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Revision as of 07:23, 31 December 2006

Template:Infobox Regions

Rollsovar in the News

Not so long ago, Rollsovar featured in the Travellers Guide to the 100 Worst places to live in the Colonies! Even though Rollsovar had heavy competition for the gong, it still won first place in the contest by a wide margin! Something Count Gander probably commemorated in a bloody fashion inside the walls of his great region!

Here's what the Travellers Guide had to say of Rollsovar under Ganders Care:

"Not a pleasant place to be. The people used to be ruled by 
Outer Tilog, but now are under the oppression of Gander. A 
wall was commissioned to keep the peasants inside and unable 
to run away. It is rumoured that countless bodies were 
buried in the wall full of the peasants that died during it's
construction. A murial was painted on the wall of Gander 
standing on top of a pile of skulls holding Dante's head. It's
a blood filled town surrounded by death and misery."

Clearly an astounding place to be then obviously! Come one, come all! Enjoy the Paradise that is Rollsovar!

A New Hope

Shortly after the Travellers Guide Article on Rollsovar was published, the ignorant peasants of the region began to question the ethics of their lord. After a few weeks and the news that Gander had harmed Goergyboy in Rollsovan lands, the peasants finally decided to overthrow Gander forcibly, shortly after which Shaman was installed as Lord and has since put a selective breeding program into place. The program aims at creating the strongest, smartest and wealthiest peasants without running into any gene pool problems.

The wall in Rollsovar still stands as a bloody reminder of Ganders former rule, but Shaman continually pours money into it so it does not crumble. The murial still exists, but nowadays functions more as a reminder to the peasants of how bad life can really get.

With Giblot's takeover of Steepglades, Rollsovan security has been stepped down and the economy is booming for the first time ever. Militia in Rollsovar remains in the region, gauged at several thousand CS. Life is better now than it has ever been for the peasants. Better for the peasants who are lucky enough to meet Shaman's high standards, that is.

Outer Tilog Strikes Back

Recently, at the height of Rollsovars affluence it was once again plagued by a great evil, not seen since the days of Ganders rule! Outer Tilog had returned! One of the Ignobles of Outer Tilog, Kaonyth, managed to persuade some crooked officials to sell the Countship of Rollsovar to him, however the Rollsovan Militia saw through the ploy immediately and began fighting back against the Tilogian aggressors! It was not long until the glorious forces of Giblot arrived to reinforce the remaining Militia Activists and purge Rollsovar of the Fallen once again! Not long after the Expulsion of the Tilogians from Rollsovar, the Officials responsible for the Tilogian plot where no-where to be found, along with Sera. One can only come to the conclusion that Sera dealt with the traitors in the most brutal manner...

The Return of The Shaman

Rollsovar has been taken back into Giblot control but it seems the peasants were not happy with how the Tilogians walked into their lands so easily. The peasants seem to be refusing to help repair the region and support Giblot. I, Shaman, have been placed as Count once again to get the farmers and their farms back into shape so that Rollsovar can once again become a central hub for both food and gold supply to the people of Giblot.

The Overthrow of The Shaman

Sometime after the first civil war in Giblot, relations soured between Shaman and his new Ruler, Sera Osha. To the extent that Shaman, when elected Judge, decided to lift the bans of exiled Republicans from the Civil War. In his fury, Sera showered doubt on Shaman's claims to Nobility almost immediately. It is said that Sera put a massive bounty on the head of Shaman for his misdeeds, though it is unclear whether this is fact or just the usual Oshan propaganda..

The Second Coming of The Shaman

Shortly after Sera stepped away from power, a new ruler quckly re-appointed Shaman to his old position. Something which delighted him, and his peasants even more! The celebrations were short lived however, as soon after Shaman tried to atone Giblot for ever choosing Democracy, and began a Monarchist uprising against the Democratic Government. After failing miserably Shaman was banished, never to return. Or would he?

The Third Coming of The Shaman

Well, Shaman did eventually return to Giblot - to moans and groans from several Giblot nobles. Even if Shaman had been on Giblots good side, he had arrived much too late to try and reclaim his old region, Rollsovar falling to a Brutal takeover by Outer Tilog just a few days after his arrival..

Recapture by Giblot

Before the Tilogean takeover was even fully underway, General Robert der Trihs had set in motion a complex plan to recapture the region for Giblot. The plan involved a diversionary strike on lightly defended Steepglades by about one-third of the Giblot army, with the remainder gathering in Briarull to attack from the south. The complexity of the movement required, and the interference of the undead, meant that nothing went exactly as planned. Several times the plan seemed doomed to fail, and indeed the first battle in Rollsovar was lost because many troops arrived late. But when the rest of Giblot's troops finally arrived, the tide was turned, and Outer Tilog was soundly defeated two days in a row. The Tilogeans were sent home in boxes, and a friendly takeover by Giblot very quickly returned the region to its rightful owners.

Artumus, The Boring

Giblot needed a lord for Rollsovar and Artumus seemed a good man for the job. A short after he was appointed he stopped talking and putting and effort into helping Giblot along by suggestions etc. One day Artumus went missing and a new region lord had to be appointed. When Artumus returned he started to speak and make himself look useful.

Saiga's New Reign

When Artumus went missing the new region lord was appointed. His name was Saiga a new young face within Giblot who seems to have potential. Since then Saiga has matured into a proper noble and became one of the wiser figures within Giblot and has positively contributed to Rollsovar in many ways. Saiga formed one of the first religions within Giblot, the Ryou Gu Tykou. Even after he formed the first temple. He was instantly reappointed and continues his reign till today always teaching the people of Rollsovar the teachings of the Ryou Gu Tykou.

Former Counts