Continuing on his rampage, Cenarious fought his way through the streets alone. His work was far from done this night and though his Stormguard had long since fallen in combat, with any survivors being far too injured to keep up with their lord, he refused to rest before he knew that the people of his Queen's fair city were safe. This city was formed upon the land that had given birth to his family in times long forgotten, this entire island was sacred to Clan Stormrage, and Cenarious would not rest so long as undead polluted it with their very presence.

Ahead a large building, possibly an inn or something similar, seemed to have become a haven for the undead. Inside it seemed that they had taken up guard positions on the building's doors and windows while outside more then a few shambling corpses seemed to be circling the place. Enraged by the very thought of these filth taking up residence in Port Raviel, Cenarious threw himself at the undead with the strength and stamina only a well trained warrior possesses. Rending them limb from limb, and hacking off their heads for good measure, Cenarious made short work of the undead outside before he turned his attention inwards. Making for the door Cenarious casually beheaded the leering skulls that peeked out from the nearest window before gathering speed and using all his weight and momentum to drive his heavily armored shoulder into, and through, the inn's main door. As the door caved in before him he watched as the undead set to guard it fell apart without him even having to strike them.

"Dead undead guards?" Cenarious thought to himself as he charged into the interior. "And a well lit room?"

Luckily for the residents Cenarious was a soldier and not a berserker, following his instincts Cenarious didn't strike down the men suddenly scrambling out of his way as he was fairly certain they were still amongst the living and not the walking dead. Glancing around at the inhabitants, of what appeared to be a brothel, Cenarious saw no immediate threat and thus no reason for him to linger. More then one of the men inside was as scared as the women as they all stared at the black roaring lion that was Cenarious's battle helm.

Hoping to calm them, Cenarious turned to go before he called back over his shoulder, "As General of D'Hara I order you all to follow the street I just cleared back towards our Queen's estate. The majority of the Queen's Dragon Guard holds that part of city and a field hospital was set up to see to all of Port Raviel's wounded. You will be safer there then anywhere else in the city. Go there now and await word that your homes have been made safe once again."

As Cenarious headed out the door he called back one last time before leaving earshot, "Tell the guards you encounter that a Lion stalks Port Raviel this day..."

Cenarious Stormrage

General of D'Hara, Marshal of the Queen's Dragon Guard

The End of the Second Evening.