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The Reluctant Hero

Many of the Revan children have left a terrible childhood behind, but Darth's was among the worst. Her parents wanted her to become a strong, ruthless warrior, so they trained her as they would an attack dog. They beat her, starved her, and made her strong. They wanted discipline, and disobedience was punished severely. But Darth had a very independent will, and she did not break so easily. She would sneak out at night sometimes, and visit the local storyteller, who would tell her tales of adventure and glory. She learned of honor, chivalry, and all the things her parents failed to teach. And so, at age 13, she and her brother Evil ran away from the family. Darth applied to join the army of Sirion, but as a girl of only 13, she was laughed at, and told to go pick flowers or wash something. So she and her brother found themselves out on the streets (more on this chapter of their lives can be found in Evil's memories).

Darth had heard many great and heroic tales of Minas Ithil, and after she had gathered the coin she needed, she quickly found a ship captain to take her there. She begged her brother Evil to join her, but he did not love war as she did, and so she left alone. When she arrived on the docks of the City of Shanandoah, she new this would be her new home. Darth quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a Knight of Lyton, and chosing the path of a hero. Rarely did a battle take place when her cavalry "The Knights Who Say Ni" could not be seen charging ahead of everyone else. On it's reformation, she was the first member of the Mounted Knights of Minas Ithil, and remained a proud "Mounted Knight" until she left.

Darth had become increasingly attached to the Realm of Minas Ithil, and couldn't imagine ever leaving. But one day, while she was sitting in Winwich waiting for the armies of Norland to arrive, she completely broke down. Suddenly, she did not want to fight a war she didn't even know the cause of. She didn't want to be a hero. And most importantly, she didn't want to die. She felt trapped in Minas Ithil, and needed to get away. So, saying a tearful goodbye to her friends, Darth boarded a ship to the Colonies, and watched the City of Shanandoah fade into the mist.

When she arrived at Dark Citadel, the capital of the Assassins, she was greeted warmly by everyone, peasants and nobles alike. Her brother Evil, who had become a General, ensured that everything was taken care of. The Dictator himself greeted her, and she watched as him and Evil talked as if they were old friends. She had finally found a place she could belong.

Darth took to heavy drinking to forget about her past, but found that she couldn't get drunk, no matter how much she consumed. This lead her to be the winner of many drinking contests, and also to be banned from most of them as well. But over time, she was able to put her past behind her, and look towards the future of her newfound home. The only thing she kept from Minas Ithil was a battered shield, which she had used in every battle since the start of her career as a Knight. The crest of Minas Ithil was still visible in faded paint on the front.

She fought many battles for the Assassins, always leading her unit of Silence Special Forces, named "Regret", to battle.

Darth died on the blood-soaked fields of Hulaferd, in a battle later known as Wetham's Folly. Her death marked a turning point in the war, and a campaign for vengeance started by her brother that brought Wetham to it's knees. Her ashes now lay scattered across the Bakker Forest, and a statue of her stands in the Hall of Fallen Assassins, where it will remain until the end of time.