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m (the night continues)
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She perks up, takes his hand and leads him to the private room…The others frown.
She perks up, takes his hand and leads him to the private room…The others frown.
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''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Roleplay from Asriel Octavius''
Asriel put his arms around the shoulders of Delana and Nadia.
"In answer to your question m'dear. I have been told I was handsome before but never by any as pretty as you."
he paused
"Now what are your names again? Delana and Nadia yes?"
They both nodded.
"Well let me tell you a little story. I come from the Colonies." he paused for a sip of wine "That is to say I was born there though I left home as soon as I was old enough. Now, the Colonies are a strange place. Everything is slow and lasts a long time. There are wars there that are older than all the realms of Dwilight put together!
"Now obviously I found that all terribly dull so I came here as soon as I could, and you two are ample proof that I made the right decision. But, you see one thing about the colonies being so slow is that though things take a long time to grow, they grow even mightier than they do elsewhere. The wars I mentioned are one example of this. Another example, or so I am told, is that it also effects the people. In particular certain parts of the anatomy."
Delana looked confused here until Nadia whispered "it means parts of the body." Comprehension dawned on Delana's face.
Asriel continued "So this means that the people are taller, the nobles wealthier, the women more full-breasted and the men, or so rumour has it, better endowed.
"Now obviously I have no idea whether this is true, so why don't we finish this little story and retire to somewhere more private and you two can find out whether it is true."
And so saying he drained his glass, stood up, turned to Delana and Nadia, bowed and proffered them his arms. Giggling they took his arms and, one on either side of him, they all walked, somewhat drunkenly, towards the private rooms.
''Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)''
''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''
Black Bowie woke up early morning crisscrossed with Melani on the floor of the brothel. He looked around and could not find Sir Asriel anywhere.
“Antonine….you still alive?”
He snuck out of the entrapped woman and began searching the bar and lobby area, then saw a fine shirt lying on the stairs. A clue!
“Ah, you did make friends.”
Bowie tip toed up the stairs, past the Procuress’ room and began searching the other rooms. After a few embarrassing finds, he found Sir Asriel in bed with the two other women from the night.
He walked over and shook the noble. Asriel grunted and kept his eyes closed.
“Antonine, hey, get out of bed you sloth.”
Asriel ignored him.
Bowie turned and went back downstairs to the bar. He came back with a small pale full of water and began pouring it onto Asriel’s forehead. Asriel started wiping his face and turned over awake.
“You don’t have to bathe me!”
“Get out of bed, its sun up.”
Asriel pushed off the sleeping women and began dressing. Bowie waited by the balcony near the stairs. After Asriel was done, they casually strolled out of the brothel and into the daylight.
“Same time tonight?” Bowie asked.
“Of course. Same place?”
“Most definitely.”
They nodded and parted. Both waiting for the sun to drop again.
''Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)''
<center>'''End of the First Evening.'''</center>

Latest revision as of 19:59, 25 November 2008

The Debauchery of Port Raviel

The First Evening

Black Bowie entered Port Raviel in a wretchedly drunken state. He left his squire Goofon in Paisly to await news from the Grand Duke.

That night, he entered into a secluded, secret brothel off one of the main ways of the city. Here, he encounters a group of low born women, who work the skin-house.

“Hello ladies, are you ready for the most profitable night of your careers? Do you know that I am the living dead? Does that mean I cannot indulge while I live, and still inhabit the body of a corpse? Hahh? Whoever said that dead men can’t dance? Let’s prove them wrong tonight!”

The women swooned to the sound of gold and they set up a table for drinks and socializing. The night hits off with many rounds of liquor. The Procuress happily serves them.

While they indulge, one of the women says,

“Master, may we ask who you are? It is not every evening we receive such a wealthy patron. Your clothes alone are divine.”

Bowie replies,

“Divine? What is your name dove?”

“Ohh, I am called Nadia the Head-turner.”

“And yours peach?”

She replies with a seductive smile, “My name is Delana, Sir.”

“And you? Yes you, speak your name.”

“I am Melani, a specialist. Are you in need?”

“I am! I am very much in need Melani. Do you ladies wish to know who you are entertaining? Perhaps it is best you do not. For this evening, you may call me Amilcare.”

“Are you a nobleman Amilcare?” Melani asks.

“I am.”

The women give a cheer. Then Nadia grabs a lyre and plays while Melani dances. The night furthers.

Bowie, in an advanced stage of inebriation, says,

“Do you know who my father was? I bet you don’t! Let me tell you. He was; this is my father I am describing now, so pay attention. My father was a noble man from the East Continent. He was well travelled all around the lands, visited all of the cities and was popular in every social clique from Itorunt to Sirion. Each town he would visit, and each rural village, even each remote farm house or inn, he would make with a woman and spread his seed. We of the Ironsides family are unsure of to what quantity he produced bastards, and it is very difficult for us to determine who is and who is not a spawn of Jagur. I am one of those bastards. As a young man, in my naïve youth, I could not understand how a man co-“

Delana, who was sitting beside him, interrupted,

“Highborn Amilcare, what does quantity mean?”

“Ahh, never mind, the word would be of no use to you.”

Melani, while she shook and moved her hips, answered,

“It means ‘how many,’ Delana.”

“That is correct hip shaker, Melani was it?”

“It was.”

“The specialist?”

“Yes, Sir, that is my profession.”


Melani winks.

“Go on nobleman, go on!” Delana insists.

“Right, so myself, my brothers and my sisters in Dulbin are what we call the Proven Inheritors. Those are who the family know for sure are children of Jagur, proven by having our births witnessed by my uncle and father together, who gave confirmation. Other than us, the rest we consider Speculative Inheritors.”

“What will you inherit?” Delana asked.

“So that’s a word you can understand, eh? Well, we inherit the legacy of my father of course, in all its spanned glory. Now I stand in these shoots and think to myself, “damn it man, my father had it right all along!” Bowie bursts out laughing hysterically. The women join in. Bowie kicked a chair over he laughs so hard. Then he snaps his fingers and says,

“Melani! Specialize me.”

She perks up, takes his hand and leads him to the private room…The others frown.

After Bowie and Melani returned, Sir Asriel Octavius entered with the pseudonym "Antonine" and joined the fun.

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

A brothel in Port Raviel

The man assuming the pseudonym Antonine paused on the doorstep and adjusted his hood before entering.

At the sight of his fine clothing the Procuress hurried over, blessing her fortune at having two noblemen visit in the same evening.

Antonine waved her silent and tossed her a bag which clinked. "I believe my friend is already here. Ah, I see him over there at the table with the three women." The Procuress curtsied and quietly backed off.

Antonine went over to the table where Bowie was.

"Hello Amilcare, it is good to see you again, and particularly under these far more amiable circumstances. Well man, introduce me to these lovely ladies." he turned his head and called over his shoulder "Bring us more wine! For if I drink too much to remember anything then there will be nothing to remember to fill me with guilt!"

Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Black Bowie made a wide grin on his face, like a smiling skeleton.

“As…Antonine! Antonine, my friend, my friend. Come out of the cold! I think we just made this establishment the ritziest in the whole city. Two nobles at one time.”

Delana looked seductively at Asriel, who sat at the table beside her.

“He’s a noble too? Wow.”

“Oh yes, a better one than I. Little bunnies, may I introduce you to another gold-lined patron, Sir Antonine. Sir Antonine, these will be our evening’s joy. Our midnights delight! This one is Nadia the Head-Turner, I can tell she likes you, this one is Delana the Quietminded, she’s got a thing for you too, and –“

“I’m not quiet minded!” Delana protested,

“Quiet minded, and loud mouth! And this one here is Melani. Procuress! Where’s that wine?”

Delana warmed close to Antonine and said,

“You are so handsome. Do you know love?”

Nadia moved to his other side and said,

“Either way sister, he will tonight.”

Melani raised her glass,

“To the noblemen, who are the best patrons we’ve had this whole winter!”

Delana laughed and said,

“They’re the only patron’s we’ve had this winter!”

Melani replied,

“The city does not have enough bachelors. The ones who are making are making too slow. There’s not enough people for our business. Luckily after tonight we should be able to keep running for a few years. Hahaa”

They all laughed.

Bowie raised his glass too,

“Tonight we also celebrate my impending death! Salute!”

The Procuress brought more wine.

Delana looked back at Asriel and massaged his arm,

“You didn’t answer my question highborn…”

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

Asriel put his arms around the shoulders of Delana and Nadia.

"In answer to your question m'dear. I have been told I was handsome before but never by any as pretty as you."

he paused

"Now what are your names again? Delana and Nadia yes?"

They both nodded.

"Well let me tell you a little story. I come from the Colonies." he paused for a sip of wine "That is to say I was born there though I left home as soon as I was old enough. Now, the Colonies are a strange place. Everything is slow and lasts a long time. There are wars there that are older than all the realms of Dwilight put together!

"Now obviously I found that all terribly dull so I came here as soon as I could, and you two are ample proof that I made the right decision. But, you see one thing about the colonies being so slow is that though things take a long time to grow, they grow even mightier than they do elsewhere. The wars I mentioned are one example of this. Another example, or so I am told, is that it also effects the people. In particular certain parts of the anatomy."

Delana looked confused here until Nadia whispered "it means parts of the body." Comprehension dawned on Delana's face.

Asriel continued "So this means that the people are taller, the nobles wealthier, the women more full-breasted and the men, or so rumour has it, better endowed.

"Now obviously I have no idea whether this is true, so why don't we finish this little story and retire to somewhere more private and you two can find out whether it is true."

And so saying he drained his glass, stood up, turned to Delana and Nadia, bowed and proffered them his arms. Giggling they took his arms and, one on either side of him, they all walked, somewhat drunkenly, towards the private rooms.

Asriel Octavius (Knight of Port Raviel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Black Bowie woke up early morning crisscrossed with Melani on the floor of the brothel. He looked around and could not find Sir Asriel anywhere.

“Antonine….you still alive?”

He snuck out of the entrapped woman and began searching the bar and lobby area, then saw a fine shirt lying on the stairs. A clue!

“Ah, you did make friends.”

Bowie tip toed up the stairs, past the Procuress’ room and began searching the other rooms. After a few embarrassing finds, he found Sir Asriel in bed with the two other women from the night.

He walked over and shook the noble. Asriel grunted and kept his eyes closed.

“Antonine, hey, get out of bed you sloth.”

Asriel ignored him.

Bowie turned and went back downstairs to the bar. He came back with a small pale full of water and began pouring it onto Asriel’s forehead. Asriel started wiping his face and turned over awake.

“You don’t have to bathe me!”

“Get out of bed, its sun up.”

Asriel pushed off the sleeping women and began dressing. Bowie waited by the balcony near the stairs. After Asriel was done, they casually strolled out of the brothel and into the daylight.

“Same time tonight?” Bowie asked.

“Of course. Same place?”

“Most definitely.”

They nodded and parted. Both waiting for the sun to drop again.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Port Raviel)

End of the First Evening.