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! Cheese
|colspan=1 | <center> {{Message2
|Sender=Nerta the Weaver
|Recipients=Everyone in the [[Melhed/Agyrian Academy|Agyrian Academy]]
It didn't hurt. Even when the bardic scoundrel Count Soren threw his arm around her to squeeze. It should hurt. It had hurt. But right now all she could feel is the warm embrace and purple paint dripping from his nose.
“You didn't need to paint me by ambush, Nerta. I already agreed to wear matching purple.” He squeezes her again, and her wound still does nothing. “Though I shouldn't be surprised. Can't take the wilderness out of the woman…”
Glittering eyes staring out from under the hood of that heavy cloak, her sour expression is all the more shadowy from her purple face paint. “I saw you in the arena. You sing better than you fight.” Even injured, she pokes his gut hard enough to slip free. “Also, I was tired of your moping. The Festival of Lights is about the end of winter, not sulking about losing in the second round of the tournament.” 
Soren rubs his side and sighs with all the theatrics he can muster. “True enough, how can I make it up to you, oh festival-organising priestess? Maybe a dance around the coloured fires,” he gestures to her brandy stained cloak, “or a drinking contest featuring the famed Agyrian Ichor Brandy?”
The reminder of a stumbling reveller pouring most of a flagon on her, earned Soren an eye roll and a huff. “Later. I've got official matters to attend at the Academy.” The lie was a bitter weight on her tongue. “So why don’t you entertain a crowd of gawkers or something?”
Somehow Soren of Seven Rivers let that slide leaving Nerta ‘the Weaver’ free to shove her way through, with spear in hand, toward the venerable house of learning. The deserted venerable house. Apparently even boring scholars and sages had poured into the city to enjoy the equinox festivities.
Her search reveals dozens of empty study rooms, workshops and libraries, along with an orphaned book in the middle of one hall. That tome earned an experimental prod with her spear, as though it might bite, and in a fashion it did.
“Oh. Don’t touch that or I’ll forget.” An unexpected finger snaps from the side room. “Something… Crystal Cursed! What was it? Oh no.”
Nerta pokes her head around the corner to find a workbench-lined study room that is practically mid-demolition. Every bench is piled with books, tools, and open flames that leave glassware bubbling. Perched atop a tall chair amidst the carnage is a spectacled woman surrounded by papers and dressed in an ink-stained tan shirt and black trousers. Her mountain of blonde hair is piled and pinned hap-hazardly, and her ice-blue eyes dart about the room.
“It wasn’t the translation. Oh. Hello. Do come in. Oh! Careful! Don’t touch that! Wait. Nevermind. That’s safe.” Fidgeting with her quill as Nerta stands motionless in the doorway, the blonde spins like an owl to point to one project after another. “It’s not that. Not that either. Ooo I should turn that off. Hmmm. Wait. Was I supposed to be somewhere? Are you here to get me? Sorry, I’m sorry.”
The seat teeters as the tall woman slips down and darts about the room in a last minute hunt for a jacket against the spring chill. Only Nerta’s steadying spear stops the tall stool from crashing into a bench of delicately carved wooden figures on the left. “I’m not here to collect you. I’m here looking for help, and so far you’re it.”
“Oh? That's good.” The blonde pauses. “I mean! N-Not good that you need help. I-I’m sure you’d rather not… You know. I’m going to stop there.” Breaking into a smile the woman folds her hands in front of her and continues with a musical tone. “Hello! How can I help you?”
Nerta’s precise movements pivot the tall chair out of the way and place her on the other side of the side table ladened with crusty bread and old cheese. “A month back I caught a blade in the arm which turned into a fever a week after. Since I was in prison at the time, the guards weren’t keen on prompt treatment.” The corner of her mouth twitches. “Why waste medical supplies on a prisoner when an army was fast approaching to put the city to siege? I got out, I got even, and I got treatment at the Temple of the Old Gods. I thought it was a full recovery. Until last week.”
Nerta slips her bandaged forearm from under her cloak. The clean linen wrapping is tight, but around the edges of fabric are wriggling black lines that move and twist under her skin. Painless black veins.
The spectacled woman doesn’t seem too worried about the admitted convict or her strange infection, and latches onto Nerta to inspect the limb. An experimental poke of the black veins sets them moving again, leading Nerta to extract her arm from the giggling blonde. “I’m glad it amuses you, Librarian, but can you help?”
Silence fills the room as those ice-blue eyes flicker down the rough appearance of the purple painted guest. “You can’t read.” The arm vanishes back under the cloak with that flat statement. “Because if you could, you'd have gone to the medical wing.”
Insight earns a sour glare. “I've been all over this place and you're the first person I've run into. Can you help or not?”
“Help you learn how to read? That takes time. Help with your arm?” There's a pause as the Librarian glances around while chewing on a stray curl of hair. “Maybe.”
Spinning off, the blonde starts rummaging through various items, still talking as she works. “What happened a week ago that made it worse? Oh. That burner. Should turn that off.”
“I led a group of unprepared Patricians to the Pool of Black Whispers.” Her voice flat, Nerta’s dark eyes glitter in the fading light of the flame. “Right into a conclave of necromancers.”
The Librarian continues to chew on that curl of hair as she pulls a knife from behind the cooling glassware. “That… must have been horrible.”
The cloak rises with a shrug, Nerta’s words barely a whisper. “A shade plucked a strand of dark power from the air and used it to tear free a scream. Now it looks like this, but it doesn't hurt at all.”
The bright eyes of the Librarian seem to read the depths of that strangled anguish. “Oh.” Ruffling a few papers she frowns. “I need the burner, why’s it off? Silly me.” The cheery glow of the flame sparks to life once more and the knife soon dips into the heat. “You were dying. Necromancy, you know? I dabbled. Oh! Not in Necromancy. No no. I-I dabbled in studying Necromancy. Which," the rush of words pauses for a heartbeat, “I’m now realising, is also misleading. Um.”
Nerta sighs and raps her spear on the ground. "Focus Librarian. I understand your meaning. You don't strike me as a cultist to the cursed Crystal Maiden." A brief pause sees the knife slip from the flame now sporting a curl of soot across the edge. "In truth you barely strike me as a scholar, if only because you don't bore me."
“Good… I guess? Um.” The blonde adjusts her spectacles.  “The original wound, it must have been from a black blade. Nasty things. Poisonous. Of a sort. The Elixir from the temple might have healed your wound, but it didn't remove that poison.”
Nerta eyes the knife, but sets her jaw. “And you can?”
The blonde pauses for several heartbeats, and when she continues, her voice is soft. “Do you know how they make the black blades? They grow them, in people. It’s a dead thing; that grows…” She shrugs, her voice breathless and sullen. “Necromancy at work.”
Nerta’s dark eyes widen and the arm slips back out of the cloak for inspection. “A black blade? But it doesn’t hurt.”
“Not yet.” The soft voice carries a hint of sadness. “It’s feeding on the pain. Given enough time…” she trails off and fidgets with her hair, “…you’ll lose an arm and get a free sword.” She winces and holds up her free hand. “I know. I know. Bad joke.”
Nerta exhales and leans against the central table piled with books for translation, but can't help a small smile. “I prefer spears and to keep my arms. So what are you going to do, cut it out?”
The woman's puzzled frown turns into a look of shock. “OH! No no, I-I was cleaning the knife so I could cut some lunch. I’m hungry,” her voice straining, “Sorry.”
Nerta sighs and scrubs her face as she rises from the supporting table. “Well thank you for your help, whoever you are. I guess I’d best head to the medical wing.”
The blonde woman cuts a slice off the old cheese and mumbles between bites. “I’m Lucia, and…” setting the cheese and knife next to the wooden figures, she reaches for the bandaged arm to begin unwinding the linen. “…and I don’t think the medical wing can help.”
“Fortune brought you here. This infection isn’t fully physical. Within your arm is a shard of the Necromancer’s malice. It tries to devour you from within. That you’ve survived even a week like this, tells me you might be okay.”
The exposed wound is alien, with pale white flesh along the edge of a blackish core made of a tar-like material that sticks to the bandage. As the long strands snap free of the linen one by one, Lucia pales and puffs her cheeks. “Oooo… you might be okay.”
Though the wound looks worse, it feels no different and Nerta eyes the increasingly alien limb with an air of calm. “So what then? Do I pray to silent Gods for a boon? The Wolf Lord will tell me to heal myself; the Dark Mistress would have me join her in death; the cultists of the Crystal Maiden caused this mess; the Ice Queen fated it all; and the Masked One cares not. Only the Ephemeral Emperor’s good luck has brought me here and you say even the vaunted scholars of the Academy can do nothing. Better to cut off my arm in that case.”
“That the most devout priestess of the Old Gods would offer her arm rather than a prayer tells quite a story.” The blonde smiles and begins to rub Nerta's bicep. “But we’ll save that for another time. Right now, I want you to think about something happy.”
After a heartbeat, Nerta barks out a laugh. “Happy? I’ve had precious little of that, Lucia.”
“I know, I know.” The woman pauses her massage and pushes up her glasses. “But just… try.”
Nerta shrugs and scratches her nose. “The Festival of Lights is… nice. I've not been able to attend one in a few years now.”
“It does sound lovely. All the coloured fires, and the paints for lovers. I think I’d read about it once. Some sort of old Foederati celebration.” Lucia continues to massage Nerta’s arm while the painted woman's gaze hardens.
“Yes…” The lingering silence contains an unspoken question of whether her heritage would be a problem, but Lucia either doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care.
“And you went for purple paint, the colour of the Eternal Flame here in Agyr. There must be someone special.”
Nerta props one foot against the chair. “An idiot bard with a taste for the exotic.”
“Can you really blame him?” Lucia winks, those fingers digging in just above the wound.
“I can, and do," Nerta's tone dry, mirth dancing in her eyes, "regularly.”
A giggle accompanies a careful massage back up the arm. "Sounds cute. Okay, you've got a bard, a festival. Friends?"
Nerta’s lips compress in a thin line. “I’ve met some I trust, many of them are dead now.”
“Ah.” Though she wilts for a heartbeat, Lucia rallies. “Many, but not all. Does one come to mind?”
“I have a friend, Jacinda. I call her ‘the Driven’.” The Weaver’s voice softens. “She’s a fool; wants to save the world.”
“I see the two of you have something in common…” Fingers trace down the wriggling veins of darkness toward the pool of tar that marked the wound. “Okay, okay. Hobbies?”
The wanderer smiles faintly. “You could say I dabble in weaving.”
“Weaving? Oh. I see. Clever.” Lucia’s chin points down toward her ink-stained shirt. “Maybe you can make me a shirt later.”
Nerta's chuckle at the comment slides into a hiss of pain that tightens her voice. “W-What are you doing?”
“Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. I know it hurts, just think about the good times at the Festival, Soren, your grandmother’s songs. Almost…”
“How…?” Twisting in the grip, something clicks and chitters in the back of Nerta’s mouth. It isn't a tongue. “...Soren. The songs. Priestess. I didn’t say… Y-You're an Auger.”
“Yes dear. Just a bit longer.” The massaging fingers dig in around the wound. Old black fluid, maybe blood, oozes as Nerta’s head swims and Lucia’s voice calls from far away. “You're doing well, your grandmother would be very proud. Just a bit more, focus on the happiest memories, focus on the love. It'll contain the malice.”
Contorting in Lucia's iron grip, Nerta can feel that dark power claw across her insides like a wild animal. The malice scrabbles, desperate for a solid hold and sinks talons into the meat of her heart. But the blonde slowly tears it free all while singing an off-colour drinking song. The hideous darkness does not go quietly and the flailing whip of anguish lashes through the Weaver as she sobs in pain. But the grotesque display was not in vain, and eventually, a thin black needle slips free of the wound.
The sliver of darkness jutting up from Nerta’s forearm pulses as though a beating heart, and begins to vibrate in the open air. Such a tiny thing had caused so much corruption, who can say what the shard of malice might do next. Not waiting to find out, Lucia stabs the cheese onto the needle before wrenching the entire thing free and hurling it into the flame.
Blackish blood is everywhere, splattered across papers, Nerta’s cloak, and Lucia in equal measure. Yet the woman merely smiles cheerfully and dabs at Nerta's rapidly colouring wound. “At least I got a bite of lunch first. Oh, and thanks for not biting me, Nerta. I know that hurt. I'll try to answer your questions while you collect yourself.”
“Yes I'm an Augur and get visions from the Ice Queen. A few months back she showed me that I needed to help someone who’d trip over a specific book in the hall. Well actually two someones. Apparently you today, and maybe this Jacinda later? Visions can be a bit vague in many ways and far too detailed in others.” A fresh bandage is pulled out from behind the wooden figures. “Anyway, everything I told you was true, with one exception. The poison. It’s fed by sadness and loneliness. Familiar companions for you, I'm sure. I'd suggest you lighten up: get a few more friends, hobbies, lovers if that does the trick, but I think you’re actually going to hit me right now…”
Nerta hisses and strikes the woman in the stomach as her jaw settles back into place. “And why not? Crystal Cursed, that hurt and, more importantly, you lied about cutting it out.”
Doubled over, the sneaky Librarian coughs and tries to catch her breath. “No, I misled. A knife wasn’t needed.” Lucia’s cheeks puffing, she exhales slowly. “Besides, the pain wasn’t caused by me but the shard of malice. Opening up, that can hurt but when we do, wonderful things can happen. We got a Festival of Lights because you decided to share part of your people’s heritage. That brings a lot of joy to a lot of folks.” Casting a glance toward the still smouldering wedge of cheese, she continues. “All that joy, friendship and love you’ve found is why I could pull the needle free. If you were still alone as when you started; nothing would have saved you.”
Her face paint smudged, Nerta refuses to turn from those brilliant, ice-blue eyes so full of care. Finally she nods and huffs aside a few stray hairs. “Then I guess I owe you my thanks, and a shirt.”
Lucia can’t fight a growing grin as she inspects her now almost black shirt. “This? I mean I get to run a new experiment. Figure out how the black blades grow.” Her words hitch before coming out in a rush. “Not that I’ll infect someone!” Clearing her throat, the distracted Librarian wrinkles her nose. “Ignoring that: if you’re offering, I'd love a violet shirt. Now head back to the festival and give Soren a kiss. He kind of saved your life. Sort of; Ish.”
The Weaver snorts, collects her spear and shakes her head. “Again? Great. Knowing our luck, I’ll have to save him by next week.”
As Nerta turns to leave, the blonde Librarian calls, “Oh. If you could grab the book about trapdoor spiders in the hall? I have to return it later and get one about pots & kettles.”

Latest revision as of 16:23, 1 March 2023

Request from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Your majesty,

The vernal equinox approaches on the 20th. The festival of light involves massive outdoor bonfires to push back the winter. These fires are colored by alchemical potions to create vibrant pools amidst the snow. Once revellers arrive they are expected to shed their winter furs and find comfort in the balance between the heat of the flame and the ice of the air.

All revellers dine, dance & duel as an expression of returning life. Often lovers will come together this time dressed and painted and matching colors.

As this is a celebration of spring, any and all are welcome; so would her majesty you care to host a tournament?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta Unti
Lady Nerta,

I believe a tournament could be just what all realms need to lighten their spirits after the catastrophes to befall the southlands. Ideally the festivities should fall either side of the equinox with a competition of blades for duellists of the highest calibre to demonstrate their skill.

I will provide prize purses of 1,000 gold to the victor and another 500 to the runner up to attract some worthy competitors.

Which city do you feel would be the best suited to such a celebration?
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
That's most generous your majesty. Even the tournament grounds alone would have been enough, but to offer a prize as well... As for a location. We just finished repairing the temple in Agyr, thanks in no small part to your donation. Between that and the Eternal Flame seems a fine place for the festival.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Tournament Announced

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark has announced a Tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Agyr 9 days from now.
The winner will be rewarded with 1000 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 500 gold for the runner-up.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

Report from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
To celebrate the upcoming Vernal Equinox, a day held sacred by followers of the Old Gods, I invite all knights honourable and true to compete in a Trial of Blades before the Eternal Flame in Agyr. Nobles, Priests, and Adventurers from across the Realms of Man are also invited to join the festivities in the city both to enjoy the spectacle and to share tales of valour from their respective homelands.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Tyler Thrice-Blessed
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods

my name is Kane younger brother of Tyler the adventurer. I have come to take my place with the old gods as my brother had hoped to one day join.

Most here will not know him. But he saved the vales from destruction and then he gave his life to save nothoi. If any of you can get me in contact with nerta unti Tyler had a letter he wished passed on to the priestess.
Kane (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Message to everyone at the Festival of Lights
Tyler Thrice-Blessed is well known in these halls. His sacrifice no doubt saved Nothoi and bought us all time. Hopefully he rests, but if the Sunken Kingdom transformed him into a death knight we'll make sure he earns his rest.

You're welcome here as long as you wish to stay. Currently the Festival of Lights will begin in Agyr. You're welcome to join in.

Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Lady nerta unti, I do not think that will be a problem. I'm unsure if the events that transpired we're ever passed onto these halls but Tyler has in fact been turned into an undead. This was when he returned to the city to clear undead outside of the portal area. The portal seemed to give the undead purpose they saught to turn all those of creasur into undead to join them brothers and sisters in eternal in life. This was caused after some magical symbols were apparently corrupted upon the circle activation. It seemed Tyler or what was left of him was under the same influence. However in a moment of defiance Tyler subverted the will placed upon the masses of undead. In that moment he reached into a wound in his head and wrote the symbol for purity in blood. This caused a blinding light that wiped whatever curropted will was placed on the undead. This same light led to the wall that defends nothoi today. Moments after this Tyler's corpse threw itself into the light. His corpse seemed to evaporate into nothing. I truly believe Tyler overcame death turning the magic of the portal to his will with a single symbol. I think he saw no way that did not end with this power corrupting his mind and turning him into what he fought so hard to defeat. He chose to end his life with the the very barrier he brought into the world.
Kane (Adventurer)
Report from Kane
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
I wish to offer the shield of Tyler as a prize for the winner of the upcoming tournament. In exchange I ask a sermon be performed by both nerta unti and the preistess yao ling. Of the daishi. I want the exploits if my brother to not be forgotten. While I would like to keep such an item for myself I'm afraid that I being young could simply lose the item to some monster den. I know this is unusual but I hope it is acceptable.
Kane (Adventurer)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
So the Thrice-Blessed fool managed to slip the chains of the Crystal Maiden in the end. I'm glad. I didn't relish hunting him down, though we'd finally get that duel. As I told your brother once, I can't dispense blessings like an apothecary, but if you want me to say a few words about Tyler I can certainly do that. Come by the festival and we'll see what we can do.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Festival of Lights
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

The Eternal Flame gutters in the winter wind. But the seasons turn and so a crowd gathered before the  ancient temple to the Old Gods of Beluaterra. The various people were here, not for a sermon or ritual, but to purchase paints and dyes for the Festival of Light.

Some couples had already begun to paint their faces in the bright colours while others paint each other, and at least one group of rowdy children had begun a playful brawl that left twenty as rainbows. Drink flowed freely and as Nerta steps from the old halls, she eyes a trio of bravos competing for the right to match colours with a blushing lass. 

This rare taste of home earned one of those fleeting smiles from the warrior-priestess, who purchased Incindia purple paint and made her way to the festival grounds.

Outside the city walls great fires roared, coloured by alchemy and melting circles in the snow. Already hundreds danced, feasted and laughed in defiance of winter's bite. Once the tournament hosted by Bob & Queen Aibhlidhn began there would be even more to see, but for now the city was bright with spring. 
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

Nerta steals a chalice from the palace as she passes dancers bathed in the light of an emerald green frame. The violet painted woman only manages a taste of the ale before one of their number grabs an arm to swing her into the crowd.

Ale splashes everywhere as Nerta's thrown into a pirouette, but her angry bark is cut short by the familiar voice.

"Spilling the ale! Have you no shame Weaver?"

Glittering eyes widen, and Nerta grabs the man dressed in a patchwork of leather soaked in stale wine.

"Vedens! Where have you been you lush?"

The big grin remains as friendly as ever, even as he drapes atop Nerta.

"Why's about tss far from trouble 's I can, unlike a ssertain someone. How is it you've gotten in more danger since I found ya neked in the forest hunted by beasts? Noble, Priestess, Monster Slayer, Paramour, Judge..."

Shoving the drunk off with an eyeroll, she doesn't make it far before he pulls her back.

"No no, none of that. Furst man gits a dance! Th-There'ss ruless 'bout tha."

The smell was, unique. But despite his slurred words, the man was able to keep up and after a few bars Nerta was even smiling.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
It had been some time since Soren had stepped foot in a tournament ground. He’d only been to one since his first win and that hadn’t gone so well. After that he took up trading in earnest and between that and caring for Seven Rivers he rarely left Ar Agyr these days, so he took full advantage of the tournament close to home.

The busy streets and smells of food and smoke filled the air. Colors adorned every surface driving back the bleak white of winter. Everywhere he looked, it was hard to tell which color dominated right down to the people. In the city, purple had become popular due to the Incindia Flame, but there was no want for competition. Soren paused to examine a bonfire burning green into the sky, already swarmed with revelry and children attempting to burn sticks for their own amusement. He held back a smile as he watched a mother pull a burning branch from her child’s hand before tossing it to the inferno as she dragged the boy away.

Stepping around a dancer, Soren slowly made his way over to a practice ground, clearly in a courtyard marked by a clearing, several men and women with menacing glares, and four almost equidistant bonfires burning in a myriad of colors. What would he challenge today? Signaling for one of the masters, he gets a few chuckles. A trader often seen with a lute, these were clearly locals who had no idea what they would soon witness. “Though I am hardly the best, allow me to be the first to teach you all what it means to be a master of the martial realm,” he boasts as one of the local academy masters comes to the makeshift arena.

The two men circle each other for a time as Soren draws a sword. His usual method to fighting was a weapon for every situation. Carrying knives, and a spear, and daggers, the man was a small armory in battle. Forced to use just a sword though, it was curious how he would fare. Growing impatient at Soren’s lack of movement, the master moved in. The dance with death is swift as the pair moved quickly, in a flurry of exchanged blows. Without the extra equipment, Soren was faster, sharper, his blade and movements more flexible as he snaked around defenses and drove the master back.

The pair, seeing they could push each other seemed to have the same idea, maintained the stalemate. They drew eyes and cheers from the surroundings as they weaved a complicated dance that could falter lesser skilled warriors.

A sudden push sent Soren back a few steps as the master regained his ground, and the young noble began circling. A wolf hunting its prey, he shifted his stance almost to a point of fencing, protecting his open side. Neither dared blink, but eyes shifted to watch the edge as they slowly moved towards the edge of the arena and that was all they needed.

Soren moved in first this time, a thrust became a feint as he shifted to a two-handed sweep, then, using the momentum to drop into a low kick sending the man stumbling back until he held up a hand as Soren started to charge forward. “Master swordsman,” the man declared. “It’s been an honor for my first spar of the tournament.”

Ever the performer, Soren reached out and clasped the man’s hand in friendship before taking a bow around the courtyard arena for those who watched his performance.
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Stebe
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
"Oh Look Quincy! Two men of honor having practice go." Stebe says as he fines an open spot on a rail dividing the commoners from the Gentry.

"Yes, Sir," Quincy drawls in his ever present monotone.

As they watch Stebe unconsciously begins to jerk and move as if he was defending against the sword master. Glance over his shoulder at the disinterested Quincy Stebe states, "He's good, Quincy. He's obviously from Arr Agryry. Do you know his name?"

"Ar Agyr, Sir." Quincy monotonous speech continues as Stebe opened his mouth to ask a Question. "I believe that Sir Soren of the House Navaar."

A large smile crosses Stebes face as he turns back to match. With disappointment crossing his Stebe's face. Stebe pouts, "Dammit I missed the end of the fight."

Turning to an elderly woman next him Stebe asks, "Pardon me, young maiden. Who pray tell won that bout?"

Guffawing at Stebe's remark she replied with a laugh in reply, "Sir Soren..." she eyes his fine dress and adds hesitantly, "My Lord?"

Waving a hand to dismissively, "None of that nonsense, but thank you my fair maiden." Taking her and and in a flurished bow Stebes kisses her knuckles which send her and her into cackling giggles that only the old can properly pull off.
Stebe (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Arsene Solicix
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
The journey to Agyr was drole and weary, consisting of several endless days of nonstop travel and the gradually depressing mood of her squire, whose usually sharp tongue and attentive gaze dulled significantly. When they finally arrived in the city, Arsene was more relieved to see the light return to Vivien's eyes than consider the chance of long-awaited rest.

Now, refreshed and rested a day later, the Baroness was able to fully admire the city for it's worth on the way to the tournament grounds. While she had traveled around most of the upper continent during her ventures through three different realms, she had never made it down to Ar Argyr, and she found herself in awe of cultural splendors she was unused to, with the vibrantly colored fires and mentions of a festival whispered through the crowds.

After a few hours of visiting the merchants and tasting some rare foods, Arsene decided she had tortured Vivien enough. Her squire was following along sullenly behind her, cheeks puffed out in barely restrained impatience while her brow furrowed, and she fidgeted with the twin knives strapped to her legs, a gift for her last birthday. Arsene chuckled, relenting as she motioned for her squire to lead the way to the grounds, feeling as though Vivien acted more like a spoiled little sister than a proper knight in training.

"Tsk, how arrogant!" Vivien looked down upon the men sparring below, wrinkling her nose in disgust as the victor turned to bow to the spectators. "Men think that waving around swords make them knights and expect to be praised for it. Well, the only sword they have that's worth a damn is the one in their-"

"Vivien!" Arsene chided sharply, unsure whether to laugh or cry. One day, that vulgar language of hers was going to anger the wrong noble and she'd end up dead! "Have some respect. It's rude to judge people you've never even met, much less group them together with the kind you are used to." Her squire bared her teeth, looking away, but thankfully listened and remained silent.

Leaning heavily on her cane, she sighed, rubbing a hand down her face. The Baroness had dressed in the usual furs of the north, with her bracers and shin guards and breastplate engraved with the flag symbol of Irondale in its center, so if any other nobles had heard Vivien's less then polite statement it would most definitely not represent their realm very well. Arsene glanced to either side of the pair, her gaze catching on a rather strangely dressed man kissing the knuckles of an elderly woman, and she watched them for a moment, mildly curious, before returning her attention to the arena.
Arsene Solicix (Baroness of Lezzel)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

As the squire Vivien was hushed by Arsene, the woman painted purple perched atop her seat slips in a comment.

"She's not wrong you know. Though that particular man isn't too bad. Solid skills, but works better with guidance..." Nerta pauses as he takes his bow, "...like most of them, actually."

Spear across her knees, the ale stained cloak opens for a brief moment as she raises a hand to wave at the figure in the arena.

"You going to try yourself then?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Soren turned and looked up at Nerta with a wide grin and gave an extra sweeping bow in her direction. As he went to collect the few belongings he had set aside, the next person, Elios Everlight, took to the stage after. Looking up at the crowd, he began to circle the arena, feigning gasps when the duke was pushed back and cheering his advances. His fingers twitched toward his back where his lute was not waiting for him at the moment.

As Elios' bout came to an end, Soren marched up into the arena again. "Duke Everlight, everybody!" He held up a small pouch of gold and walked a circle around the man he seemed to be sizing up as a rival. "In honor of the only other man with the guts to come up on stage today, I'm inviting everyone here for drinks! From my favorite nobles," he said, with a glance toward Nerta, to people I've never met before, all of you tell me your tales and come have a pint on me! Then, let's have a second pint in honor of the good Duke here. Compared to my pitiful skills, this is a man who knows what a joust is. He is by far my superior at firmly grasping a long pole and shoving it into another man!"

He flashed the Duke a grin before stepping away. "Third, let's toast our gracious hosts, The Duke Bob, and Queen Aibhlidhn. You can't ignore me forever, your majesty! Come greet your guests and subjects for a drink or four, alright?" he shouted into the crowds of visitors, before rounding on his heel to face the people behind him. "And one more drink for this great festival, and the beautiful people attending it. If I see at least three more nobles at the next bar I go to, I'll sing you all a song. And after five rounds, I promise I'll sound like a true musical muse!"
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Arsene Solicix
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
At the sound of an unfamiliar voice behind her, Arsene startled, twitching slightly as she turned around. Her gaze immediately focused on a cloaked woman sitting in the row above the railing, her skin painted a surprising violet as a spear rested on her knees. She blinked, wondering for the briefest moment if this was a common custom in Ar Argyr or whatever realm this lady was from, and her momentary pause caused Vivien to notice, her squire turning and openly gawking at the women. Her reaction assisted in returning sense to Arsene, and she lay her free hand heavily on Vivien's shoulder, nodding her head respectfully to the woman above. There was a strange aura about her that unnerved the Baroness, but she pushed the uneasy feeling down in favor of courtesy.

"Please forgive us, ma'am. Right or wrong she may be, but her mind is not as sharp as her tongue." Outraged, Vivien took a deep breath to retort, but at the fierce glare in Arsene's pale green eyes she shut her mouth reluctantly. Even if the unknown woman agreed with them, it was never a good idea to reveal too much of themselves, lest the stranger becomes an enemy.

Witnessing the lady wave to the men below, Arsene realized she must know them, and she felt a significant flash of relief that Vivien had not angered her. That could have ended very badly if she had gotten insulted, for at least one of the men was likely her realm-mate. When she spoke again, asking if Arsene would try as well, the Baroness chuckled, lifting her carved wooden cane a little for emphasis. "I'm afraid not. The past few days of traveling have rekindled some old wounds in my leg, and I can hardly walk with it right now. I'll save my strength for tournament day."

Their conversation then took a short break as the victor of the match they had originally been watching shouted to the spectators, calling for toasts to important nobles and offering drinks for all. Throughout the speech, Vivien crossed her arms, scowling and rolling her eyes so much that Arsene thought they might just roll out of her head, and she swallowed a sigh of exasperation at her squire. Once the man had finished, Arsene turned to glance back at the woman above, her curiosity getting the best of her wariness. "May I know whom I have the honor of addressing?"
Arsene Solicix (Baroness of Lezzel)
Roleplay from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr. You announce a large festival to be held tomorrow.
Bob Baceolus (Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

The introduction of Elios with free drinks and innuendo prompts Nerta to sniff and turn her glittering eyes back to Arsene. Perhaps the ale stained woman wasn't a fan of Soren's bawdy jokes, or the one introduced.

"The 'honour of addressing'? Precious little of that by Patrician standards, but you can call me Nerta all the same."

Once again resting in that hunched perch, the spear haft slips out to tap at the cane.

"Now my question: What's the story to this?" The spear swings to point to Vivien's cane. "Dull mind decided to be a blunt instrument the last time you chided that loose tongue?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Arsene Solicix
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Arsene blinked when the spear tapped her cane, stewing on the painted woman's words. She pondered for a moment, observing Nerta while Vivien fidgeted, glancing between her mistress and the woman above intensely.

While she was normally averse to sharing anything about her or her squire to those they had just met, surely telling about her old wounds wouldn't cause any harm? It wasn't like she was spilling something life altering, but her cautious warrior mindset said otherwise. Sharing information about her leg was revealing one of her greatest weaknesses that could easily be exploited in a fight, but she was generally careful enough to hide this fact when she fought on the battlefield or even just strolled through town. Unfortunately, she overestimated her ability to travel, and was now paying the due price for it.

After another glance at Nerta's eyes, Arsene sighed, relenting. The woman didn't seem to radiate any hostility, though she did have an aura of mystery.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Vivien had apparently grown tired of waiting during the tense silence and spoke up instead. "You can insult my speech and my intellect all you like, milady, but please don't ever insult my loyalty." Her statement could almost have been considered polite, until her squire looked Nerta square in the eyes and rested her hands on her knives in a subtle threat. "I would never injure my liege like that!"

Arsene stared at Vivien in utter confusion for a few seconds, until the meaning of her ire became clear. 'Last time you chided that loose tongue, dull mind decided to be a blunt instrument?'

The Baroness couldn't help it, she gave a very unladylike snort before smacking away one of Vivien's hands from her knives. "Lady Nerta, rest assured; this little spitfire could not have injured me this bad in a fight. Most of the time she just sulks about after I scold her, like a drowned rat." Shaking her head, she shifted her weight slightly. "My old wounds are battle scars from fighting the undead back in Thalmarkin."

Her eyes glazed over with memories, and her brow furrowed. It only lasted but a moment before her attention returned, and she cleared her throat. "The undead seem to be a problem down here as well, it seems."
Arsene Solicix (Baroness of Lezzel)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Festival of Lights. Agyr.

With the tournament about to get under way, the rapidly filling stands push Nerta from her perch. That glittering gaze dancing as the squire settles a hand on her knife, the woman leans just a bit closer. "Loyal and direct. I like you."

The Baroness interjects before Nerta can say more. Though is her frown from the interruption, or a reflection of the various insults piled atop Vivien?

"The undead you say? Let me guess: a big champion with growing green eyes carrying a blade of black steel?" A bandaged arm rises from beneath the cloak, the edges of the linen reveal a spider-work of black lines. "I had my own run in with such in Bessimir and, as I learned a few weeks ago in Wudenken, such wounds lingers."

The woman's spear swings toward the city. There in the shadow of the Eternal Flame, and next to the Senate, is the restored temple to the Old Gods. "After the festival I'll be digging through the old records, maybe even see what the Academy might know about this rot. You're welcome to join m-"

The last word is cut off as the crowd roars. Apparently the games had begun.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Good Nobles and Loyal Commons,

I see the tournament grounds are buzzing with anticipation as storied banners from across the human realms rise proudly above the tents of our noble competitors. Three days remain before the heralds sound their trumpets and the Grand Melee begins. Three days in which to feast and practice and make great display of swordsmanship. Three days in which to renew the ties of friendship upon which our race depends to hold the darkness at bay.

This is the first time I've had the privilege of hosting a tournament and I extend my heartfelt thanks to Duke Bob for preparing these magnificant tournament grounds. Duke Bob is himself the very paragon of Chivalry, feared by humanities enemies for his wrath in battle and blessed by the Higher Powers as Guardian of the Eternal Flame of Agyr. All know his name and his legend.

I also extend my thanks to Lady Nerta, Priestess of the Old Gods, at whose request these festivities have been organised to celebrate the peculiar Vernal Equinox of the Gregorian Great Year. May this be a joyous occasion for all who worship the Old Gods and for those of all faiths who stand firm in the defence of mankind. Let us never forget that no matter how dark times may seem there are powers who strive for our survival.

We hold these festivities against the backdrop of war. The Necromancer of the Sunken Lands has swept all before him and many here gathered have suffered loss at his hands, whether that be to battle upon the fields of the South or to those secret battles fought in the shadows. Hope has been stretched thin and yet still it endures. Let us never lose sight of that hope.

It is my fervent prayer that when the time comes to defend the North the bonds of friendship created here before the Eternal Flame will outweigh all disputes which divide mankind as in previous ages our ancestors stood together against the Invasions which threatened their existence.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Aibhlidhn was in pensive mood, her desk strewn with scout reports smuggled at great risk from the heart of the Sunken Lands. Everywhere her spy passed the reckoning was the same: thousands upon thousands of the dead mustering at their Master's call, and alongside them regiments of fell things like unto men in only the broadest of outline.

The Queen was no stranger to fighting such things. Indeed she'd lead the charge so many times and against such overwhelming odds that she'd gained something of a reputation as a berserker though quite how this sat with the thoughtful, humorous, elegant woman who frequented libraries and teahouses was difficult to reconcile.

Whatever the Necromancer had planned he'd not want for strength. That was a certainty. From Creasur in the North to Cagamir in the utmost South his rule was unchallenged and what really cut to Aibhlidhn's heart were not the accounts of his strength but of the few isolated survivors who somehow clung on in spite of the many perils around them. The accounting of great cities fallen to decay where once the banners of humanity proudly flew. The knowledge that in truth the Dead Lands might be lost for all time.

Could such a fate also befall the Northern Realms? For now the gods had given them a reprieve though at what dreadful cost few others dared comprehend.

She thought a while longer, idly toying with her quill as if to capture her thoughts on parchment but in truth all that flowed were aimless doodles, geometric patterns oddly interspersed with rabbits and hares about the business of men...

"Oh damn it," she set the quill aside, "this is not the time to sit with your thoughts Aive. The Winter is past and Spring demands your attention."

She was just reaching to pull the velvet cord and summon her servants when Djieves entered the study with his presciently impeccable timing.

"You rang ma'am?" his stentorian voice always calmed her mood.

"Yes Djieves, have Lady Morag gather my Ladies-in-Waiting and set out suitable attire for this evening's festivities."

"Very good ma'am," the door closed with a whisper and Aibhlidhn turned her thoughts to the impending tournament, a chance to mingle with her subjects and enjoy their good humour.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Moira
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
"You really should try these pastries, they're amazing," Reia set her plate and a pot of tea on the trestle table before sitting down opposite Moira with obvious relief, the wooden platter laden with all manner of sweet delicacies, some iced in luminous colours, some glazed with honey, some garnished with motley collections of dull dried fruits and vivid crystallised peels, suffused with cream and fragrant spices.

"That's okay," Moira tapped the rim of her tankard, "I'll stick with the mulled wine for now and maybe a pie when I'm feeling peckish. These old bones need the warmth. But don't let me stop you digging in."

"Oh don't worry about that ma'am," Reia slurred through a mouthful of cake, the former paladin's asceticism for once thrown to the winds, "I think Darton will forgive me this one excess."

The Queen's Inquisitor doubted Darton cared one way or the other but she offered her friend an indulgent smile anyway and raised her tankard in salute. The women had been travelling companions for longer than either could clearly remember, their friendship forged long ago and far away in the free city of Via, the one sworn to mete justice where none else dared, the other to bring comfort and mercy. It was Reia who in due course had delivered Moira's three wildling daughters, Ciarghuala the Reaver and the doomed twins, Scein and Threiginion. And years later it was Reia who accompanied her across the wide ocean when she answered the call to aid Aibhlidhn in the Sixth Invasion.

Their journey north from Creasur had been long and hard, the winter snows lying particularly thick on the land this year. Whether that had aught to do with the ill-conceived ritual they participated in was far from clear but even for seasoned travellers like Moira and Reia the ancient trackways had been heavy going and many a night they'd made their camp amongst the drifts, their only warmth the single ember of the Eternal Flame which they'd borne with them. Memories of the Dead Lands haunted their steps and their one consolation as they'd trudged their way through the seemingly endless leagues of blizzard winds and perilous black ice had been the thought of a hot bath, a soft bed, and a filling meal before their next venture on Her Majesty's service.

When they'd reached the capital it hadn't taken long to learn of the impending tournament and so they stopped overnight to soothe their tired limbs before continuing on up the Great North Road to the mighty haven of Agyr. The weather was gentler within the well-tended demesne of their mistress and the metalled road was busy with excited pilgrims and liveried merchant caravans bearing exotic wares to the Festival of Lights, a celebration of that rare vernal equinox when the Gregorian Year coincided with its mundane counterpart. The Queen herself would be in attendance along with many of mankind's champions and the call had gone out far and wide for adventurers of all kinds to join the festivities and share their tales.

The tale Moira had to share was for the Queen's ears alone. Not that the tale would be unknown to Aibhlidhn for whom many eyes secretly provided knowledge of the Necromancer's doings. Whilst the other realms jockeyed for power and prestige, in Ar Agyr all counsels were turned to that greater conflict which must inevitably press ever closer upon the lands of man.
Moira (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Stebe
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
At a upscale tavern... for a commoner. (Slumming it for a noble)

Stebe leans against a wall watching the nobility lose themselves to the drink. A smile up his face whenever round is bought. How many has it been 7 or 8 Stebe doesn't care or remember if he was to be honest with himself. The latest batch of nobles too young to understand their own mortality and too stupid to realize it. Think to himself, I was like these kids once. Too innocent realize the real pain is still ahead. I was that ones age when I wed Francine. I wonder how the kids are?

Shorts of excitement as one of the nobles climb upon a chair and begins to sing a tune so off tune that you Stebe couldn't tell if the serenader was doing it intentionally or not.

Raising his voice just enough for Quincy to her of the nights ruckus Stebe says, "Reminds of Francine's Singing voice." Quincy looks at Stebe slightly confused. "Loud, Obnoxious, and without a care for anyone around them," Stebe Laughs at his own joke. Quincy's frown only causes Stebe to laugh all that much more.

"Do think we could get into one of those richer parties?" Stebe asks.

"No, Sir." Quincy drawls out in the most grating monotone that a couple of near by revelers looked at Quincy in confusion before turning back to their party. "I would advice against it, Sir"

"Quincy, Sometimes I must say you have soul of boulder. Just sitting there with no sense of adventure." Looking at Quincy as he downs his latest drink. "This is why we ran away from home. No more Shtups to give! Quincy I tried to rally my Schtup army but they have been Schtupping defeated!" Looking around during a momentary pause. "Come Quincy. The Day is still young let's see what mischief be can get into to broker in a new spring."
Stebe (Adventurer)
Tournament Report

Welcome to the tournament in Agyr. 24 nobles from 6 realms paid their 0 gold entrance fee and visit the tournament grounds today to claim the winner's honours and 1000 (gold) (500 for second place).
This is a swordfighting tournament, and here are the results:

Round 1, 24 participants:
Shebin from Nothoi -beats- Rogan from Ar Agyr
Rodderick from Shattered Vales -beats- Reigner from Reven
Talzir from Nothoi -beats- Arsene from Irondale
Nostalgia from Ar Agyr -beats- Moritz from Nothoi
Sol from Reven -beats- Biff from Irondale
Keene from Irondale -beats- Artea from Thalmarkin
Otto from Ar Agyr -beats- Kravin from Ar Agyr
Quincy from Irondale -beats- Tidalous from Ar Agyr
Elios from Thalmarkin -beats- Nefasto from Nothoi
Soren from Ar Agyr -beats- Annon from Ar Agyr
Owain from Shattered Vales -beats- Von D'arco from Ar Agyr
Draximo from Ar Agyr -beats- Astrid from Shattered Vales

Round 2, 12 participants:
Quincy from Irondale -beats- Rodderick from Shattered Vales
Elios from Thalmarkin -beats- Talzir from Nothoi
Owain from Shattered Vales -beats- Nostalgia from Ar Agyr
Soren from Ar Agyr -beats- Draximo from Ar Agyr
Sol from Reven -beats- Otto from Ar Agyr
Shebin from Nothoi -beats- Keene from Irondale

Round 3, 6 participants:
Owain from Shattered Vales -beats- Elios from Thalmarkin
Shebin from Nothoi -beats- Soren from Ar Agyr
Quincy from Irondale -beats- Sol from Reven

Semifinal round:
Quincy from Irondale -beats- Owain from Shattered Vales
Shebin - wildcard

Final Round:
Quincy from Irondale -beats- Shebin from Nothoi
Winner: Quincy
That was the tournament in Agyr. Congratulations to the winner and to all participants.

Roleplay from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
I think a few of you had a bit too much to drink for me to come out on top! A fine event in any such case, cheers to you all.
Quincy Stormreaver (Knight of Firbalt)
Roleplay from Sol Tempest
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
The drinking is the best part.
Sol Tempest (Knight of Firbalt)
Roleplay from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
Congratulations Sir Quincy. Your display of swordsmanship is an inspiration to us all.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Stebe
Message sent to Everyone at the Festival of Lights
"Well Quincy," exclaims Stebe in exasperation. "I was not expecting that." Turning to leave Stebe tosses a sack of coin to the bookie that catches it out of the air before then nods in appreciation as Stebe passes out of the arena area. "Come Quincy let us get out of town and head home before these roads get clogged down with travelers."
Stebe (Adventurer)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
It didn't hurt. Even when the bardic scoundrel Count Soren threw his arm around her to squeeze. It should hurt. It had hurt. But right now all she could feel is the warm embrace and purple paint dripping from his nose.

“You didn't need to paint me by ambush, Nerta. I already agreed to wear matching purple.” He squeezes her again, and her wound still does nothing. “Though I shouldn't be surprised. Can't take the wilderness out of the woman…”

Glittering eyes staring out from under the hood of that heavy cloak, her sour expression is all the more shadowy from her purple face paint. “I saw you in the arena. You sing better than you fight.” Even injured, she pokes his gut hard enough to slip free. “Also, I was tired of your moping. The Festival of Lights is about the end of winter, not sulking about losing in the second round of the tournament.”

Soren rubs his side and sighs with all the theatrics he can muster. “True enough, how can I make it up to you, oh festival-organising priestess? Maybe a dance around the coloured fires,” he gestures to her brandy stained cloak, “or a drinking contest featuring the famed Agyrian Ichor Brandy?”

The reminder of a stumbling reveller pouring most of a flagon on her, earned Soren an eye roll and a huff. “Later. I've got official matters to attend at the Academy.” The lie was a bitter weight on her tongue. “So why don’t you entertain a crowd of gawkers or something?” Somehow Soren of Seven Rivers let that slide leaving Nerta ‘the Weaver’ free to shove her way through, with spear in hand, toward the venerable house of learning. The deserted venerable house. Apparently even boring scholars and sages had poured into the city to enjoy the equinox festivities.

Her search reveals dozens of empty study rooms, workshops and libraries, along with an orphaned book in the middle of one hall. That tome earned an experimental prod with her spear, as though it might bite, and in a fashion it did. “Oh. Don’t touch that or I’ll forget.” An unexpected finger snaps from the side room. “Something… Crystal Cursed! What was it? Oh no.” Nerta pokes her head around the corner to find a workbench-lined study room that is practically mid-demolition. Every bench is piled with books, tools, and open flames that leave glassware bubbling. Perched atop a tall chair amidst the carnage is a spectacled woman surrounded by papers and dressed in an ink-stained tan shirt and black trousers. Her mountain of blonde hair is piled and pinned hap-hazardly, and her ice-blue eyes dart about the room.

“It wasn’t the translation. Oh. Hello. Do come in. Oh! Careful! Don’t touch that! Wait. Nevermind. That’s safe.” Fidgeting with her quill as Nerta stands motionless in the doorway, the blonde spins like an owl to point to one project after another. “It’s not that. Not that either. Ooo I should turn that off. Hmmm. Wait. Was I supposed to be somewhere? Are you here to get me? Sorry, I’m sorry.”

The seat teeters as the tall woman slips down and darts about the room in a last minute hunt for a jacket against the spring chill. Only Nerta’s steadying spear stops the tall stool from crashing into a bench of delicately carved wooden figures on the left. “I’m not here to collect you. I’m here looking for help, and so far you’re it.”

“Oh? That's good.” The blonde pauses. “I mean! N-Not good that you need help. I-I’m sure you’d rather not… You know. I’m going to stop there.” Breaking into a smile the woman folds her hands in front of her and continues with a musical tone. “Hello! How can I help you?”

Nerta’s precise movements pivot the tall chair out of the way and place her on the other side of the side table ladened with crusty bread and old cheese. “A month back I caught a blade in the arm which turned into a fever a week after. Since I was in prison at the time, the guards weren’t keen on prompt treatment.” The corner of her mouth twitches. “Why waste medical supplies on a prisoner when an army was fast approaching to put the city to siege? I got out, I got even, and I got treatment at the Temple of the Old Gods. I thought it was a full recovery. Until last week.”

Nerta slips her bandaged forearm from under her cloak. The clean linen wrapping is tight, but around the edges of fabric are wriggling black lines that move and twist under her skin. Painless black veins.

The spectacled woman doesn’t seem too worried about the admitted convict or her strange infection, and latches onto Nerta to inspect the limb. An experimental poke of the black veins sets them moving again, leading Nerta to extract her arm from the giggling blonde. “I’m glad it amuses you, Librarian, but can you help?” Silence fills the room as those ice-blue eyes flicker down the rough appearance of the purple painted guest. “You can’t read.” The arm vanishes back under the cloak with that flat statement. “Because if you could, you'd have gone to the medical wing.”

Insight earns a sour glare. “I've been all over this place and you're the first person I've run into. Can you help or not?”

“Help you learn how to read? That takes time. Help with your arm?” There's a pause as the Librarian glances around while chewing on a stray curl of hair. “Maybe.”

Spinning off, the blonde starts rummaging through various items, still talking as she works. “What happened a week ago that made it worse? Oh. That burner. Should turn that off.”

“I led a group of unprepared Patricians to the Pool of Black Whispers.” Her voice flat, Nerta’s dark eyes glitter in the fading light of the flame. “Right into a conclave of necromancers.”

The Librarian continues to chew on that curl of hair as she pulls a knife from behind the cooling glassware. “That… must have been horrible.”

The cloak rises with a shrug, Nerta’s words barely a whisper. “A shade plucked a strand of dark power from the air and used it to tear free a scream. Now it looks like this, but it doesn't hurt at all.”

The bright eyes of the Librarian seem to read the depths of that strangled anguish. “Oh.” Ruffling a few papers she frowns. “I need the burner, why’s it off? Silly me.” The cheery glow of the flame sparks to life once more and the knife soon dips into the heat. “You were dying. Necromancy, you know? I dabbled. Oh! Not in Necromancy. No no. I-I dabbled in studying Necromancy. Which," the rush of words pauses for a heartbeat, “I’m now realising, is also misleading. Um.”

Nerta sighs and raps her spear on the ground. "Focus Librarian. I understand your meaning. You don't strike me as a cultist to the cursed Crystal Maiden." A brief pause sees the knife slip from the flame now sporting a curl of soot across the edge. "In truth you barely strike me as a scholar, if only because you don't bore me."

“Good… I guess? Um.” The blonde adjusts her spectacles. “The original wound, it must have been from a black blade. Nasty things. Poisonous. Of a sort. The Elixir from the temple might have healed your wound, but it didn't remove that poison.”

Nerta eyes the knife, but sets her jaw. “And you can?”

The blonde pauses for several heartbeats, and when she continues, her voice is soft. “Do you know how they make the black blades? They grow them, in people. It’s a dead thing; that grows…” She shrugs, her voice breathless and sullen. “Necromancy at work.”

Nerta’s dark eyes widen and the arm slips back out of the cloak for inspection. “A black blade? But it doesn’t hurt.”

“Not yet.” The soft voice carries a hint of sadness. “It’s feeding on the pain. Given enough time…” she trails off and fidgets with her hair, “…you’ll lose an arm and get a free sword.” She winces and holds up her free hand. “I know. I know. Bad joke.”

Nerta exhales and leans against the central table piled with books for translation, but can't help a small smile. “I prefer spears and to keep my arms. So what are you going to do, cut it out?”

The woman's puzzled frown turns into a look of shock. “OH! No no, I-I was cleaning the knife so I could cut some lunch. I’m hungry,” her voice straining, “Sorry.”

Nerta sighs and scrubs her face as she rises from the supporting table. “Well thank you for your help, whoever you are. I guess I’d best head to the medical wing.”

The blonde woman cuts a slice off the old cheese and mumbles between bites. “I’m Lucia, and…” setting the cheese and knife next to the wooden figures, she reaches for the bandaged arm to begin unwinding the linen. “…and I don’t think the medical wing can help.”

“Fortune brought you here. This infection isn’t fully physical. Within your arm is a shard of the Necromancer’s malice. It tries to devour you from within. That you’ve survived even a week like this, tells me you might be okay.”

The exposed wound is alien, with pale white flesh along the edge of a blackish core made of a tar-like material that sticks to the bandage. As the long strands snap free of the linen one by one, Lucia pales and puffs her cheeks. “Oooo… you might be okay.”

Though the wound looks worse, it feels no different and Nerta eyes the increasingly alien limb with an air of calm. “So what then? Do I pray to silent Gods for a boon? The Wolf Lord will tell me to heal myself; the Dark Mistress would have me join her in death; the cultists of the Crystal Maiden caused this mess; the Ice Queen fated it all; and the Masked One cares not. Only the Ephemeral Emperor’s good luck has brought me here and you say even the vaunted scholars of the Academy can do nothing. Better to cut off my arm in that case.”

“That the most devout priestess of the Old Gods would offer her arm rather than a prayer tells quite a story.” The blonde smiles and begins to rub Nerta's bicep. “But we’ll save that for another time. Right now, I want you to think about something happy.”

After a heartbeat, Nerta barks out a laugh. “Happy? I’ve had precious little of that, Lucia.”

“I know, I know.” The woman pauses her massage and pushes up her glasses. “But just… try.” Nerta shrugs and scratches her nose. “The Festival of Lights is… nice. I've not been able to attend one in a few years now.”

“It does sound lovely. All the coloured fires, and the paints for lovers. I think I’d read about it once. Some sort of old Foederati celebration.” Lucia continues to massage Nerta’s arm while the painted woman's gaze hardens. “Yes…” The lingering silence contains an unspoken question of whether her heritage would be a problem, but Lucia either doesn’t notice, or doesn’t care.

“And you went for purple paint, the colour of the Eternal Flame here in Agyr. There must be someone special.”

Nerta props one foot against the chair. “An idiot bard with a taste for the exotic.” “Can you really blame him?” Lucia winks, those fingers digging in just above the wound. “I can, and do," Nerta's tone dry, mirth dancing in her eyes, "regularly.”

A giggle accompanies a careful massage back up the arm. "Sounds cute. Okay, you've got a bard, a festival. Friends?"

Nerta’s lips compress in a thin line. “I’ve met some I trust, many of them are dead now.” “Ah.” Though she wilts for a heartbeat, Lucia rallies. “Many, but not all. Does one come to mind?”

“I have a friend, Jacinda. I call her ‘the Driven’.” The Weaver’s voice softens. “She’s a fool; wants to save the world.”

“I see the two of you have something in common…” Fingers trace down the wriggling veins of darkness toward the pool of tar that marked the wound. “Okay, okay. Hobbies?”

The wanderer smiles faintly. “You could say I dabble in weaving.”

“Weaving? Oh. I see. Clever.” Lucia’s chin points down toward her ink-stained shirt. “Maybe you can make me a shirt later.”

Nerta's chuckle at the comment slides into a hiss of pain that tightens her voice. “W-What are you doing?”

“Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. I know it hurts, just think about the good times at the Festival, Soren, your grandmother’s songs. Almost…” “How…?” Twisting in the grip, something clicks and chitters in the back of Nerta’s mouth. It isn't a tongue. “...Soren. The songs. Priestess. I didn’t say… Y-You're an Auger.”

“Yes dear. Just a bit longer.” The massaging fingers dig in around the wound. Old black fluid, maybe blood, oozes as Nerta’s head swims and Lucia’s voice calls from far away. “You're doing well, your grandmother would be very proud. Just a bit more, focus on the happiest memories, focus on the love. It'll contain the malice.”

Contorting in Lucia's iron grip, Nerta can feel that dark power claw across her insides like a wild animal. The malice scrabbles, desperate for a solid hold and sinks talons into the meat of her heart. But the blonde slowly tears it free all while singing an off-colour drinking song. The hideous darkness does not go quietly and the flailing whip of anguish lashes through the Weaver as she sobs in pain. But the grotesque display was not in vain, and eventually, a thin black needle slips free of the wound.

The sliver of darkness jutting up from Nerta’s forearm pulses as though a beating heart, and begins to vibrate in the open air. Such a tiny thing had caused so much corruption, who can say what the shard of malice might do next. Not waiting to find out, Lucia stabs the cheese onto the needle before wrenching the entire thing free and hurling it into the flame.

Blackish blood is everywhere, splattered across papers, Nerta’s cloak, and Lucia in equal measure. Yet the woman merely smiles cheerfully and dabs at Nerta's rapidly colouring wound. “At least I got a bite of lunch first. Oh, and thanks for not biting me, Nerta. I know that hurt. I'll try to answer your questions while you collect yourself.”

“Yes I'm an Augur and get visions from the Ice Queen. A few months back she showed me that I needed to help someone who’d trip over a specific book in the hall. Well actually two someones. Apparently you today, and maybe this Jacinda later? Visions can be a bit vague in many ways and far too detailed in others.” A fresh bandage is pulled out from behind the wooden figures. “Anyway, everything I told you was true, with one exception. The poison. It’s fed by sadness and loneliness. Familiar companions for you, I'm sure. I'd suggest you lighten up: get a few more friends, hobbies, lovers if that does the trick, but I think you’re actually going to hit me right now…”

Nerta hisses and strikes the woman in the stomach as her jaw settles back into place. “And why not? Crystal Cursed, that hurt and, more importantly, you lied about cutting it out.”

Doubled over, the sneaky Librarian coughs and tries to catch her breath. “No, I misled. A knife wasn’t needed.” Lucia’s cheeks puffing, she exhales slowly. “Besides, the pain wasn’t caused by me but the shard of malice. Opening up, that can hurt but when we do, wonderful things can happen. We got a Festival of Lights because you decided to share part of your people’s heritage. That brings a lot of joy to a lot of folks.” Casting a glance toward the still smouldering wedge of cheese, she continues. “All that joy, friendship and love you’ve found is why I could pull the needle free. If you were still alone as when you started; nothing would have saved you.”

Her face paint smudged, Nerta refuses to turn from those brilliant, ice-blue eyes so full of care. Finally she nods and huffs aside a few stray hairs. “Then I guess I owe you my thanks, and a shirt.”

Lucia can’t fight a growing grin as she inspects her now almost black shirt. “This? I mean I get to run a new experiment. Figure out how the black blades grow.” Her words hitch before coming out in a rush. “Not that I’ll infect someone!” Clearing her throat, the distracted Librarian wrinkles her nose. “Ignoring that: if you’re offering, I'd love a violet shirt. Now head back to the festival and give Soren a kiss. He kind of saved your life. Sort of; Ish.”

The Weaver snorts, collects her spear and shakes her head. “Again? Great. Knowing our luck, I’ll have to save him by next week.”

As Nerta turns to leave, the blonde Librarian calls, “Oh. If you could grab the book about trapdoor spiders in the hall? I have to return it later and get one about pots & kettles.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)