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Baldhart (Freeman)
Baldhart (Freeman)
'''Roleplay from Calibann  (16 hours, 59 minutes ago)'''<br>
''Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (8 recipients)''</i>
"Where are we going?"
"I know a place" Calibann took off across the street walking quickly behind a large caravan that was crossing the intersection affording them cover from most eyes who might take notice of the men leaving the alleyway.
He found another alleyway leading in the opposite direction and bringing them down below the docks and to the edge of town.
"I found this escape route out of the city the day I arrived. I always look for the quickest way out." He points to a small boat tied up under a pier far in the corner and almost completely invisible.
"Not a merchant vessel but it will be big enough for the 3 of us if we ever see need to use it. But that is not why I brought us here." Calibann points to the edge of the landscape where it met with the ocean. " See up there that is a Sungard guildhouse. If that old man said they need to see his staff that is where we should take it. We can get there unseen and if anything does happen we can probably make it back here without any real problems. But if I were you Danost, I would dump it right here in the bay and be done with it. "
Calibann points at the waves breaking against the rocks of the pier. "Right there, it can get lost in with the rest of that debris as far as I am concerned. I am fascinated by these creatures all over the lands and long to find a way to kill them off, but I am quite unnerved being around any kind of their arcane tools. But if you two want to head to the guildhouse, I will go with you."
Calibann (Freeman)

Revision as of 15:53, 20 June 2007

Roleplay from Calibann (1 day, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (11 recipients)
"Well that was utterly and completely unnerving! I hate those upper muckety mucks that always look at you like you smell of the underside of a Sow! Although he did feed us well din't he."

Calibann, Baldhart and Danost were all walking down the the long hill from the Ministers headquarters and were nearing the waterfronts and more comfortable landscape for their demeanors.

"Twas also nice of him to give us a few gold for our information.", Danost replied, looking at the other two. "I say we go back to that whorehouse we found last night Baldhart and introduce Calibann to our new friends. He could certainly do with loosening up a bit eh?" The two companions laughed in a compionanly way and Calibann knew he had found a couple who would have his back should he need it in these uncertain times.

"Hell yeah!" Baldhart remarked, " They also make an awesome Venison steak and I didn't get a chance to eat too much back there. Let's go!"

The three Adventurers head off down a thin alleyway that was a good shortcut right to the bawdy house.

"Hey look at this over here.", Calibann reaches down in a clump of grass growing near the back of an old deserted store. "It looks like an old cup." He picks up a nice looking old mug and begins to polish it on his shrit. "Son of a gun! I think it's Silver! This must be my lucky day."

Calibann (Freeman)

Roleplay from Danost
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (9 recipients)
The three adventurers passed through the districts of the city on their way back to the docks. Baldhart and Danost were not yet sure what to think of this new fellow, Calibaan. He seemed likable enough. But while Danost and Baldhart were traveling to find the undead hordes and see if they could figure out what was causing them, Calibann seemed to want to fight them head-on! There was time enough to settle that later, though. For now, there was some entertainment that the Minster's guards had interrupted, and they still had coin left in their pockets.

The three walked bought food from a few street vendors, as well as a mug or two of ale as they walked. It was a long way to the docks and it was hot. It had not rained in several days. The people milling through the streets were kicking up dust and parching their throats.

Passing a dark alley Danost caught the sounds of a scuffle. It was to dark to see more than a few feet into the alley. A curve off to the left blocked anything that would have been visible anyway. Danost halted by the mouth of the alley. The other two stopped and turned to see what had delayed their companion. Danost motioned them to silence. Drawing a dagger he turned and started down the alley. The other two pulled daggers without hesitation and positioned themselves to back up Danost as he moved.

Danost slowed as he approached the bend. Holding his right arm back to keep the other two from moving out and being seen, he peered around the corner. After five or six yards the alleyway opened up into a small courtyard behind some shops. It looked to be used for small herb gardens for the families living above the shops. A few pots were scattered around on benches and shelves. Some were laying on the ground, the pots broken and the dirt spilling across the flagstones.

In the middle of the courtyard were the men that had doubtless caused the damage. An old man in dirty brown robes was in the middle of a group of four bullies. Three of the men wielded make-shift clubs, and the fourth held a long knife. The old man was holding the four thugs at bay with wild swings of a long black staff. The thugs jeered at the man as they parried the wild swings with their clubs. With each swing, one of the thugs would rush forward and give the old man a solid thump on an arm or leg, and the others would laugh as the old man grunted in pain.

As Danost watched, the old man cried out and swung the staff in a vicious arc. "Fools! Why are you fighting me? We humans must stand together against the invading hordes on the unliving!" The blow caught one of the thugs off-guard, the staff cracking against his skull. The thug's legs gave out and he collapsed to the ground in a heap. The thug with the knife scowled in rage at the sight. He uttered a foul curse and dashed forward.

Danost shouted "No!" and charged forward, but it was too late. The knife-wielding thug ducked under the staff and thrust his knife forward. The old man's eyes went wide as the knife slid deep into his stomach. He slumped forward against the thug and slid toward the ground.

The two remaining thugs turned toward Danost. They squared off against Danost, confident that they could beat this single foe. The look on their faces changed to surprise and uncertainty as the other two adventurers appeared around the corner. Baldhart and Calibann sized up the situation, drew swords, and charged.

The three battle-hardened adventurers made short work of the three thugs. The battle was over in less than a minute, the three thugs lay dead next to their unconscious companion.

Danost knelt next to the old man. The wound in his stomach was mortal. The pool of blood around him left no doubt. He was barely alive. As Danost felt for a pulse, the old man opened his eyes. and tried to speak. "The... unliving... are coming. You... you must... stop them." The old man lifted his arms with great effort, and feebly pushed his staff into Danost's hands. "Take this... to... Sungard. Warn... unliving..."

The old man's arms fell, leaving the staff in Danost's grasp.

Baldhart put a hand on Danost's shoulder. "We have to get out of here. The city watch will be here any minute. We don't want to be found here with all these bodies."

Calibann nodded in agreement. "He's right. Someone's going to have to do a lot of explaining, and I'd rather it wasn't me."

Danost stood up, still holding the old heretic's staff. Baldhart pushed Danost toward the alley down which they had entered the courtyard. After a final look back at the mysterious old man, Danost turned and fled down the alley after his companions.

Danost (Freeman)

Roleplay from Baldhart (17 hours, 39 minutes ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (9 recipients)
He pulled Danost behind him, leading him like a child through the narrow alley, Calibann in the lead. Danost was covered in blood, and quite clearly in shock from the suddenness of the deaths.

"I hate you," he said over his shoulder as Calibann motioned for them to stop at the mouth of the alley, peering around the corner to scan the streets. Stepping into the shadows, he pulled Danost close beside him. "Dammit, your the brains, and look at you. Froze up like some rookie. That means I'm the brains! You know how scary that is? I'm just a spear carrier!"

Calibann motioned them forward. They crossed the street, sprinting. Baldhart slowed once safely on the other side, but Calibann motioned for them to keep going. After a long stretch, he turned off into a side alley.

"Do you even know the legends, man?" he gasped, winded, leaning against the nearest wall. "You never take anything from a wisened looking old man. That's always trouble! Always!"

"He was a sage," Danost whispered, studying the staff, rolling it around in his hands. "You're right. Just like the stories. He was a sage."

Baldhart looked at him like he was a fool. "Yes. A Sage," he said softly, like he would speaking to a child. "That's right."

"Come," Calibann called over his shoulder, and again they were off, sprinting as fast as they could. "We're almost there!" He called over his shoulder at the slower pair, a dozen yards back. Slowing his pace, he waited until they had almost closed the gap.

"Where are we going?"

"I know a place."

Baldhart (Freeman)

Roleplay from Calibann (16 hours, 59 minutes ago)
Message sent to all adventurers in the vicinity of Athol Margos (8 recipients) "Where are we going?"

"I know a place" Calibann took off across the street walking quickly behind a large caravan that was crossing the intersection affording them cover from most eyes who might take notice of the men leaving the alleyway. He found another alleyway leading in the opposite direction and bringing them down below the docks and to the edge of town. "I found this escape route out of the city the day I arrived. I always look for the quickest way out." He points to a small boat tied up under a pier far in the corner and almost completely invisible. "Not a merchant vessel but it will be big enough for the 3 of us if we ever see need to use it. But that is not why I brought us here." Calibann points to the edge of the landscape where it met with the ocean. " See up there that is a Sungard guildhouse. If that old man said they need to see his staff that is where we should take it. We can get there unseen and if anything does happen we can probably make it back here without any real problems. But if I were you Danost, I would dump it right here in the bay and be done with it. " Calibann points at the waves breaking against the rocks of the pier. "Right there, it can get lost in with the rest of that debris as far as I am concerned. I am fascinated by these creatures all over the lands and long to find a way to kill them off, but I am quite unnerved being around any kind of their arcane tools. But if you two want to head to the guildhouse, I will go with you."

Calibann (Freeman)