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http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v254/saintmaggot/Abington2.png Abington First!
Price: 5 coppers "...above all else, we hold Abington First!" Issue 5
In Their Own Words, Part Two
In continuing with the fascinating look into Islander hypocrisy and ignorance, this week we are exploring the contradictions and fallacies emitted by two of the head honchoes in Ash Sea Islands, Moses and Doc's Revenge.

First, the main issue on some minds is the execution of I Will Survive.

"IWS was a great man," says the ASI king. One wonders why Treason makes one a 'great man,' until one realizes that when it's treason against Abington, DR is highly supportive even if it did occur years ago.

"Even while we had Nimrod in our custody, his life would have been spared quite quickly if his story could be confirmed...if he was honest, he would live," the ruler further, and boldly, adds.

One thing is clear: Doc's Revenge is no Judge. His honesty is questionable as well, given the fact that Moses made no indications that he would ever spare Nimrod's life -- quite the contrary, according to his own words:

"Nimrod will be hanged by the neck until he stops twitching, he's a coward that has insulted me endlessly while I was in the Templars Guildhouse and hide without facing me in a duel, He is a criminal in ASI, he has committed many crimes and he has been warned not to return to our lands," wrote Moses. It seems that the crime Nimrod was really punished for was for rejecting Moses's death-duel challenges.

"My hands have been stained of blood for many years, But the blood of infiltrators washes off the easiest," Moses added later, showing that his personal dislike of infiltrators was what caused him to serve up the death penalty.

After Nimrod died, Moses then bragged to the other judges about Nimrod's "cowardice" and continued to taunt and threaten Abington and it's nobilities. It should be noted that Moses never acquired any proof that Nimrod had "orders from the Queen" - this is simply because there is no such proof.

Having executed Nimrod for being an infiltrator from Abington, what should Abington have done to an Abington Traitor who was, incidentally, also an ASI "criminal who has committed many crimes?" Nimrod was never a member of ASI - ASI laws do not extend to him. On the other hand, IWS was a notorious Traitor to Abington long before ever running away to the Islands.

It seems that ASI desire a world in which they can invade other realms at will, execute infiltrators at will, but no one can dare fight back, and no realm they are attacking can dare exert justice in their own lands. Perhaps if they lie often enough, and continue to use the armies of other realms to further their own agendas, they will achieve such a world.

But will anyone but an Islander wish to live in it?

Darka Raiders Accomplish Not Much
Darka bandits were seen in Suville and were repulsed after a brief period of looting and pillaging. The mercenary leaders of these gangs are expected to be imprisoned shortly. According to Darka, this was a great victory.
Assassinations Continue
The Judge of Abington was wounded by an assassin and is expected to fully recover within the day; this just one of the latest in a long-standing infiltrator war the many invaders of Abington are conducting. In Abington, being attacked from the shadows is a daily way of life. According to Moses, their "blood washes off the easiest," and time will most likely show this to be true.