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Latest revision as of 07:57, 12 July 2023


Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to all nobles of Luria Nova (23 recipients)

Event Report

🌞 Day 4

With the rising sun illuminating the city, a new day unfurls before you.

As you observe the soldiers, weariness is etched upon the faces of some, a testament to their tireless efforts. Yet, the majority appear resolute and prepared to tackle the day's challenges head-on.

A noticeable shift has occurred within the hearts of the locals. Gradually, they have grown more receptive to the presence of the soldiers. Though a few still maintain their distance, a growing number have embraced their assistance with open arms.

The market district, a treasure trove of resources, continues to beckon the soldiers. However, you can't help but ponder how long this bountiful supply will last, questioning the sustainability of such rapid collection.

Within the abandoned palace's crumbling walls, a surge of visitors has left its mark. The allure of hidden treasures attracts many, diminishing the remaining riches by the day. Yet, the palace still holds secrets and undiscovered fortunes, enticing those willing to venture further.

Meanwhile, the recent influx of visitors has taken a toll on the local graveyard. The sacred resting place has endured disturbances, with numerous tombs already ravaged. Despite this, a portion remains untouched, providing ample work for those seeking to honor the departed in the coming days.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🌞Day 4 (1/2) Time to choose your day action

Available Actions:

  1. 💤Rest(Default): Removes 2 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. ❓Assist the Locals
  3. ❓Bribe the Locals
  4. ❓Explore the Graveyard
  5. 🔧Visit the Ruined Market District
  6. 💰Explore the Ruined Palace
  7. Visit a Fellow Soldier's House
  8. 😵(Requirement:🔧x3)(🌞🌑Full day) Fortify Your House
  9. 😵(Requirement:🔧x2 per trap)(🌞🌑Full day) Set Traps
  10. Stalk: Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)

🌑 Under the cover of darkness, you hatch a plan to clandestinely shadow Richard's every move. Concealing yourself in a hidden vantage point near his abode, you patiently await the revelation of his nocturnal activities. However, as the hours tick by, it becomes increasingly apparent that Richard has chosen this night for respite and slumber.

In the stillness of the night, your vigil proves uneventful. Richard's home remains shrouded in tranquil darkness, devoid of any signs of stirring or activity. The world outside his dwelling seems to hold its breath, mirroring the calmness within. It becomes clear that Richard's somnolent state offers no opportunity for intrigue or revelation.

(+1 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Tybalt Tideweaver

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Explore the Ruined Palace

Tybalt Tideweaver
Earl of Dantooine
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Celina Stormreaver)


As the sun illuminates the day, you make a determined decision to explore the local graveyard. The telltale signs of unwanted visitors are evident, with disturbed tombs dotting the landscape. While most graves remain undisturbed, the opened tombs bear witness to intrusions by creatures not meant to dwell within. Black hairs strewn around some of the tombs hint at the presence of monsters that may have sought refuge within these unhallowed grounds.

Undeterred, you delve deeper into the cemetery, drawn to one particular tomb that commands attention. This tomb, belonging to a fallen Madinan prince from the tumultuous days of the monster invasion, beckons you closer. Within its confines, you discover a collection of books, their pages offering glimpses into a forgotten past. Though some books have succumbed to the ravages of moisture, many remain intact, promising hidden knowledge.

With careful deliberation, you begin your search for information on the enigmatic pretender. Three books within the prince's tomb catch your eye, their contents potential gateways to understanding. While one of the books bears the scars of irreparable damage, the other two unveil their secrets in pristine condition. These surviving volumes illuminate the parasitic nature of the pretender, shedding light on its elusive origins and chilling modus operandi.

According to the texts, the pretender lurks in a dormant state, awaiting the demise of its current host. Once its host's life force fades away, the pretender springs to life, transforming the body into a mummified vessel. It lies in wait until the arrival of its next unwitting victim, at which point it dissipates into a cloud of dust and infiltrates the host through the respiratory system. As the pretender gradually takes control, the host's autonomy diminishes, its true self submerged within the shadow of the parasitic intruder.

A crucial revelation emerges from the pages—a three-day assimilation period is required for the pretender to gain full dominion over its host. It is during the nocturnal hours that the pretender's monstrous form is unveiled, as its fragile constitution falters beneath the piercing rays of sunlight. Accompanying the text are crude sketches, capturing the essence of the pretender's grotesque appearance—a hairy creature adorned with long, menacing claws. Notably, exposure to prolonged sunlight causes the creature's hair to melt away, a vulnerability worth noting.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, you hasten your return from the graveyard, mindful of the significance of your discoveries. Along your path, you gather strands of the monstrous hairs found in the other disturbed tombs, preserving them as potential resources for future encounters. The weight of understanding rests upon your shoulders, and with each step homeward, the urgency to share this vital information grows. The graveyard holds secrets, and now armed with the knowledge to unravel its mysteries, your journey continues with renewed purpose.

(+5 clues)

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Tybalt Tideweaver)


Driven by an inexplicable curiosity, you embark on a journey to the forsaken ruins of the once majestic palace. As you step into its dilapidated hallways, an odd sensation washes over you—simultaneously foreign and strangely familiar. Although you have never set foot in this palace before, there lingers a taste of nostalgia, memories almost within grasp. Once, these very corridors resonated with the vibrant echoes of life, a realm where the pursuit of a succulent hunt reigned supreme.

With each step, you encounter blocked pathways, obstacles that impede your progress. Yet, as if whispered from some ethereal guide, the intricate layout of the palace manifests in your mind's eye. Hidden passageways and clandestine routes are unveiled, revealing secrets you have no logical way of knowing. The allure of discovery propels you forward, deeper into the heart of the palace's enigma.

At last, you arrive at the innermost sanctum, only to bear witness to a haunting sight—a somber gathering of blackened corpses, mirroring the macabre remains encountered within the tomb. As you draw nearer, the lifeless figures disintegrate into a fine, ethereal dust that dances upon the air. Inexplicably, this spectral essence is drawn into your being, infiltrating your senses through the gateway of your nostrils. Overwhelmed by the encounter, consciousness eludes you, and you succumb to the abyss of unconsciousness, its veil shrouding the secrets that await your awakening.

(Lost Consciousness - No 🌑night turn today for you)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Richard Shepherd

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Opt 3

Richard Shepherd
Earl of Shinnen Purlieus

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Richard Shepherd)


Motivated by a desire to win the trust of the wary locals, you devise a plan to offer them a gesture of goodwill. Realizing that words alone may not be enough, you decide to share some of the precious valuables you have collected during your endeavors. It is a humble attempt to bridge the gap between their apprehension and your genuine intentions.

Approaching those who are open to receiving your aid, you present them with these treasured gifts. As they accept the tokens of your goodwill, a glimmer of gratitude emerges in their eyes. It is a small victory, a fragile thread of connection woven in the tapestry of mistrust.

In the midst of these exchanges, an unexpected revelation surfaces. The grateful recipients of your generosity confide in you, their voices lowered in secrecy. They speak of a traveling witch, a mysterious figure who visits the local community intermittently. It is said that she offers her goods in exchange for valuable items. While the most common trade involves the provision of sustenance, whispers hint at the possibility of encountering magical artifacts within her possession.

Intrigued by this revelation, you find yourself pondering the potential for further exploration. The allure of uncovering magical treasures beckons, and you contemplate the notion of seeking out this enigmatic witch. Could she hold the key to finding the pretender? The prospect fills you with a sense of anticipation, fueling your determination to uncover the secrets that lie within this traveling witch.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Lexis o'maxim)


The morning light spills into your room, signaling the start of a new day. However, as you rise from your bed, a sense of unease washes over you. Your gaze falls upon the spot where you had carefully stacked your valuables, only to find them displaced near the window. A sinking feeling takes hold as you realize that someone had trespassed into your sanctuary under the cover of darkness.

A surge of adrenaline courses through your veins, and you swiftly examine the window for signs of forced entry. The evidence becomes clear: a shattered lock and faint traces of the intruder's presence. Thoughts race through your mind, questioning the motive behind this intrusion and the extent of what may have been taken.

As the realization settles, you are left with a mix of emotions—anger, vulnerability, and a burning desire for justice. Determined to uncover the truth and reclaim what is rightfully yours, you resolve to embark on a quest to unravel the mystery of the nighttime intruder and restore order to your domain.

(-2 Valuables)

Letter from Oskar von Lucker

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Id like to explore the ruined palace

Oskar von Lucker
Margrave of Giask

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Oskar von Lucker)


As you arrive at the desolate ruins of the palace, a glimmer of excitement fills your heart. Your eyes catch a fleeting glimpse of a soldier disappearing into the depths of the crumbling structure. Intrigued by the possibility of hidden treasures or valuable insights, you follow his trail, hoping to uncover the secrets he might have discovered.

However, you soon realize that this soldier possesses a familiarity with the palace that eludes you. His swift movements and intricate knowledge of the layout lead you to lose track of him in the labyrinthine corridors. Disappointed but undeterred, you decide to focus on your own expedition and explore the area where you last caught sight of him.

With meticulous care, you gather various materials and uncover a handful of valuable artifacts. Among your findings, you come across peculiar strands of what appears to be monster hair. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you absentmindedly toss the hairs aside, only to witness them disintegrate under the rays of sunlight. The realization dawns upon you—the creatures whose remnants you hold cannot withstand the power of daylight.

Filled with a mix of triumph and cautious fascination, you continue your search for valuable treasures.

(+1 clue, +1 valuable)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Kiran Mir-Ashtan

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Assist Locals

Kiran Mir-Ashtan
Earl of Nid Tek

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Kiran Mir-Ashtan)


Determined to assist the locals, you observe a gradual shift in their attitude towards you. While some remain hesitant or outright resistant, you notice small pockets of people who welcome your presence and seek your help. Among them, you encounter a group led by Richard, engaged in hushed conversations that hint at concealed secrets. Choosing not to pry into their affairs, you shift your focus to other individuals and communities in need.

With a compassionate spirit, you lend a helping hand to those striving to rebuild their homes. Together, you and the locals tirelessly work to restore what was once shattered. The sound of hammers pounding, the scent of fresh paint, and the sight of progress bring a glimmer of hope to the war-torn landscape. Though challenges persist and trust is earned slowly, your commitment to their welfare remains unwavering.

As you immerse yourself in this collective effort, you begin to forge genuine connections with the locals. Bonds strengthen, barriers dissolve, and whispers of gratitude start to fill the air. While Richard's group carries on with their secretive conversations, you find solace in knowing that your contribution extends beyond individual interactions. The seeds of trust and community growth are sown, nourishing the foundations of a brighter future for all.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Jumeaux Jouverelli

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Explore the Palace

Jumeaux Jouverelli
Viscount of Garuck Udor

Letter from Samson Dixon

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Thank you for the bonds.

Today for the pretenders game, I'd like to explore the market district

Samson Dixon
Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Samson Dixon)


Venturing into the abandoned market district, you take in the sight of recent footprints left by previous visitors. The bustling atmosphere of the past seems to linger, now juxtaposed with the eerie silence. Despite the extensive plundering, you discover a treasure trove of remaining materials waiting to be claimed.

Determined, you immerse yourself in the task at hand, carefully selecting and gathering the available resources. Time slips away as you meticulously assess each item, ensuring its value and usability. The weight of your haul grows steadily, as does your satisfaction with each successful acquisition.

Hours pass swiftly as you navigate the deserted stalls, salvaging what remains. The echoes of your footsteps resonate through the once-vibrant market, as if whispering tales of its former glory. With your bag filled to the brim, you conclude your expedition, grateful for the fruitful outcome of your endeavors.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Samson Dixon)

(+1 Material)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Jumeaux Jouverelli)


Setting foot in the ruined palace, you spot Oskar hastily pursuing an elusive target, vanishing from your line of sight. Opting to explore a different section to avoid crossing paths, you navigate the sprawling remnants. As you reach the opposite side, a fleeting glimpse of another soldier catches your attention, their movement too swift to keep pace with.

Driven by curiosity, you give chase in hopes of unraveling the mystery. However, your pursuit leads you to a dead end, leaving you pondering if the soldier possessed knowledge of a concealed passage. Relinquishing the pursuit, you redirect your focus towards salvaging available resources in the vicinity.

While your findings don't boast extraordinary allure, you manage to recover a collection of precious-looking trinkets, each holding a glimmer of potential significance. Amidst the echoes of the palace's past grandeur, you uncover artifacts that bear witness to the history embedded within these crumbling walls.

Though the exploration didn't yield any grand revelations, the recovered treasures serve as reminders of the palace's former splendor. Each trinket carries its own tale, waiting to be unveiled as the restoration of this majestic site unfolds.

(+1 valuable)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Samson Dixon

Message sent to all nobles of Luria Nova (23 recipients)

Pretenders game.

Any suspects on who is the pretender?

Samson Dixon
Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse

Letter from Njal Fylkir

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Set a trap

Njal Fylkir
Margrave of Sallowtown

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Njal Fylkir)


Determined to fortify your safety, you devote an entire day to crafting a meticulous trap in the vicinity of your house. Utilizing the materials painstakingly gathered during your expeditions, you assemble a formidable defense mechanism with unwavering focus.

While there are no guarantees, you hope that this meticulously crafted defense system will serve as a deterrent, dissuading any potential threats from encroaching upon your haven. With this formidable barrier in place, you can rest a bit easier, knowing that you've taken every precaution to ensure your well-being in this uncertain world.

(-2 materials, -Can't act in the coming night turn, +1 trap)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🌞Day 4 (2/2) If you haven't taken an action yet, you still have time to do so.

(Forgot about the daily report. Will post it shortly after)

Available Actions:

  1. 💤Rest(Default): Removes 2 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. ❓Assist the Locals
  3. ❓Bribe the Locals
  4. ❓Explore the Graveyard
  5. 🔧Visit the Ruined Market District
  6. 💰Explore the Ruined Palace
  7. Visit a Fellow Soldier's House
  8. 😵(Requirement:🔧x3)(🌞🌑Full day) Fortify Your House
  9. 😵(Requirement:🔧x2 per trap)(🌞🌑Full day) Set Traps
  10. Stalk: Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Kiran Mir-Ashtan

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

(I believe i've already done my action - but assist if i haven't)

Kiran Mir-Ashtan
Earl of Nid Tek

Letter from Moria Igelfeld

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

I'll assist the locals

Moria Igelfeld
Dame of Giask

Letter from Jumeaux Jouverelli

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

Heading to the Market!

Jumeaux Jouverelli
Viscount of Garuck Udor

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Oskar von Lucker)

While engaging in conversations and offering bribes to the locals, your eyes catch sight of Moria and Kiran, two familiar faces amidst the crowd. It appears they have joined forces to lend their assistance to the local community. Their presence brings a sense of relief, as their commitment to helping others is well-known.

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Kiran Mir-Ashtan)

While actively assisting the locals, your attention is drawn to Moria's presence. To your surprise, she approaches a separate group of individuals who are not within your immediate vicinity, demonstrating her commitment to extending help beyond your immediate reach. It's inspiring to witness her dedication in providing support and making a positive impact on as many people as possible.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)

You embark on another day of assisting the locals, who have grown appreciative of your ongoing efforts. Eagerly, they embrace your presence and promptly set you to work, recognizing the value you bring to their community. Amidst your tasks, you notice the familiar figures of Kiran and Oskar also engaged in aiding the locals.

Curiosity piques as you observe Oskar's interactions, sensing an air of secrecy in his conversations. Intrigued, you catch a fleeting glimpse of him exchanging intriguing items with the locals, their shine catching your eye. Wondering about the nature of these transactions, you continue with your duties, keeping their actions in the back of your mind.

Hours pass swiftly as you immerse yourself in helping the locals, lending a hand wherever needed. Together, you work towards restoring their homes and revitalizing their surroundings. With a sense of fulfillment, you bid them farewell and make your way back to the comfort of your own house, reflecting on the day's events.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🎫Day 4 - Voting Phase

As usual, vote for whoever you feel is suspicious.

If fewer than three votes are cast, we will proceed to the next phase.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Kiran Mir-Ashtan

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Moria Sus

Kiran Mir-Ashtan
Earl of Nid Tek

Letter from Oskar von Lucker

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

My guess is Tybalt Tideweaver, many clues show him as pretender

i am pretty sure

Oskar von Lucker
Margrave of Giask

Letter from Moria Igelfeld

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

I vote for Oskar.

Moria Igelfeld
Dame of Giask

Letter from Samson Dixon

(recipients not listed)

Voting for Oskar. Please vote him out !

(Is Lexis not in the game?)

Samson Dixon
Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse

Out-of-Character from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Samson Dixon)

Lexis is still in the game. He doesn't play every turn I believe.


Letter from Tybalt Tideweaver

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)


Tybalt Tideweaver
Earl of Dantooine
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🎫Day 4 (2/2) Voting Phase

Since 3 people or more have voted so far, we will wait for those who haven't voted to vote. If you still haven't voted, consider voting unless you do not know who to vote.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Richard Shepherd

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

I vote for Samson

Richard Shepherd
Earl of Shinnen Purlieus

Letter from Celina Stormreaver

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Samson is acting suspicious, I shall vote for him.

Celina Stormreaver
Margravine of Nebel

Letter from Oskar von Lucker

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

As i have heard Samson thinks i am the pretender, but he is wrong.

In fact i have many clues showing him as the pretender and he wants to get rid of me to be safe again.

Dont be fooled by him!

Oskar von Lucker
Margrave of Giask

Letter from Tybalt Tideweaver

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

Ah, you mean the clues you stole from me? How am I to know you did not steal my hard earned clues to protect yourself?

Even if you are notaree pretender, you are certainly a theif.

Tybalt Tideweaver
Earl of Dantooine
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Samson Dixon

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

I witnessed with my own eye Oskar stealing from tybalt in the night 2

Samson Dixon
Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🎫Day 4 - Votine Result

Rojak took on the task of gathering the folded pieces of paper, each one representing a vote cast by the people. Carefully, he unfolded each paper, reading aloud the names inscribed upon them. As he proceeded, he discovered that Oskar's name had been mentioned three times, while Samson's name appeared twice. Moria and Tybalt, on the other hand, had received a single vote each.

With bated breath, the crowd awaited the outcome, hoping for a fair resolution. To their relief, it became evident that no individual had amassed enough votes to warrant execution. The collective sigh of relief echoed through the air, for the decision was unanimous—there would be no need for any lives to be taken.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Lexis o'maxim)


Determined to protect your home, you remain vigilant throughout the night, resolute in your commitment to prevent any further intrusion or theft.

(+1 Exhaustion)

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🌑Day 4 - Night(1/2)

Following a tense voting session, the crowd disperses, retreating to their homes and readying themselves for the night ahead. Time to choose what to do for the night.

  1. 💤Sleep: You will wake up feeling refreshed. Removes 3 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. (😵+1)Stay Up: You won't panic when you get attacked. You might even be able to fight back.
  3. (😵+2)Guard a fellow soldier: You will stay up and defend another soldier.
  4. (😵+2)Steal: Maybe your neighbour has something useful.
  5. (😵+1 with Stalker. +2 if you don't)Stalk: You will stalk a soldier. You will find out what action the soldier is performing.(Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Njal Fylkir

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)


Njal Fylkir
Margrave of Sallowtown

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Tybalt Tideweaver)


You swiftly close the door, ensuring it is securely locked, before retreating to your bed and pulling the blanket over yourself. The familiar sensation of time slipping away takes hold, signaling the onset of the dream. Unlike previous encounters, the rapid motions and shifting colors now hold a certain familiarity. Each hue carries meaning, and you begin to grasp their significance. Curiosity beckons you to explore the radiant hues emitted by neighboring houses, but you know you are not yet prepared. Soon, however, you will delight in experiencing the vibrant colors up close, even savoring their flavors—a mouthwatering prospect indeed.

(Can't act for the night)

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Njal Fylkir)


As the night persists, you diligently continue crafting your trap, determined to complete it before daybreak. Each meticulous step brings you closer to the finished product, its effectiveness brewing in your mind. Time slips away unnoticed as you immerse yourself in the task, driven by the urgency to have it ready before the sun graces the horizon. Every effort, every adjustment brings you closer to your goal, ensuring that your trap will be primed and prepared to fulfill its purpose as the first rays of light break through the darkness.

(Trap is ready)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Njal Fylkir)

Crafting and setting up a trap takes a full day.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Kiran Mir-Ashtan

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Stalk Moria

Kiran Mir-Ashtan
Earl of Nid Tek

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Kiran Mir-Ashtan)


You decide to stalk Moria, hiding near her house in the shadows, carefully observing her every move. Your intention is to swiftly uncover any suspicious activity she may engage in.

(+1 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Celina Stormreaver

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

I wish to stalk Moria.

Celina Stormreaver
Margravine of Nebel

Letter from Samson Dixon

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

I will sleep thru the night

Samson Dixon
Margrave of Qubel Lighthouse

Letter from Richard Shepherd

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Opt 5. Samson

Richard Shepherd
Earl of Shinnen Purlieus

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Celina Stormreaver)


You decide to stalk Moria, hiding near her house in the shadows, carefully observing her every move. Your intention is to swiftly uncover any suspicious activity she may engage in.

(+1 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Richard Shepherd)

You decide to stalk Samson, concealing yourself in the shadows near his house, closely monitoring his every move.

As the night wears on, you patiently await his departure, but it becomes apparent that Samson has chosen to remain indoors. It seems he has opted for a peaceful night's rest instead.

(+1 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Samson Dixon)


You choose to retire for the night, hoping that your home remains undisturbed and free from any unwanted intruders.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Rojak Sethar

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)


Rojak Sethar
Earl of Mattan Dews

Letter from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Rojak Sethar)

Who do you wish to guard for the night?

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to: Celina Stormreaver, Galandric Aboolio, Hana, Jumeaux Jouverelli, Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Moria Igelfeld, Njal Fylkir, Oskar von Lucker, Richard Shepherd, Rojak Sethar, Samson Dixon, Tybalt Tideweaver, Wassgandr Felsenbach

🌑Day 4 - Night(2/2)

If you haven't taken any action yet, you can still do so.

  1. 💤Sleep: You will wake up feeling refreshed. Removes 3 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. (😵+1)Stay Up: You won't panic when you get attacked. You might even be able to fight back.
  3. (😵+2)Guard a fellow soldier: You will stay up and defend another soldier.
  4. (😵+2)Steal: Maybe your neighbour has something useful.
  5. (😵+1 with Stalker. +2 if you don't)Stalk: You will stalk a soldier. You will find out what action the soldier is performing.(Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Rojak Sethar

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

guard dixon

Rojak Sethar
Earl of Mattan Dews

Letter from Galandric Aboolio

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Galandric, having recovered from his wounds preaching, will decide to stalk Oskar. He seems fishy.

Galandric Aboolio
Knight of Shinnen
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Moria Igelfeld

(Personal message to Wassgandr Felsenbach)

Stalking Celina

Moria Igelfeld
Dame of Giask

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Rojak Sethar)


You make the decision to keep a vigilant watch over Samson throughout the night, ensuring that his sleep remains undisturbed. With unwavering determination, you spend the entire night diligently patrolling the perimeter of his house. At times, a subtle feeling of being observed lingers, but your vigilant eyes find no evidence to support it. The night passes without incident, and as the first light of dawn graces the sky, you finally conclude your watch and make your way back home.

(+2 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Richard Shepherd)

As you diligently kept watch over Samson's house throughout the night, an intriguing sight unfolded before your eyes. You observed Rojak, the ever-vigilant guardian, taking up the task of safeguarding Samson's dwelling. He meticulously patrolled the area, unaware of your stealthy presence. It was a curious sight to behold, witnessing the overlapping layers of protection around Samson's abode. You remained concealed, silently observing the watchful Rojak fulfill his duty, ensuring an extra layer of security for Samson's tranquility.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)


As you ventured out of your house, your senses tingled with the unsettling feeling of being watched. Hastily scanning your surroundings, your eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, revealing a shadowy figure observing you from a distance. Determined, you pursued the enigmatic figure, but it eluded your grasp, though you successfully drove it away before continuing on to Celina's residence.

Upon reaching Celina's abode, you noticed that she had chosen to remain indoors for the night. You maintained a vigilant watch over her dwelling, yet nothing out of the ordinary occurred until dawn approached. It was then that you witnessed the same elusive figure, the one you had pursued throughout the night, surreptitiously entering Celina's house. Puzzled, you pondered whether it was truly Celina whom you had chased away. If so, the question remained: Why was she surveilling your own home?

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)

(+1 Exhaustion)(You now have 3 exhaustion stacks)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Galandric Aboolio)


You decide to stalk Oskar, concealing yourself in the shadows near his house, closely monitoring his every move.

As the night wears on, you patiently await his departure, but it becomes apparent that Oskar has chosen to remain indoors. It seems he has opted for a peaceful night's rest instead.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Galandric Aboolio)

(+1 Exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Celina Stormreaver)


Moria's door creaks open silently, catching your attention. Observing her movements, you witness her scanning the surroundings of her home, piquing your curiosity about her intentions. In a twist of fate, your gaze meets hers, and you ponder whether she has detected your presence. Your suspicion proves true as she swiftly begins to pursue you, prompting you to swiftly evade her grasp.

As she gives chase, you utilize your agility to outmaneuver her relentless pursuit. Eventually, you manage to create enough distance between you and Moria, ensuring your safety. Deciding it best to steer clear of her residence until daybreak, you make your way back to your own dwelling. However, before entering through your window, you catch a fleeting glimpse of Moria. The question arises: Was she keeping watch over your house in return?

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath
Priest of Lux Nova