Johnsson Family/Religion Teachings

From BattleMaster Wiki


Private Sermon

Kepler, a senior priest of Mapaxilism, comes to your place in response to the invitation you sent to him earlier, delivering you a private sermon:

Simply put, Lord Sven, Mapaxalists believe that this world is a reward to us for having lived virtuous past lives. The Makarians had it only part-right when they describe their Valhalla: drinking, carousing, fighting, and glorious battle? These are not the rewards of the next world, as they claim, but the rewards of this one! The gods -- who we do not name, out of respect -- intend this world for our reward, to enjoy and win glory in. It pleases them when we do honorable battle and perform deeds of bravery, daring, and cunning; we do these things out of gratitude to them for providing us this wonderful stage.

We must always remember that even our adversaries are similarly blessed. It does not please the gods to see us insult each other on the battlefield (unless of course it serves the higher purpose of goading the cowardly into combat!) but rather we should thank our opponents for giving us the opportunity to earn glory. Burning buildings, pillaging gold, massacres -- there is little glory in these things, they only subdue our opponents and lead to resentment. Taking land, fighting pitched battles, scaling walls, even assassinations are far more interesting to the gods.

As noble lords, we have the additional duty of ensuring that our knights have opportunities to win glory. We arm them, we teach them, and we do what we can to make sure there are battles for them to fight. Alas, Atamara is not a kind island for our religion: there is far too much emphasis on teaming up on realms, on only starting wars we are sure to win. We must fight this reticence in any way we can, not to seek our destruction but to prevent our knights succumbing to boredom and being influenced by cowardice.