Johnsson Family: Difference between revisions

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(46 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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One day a few of the ships arrived on Atamara, one of six islands within travel range of eachother. A seventh being talked about from time to time, which can only be reached by certain people.
One day a few of the ships arrived on Atamara, one of six islands within travel range of eachother. A seventh being talked about from time to time, which can only be reached by certain people.

The Johnssons were not known much on the islands and were minor nobles for a long time, until Karl, Klas, Sven and Harold started their careers. Their father is Gustav Johnsson, who died in battle 3 years after Sven's birth.
The Johnssons were not known much on the islands and were minor nobles for a long time, until Karl, Sven and Harold started their careers. Their father is Gustav Johnsson, who died in battle 3 years after Sven's birth.

There were also several bastards who belived they were Johnssons. One of which being Jon.
There were also several bastards who belived they were Johnssons. One of which being Jon.

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'''Titles:''' Viscount of Axzaloc
'''Titles:''' Viscount of Axzaloc

'''Age:''' 18
'''Age:''' 26

'''Religion:''' Pagan
'''Unique Items:''' [[Blessed Book of Abundance]], +6 prestige
'''Religion:''' Mapaxilism

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End of April 1014 - One of Sven's soldiers who foraged the battlefield found an ancient book and brought it to Sven, shortly after he got promoted to captain.
End of April 1014 - One of Sven's soldiers who foraged the battlefield found an ancient book and brought it to Sven, shortly after he got promoted to captain.

End of April 1014 - Sven travels to the swordfighting and jousting tournament in Suville. He leaves with a proud smile of not being last, he beat his first opponent in both sword and jousting.
5th of July 1014 - Aldarion appoints Sven as the lord of Axzaloc, Sven is now the first in his family to become a lord on these new continents.
May to middle of June - Several unexiting weeks of travel and crushing small units of undead and troop training went by.
Middle of June 1014 - Sven broke his oath to Thalmarus Talratheon, lord of Xotaxa, and swore fealty to Frosty Plaraveen, lord of Ptaphoc
1st of July 1014 - Sven's first battle alone, although only against 7 monsters with 50 archers. His unit pelts the monsters with arrows before they even reach them.
2nd of July 1014 - Sven's Guard fights along side with Nadina's unit Personal Guard and Pietro's unit Equinox force. They have 100 archers and 36 ranged Special Forces total, against an undead horde of 116. They pelt the undead with arrows for a few turns, but Pietro's Equinox force advance into melee with the undead and retreats soon at 21 men left. There are now only 41 undead left, now Sven's Guard and Nadina's Guard are forced to enter melee with the undead, Nadina's Guard makes an early retreat at only 3 casualties, leaving Sven's unit alone fighting the undead, they fight in melee for several hours until finaly Sven's Guard finaly wipes them out. He lost 1 unfortunate soul to the undead, and 6 got wounded. Later 2 of the wounded die from their wounds, the rest recover. Sven gains a magnificent 5 prestige and honor from the battle.

3rd of July - After the battle in Mattlu against the undead, Sven requests Aldarion Tezokian, Prime Minister of Talerium to become lord of Axzaloc
End of September 1014 - Sven was appointed Vice-Marshal of the Red Moon.

5th of July - Aldarion appoints Sven as the lord of Axzaloc, Sven is now the first in his family to become a lord on these new continents.
June 1015 - Sven lost his lordship and Vice-Marshalship of the Red Moon due to being captured and imprisoned by Minas Leon for 3 days.  

10th of July - Sven arrives in Hawthorne and joins the swordfighting tournament there.
Start of July 1015 - Sven got reappointed as lord of Axzaloc after a bit of paperwork and administration problems.

15th of July - The tournament has ended, but Sven did not even beat his first opponent.

Sven was not a very religious man, for some time, but when Kepler Dolohov, senior priest of Mapaxilism spoke to him, he imediatly realised that he had many similar ideals as Mapaxilism has. But he has decided that he shall learn more about all of these religions. This is what Sven has gathered so far from different religions: [[Johnsson_Family/Religion_Teachings|Religion Teachings]]

He is slightly ambitious, he does not always push for what he wants, but in certain cases waits. He currently dreams of one day being the lord of a great Citadel like Chocxal. And he wishes for war, though he does not belive in murder and pillage of peasants and their homes, he actualy frowns upon such actions, instead he belives in the glory of war, and he looks for fair fights against enemy nobles and their armies.
Sven is not a very religious man, he is a Pagan. But he has decided that he shall learn more about all of thes religions.
He is slightly ambitious, he does not always push for what he wants, but in certain cases waits. He currently dreams of one day being the lord of a great Citadel like Chocxal. And he wishes for war.

Even though he is not the oldest son of Gustav, he is the first who left home to start a career.
Even though he is not the oldest son of Gustav, he is the first who left home to start a career.
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'''Realm:''' Ar Agyr
'''Realm:''' Ar Agyr

'''Titles:''' Knight of Gor Ault
'''Titles:''' General of Ar Agyr, Vice-Marshal of the Angry Agyrian Army, Count of Trottie

'''Age:''' 21
'''Age:''' 29

'''Religion:''' Minor beliver in Sartanism
'''Unique Items:''' ([[Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano]], Destroyed)
'''Religion:''' Pagan beliefs

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14th of May 1014 - Karl starts his career in the Morek Empire
14th of May 1014 - Karl starts his career in the Morek Empire

End of May to middle of June - Karl does various civil works for the Morek Empire, and gains quite a bit of gold from his estate.
21st of June 1014 - Karl gives almost all of his gold to his family, and immigrates to Beluaterra, in doing so he brings fame to the family. His reasoning is that he is longing for war.

21st of June - Karl gives almost all of his gold to his family, and immigrates to Beluaterra. His reasoning is that he is longing for war.
29th of June 1014 - Karl joins the realm of Ar Agyr.

29th of June - Karl joins the realm of Ar Agyr.
24th of July 1014 - One of Karl's men finds the [[Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano]] while killing, raping and burning peasants in [[Iknopata]], [[Nothoi]]

1st of July - Karl participates in his first battle. But his unit, the Fireblades shed no blood themselves today.
Around the end of July 1014 - [[Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano]] breaks apart.  

2nd of July - Karl takes up an estate in Gor Ault and swears fealty to Nukem Blackwood, count of Gor Ault.
29th of June 1015 - Karl's men fail to loot anything from the peasants in Ren Madragas, instead they find a valuable ring in one of the peasants homes, the [[Ancient Girdle of Ice]].

2nd of July - Karl joins the church of Sartan.

Karl took a ship to Dwilight instead of starting a career on Atamara like his younger brother so that he may not be known as the one who stayed at home longer than his younger brother.
Karl took a ship to Dwilight instead of starting a career on Atamara like his younger brother so that he may not be known as the one who stayed at home longer than his younger brother.

He belives that you should honor your enemies.
He belives that you should honor your enemies and follow orders always.

And he is a content man.
He is a content man but he will accept any great tasks or positions in the council, aswell as lordships if offered the chance to do so.

==Harold (Paused)==

'''Realm:''' Cathay
'''Realm:''' (Cathay)

'''Titles:''' Knight of Pates

'''Age:''' 17
'''Age:''' 24

'''Religion:''' Belives a bit in Sartanism, but not recognised in their church.
'''Religion:''' Belives a bit in Sartanism, but not recognised in their church.
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10th of July 1014 - Harold joins the realm of Cathay and swears fealty to Optimus McGahee, Viscount of Pates.
10th of July 1014 - Harold joins the realm of Cathay and swears fealty to Optimus McGahee, Viscount of Pates.


He is like his brother Karl, and follows orders as well as he can always.
He is like his brother Karl, and follows orders as well as he can always. Except when it goes straight against his ambitions.

But he has much greater ambitiouns than Karl, he hopes to one day become the ruler of a realm and bring much fame to his family.
But he has much greater ambitions than Karl, he hopes to one day become the ruler of a realm and bring much fame to his family.
He is the youngest of the four brothers and the last to start a career for himself.

'''Realm:''' Sandalak
'''Titles:''' Knight of Sandalak, Crimson Blade of Sandalak, Heart Extractor, Son of Griffin
'''Age:''' 28
'''Faith:''' the Griffin
10th of July 1014 - Klas took an estate in Sandalak.
17th of July 1014 - Klas fought a great battle in the Caves of Guilt, Sandalak having 21442 CS and Taselak having 21536 CS. Sandalak won with a crushing victory. And Klas gains 5 honor and 3 prestige. But the Bloodblades have only 8 combat ready men left and 11 wounded.
26th of July 1014 - Klas got lightly wounded in a small battle against 1 Ikalak unit. But recovers the day after.
2nd of October 1014 - After wounding his 6th noble enemy, Klas was now known as the Crimson Blade of Sandalak.
25th of October 1014 - Klas decided to change the name of his unit from Bloodblades to Crimson Blades of the Griffin after his own title.
June 1015 - Klas participated in both the first and second assault on Taselak city.
15th of July 1015 - After drinking too much before arriving in enemy territory he accidentaly took a detour from the main army, getting ambushed by two enemy units, luckily another unit from the army was aiding him in the battle, and they won, the day after he was knocked out in his tent due to the drinking, and when he stepped out of his tent he saw his troops fighting outside, the enemy was too weak to do much damage and Klas managed to help and even wound an enemy noble.
July 1015 - Klas participated in the great third assault and takeover of Taselak city. He and his unit standing proudly ontop of the walls of Taselak, together with hundreds of other faithfuls, helping the slightly wounded and carrying the heavily wounded to the healers and their stations. Klas being among the slightly wounded with a "small" cut to his thigh trough his armor.
Klas is from a branch of Johnssons who appeared at the South Islands with their ships, cut of from the rest of the family as their great ships were too beaten up to sail anymore ever. They had to figure out a way to contact the rest of the family, so Klas as a 14 year old seeked all over the lands for a wizard that could help them, he finaly found one who was willing to help them, this way he established contact with the rest of the family.
Klas is a ruthless man that gives no mercy to his enemies if he is the one to decide.
He strives to become one of the greatest warriors and servants of Sandalak and the Griffin.
'''Realm:''' Caligus
'''Titles:''' Count of Winkamus
'''Age:''' 24
'''Faith:''' Trinitism
Start of September 1014 - Gregory started his career in Caligus.
End of September 1014 - Gregory is appointed lord of Winkamus.
Gregory is from a mostly forgotten branch of the Johnsson family. He is infact the last major noble from his branch and he strives to become a well known and famous noble to revive his branch of the family.

Latest revision as of 15:24, 18 July 2015

The Johnsson Family History

The Johnsson family were once rulers of a far spread empire on islands, far isolated from the rest of the world. But a few hundred years ago something horrible happened, a plague killed almost every peasant, pig, horse and even noble of the empire. Some tried to escape on boats, but almost all of those died to hunger or thirst, if they were not already infected with the plague.

But a few survived, these survivors tried to either live on on these islands, or load big ships with enough food to try to find new lands, that were not hit by this plague. The ones that traveled away with ships traveled for a long time before seeing land

One day a few of the ships arrived on Atamara, one of six islands within travel range of eachother. A seventh being talked about from time to time, which can only be reached by certain people.

The Johnssons were not known much on the islands and were minor nobles for a long time, until Karl, Sven and Harold started their careers. Their father is Gustav Johnsson, who died in battle 3 years after Sven's birth.

There were also several bastards who belived they were Johnssons. One of which being Jon.


Realm: Talerium

Titles: Viscount of Axzaloc

Age: 26

Unique Items: Blessed Book of Abundance, +6 prestige

Religion: Mapaxilism


7th of April 1014 - Sven started his career as a knight and warrior of Talerium in Xotaxa, the family home region.

End of April 1014 - One of Sven's soldiers who foraged the battlefield found an ancient book and brought it to Sven, shortly after he got promoted to captain.

5th of July 1014 - Aldarion appoints Sven as the lord of Axzaloc, Sven is now the first in his family to become a lord on these new continents.

End of September 1014 - Sven was appointed Vice-Marshal of the Red Moon.

June 1015 - Sven lost his lordship and Vice-Marshalship of the Red Moon due to being captured and imprisoned by Minas Leon for 3 days.

Start of July 1015 - Sven got reappointed as lord of Axzaloc after a bit of paperwork and administration problems.


Sven was not a very religious man, for some time, but when Kepler Dolohov, senior priest of Mapaxilism spoke to him, he imediatly realised that he had many similar ideals as Mapaxilism has. But he has decided that he shall learn more about all of these religions. This is what Sven has gathered so far from different religions: Religion Teachings

He is slightly ambitious, he does not always push for what he wants, but in certain cases waits. He currently dreams of one day being the lord of a great Citadel like Chocxal. And he wishes for war, though he does not belive in murder and pillage of peasants and their homes, he actualy frowns upon such actions, instead he belives in the glory of war, and he looks for fair fights against enemy nobles and their armies.

Even though he is not the oldest son of Gustav, he is the first who left home to start a career.


Realm: Ar Agyr

Titles: General of Ar Agyr, Vice-Marshal of the Angry Agyrian Army, Count of Trottie

Age: 29

Unique Items: (Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano, Destroyed)

Religion: Pagan beliefs


14th of May 1014 - Karl starts his career in the Morek Empire

21st of June 1014 - Karl gives almost all of his gold to his family, and immigrates to Beluaterra, in doing so he brings fame to the family. His reasoning is that he is longing for war.

29th of June 1014 - Karl joins the realm of Ar Agyr.

24th of July 1014 - One of Karl's men finds the Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano while killing, raping and burning peasants in Iknopata, Nothoi

Around the end of July 1014 - Dazzling Breastplate of the Vulcano breaks apart.

29th of June 1015 - Karl's men fail to loot anything from the peasants in Ren Madragas, instead they find a valuable ring in one of the peasants homes, the Ancient Girdle of Ice.


Karl took a ship to Dwilight instead of starting a career on Atamara like his younger brother so that he may not be known as the one who stayed at home longer than his younger brother.

He belives that you should honor your enemies and follow orders always.

He is a content man but he will accept any great tasks or positions in the council, aswell as lordships if offered the chance to do so.

Harold (Paused)

Realm: (Cathay)


Age: 24

Religion: Belives a bit in Sartanism, but not recognised in their church.


10th of July 1014 - Harold joins the realm of Cathay and swears fealty to Optimus McGahee, Viscount of Pates.


He is like his brother Karl, and follows orders as well as he can always. Except when it goes straight against his ambitions.

But he has much greater ambitions than Karl, he hopes to one day become the ruler of a realm and bring much fame to his family.

He is the youngest of the four brothers and the last to start a career for himself.


Realm: Sandalak

Titles: Knight of Sandalak, Crimson Blade of Sandalak, Heart Extractor, Son of Griffin

Age: 28

Faith: the Griffin


10th of July 1014 - Klas took an estate in Sandalak.

17th of July 1014 - Klas fought a great battle in the Caves of Guilt, Sandalak having 21442 CS and Taselak having 21536 CS. Sandalak won with a crushing victory. And Klas gains 5 honor and 3 prestige. But the Bloodblades have only 8 combat ready men left and 11 wounded.

26th of July 1014 - Klas got lightly wounded in a small battle against 1 Ikalak unit. But recovers the day after.

2nd of October 1014 - After wounding his 6th noble enemy, Klas was now known as the Crimson Blade of Sandalak.

25th of October 1014 - Klas decided to change the name of his unit from Bloodblades to Crimson Blades of the Griffin after his own title.

June 1015 - Klas participated in both the first and second assault on Taselak city.

15th of July 1015 - After drinking too much before arriving in enemy territory he accidentaly took a detour from the main army, getting ambushed by two enemy units, luckily another unit from the army was aiding him in the battle, and they won, the day after he was knocked out in his tent due to the drinking, and when he stepped out of his tent he saw his troops fighting outside, the enemy was too weak to do much damage and Klas managed to help and even wound an enemy noble.

July 1015 - Klas participated in the great third assault and takeover of Taselak city. He and his unit standing proudly ontop of the walls of Taselak, together with hundreds of other faithfuls, helping the slightly wounded and carrying the heavily wounded to the healers and their stations. Klas being among the slightly wounded with a "small" cut to his thigh trough his armor.


Klas is from a branch of Johnssons who appeared at the South Islands with their ships, cut of from the rest of the family as their great ships were too beaten up to sail anymore ever. They had to figure out a way to contact the rest of the family, so Klas as a 14 year old seeked all over the lands for a wizard that could help them, he finaly found one who was willing to help them, this way he established contact with the rest of the family.

Klas is a ruthless man that gives no mercy to his enemies if he is the one to decide.

He strives to become one of the greatest warriors and servants of Sandalak and the Griffin.


Realm: Caligus

Titles: Count of Winkamus

Age: 24

Faith: Trinitism


Start of September 1014 - Gregory started his career in Caligus.

End of September 1014 - Gregory is appointed lord of Winkamus.

Background: Gregory is from a mostly forgotten branch of the Johnsson family. He is infact the last major noble from his branch and he strives to become a well known and famous noble to revive his branch of the family.