Ironsides Family/Bowie/Dizzy Duck: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with " ==Reunion== ''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides<br> ''Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel It had been so long since Bowie was in Port Raviel. Exploring the stree...")
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Latest revision as of 18:30, 26 April 2013


Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

It had been so long since Bowie was in Port Raviel. Exploring the streets it looked familiar but different to him. He strolled down its laneways and boulevards and sometimes smiled, sometimes frowned, at the memories each spot invoked. Finally he found his destination. It was the Dizzy Duck, a tavern for the D'Haran nobility. The building looked much older and worn than when he last saw it. The memory of the last time he was here flashed in his mind. Last here, he and that scoundrel Rathan Himoura were plotting to overthrow Cenarious Stormrage. That was the beginning of Bowie's departure from D'Hara... Bowie entered and found a comfortable seat inside.

He awaited anyone who wished to come and join him for a drink and a chat. He hoped his friend Lord Machiavel would know to find him here, and he hoped the D'Harans still patronized the Dizzy Duck and thus he could meet them and chat with them too. There was still time before the coronation and wedding began, Bowie intended to enjoy his vacation away from Swordfell. Enjoy it to the fullest!

Roleplay from Riannon Yates
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel Riannon and Dietmond, the captain of her unit, had found their way to the "Dizzy Duck". The streets were mostly clear, with only a few people just having woke up. Riannon was used to it, the Yates family frequently preferred to work in the nights.

"Seems respectable, I hope we can find him in there", Riannon told to her second-in-command.

Dietmond responded with a drawl of "I just hope that his demon stays quit."

"He said it was easier for him to keep under control, I wouldn't worry."

"Just don't do anything that could get you hurt"

"I wont, thanks."

The two entered the tavern and began searching for Bowie Ironhide.

Roleplay from Daemon Maloudi
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

The young knight, formerly of Terran, landed for the first time upon the docks of Port Raviel. His men make a commotion while gathering their equipment and personal effects, but he pays the noise of logistics no mind. Captain Arnulf, the commander of his personal guard, approaches Daemon silently, appreciating the gravity of the change the knight had just made. Daemon waves a hand to the man, beckoning him to his side.

"Arnulf, the men have earned their shore leave," he says to the captain, his eyes fixed upon the southern horizon to their former home. "I want them on their best behavior; D'Hara will not see any ... breaches in conduct from our men," he finishes.

The captain yes-sirs him and turns his attention to the men disembarking, the coarse barking of orders lost over the waves. Daemon pays the ship's captain the remainder of the balance owed for travel, his purse considerably lighter than his custom. He inquires about the noble nightlife of the port, the answer a "Dizzy Duck." He raises an eyebrow at the name, but turns and strides towards the direction he had been given, eager to make some new friends in his new home.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Heavy activity could be heard outside, an obvious and unusual military presence taking place. Some tried to look out from the windows, but soldiers had stationed themselves in front of them, before some of them starting pouring inside, inspecting the area to secure it. It could quickly be seen that these were not common rank-and-file troops for the armies, but rather elite members of the palace guard, coming up to the table where Bowie and Machiavel were. The captain came up to Bowie, and made his announcement: "Her Royal Highness, Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides!"

She came out from behind, seemingly from nowhere so much the guards were obstructing the view, in an elegant white robe and cloak covered in silver linings depicting dragons and other religious symbols. She smiled to Machiavel, but was obviously in tears as she saw Bowie, for the first time since she could remember.

Letter from Riannon Yates
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

"I think that might be him", Riannon told Dietmund, gesturing toward a man who had seen them. The two of them approached; and she asked "Hello sir. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but are you the Imperator of Swordfell?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Bowie savoured his glass of rye. He was a long way from home, or at least his new home. Times past D'Hara was his home. He lived in Port Raviel once. Afterward, he lived in Qubel where he lorded the region. He savoured these memories the way he savoured his liquor.

Then a woman caught his eye, a young woman with intent in her eye. Maybe she was lost and seeking a guide? Or maybe, just maybe, she was looking for him?

And who else might he find in a social club such as this? Patrons from all over D'Hara surely must still take time off their busy administrative or martial lives?

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Heavy activity could be heard outside, an obvious and unusual military presence taking place. Some tried to look out from the windows, but soldiers had stationed themselves in front of them, before some of them starting pouring inside, inspecting the area to secure it. It could quickly be seen that these were not common rank-and-file troops for the armies, but rather elite members of the palace guard, coming up to the table where Bowie and Machiavel were. The captain came up to Bowie, and made his announcement: "Her Royal Highness, Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides!"

She came out from behind, seemingly from nowhere so much the guards were obstructing the view, in an elegant white robe and cloak covered in silver linings depicting dragons and other religious symbols. She smiled to Machiavel, but was obviously in tears as she saw Bowie, for the first time since she could remember.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Bowie looked up at the question from the young Lady Riannon.

"Yes, I am the Lord Imperator, and what lightening has struck me to be in the presence of such a beauty? Please have a seat so we may learn more than just each others names..."

But a clamber interrupted the introduction as soldiers poured into the Dizzy Duck. At first, Bowie was nervous that this was some kind of retribution against him for deeds past. Then he heard the announcement, "Her Royal Highness, Dragon Princess Selena Ironsides!"

Selena! Bowie rose to meet her. He had no picture of her in his mind, no visual to compare save for the little baby she was when he left her. Before him now stood a woman! More than this, she was primed to be the Dragon Queen. With slow and careful movements he took her hand and pressed it to his lips. "My sweet child, I am sorry." She wept more as they embraced, not tears of anger as he expected, tears of reunion. They held one another for a time and he pulled off to get a look at her. She had his green eyes and his mothers black hair.

"There is so much to say, so much to learn about each other. Perhaps you've only known my name via stories and legends? Perhaps you only know my reputation, rather than me? I...I am sorry that I was not your father, not the father I should have been, but despite my failings, the circumstances I saved you from suffering by giving you to Dragon Queen Kisharianda far exceed the life of roguery and villainy I swathed. Maybe you grew up wondering, yearning to know who I was or why I had to give you up, but this day, this moment proves that I was right all along. You are royalty, Selena. You have a future, a comfortable life, you have a King to serve and to wait on, and a realm to command should you need it. I could never give you these things...I could only give you sorrow."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Selena could not hold back her tears, the changes were just too great and too quick. Cenarious' death, the engagement, and now finally meeting her father. She doubted that she had lived as much drastic changes in her entire life as in the last months, hers being a shielded life of peace and ceremony. "F... f... father... I've thought about you so much. They would not talk much about you, I would gaze out of the windows thinking about you, wondering on what kind of adventures you were, how these mountains of yours were like, who the people you commanded were like." Machiavel bowed, and courteously offered her a tissue which she promptly wiped her tears with. She quickly thanked him before returning her attention to Bowie. Machiavel, who knew of her intent to arrive, took no offense and silently sat back to take his tea. "By the dragons, tell me, father, tell me about yourself, about these eastern lands you live in. Why did you not come before?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Bowie sat down in the booth with the Dragon King, and invited his daughter, Dame Riannon and whomever was around to join them.

"I always intended to visit, but when Cenarious was alive it would not have ended well. He and I did not get along. Part of the reason I was exiled from D'Hara, well actually, the reason I was exiled was for plotting to overthrow Cenarious. He was a poor ruler who did not earn his throne, I believed. Who knows, if my plan had gone through you and I could have spent our whole lives together? I could have been a Dragon King, and you would have been a princess once again."

He paused to collect his thoughts and regrets.

"Oh, Swordfell? It is a land of opportunity and raw potential! It harkens back to the days when Dwilight was a frontier where any noble who had ambition or quality could make something of himself. I could spend hours describing the beauty of the land, from the mountains to the peninsula, but how about you come see it for yourselves? For your honeymoon? You can stay in Casino Ironsides, my former estate by the sea in Flowrestown. There is a garden there, and a temple for our worship....You do still honour our lost religion, do you not? I've learned that your husband has given in to the pressures of theocratism, but not you? Please tell me not you?"

The question caused unease at the booth. Most would not be so direct in their questioning, but Bowie was never shy from asking the hard questions.

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Selena listened to every word, too overwhelmed by emotions to know what to think of any of it. She loved Cenarious so much, but when Bowie said it was his fault they could not meet before, she knew it to be true. Cenarious had never wanted to talk about it, and became quite irritated whenever she would bring it up. Vivid pictures of beautiful landscapes went through her mind as Bowie told her of his lands. She had always been told that the lands beyond the coasts were uncivilized, harsh, brutal. But she always believed that it could not be all bad, that jewels of beauty must exist in these foreign lands. Her sole expedition out of D'Hara, to Dragon Roost, proved as much, for despite the harshness of the trek she will always remember the awe-inspiring might of the mountains. She took a moment to answer, overwhelmed by Bowie's own questions, before Machiavel replied for her. "Imperator, she is The Way of the Dragon's High Priestess. She has not converted to the stars."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Bowie smiled and laughed a bit, "I am pleased to hear that! Pleased and proud. It is very important that your wife retains the traditions and rituals of these islands. Worship of the Dragons is the indigenous faith of the Tomb Islands, of her adopted mother, Lady Kisharianda, and myself. If Selena were to renounce her heritage she would make the entire Dragon royal family null and void. Remember that, Lord Machiavel, that is the hinge to which your whole dynasty depends on, derives from."

He sat back in thought. "It is strange. It is unusual that Selena and I are the last two Draconists left on the continent." His eyes gazed passed those present before him. "If only the Great Dragons would pronounce themselves once again in the world we could be rid of this star tyranny...we could surface and restore the glory and strength of our faith!" His eyes fell to Machiavel.

"Dragon King, my friend, I know you are an Astromancer. I also know that you will receive criticism and slander against you on account of marrying my daughter, not just because of her pedigree but largely because I stand as one of the few opponents of theocratic Astromancy. I ask you, as a man, as a noble, and as the imminent husband of my daughter, will you protect her from the zealots and fanatics within your faith? I have fought with them with words and swords for most of my life. I am used to it, it is second nature for me, but she is innocent. If the Prophet commands you to take her head in the name of the Bloodstars promise me you will defy him. Promise me that you retain some integrity and dignity despite your conversion. I am willing to overlook the fact that you bought into that religion so long as you state it clearly that it shall never in anyway endanger my daughter or your future children together! I am making this part of the agreement between you and I over your marriage into my family. Ensure that there is a safe environment for my bloodline amidst your Astromancer ways. We are Draconists, free of submission to the effects of those stars!"

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Machiavel rose up and passed his hand on Selena's cheek to comfort her. "Do not worry, my love, he will be here for many days still, you will be able to meet him again. But you should go, now, and prepare."

He then turned to Bowie. "I converted following the sermons of the Holy Prophet at the Prime Minister's wedding. You could say I am a convert of the theology of the Open Hand. Ignoring the fact that I have faith he would never ask such a thing, such a command would be a violation of this theology and an attack upon faith. Should such a command be given, I would know it to be the result of unholy influence, and not divine instructions. Besides... the Dragons, the Elements, the Stars... I see a certain trinity, almost prophetic. I will work hard to spread the faith, but I will not do it by crushing all of those that I once called brothers or friends. In the North there may be little room left, but there is much I can do in the South without stepping on too many toes. But my friend, now I must go and prepare. If you wish, you can come along with me to the Palace."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Bowie smiled and nodded, "Yes, I can hear celebrations outside commencing. Sounds like a parade? You two should definitely return to your keep to prepare for the ceremonies. I will stay here a bit longer before joining the crowds outside."

He shook Machiavel's hand firmly, a handshake of union, and then kissed his daughter's cheeks. "I will see you shortly, Selena. Time to get ready!"

He sat back down to finish his drink. He turned to Dame Riannon,

"So, that was the Dragon King and Queen. What did you think? Glamourous?" He smiled.

Roleplay from Riannon Yates (1 day, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel (11 recipients) "It was a pleasure meeting both of you, Dragon King and Queen," Riannon said to Machiavel and Selena as Bowie sent them off.

She turned her attention to Bowie to answer his question, "Seeing the reunion of three royals, that will be a story to tell."

Roleplay from Machiavel Chénier
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Machiavel and Selena hurried off to the palace, discussing matters to come with each other once out of reach.

Celebrations had begun, there was a parade and much music throughout the city. The streets were full of people, many having come from all corners of the realm and even from abroad, to witness the events. A score of foreign merchants had taken the opportunity to sell their exotic products, and all kinds of unique or outright strange products and activities could be observed in these densely-packed sinuous alleys.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Port Raviel

Finishing a final drink of salute, Lord Imperator Bowie rose from his booth. Stretching out his hand he offered it to Dame Riannon, "Come, young lady, it is time we join the festivities. Today marks the first day of Summer. The purpose for my being here begins now."

She took his hand and he led her outside into the city, out into Port Raviel to join and participate in the gathering of royalty and nobility.