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:::::::To be frank, I never saw Lord Tsuboh. During all our time in the South East Island, he spent most of it in Taselak City. I do not hold the man in high regard. And as for the monster attacks and unruly public servants... At the time of the great scribe revolt, we had almost 500 monsters and 200 undead roaming our lands. Then, all of a sudden, all records are lost. So we have 700 undesirables roaming our land and a banker (being a landed lord, he was was able to preserve his titles). So we need to wait FIVE days while a referendum is held amongst THREE (3) nobles, the dukes. That is when our "freefall" occured. You will notice that five days after the incident, Aquitain revolts. You'll notice a day later, when the new High King Jack Carnes was just getting everyone moving, Ammando and Ygg d'Razhuul revolt. Our realm is now split in two. TWO. Three if you count Eidulb outskirts as a whole part. So yes, we were hit very very hard by the scribe revolt. So, if you wish to spread more bias, please respond. -- Karibash ka Habb
:::::::To be frank, I never saw Lord Tsuboh. During all our time in the South East Island, he spent most of it in Taselak City. I do not hold the man in high regard. And as for the monster attacks and unruly public servants... At the time of the great scribe revolt, we had almost 500 monsters and 200 undead roaming our lands. Then, all of a sudden, all records are lost. So we have 700 undesirables roaming our land and a banker (being a landed lord, he was was able to preserve his titles). So we need to wait FIVE days while a referendum is held amongst THREE (3) nobles, the dukes. That is when our "freefall" occured. You will notice that five days after the incident, Aquitain revolts. You'll notice a day later, when the new High King Jack Carnes was just getting everyone moving, Ammando and Ygg d'Razhuul revolt. Our realm is now split in two. TWO. Three if you count Eidulb outskirts as a whole part. So yes, we were hit very very hard by the scribe revolt. So, if you wish to spread more bias, please respond. -- Karibash ka Habb
Everguardian arrogance and greed caused their downfall, plain and simple. I highly doubt that, had we stayed in Eidulb, Everguard would have been able to win a battle, little along a war. I do not think we need to worry about them at all little alone have our neighbours attack them. - Coutness Ariana Trahaeran

== Seemed to be an awfully civil war... ==
== Seemed to be an awfully civil war... ==

Revision as of 18:04, 28 June 2008

This is a most amusing story. You, Sir, have a true talent for creating great works of fiction. --Brance Indirik, Duke of Libidizedd

Why thank you sir, I do try to entertain. -- Karibash ka Habb
Don't feel the need to be too objective will you, we might all die of shock. But calling Caerwyn aggressive is laughable given the history of Everguard, and no matter how many times it tries to hide from the fact, the rest of Dwilight knows better. -- Lady Teniel Dell
But yes, Caerwyn is aggressive. Everguard told you to leave when all of a sudden we found a realm on our doorstep. By doing this, it prevented further conflict and we were both given room to grow. But ever since then Caerwyn has been itching for a war with Everguard. Caerwyn has been pushing it's allies Viridian (former ally) and Astrum to violently make war with Everguard. Caerwyn mocked Everguard after the Great Scribe Revolt, the violent onset of plague upon our High King, a vicious wave of monster attacks and a bout of plague on the new High King left Everguard on its knees. But now the weak willed have left Everguard (for Viridian and Caerwyn, I might add) and we now have a strong core of nobles with the will and skill to survive and prosper.
Isn't it silly how Caerwyn cries out of Daimonic influence after a vicious monster assault? Tsk tsk. We thought that Caerwyn was a strong realm with strong allies. I guess Everguard was wrong. -- Karibash ka Habb
"Caerwyn has been pushing it's allies Viridian (former ally) and Astrum to violently make war with Everguard." - That's news to me. I don't remember a single message from Caerwyn that contained any mention of war with Everguard. Come to think of it, I don't remember anyone from Viridian pushing for war with Everguard, either. In fact, even Queen Averyll Arete of Everguard has been eager to talk peace and discuss mutually agreeable border treaties with Astrum. (Which, as a matter of fact, has already been settled, to the mutual satisfaction of both parties.) In fact, the only noble I can remember, from any realm, who has been claiming violent intentions is, well, Sir Karibash ka Habb. If you have proof of Cearwyn's attempts to push Viridian and Astrum into war with Everguard, then produce this evidence. If not, then all of this is mere hearsay and rabble rousing. --Brance Indirik, Duke of Libidizedd
I rouse no rabbles, sir. From the Caerwynian Chronical herself...
Viridianite Justice Minister attacked
In further shocking events to the northern political landscape, the Minister of Justice for Viridian, Lord Tsuboh Gothic, was struck down by an unknown assailant under the cover of darkness a few days ago. Word has it however that the infiltrator in question could be identified as an Everguardian, further straining relations with the Triple Alliance of Caerwyn, Astrum and Viridian, and hanging a pall of doubt over the negotiations between the broken realm of Everguard and the fledgling Viridianites.
In many quarters the nobility of Caerwyn have taken the assassination attempt as a personal insult given Lord Tsuboh's former history as the Marquis of Farrowfield, and his good standing in the realm. There have been unconfirmed reports that the Caerwynian leadership is quietly encouraging the Viridianites to take the city of Eidulb in retaliation, forever confining the Everguardians to their northern posessions and solidifying the eastern and northern holdings of Viridian and Caerwyn. More information will follow as we hear of it....
Please, don't try to tell me the author of this paper, Teniel Dell, Dame of Golden Farrow, former High Magistrate and former Supreme Arbitrator of Caerwyn, is going to spread lies? She, of all people, should know that we take any threats most seriously. Yes, there is a disclaimer "Disclaimer (and for those who have had a little trouble with our writing): The Chronicle would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Caerwynian Government." But are we not going to take a former COUNCIL member's word seriously? As for my comment about Astrum, I must apologize. I have misplaced my evidence, or my accusations were built upon false pretenses. Either way, I must retract that comment. But Caerwyn has pushed Viridian towards war. 'Tis silly now that Viridian has split from Caerwyn. -- Karibash ka Habb
Unfortunately for Dwilight, Everguard regard any realm within 500 miles of their borders as a threat and at one stage had the gall to claim nearly the entirety of the northern half of the continent as their playground until their poor leadership drove their realm into the ground. Blamed apparently upon monster attacks and unruly public servants, but I think you will see how pathetic an excuse that is given the fact that Caerwyn has experienced, and is experiencing, those same problems and yet we are not reduced down to the very bare bones of our realm. As for your previous commment, I believe the events which surrounded the attempted assassination of Lord Tsuboh speak for themselves. Can you honestly say that you would not be mortally outraged by the attempted assassination of one whom you held in high regard? Furthermore, to set the record straight I think you will find that Viridian and Caerwyn did not go to war with Everguard, and why? Because the majority of the nobility in both realms took pity on your pathetic predicament and understood that the actions of one infiltrator may not be the sanctioned actions of an entire realm, indeed, as far as I am aware there has been no talk of war with Everguard for quite a long time primarily because with the ousting of your previously belligerent and clearly inept leadership the new Queen of Everguard is a far more worthy leader of a realm whose history has been stained forever by its warmongering and its overly aggressive tendencies. Finally, just because I was on the Council does not necessarily mean that I spoke for all of the Council members, and as the Chronicle DOES NOT represent the official beliefs of the government of Caerwyn, any accusations you can make are pure hearsay, unfounded and irrelevant. I think the resulting history has proven quite clearly that not all in Caerwyn wished for war with Everguard, irregardless of the injustices Everguard had inflicted upon its neighbours ever since it was founded, so consider yourselves lucky that there are some in the world willing to forgive your indiscretions, because I for one was not one of them. -- Lady Teniel Dell
May I remind you that Caerwyn was founded... basically illegally? As events develop, it has also become known that the colony is not an official joint effort between Springdale and Madina at all. As well, Fisc's claim to Eidulb was already known. Fisc Arylon, High King of Everguard, was seen to have commented: "It must be removed", as the realm is an incursion into territory claimed by other realms.. These two statements were written by none other than Brance Indirik.
To be frank, I never saw Lord Tsuboh. During all our time in the South East Island, he spent most of it in Taselak City. I do not hold the man in high regard. And as for the monster attacks and unruly public servants... At the time of the great scribe revolt, we had almost 500 monsters and 200 undead roaming our lands. Then, all of a sudden, all records are lost. So we have 700 undesirables roaming our land and a banker (being a landed lord, he was was able to preserve his titles). So we need to wait FIVE days while a referendum is held amongst THREE (3) nobles, the dukes. That is when our "freefall" occured. You will notice that five days after the incident, Aquitain revolts. You'll notice a day later, when the new High King Jack Carnes was just getting everyone moving, Ammando and Ygg d'Razhuul revolt. Our realm is now split in two. TWO. Three if you count Eidulb outskirts as a whole part. So yes, we were hit very very hard by the scribe revolt. So, if you wish to spread more bias, please respond. -- Karibash ka Habb

Everguardian arrogance and greed caused their downfall, plain and simple. I highly doubt that, had we stayed in Eidulb, Everguard would have been able to win a battle, little along a war. I do not think we need to worry about them at all little alone have our neighbours attack them. - Coutness Ariana Trahaeran

Seemed to be an awfully civil war...

Just out of curiosity Lord Karibash, what might be your standards when determining the adjective level of a civil war? Because the circumstances with and around the "Viridian civil war" struck me as a particularly low-key, nay, almost peaceful set of events, being a noble in service to that Ministry.

Yes, certain V-prefixed people (actually, if I recall right, all of the V-titled people) seem to not like each other, however, I think for the most part things are calm among the nobles. We have too many monsters to waste troops on petty squabbles. - Sir Qadan of Viridian.