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Mesh Emblem.gif The Mullet of Mesh
No longer for sale The News is Here! Issue One
January Edition

The Newspaper Launches
By Mitsuhide

Today we have out first Mullet of Mesh issue and the whole launch of the newspaper has gathered quite a few reporters already!! Introducing our reporters we have Mattador, one of my knights actually and Sukem, a little knight of Twillen. Me and these people (and hopefully more) will be the nobles that bring your your monthly share of Mesh's news.

The newspaper is rousing up and occasionally annoying people in Mesh as we tend to release secrets about people. But nevertheless the newspaper is here so come in and buy an Issue.

Undead are Everywhere
By Mattador

Oh great in Mesh's great target, Joppo. 25000 CS has appeared. Anyone notice anything unusual!!!! 25000 CS!!! Yeah well our Ruler, Legault and the Duke of our Capital, Roland aren't too happy about it. I'm the happiest I ever have been. I love the heatf of war, with monster popping up around our borders it's train our armies good. Maybe Mesh should start to see things my way?
Mesh takes an Act for Fronen?
By Sukem

Today Mesh received an envoy from the people of Fronen alerting Mesh of Fronen's rebellious situation. While Mitsuhide thinks we should let them die (fair enough) others have much more patriotic moods about the topic. The discussion is under heat and Mesh is wondering if we do get there in time is the rebellion will still be going.

The ruler may be faced with a tough choice here as Fronen will be a useful ally to keep however it would be more logical to let them rip each other apart. The sides of the discussion are equal and whatever the ruler chooses. Her will have to risk ticking off half the realm.

Would he Really Do It?
By Mitsuhide

Today more than enough rumours have come in from Hoellor, that the local lord, Danny, was caught trying to make love with a goat. Many witnesses claim Danny was on top of the dinner table, dressed in sunbathing attire, when committing the atrocious act. Apparently Danny was heard from all the way down in the village. so the villagers went to inspect. When they arrived at the great house they looked inside the window and saw the act in person.

Danny's liege, Roland was in the means of contact so he was beyond our reach however we interviewed the maid and she confirmed hearing noises however she claims have not actually seen anything. On the maid we are a little shaky at the moment with the maid because she is slightly uncooperative. We find this slightly suspicious but out interviewers are working into her story.

To why Danny would have made love to a goat we are not sure. Details are sketchy but we do have our witnesses. Is this really the truth or are the villagers lying to get some kicks out of it? We don't know! And when we find out..... I don't know what will happen when we find out.

Undead Bonanza
By Mitsuhide

We're having thousands of CS of monsters and Undead everywhere. We've got 25,000 CS of Undead and Monsters in Suuk, Kraake, Eykfar and Joppo. Our skilled general Greed is havi9ng trouble controlling the outbursts and he is doing all he can to rid Mesh of the Undead. We aren't even sure we have 25,000 CS in Mesh itself.

Currently we will be an attack on Eykfar to regain control but this seems to be taking quiet a while. If it takes this long for all the regions. we'll take a millenium to rid Mesh of all the creature and scum. This is also stirring up some trouble within the military command and Marshal of the first army of Twillen doesn't seem to be happy about his lack of power over his army.

Currently Mesh is considering to ask Enweil for support.

Our Local Suck Up
By Sukem

Hello everyone!! I am reporting to you the most boring scenario that Mesh sees every day, our local suck up, Brom. This guy is always right by Danny's side. He votes for him on everything. His excuse is always "I must stick by my lord". I think this is an excuse to be human guinea pig. Sadly Brom is just a mindless man that wants to get on the good side of Danny because he predicts Danny will become a duke and then he wants to become a lord. Wither that or he's just stupid.......
Eoghan's Trial
By Mitsuhide

Eoghan's trial is on HEAT. Before the trial I pumped him up a bit with my encouraging words but everyone has very drastic opinions on the topic and it could go either way at the moment. Some people believe Eoghan to be a traitorous bastard. Some believe he was just following his lord when Joppo seceded off Mesh. To be honest I think Eoghan was and still is a great asset to Mesh and just because he cause mass war, who cares.