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'''Important Letters from Amara'''
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
Why was I remove from the Luminary position? I understand that normally I'd have to be a priest, but I was given special permission to be whatever was needed in this war, as I am still a noble of Astrum, and expected to help however possible. If this war was not going on, I'd be a Priestess telling the people about the glories of the Stars and their influence on our lives.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Countess Mariah speaks what is in my mind, too. I was Luminary. I was given special permission to not be a Priestess until this war was over. Why? Because this war is political, and, politically, my realm is at war. I am an Astrumite. I am the Countess of Moses' End. And I am a warrior fighting so that my region is not brought into a realm to which it doesn't belong. I ask again, Justiciar Alaster, why was I removed from the office I was granted by Lights Rurik and Katrina? Why did you remove me from the Luminary position that I acquired through the proper format within the Charter?
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Once again, I agree with Countess Mariah. The Luminaries were there for a reason, a specific reason, one that I took very seriously. I was chosen, not because of the fact that I was a yes-woman, but in spite of me NOT being one. Afterwards, I played peacekeeper, trying to stop arguments before they occurred. I did my job and I did it well. Changes in the charter should not be something that the Justiciars can change by decree, emergency powers or not. They could, in their "infinite wisdom", do away with all other Elder ranks, as they did with mine. It's an abuse of a power they shouldn't even have, and I will not tolerate it. I will speak out against it, until I, too, am branded a heretic, if needed.
I am only doing what is right by myself and the rest of the Faithful.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Brother Cathan,
And the Luminaries? We were peacekeepers, trying to stop arguments before they escalated to the point that the Lights had to step in. I followed every order given by the Justiciars, I swore the oath in front of witnesses, the only thing I didn't do was become a Priestess, as that was impossible given the task of defeating Asylon.
I earned my place on the Elder Council, because I spoke out against Lady Jonsu and injustice in general. I should not have been removed on the whim of two people, no matter who they are. Emergency powers are fine, but they should exclude changes to the Charter.
Again, only what is best for the Faithful.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster, my fellow Faithful,
I have been the Luminary under Light Rurik for 12 days now. (Yes, I still consider myself Luminary.) Not once was I informed of this upcoming, and now recent, change. I knew that the Charter was to be changed, yes, but not once was I informed that it would be this soon. In fact, I even asked the Elder Council if there was anything I needed to know right after I joined them and this was Justiciar Alaster's response:
"Letter from Alaster Kabrinski<br>
Message sent to all elder members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
There really isn't anything specific I can think of. If anyone else has something you should know I'm sure they will speak up.
Don't be afraid to make a mistake I've never come down hard on anyone for there first or second offense. Its repeated offenses that get dealt with.<br>
Alaster Kabrinski<br>
Knight of Shinnen Purlieus<br>
Priest of Sanguis Astroism<br>
Justiciar of Sanguis Astroism"
After that, I went about my duties as Luminary, while also fighting this war of survival. Had I known that this change was even being discussed, let alone about to be brought into being by decree I would have spoken out against it. I am known for keeping things to myself, I am very straightforward with my beliefs. That is why I was chosen to be Light Rurik's Luminary, not because I took everything lying down. Therefore, I renounce this decree and this Charter. It is a fallacy. It MUST be repealed IMMEDIATELY.
Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
I have been through my letters again and again. If there was discussion about this change within the past 12 and a half days since I became Luminary, it was not shared with all of the Elders. Therefore, how am I to know about this? How was I to disagree with this decision, when I was not even privy to it?
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
That message was before I was named Luminary. Then, when I asked if there was anything I needed to know, you yourself said that there was nothing. Less than a day after that announcement. And, there are no messages in my letter at all concerning that until yesterday, when I was removed from office. No one informed me of any of this. You could have yourself, yet you did not.
Need I show you the letter that I sent again? Need I remind you that it was you who answered  it? Need I send THAT letter to you again, as well?
No, that is not a valid argument for me not knowing. Even on the member bulletin all it says is that reform is being discussed. ((OOC: It doesn't show where the Charter being discussed was LOCATED.)) I was unaware, no one pointed out where in the library it was, and I was removed without a vote. It is unacceptable.<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo  (Sent 4/28/2014)<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (53 recipients)<br>
Jealously guarding my Luminary status? How can I jealously guard against a position that I earned? One that I wasn't even informed was going to be removed? I was literally appointed the day after the announcement was made, and had no knowledge of it. The Bulletin board in the Sanctuaries of the Temples only mentioned that changes were going to be "discussed". I assumed that meant that someone would inform me of the particulars, especially since I had asked so specifically. If I have to, I will rewrite my letter and the response that I received. Although, to what I said to Alaster wasn't enough, nothing will be.
While reform was needed, this is the wrong way to go about it. The Luminaries were, and are, a peacekeeping position. We were there to stop petty arguments fro escalating. We were also closer to the people, though not as close as the Consuls, and could keep track of things a bit better.
Using me as a scapegoat, an example is fine, but I wasn't even privy to this announcement, even though I had asked the entire Elder Council if there was something I needed to know. The only person who answered was Justiciar Alaster, and he said that there wasn't. Had I known, had I been privy to this information, I would have argued vehemently against it.
I was not afforded the same honor as the ones who came before me, and had no voice in this decision at all. And then, to be forcefully removed, less than two weeks after my appointment, without any real explanation, and no chance to speak up is insulting.
I took my position seriously, and I think I did a fairly good job with my duties. Never once was I reprimanded, never one was I chastised, after I became an Elder.
Changes in the Charter should not be decided by two people, no matter their rank. Emergency powers should be limited, not absolute. The Charter should be changed, amended, replaced, or otherwise altered only by vote. What this decision creates is an oligarchy of sorts, one where two people have the absolute power to do anything. Using your emergency powers to change, amend, replace or otherwise alter the Charter is a fallacy. The Justiciars could, technically, remove every Elder Position except Justiciars, and then rule with an iron fist, or even change the teachings to suit their plans. It is dangerous.
As for the lack of Priests, I am not one, but only because of the war. As soon as it settles down, I was planning on reclaiming the cloth.
Faithful, these Justiciars are tyrants and as such, should not be leaders in this religion. While not a true dictatorship, they have created an oligarchy, one in which the only two people in the entire religion that are safe from demotion or removal are the Justiciars. I am proof of this, as I was demoted to a full rank member level without being previously informed, or even made aware of the possibility.
My question is, why would we diverge from the path set by the Holy Prophet himself? We a bad leader or two, fair enough, but that was no reason for the Luminaries or any other Elder to be spat upon. I had nothing to do with the Jonsu Heresy, in fact, I was one of the ones who stood up and spoke out. I also spoke out in favor of allowing Lady Jonsu to speak, which was an unpopular decision, but I stand by it. And finally, as Luminary, I sought to keep the peace amongst the Faithful, the only Elder to do so without resorting to brute force. This is the true path of Sanguis Astroism, not the perverted Charter forced fed to us from these tyrannical "Elders".<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
Anything I need to know, not anything I need to do or not do. That includes summaries of events, any discussions that might or might not be happening, any announcements that might or might not affect me or my duties, an any advice that anyone could give me. That I never spoke up about anything regarding this never struck you as odd? I, who have never been quiet about any controversial decision or topic? I, who was not afraid to speak my mind about anything or anyone, including the most powerful people in this religion? None of that struck you as odd? I believe that you are a mite out of it if it didn't.
Surely you didn't expect me to go along with this? We are a religion, not a government, and the rules should not have been arbitrarily changed without informing all of the involved parties. As I never received a scrap of information about any of this, I never spoke up. How could I? I was not privy to the information, and therefore, had nothing to go on.
Then, you two spring this, remove me from an office I held for less than two weeks, using an announcement made the day before as proof positive that everyone affected was informed? And then, in the entire nearly two weeks, not once did any Elder send me a letter or come up to me and tell me? Where is the justice in that, Justiciar? Your title is one who gives justice, and yet, I received none, not one iota.
Finally, you reprimand me because I didn't speak out before, and do now, and because I'm trying to preserve what is mine? I'm not a jealous person, that is beneath me, but I earned my place, and therefore, should keep that place until I prove I am unworthy of it.
With all the petty arguments, the one Elder that even tried to keep them straight was me. I did my duties, and now, I have nothing to show for it. I stand insulted, as I did everything that was expected of me, and more, and now, I was removed on the whims of two people, neither of which had anything to do with my appointment. I am not jealously guarding my status, as I saw myself as a servant, and did not use my position to threaten anyone. The status was merely a symbol, something that helped in my endeavors. The truth is, I would have done so, anyways, as I am not afraid to say anything. Never once did I use my status for personal gain. Everything I have done has been for the Church. I am merely protecting that ideal, which was embodied in the symbol, which was given to me by that status.
Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
(Personal message to Alaster Kabrinski)<br>
And yet, it seems that I was the only one unaware. Can you not see where I am coming from here? Since I was not privy, since I had no say, it feels like an insult. I was slighted, from the very beginning, by silence. Not once since you answered me did anyone speak up about this. Had I known, I would have given the same arguments as now.
As Luminary, I was given duties, specifically that of helping my Light. In theory, I should have been given any and all information, but all I got was a blanket "don't make too many mistakes, but it's ok to make a few" answer when I asked. No one else even saw fit to tell me anything. You didn't inform me of any announcement, and as of the day I was appointed, it was one day sooner. Since I had no way of knowing how the changes were to be made, or even, what the changes are, I had no voice in those changes.
Like I said earlier, any and all changes to the Charter should be the one thing that emergency powers cover. One of the reasons the Elder Council was there was to vote on things like this. But two people who can change the Charter on a whim is too dangerous. It is no conducive to a good relationship.
I never pretended I was your friend, and I never will. But my ambivalence towards you has nothing to do with my speaking out. When the Lady Jonsu was spouting her heresies, I was one of the few that spoke out against her being told to be silent until such time as the Elder Council excommunicated her. In case you forgot, I had a few debates with her about this and that, but I still tried to keep the peace. The Lady Jonsu is no friend of mine, but still, I wanted her to be able to speak until you Elders said otherwise.
The same went with Wassiley. He was not very popular, and you even demoted him to a Aspirant rank. I don't like him, but I called you out on it. And when the vote of confidence against Light Rurik, I also spoke out against it. I know I don't make popular choices, but all of them have been good for the Church.
Then there is the petty political debates as of late. People squabbling over politics in this Church was counter-productive, and I used my influence (not my power, my influence) to try and keep the peace. There were some who were calling for a Crusade, however, this war is political and should only be viewed as such. Yes, I made my response and you agreed.
Now, none of this matters, because two people, yourself and Helm, have made my work seem less worthy of recognition.
Sic itur ad astra,<br?
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Sirs Dazzle and Ern,
I understand your viewpoint, but I meant I am willing to go against the leadership of this Church (indeed, I have in the past) And say what i believe to be truth. And the truth here is that I and the other Luminaries (no I haven't forgotten them, but I've focused on myself specifically, as I do not know where the others stand on this) are being virtually ignored by our fellow Elders. We earned our places, the three (if there were three, can't remember) of us were removed because two people, Justiciars Alaster and Helm deemed it right. Two people, controlling the fate of this entire Church. Two people, who now have near unlimited power with this precedent. Two people, who have abused their position (especially Alaster, concerning Wassiley)  in a near constant way since they were granted emergency powers. That is the truth. There is no other, as the Charter reform is, in my eyes, null and void, and the original Charter, where Lights chose their Luminaries and the Luminaries became Lights, is the one that is in effect.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Margrave Isaiah,
Ex-Luminary? I am still Luminary, as it was not a title or office, but an ideal. One that this new "Charter" has defiled. I was not privy to the information, but that is just for starters. I have read it in its entirety, and it is a perverted version of the original. Lights should not be an elected position, since no human can tell the will of the Stars. The Luminaries were designed to be filled by someone whom the Light would be happy to replace them when they die, retire, or step down. In other words, someone who is also in tune with the Star that the Light represents. they were meant to be apprentices of sorts, learning the ropes from their mentor, while lightening the load of the Light so that he or she may concentrate on the governance of this Church. That was removed in this change.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Strategos Abek,
The loss of the title was merely the insult, the injury is far worse. I was not even notified of the impending changes, let alone given a chance to discuss it. If I had been able to make these arguments beforehand, to the Elder Council, while I was one, and then was given a vote on the matter, even had I lost, I would have accepted it, taken it in stride. As it is, I am not going to let this pass, as it was done without my knowledge. The Consul Khari was also elected afterwards, I know, but this decision did not affect her, as she already knew that her term was limited. When I asked for any information, and was not given any, I assumed there was none to be had.
I still counsel restraint, that will not change, however, this is one of the times where restraint hurts this Church more than it helps. Nothing I have ever done or ever will do, will intentionally hurt this Church. As a matter of fact, I have never and will never stand for injustice, at all. This is one of those times where speaking out is better for the Church than being reticent.
As for asking whether the title of Luminary still existed, in my eyes, it was never removed. It should never have been removed. Even if I wasn't Luminary, this is a truth I would hold on to. I am not protecting anything personal. That was an honor, a privilege, that I earned. I was ever the voice of reason in this Church, and will continue to be so, but it's more difficult without the symbolism that the Luminary title embodied. No one here has any doubt of my loyalties, they are with the Stars. But, being put into this position feels like being treated like a child. It's insulting for people to think I would remain silent on this, then impose their will upon me.
I have never spoken out against the emergency powers granted to the Justiciars until now. This is the one thing that should not be decided by two people, as it affects everyone in the Faith.
I have no qualms about being unpopular, and I have never hidden that. But this change to the Charter is a fallacy at best and tyrannical at worst.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (53 recipients)<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
How often was the Luminary that a Light chose NOT chosen to be the next Light? While, technically, there might have been an election, most of them became Luminary Hesheit is running for Light and have no opponent.
At least you can rescind this change for a few days to a week. Perhaps a new perspective will come to us when we have time to cool down?
And we need to rethink the emergency powers clause, as well, I think, limit those powers in some sort of fashion, like keeping the Charter out of it, and such. It is the only way this would be a fair way to govern this Church. Otherwise, it is an oligarchy with two members of the Church above reproach. No one would speak out, excepting me, if they feared that the Justiciars could simply remove their offices by changing the Charter through decree.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
I know the Elder Council wasn't filled, but instead of giving your current Elders, ones who have been faithful to the Faithful, a different position, and thus, filling those spots, you decided to demote the most vocal one (and another, from what I saw)? Where is your logic in that? How does that make sense?
I'll tell you, if you can provide one really logical reason, I will stop for now until I can come up with a counter to it. If not, then the decision wasn't the correct one.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
I have stated what I want to change. Rescind this change, at least for a week, let us discuss the emergency powers, and their bounds, and then bring this to a vote among the Faithful (not just the Elders, but all full members). If it is still put into power under its current form, then it is over. If not, we listen to the people, at what they want, and try to incorporate it. After it's finally approved, in whatever form, we elect the Elder positions that still exist, and go from there.
As for the bounds of the emergency powers, keep them much the same, but exclude changes to the Charter, of any form, as that should be voted on by more than two people.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Notice that filling the spots on the Elder Council is not on the agenda I set down until after the entire body of this Church vote on and pass a reformed Charter. Also notice that this will give the Justiciars some much needed limits on their power. And also note that this gives the Elders time to figure out their minds. Mine is made up, but the others might need convincing, for either side.
On a related note, this change could have waited until this war was over, as I know for a fact there are some, myself included, who would retake the cloth and become priests again.
Take your choice, both are fair ways to govern this Church. Either way, the change must be rescinded, as in the former, it will give us time to discuss, again, the change, and in the latter, it will be irrelevant.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
Once again, you skirt the main issue. I have stated multiple times that it's not the emergency powers that I have a problem with, it's the fact that they could be used to change the Charter. Either let this war end, and then bring it to a vote (with whoever, I said full members because it affects them, too), while keeping the Charter from before, or bring it to a vote with what Elders we had before, including the Luminaries. Do not use emergency powers to change it, as this is not a dictatorship or oligarchy, it is a religion. The Elders should have been allowed to vote on this. And, once again, I never said we had to fill the open spots on the Council.
That said, once these next couple of battles are decided, Unterstrom next, I assume, I will take the cloth back and will run. It was not my intention to cause discord, but this caught me unawares, without my having any knowledge of it, and thus, no voice in the decision. If I had, I might have proposed this change or another very similar one myself. It was needed, but it could have been handled better.
Next time, I have a suggestion: Do not use your emergency powers like that again. It was insulting that the most vocal member of the Elder Council was removed from said Council without any foreknowledge. I would have done something else if I had known, and it was rude to assume that everyone was okay with a change, especially when they didn't have any knowledge of it.
Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"<br>
Margrave Ismail,
No, you misunderstand. The insult is not losing the title, but not being informed of the upcoming possibility. I was on the Council, yet was not privy to any information about any of this. It was unfair, and insulting, to assume that I would agree with this, when I was not even knowledgeable about it.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism
Letter from Amara Angelo<br>
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (54 recipients<br>
Justiciar Alaster,
I understand that. However, wouldn't it have been prudent to add the new Elders into the conversation? I mean, I knew that there was a discussion, but as the Member's Board was never changed, I assumed that it was still up for discussion. I can look now, but it is still there.
Technically, you rescind this decision with your emergency powers, just like you brought it into power. It is a power that should never have been meant to include changes to the Charter, and if I had had any say, I would have proposed as such when the discussion about the change itself was happening. Even after, if I had known that the discussion was over, I could have moved to bring it back to the table for the new Consul and myself. We could have added our voice to the conversation, and maybe this controversy would not have occurred.
I apologize to anyone who took offense to this conversation or to whom I looked like a child, but I am very vocal about things I believe in. This was a change and we can work with it, but it was handled poorly by the two Justiciars. I, myself, handled the aftermath poorly, but I will not apologize for my words, merely the tone. I believe that I was, and am, right, and will never apologize for speaking the truth.
On a side note, as there is a vacant Light position, and it will be voted on soon, I will put forth my name now, if you'll allow it, and announce my candidacy. While I am currently not a Priestess, by the time this is put to a vote, I will be. Thank you.
Sic itur ad astra,<br>
Amara Angelo<br>
Countess of Moses' End<br>
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Latest revision as of 01:49, 29 April 2014


Important Letters from Amara

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster,

Why was I remove from the Luminary position? I understand that normally I'd have to be a priest, but I was given special permission to be whatever was needed in this war, as I am still a noble of Astrum, and expected to help however possible. If this war was not going on, I'd be a Priestess telling the people about the glories of the Stars and their influence on our lives.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Countess Mariah speaks what is in my mind, too. I was Luminary. I was given special permission to not be a Priestess until this war was over. Why? Because this war is political, and, politically, my realm is at war. I am an Astrumite. I am the Countess of Moses' End. And I am a warrior fighting so that my region is not brought into a realm to which it doesn't belong. I ask again, Justiciar Alaster, why was I removed from the office I was granted by Lights Rurik and Katrina? Why did you remove me from the Luminary position that I acquired through the proper format within the Charter?

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Once again, I agree with Countess Mariah. The Luminaries were there for a reason, a specific reason, one that I took very seriously. I was chosen, not because of the fact that I was a yes-woman, but in spite of me NOT being one. Afterwards, I played peacekeeper, trying to stop arguments before they occurred. I did my job and I did it well. Changes in the charter should not be something that the Justiciars can change by decree, emergency powers or not. They could, in their "infinite wisdom", do away with all other Elder ranks, as they did with mine. It's an abuse of a power they shouldn't even have, and I will not tolerate it. I will speak out against it, until I, too, am branded a heretic, if needed.

I am only doing what is right by myself and the rest of the Faithful.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Brother Cathan,

And the Luminaries? We were peacekeepers, trying to stop arguments before they escalated to the point that the Lights had to step in. I followed every order given by the Justiciars, I swore the oath in front of witnesses, the only thing I didn't do was become a Priestess, as that was impossible given the task of defeating Asylon.

I earned my place on the Elder Council, because I spoke out against Lady Jonsu and injustice in general. I should not have been removed on the whim of two people, no matter who they are. Emergency powers are fine, but they should exclude changes to the Charter.

Again, only what is best for the Faithful.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster, my fellow Faithful,

I have been the Luminary under Light Rurik for 12 days now. (Yes, I still consider myself Luminary.) Not once was I informed of this upcoming, and now recent, change. I knew that the Charter was to be changed, yes, but not once was I informed that it would be this soon. In fact, I even asked the Elder Council if there was anything I needed to know right after I joined them and this was Justiciar Alaster's response:

"Letter from Alaster Kabrinski
Message sent to all elder members of "Sanguis Astroism"
There really isn't anything specific I can think of. If anyone else has something you should know I'm sure they will speak up.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake I've never come down hard on anyone for there first or second offense. Its repeated offenses that get dealt with.
Alaster Kabrinski
Knight of Shinnen Purlieus
Priest of Sanguis Astroism
Justiciar of Sanguis Astroism"

After that, I went about my duties as Luminary, while also fighting this war of survival. Had I known that this change was even being discussed, let alone about to be brought into being by decree I would have spoken out against it. I am known for keeping things to myself, I am very straightforward with my beliefs. That is why I was chosen to be Light Rurik's Luminary, not because I took everything lying down. Therefore, I renounce this decree and this Charter. It is a fallacy. It MUST be repealed IMMEDIATELY.

Sic itur ad astra,

Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"

I have been through my letters again and again. If there was discussion about this change within the past 12 and a half days since I became Luminary, it was not shared with all of the Elders. Therefore, how am I to know about this? How was I to disagree with this decision, when I was not even privy to it?

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
That message was before I was named Luminary. Then, when I asked if there was anything I needed to know, you yourself said that there was nothing. Less than a day after that announcement. And, there are no messages in my letter at all concerning that until yesterday, when I was removed from office. No one informed me of any of this. You could have yourself, yet you did not.

Need I show you the letter that I sent again? Need I remind you that it was you who answered it? Need I send THAT letter to you again, as well?

No, that is not a valid argument for me not knowing. Even on the member bulletin all it says is that reform is being discussed. ((OOC: It doesn't show where the Charter being discussed was LOCATED.)) I was unaware, no one pointed out where in the library it was, and I was removed without a vote. It is unacceptable.
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo (Sent 4/28/2014)
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (53 recipients)
Jealously guarding my Luminary status? How can I jealously guard against a position that I earned? One that I wasn't even informed was going to be removed? I was literally appointed the day after the announcement was made, and had no knowledge of it. The Bulletin board in the Sanctuaries of the Temples only mentioned that changes were going to be "discussed". I assumed that meant that someone would inform me of the particulars, especially since I had asked so specifically. If I have to, I will rewrite my letter and the response that I received. Although, to what I said to Alaster wasn't enough, nothing will be.

While reform was needed, this is the wrong way to go about it. The Luminaries were, and are, a peacekeeping position. We were there to stop petty arguments fro escalating. We were also closer to the people, though not as close as the Consuls, and could keep track of things a bit better.

Using me as a scapegoat, an example is fine, but I wasn't even privy to this announcement, even though I had asked the entire Elder Council if there was something I needed to know. The only person who answered was Justiciar Alaster, and he said that there wasn't. Had I known, had I been privy to this information, I would have argued vehemently against it.

I was not afforded the same honor as the ones who came before me, and had no voice in this decision at all. And then, to be forcefully removed, less than two weeks after my appointment, without any real explanation, and no chance to speak up is insulting.

I took my position seriously, and I think I did a fairly good job with my duties. Never once was I reprimanded, never one was I chastised, after I became an Elder.

Changes in the Charter should not be decided by two people, no matter their rank. Emergency powers should be limited, not absolute. The Charter should be changed, amended, replaced, or otherwise altered only by vote. What this decision creates is an oligarchy of sorts, one where two people have the absolute power to do anything. Using your emergency powers to change, amend, replace or otherwise alter the Charter is a fallacy. The Justiciars could, technically, remove every Elder Position except Justiciars, and then rule with an iron fist, or even change the teachings to suit their plans. It is dangerous.

As for the lack of Priests, I am not one, but only because of the war. As soon as it settles down, I was planning on reclaiming the cloth.

Faithful, these Justiciars are tyrants and as such, should not be leaders in this religion. While not a true dictatorship, they have created an oligarchy, one in which the only two people in the entire religion that are safe from demotion or removal are the Justiciars. I am proof of this, as I was demoted to a full rank member level without being previously informed, or even made aware of the possibility.

My question is, why would we diverge from the path set by the Holy Prophet himself? We a bad leader or two, fair enough, but that was no reason for the Luminaries or any other Elder to be spat upon. I had nothing to do with the Jonsu Heresy, in fact, I was one of the ones who stood up and spoke out. I also spoke out in favor of allowing Lady Jonsu to speak, which was an unpopular decision, but I stand by it. And finally, as Luminary, I sought to keep the peace amongst the Faithful, the only Elder to do so without resorting to brute force. This is the true path of Sanguis Astroism, not the perverted Charter forced fed to us from these tyrannical "Elders".
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster,

Anything I need to know, not anything I need to do or not do. That includes summaries of events, any discussions that might or might not be happening, any announcements that might or might not affect me or my duties, an any advice that anyone could give me. That I never spoke up about anything regarding this never struck you as odd? I, who have never been quiet about any controversial decision or topic? I, who was not afraid to speak my mind about anything or anyone, including the most powerful people in this religion? None of that struck you as odd? I believe that you are a mite out of it if it didn't.

Surely you didn't expect me to go along with this? We are a religion, not a government, and the rules should not have been arbitrarily changed without informing all of the involved parties. As I never received a scrap of information about any of this, I never spoke up. How could I? I was not privy to the information, and therefore, had nothing to go on.

Then, you two spring this, remove me from an office I held for less than two weeks, using an announcement made the day before as proof positive that everyone affected was informed? And then, in the entire nearly two weeks, not once did any Elder send me a letter or come up to me and tell me? Where is the justice in that, Justiciar? Your title is one who gives justice, and yet, I received none, not one iota.

Finally, you reprimand me because I didn't speak out before, and do now, and because I'm trying to preserve what is mine? I'm not a jealous person, that is beneath me, but I earned my place, and therefore, should keep that place until I prove I am unworthy of it.

With all the petty arguments, the one Elder that even tried to keep them straight was me. I did my duties, and now, I have nothing to show for it. I stand insulted, as I did everything that was expected of me, and more, and now, I was removed on the whims of two people, neither of which had anything to do with my appointment. I am not jealously guarding my status, as I saw myself as a servant, and did not use my position to threaten anyone. The status was merely a symbol, something that helped in my endeavors. The truth is, I would have done so, anyways, as I am not afraid to say anything. Never once did I use my status for personal gain. Everything I have done has been for the Church. I am merely protecting that ideal, which was embodied in the symbol, which was given to me by that status.

Sic itur ad astra,

Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
(Personal message to Alaster Kabrinski)
And yet, it seems that I was the only one unaware. Can you not see where I am coming from here? Since I was not privy, since I had no say, it feels like an insult. I was slighted, from the very beginning, by silence. Not once since you answered me did anyone speak up about this. Had I known, I would have given the same arguments as now.

As Luminary, I was given duties, specifically that of helping my Light. In theory, I should have been given any and all information, but all I got was a blanket "don't make too many mistakes, but it's ok to make a few" answer when I asked. No one else even saw fit to tell me anything. You didn't inform me of any announcement, and as of the day I was appointed, it was one day sooner. Since I had no way of knowing how the changes were to be made, or even, what the changes are, I had no voice in those changes.

Like I said earlier, any and all changes to the Charter should be the one thing that emergency powers cover. One of the reasons the Elder Council was there was to vote on things like this. But two people who can change the Charter on a whim is too dangerous. It is no conducive to a good relationship.

I never pretended I was your friend, and I never will. But my ambivalence towards you has nothing to do with my speaking out. When the Lady Jonsu was spouting her heresies, I was one of the few that spoke out against her being told to be silent until such time as the Elder Council excommunicated her. In case you forgot, I had a few debates with her about this and that, but I still tried to keep the peace. The Lady Jonsu is no friend of mine, but still, I wanted her to be able to speak until you Elders said otherwise.

The same went with Wassiley. He was not very popular, and you even demoted him to a Aspirant rank. I don't like him, but I called you out on it. And when the vote of confidence against Light Rurik, I also spoke out against it. I know I don't make popular choices, but all of them have been good for the Church.

Then there is the petty political debates as of late. People squabbling over politics in this Church was counter-productive, and I used my influence (not my power, my influence) to try and keep the peace. There were some who were calling for a Crusade, however, this war is political and should only be viewed as such. Yes, I made my response and you agreed.

Now, none of this matters, because two people, yourself and Helm, have made my work seem less worthy of recognition.

Sic itur ad astra,<br? Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Sirs Dazzle and Ern,

I understand your viewpoint, but I meant I am willing to go against the leadership of this Church (indeed, I have in the past) And say what i believe to be truth. And the truth here is that I and the other Luminaries (no I haven't forgotten them, but I've focused on myself specifically, as I do not know where the others stand on this) are being virtually ignored by our fellow Elders. We earned our places, the three (if there were three, can't remember) of us were removed because two people, Justiciars Alaster and Helm deemed it right. Two people, controlling the fate of this entire Church. Two people, who now have near unlimited power with this precedent. Two people, who have abused their position (especially Alaster, concerning Wassiley) in a near constant way since they were granted emergency powers. That is the truth. There is no other, as the Charter reform is, in my eyes, null and void, and the original Charter, where Lights chose their Luminaries and the Luminaries became Lights, is the one that is in effect.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Margrave Isaiah,

Ex-Luminary? I am still Luminary, as it was not a title or office, but an ideal. One that this new "Charter" has defiled. I was not privy to the information, but that is just for starters. I have read it in its entirety, and it is a perverted version of the original. Lights should not be an elected position, since no human can tell the will of the Stars. The Luminaries were designed to be filled by someone whom the Light would be happy to replace them when they die, retire, or step down. In other words, someone who is also in tune with the Star that the Light represents. they were meant to be apprentices of sorts, learning the ropes from their mentor, while lightening the load of the Light so that he or she may concentrate on the governance of this Church. That was removed in this change.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Strategos Abek,

The loss of the title was merely the insult, the injury is far worse. I was not even notified of the impending changes, let alone given a chance to discuss it. If I had been able to make these arguments beforehand, to the Elder Council, while I was one, and then was given a vote on the matter, even had I lost, I would have accepted it, taken it in stride. As it is, I am not going to let this pass, as it was done without my knowledge. The Consul Khari was also elected afterwards, I know, but this decision did not affect her, as she already knew that her term was limited. When I asked for any information, and was not given any, I assumed there was none to be had.

I still counsel restraint, that will not change, however, this is one of the times where restraint hurts this Church more than it helps. Nothing I have ever done or ever will do, will intentionally hurt this Church. As a matter of fact, I have never and will never stand for injustice, at all. This is one of those times where speaking out is better for the Church than being reticent.

As for asking whether the title of Luminary still existed, in my eyes, it was never removed. It should never have been removed. Even if I wasn't Luminary, this is a truth I would hold on to. I am not protecting anything personal. That was an honor, a privilege, that I earned. I was ever the voice of reason in this Church, and will continue to be so, but it's more difficult without the symbolism that the Luminary title embodied. No one here has any doubt of my loyalties, they are with the Stars. But, being put into this position feels like being treated like a child. It's insulting for people to think I would remain silent on this, then impose their will upon me.

I have never spoken out against the emergency powers granted to the Justiciars until now. This is the one thing that should not be decided by two people, as it affects everyone in the Faith.

I have no qualms about being unpopular, and I have never hidden that. But this change to the Charter is a fallacy at best and tyrannical at worst.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (53 recipients)
Justiciar Alaster,

How often was the Luminary that a Light chose NOT chosen to be the next Light? While, technically, there might have been an election, most of them became Luminary Hesheit is running for Light and have no opponent.

At least you can rescind this change for a few days to a week. Perhaps a new perspective will come to us when we have time to cool down?

And we need to rethink the emergency powers clause, as well, I think, limit those powers in some sort of fashion, like keeping the Charter out of it, and such. It is the only way this would be a fair way to govern this Church. Otherwise, it is an oligarchy with two members of the Church above reproach. No one would speak out, excepting me, if they feared that the Justiciars could simply remove their offices by changing the Charter through decree.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster,

I know the Elder Council wasn't filled, but instead of giving your current Elders, ones who have been faithful to the Faithful, a different position, and thus, filling those spots, you decided to demote the most vocal one (and another, from what I saw)? Where is your logic in that? How does that make sense?

I'll tell you, if you can provide one really logical reason, I will stop for now until I can come up with a counter to it. If not, then the decision wasn't the correct one.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster,

I have stated what I want to change. Rescind this change, at least for a week, let us discuss the emergency powers, and their bounds, and then bring this to a vote among the Faithful (not just the Elders, but all full members). If it is still put into power under its current form, then it is over. If not, we listen to the people, at what they want, and try to incorporate it. After it's finally approved, in whatever form, we elect the Elder positions that still exist, and go from there.

As for the bounds of the emergency powers, keep them much the same, but exclude changes to the Charter, of any form, as that should be voted on by more than two people.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"

Notice that filling the spots on the Elder Council is not on the agenda I set down until after the entire body of this Church vote on and pass a reformed Charter. Also notice that this will give the Justiciars some much needed limits on their power. And also note that this gives the Elders time to figure out their minds. Mine is made up, but the others might need convincing, for either side.

On a related note, this change could have waited until this war was over, as I know for a fact there are some, myself included, who would retake the cloth and become priests again.

Take your choice, both are fair ways to govern this Church. Either way, the change must be rescinded, as in the former, it will give us time to discuss, again, the change, and in the latter, it will be irrelevant.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Justiciar Alaster,

Once again, you skirt the main issue. I have stated multiple times that it's not the emergency powers that I have a problem with, it's the fact that they could be used to change the Charter. Either let this war end, and then bring it to a vote (with whoever, I said full members because it affects them, too), while keeping the Charter from before, or bring it to a vote with what Elders we had before, including the Luminaries. Do not use emergency powers to change it, as this is not a dictatorship or oligarchy, it is a religion. The Elders should have been allowed to vote on this. And, once again, I never said we had to fill the open spots on the Council.

That said, once these next couple of battles are decided, Unterstrom next, I assume, I will take the cloth back and will run. It was not my intention to cause discord, but this caught me unawares, without my having any knowledge of it, and thus, no voice in the decision. If I had, I might have proposed this change or another very similar one myself. It was needed, but it could have been handled better.

Next time, I have a suggestion: Do not use your emergency powers like that again. It was insulting that the most vocal member of the Elder Council was removed from said Council without any foreknowledge. I would have done something else if I had known, and it was rude to assume that everyone was okay with a change, especially when they didn't have any knowledge of it.

Sic itur ad astra, Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism"
Margrave Ismail,

No, you misunderstand. The insult is not losing the title, but not being informed of the upcoming possibility. I was on the Council, yet was not privy to any information about any of this. It was unfair, and insulting, to assume that I would agree with this, when I was not even knowledgeable about it.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism

Letter from Amara Angelo
Message sent to all full members of "Sanguis Astroism" (54 recipients
Justiciar Alaster,

I understand that. However, wouldn't it have been prudent to add the new Elders into the conversation? I mean, I knew that there was a discussion, but as the Member's Board was never changed, I assumed that it was still up for discussion. I can look now, but it is still there.

Technically, you rescind this decision with your emergency powers, just like you brought it into power. It is a power that should never have been meant to include changes to the Charter, and if I had had any say, I would have proposed as such when the discussion about the change itself was happening. Even after, if I had known that the discussion was over, I could have moved to bring it back to the table for the new Consul and myself. We could have added our voice to the conversation, and maybe this controversy would not have occurred.

I apologize to anyone who took offense to this conversation or to whom I looked like a child, but I am very vocal about things I believe in. This was a change and we can work with it, but it was handled poorly by the two Justiciars. I, myself, handled the aftermath poorly, but I will not apologize for my words, merely the tone. I believe that I was, and am, right, and will never apologize for speaking the truth.

On a side note, as there is a vacant Light position, and it will be voted on soon, I will put forth my name now, if you'll allow it, and announce my candidacy. While I am currently not a Priestess, by the time this is put to a vote, I will be. Thank you.

Sic itur ad astra,
Amara Angelo
Countess of Moses' End
Knight of the Temple of Sanguis Astroism