McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/wounded: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell''' Deianarah was sitting atop her horse, headed to their next destination with her men when she heard a whining noise in the distance. Frowning, she lo...)
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'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Deianarah was sitting atop her horse, headed to their next destination with her men when she heard a whining noise in the distance. Frowning, she looked in the direction it seemed to be coming from and stopped Loach.
Her captain stopped with her and she waved him on. Taking her horse further off the side of the trail, she stopped and listened again. Slipping off, she walked a bit and walked over some fallen branches further into a small gathering of trees and peered closer.
On the ground was a small white ball of fur. Her brow furrowed and she kneeled on the ground. Reaching in, she withdrew her hand when a small head popped up and blue eyes looked directly at her. “aww… aren’t you just adorable,” she said her voice soft and the little pup, yipped at her and whined. Well she had found the source of the noise. A small pitiful whine filled the air again and she bit her lip, feeling sorry for the small animal. Looking around, she wondered where its mother was but she knew she wouldn’t find her. She would have been there by now.
Scooping the animal she tucked it into the crook of her arm and returned to her horse. She pet him softly and he quickly nibbled on her fingers, clutching her hand with enormous paws. “ow…” she giggled as his small teeth pricked her skin, then she took his paws in her hands and examined the rest of it. “Looks like you have a <i>lot </i> of growing to do still, boy. We’ll get you something to eat soon,” she soothed and climbed atop her horse once more. The small pup shivered and she brought her cloak around to cover him.
Her Captain noticed the small animal and frowned. “I know Johann,” she said before he could say what was reflected in his eyes. “What else would you have me do? Let him starve and die? He needs someone to take care of him,” she defended and held it protectively to her body. “I’ll find a home for him…” she promised softly and scratched his tummy. She couldn’t help but admire his white coat and smiled. “Well I know someone who’s going to like your coloring at least,” she said and continued to pet him until he fell asleep.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah’s eyes fluttered open and she moaned in pain. The tent around her was unfamiliar and she blinked. Someone was at her side and she frowned as he felt her forehead and then raised her arm and she cried out with pain. As she did her abdomen flared with a burning sensation. “What in blazes…” she gritted her teeth angrily and he ignored her, continuing to change her bandage.
“Ahh you’re awake,” he noted, then quickly added, “stop moving.” Glaring at him she stopped trying to resist.  She didn’t ask where she was, she could obviously tell by his handling and the pain in her arm and abdomen she had been wounded and was still in Azros. That made her sit up and she regretted the motion instantly and lay back down.
“We have to leave,” she said swiftly and the Doctor nodded. “Yes when you’re in a better state to do so. Now please,” he said with exasperation as she moved again. She watched impatiently as he removed the bandage revealing a gash across her arm, it was pretty deep and had been sutured, she hissed as he added ointment to it. That done, he then moved on to her abdomen. When he cut the bandage away she looked down and away as he wiped away the blood. Well at least there were no sutures as it wasn’t very deep, but she preferred not to watch. When he was done, she waited for him to leave and pulled off the blanket. She tried to get up and the pain made her hold her breath.
She grabbed her belongings and left. It didn’t take her long to find her Captain, and seeing her struggling to approach, he was immediately at her side. “We need to leave, now,” she said as she leaned heavily on his arm and he quickly nodded and looked back to the healer’s tent. “We should wait until you’re better,” he suggested and she shook her head.  “No… who knows what’s going to happen if we stay here, there are Soliferans all around and I won’t just sit here waiting for them.” She closed her eyes remembering the battle and cursed under her breath, something had gone terribly wrong.
She walked over to Loach who was still saddled and waiting. There was blood splatters over his coat and she sighed. Well at least they had done <i> some </i> damage. “How many men are left?” she asked, fearing the answer. “Only eight my Lady,” he said sadly and she shook her head. “Get them ready, we’re leaving now.” He nodded and left.  She tried to climb atop Loach’s back and groaned. She closed her eyes and gave Loach a gaelic command and he immediately kneeled low allowing her to get into the saddle and she gave him a small pat as he straightened. 
Sometime later, the remainder of her men joined her and she then noticed her Captain holding a small white ball of fur beneath his arm and she couldn’t help her secret smile. Everything would be fine once she returned home, or at least until she was surrounded with familiar faces. Now if only the infernal pain would stop, she would be in a better mood.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Sire, the battle in Azros was lost, we should turn around..." said Thain's adviser, pouring over the battle report, as they sat in their camp just out of sight of the city.
"What of Dei? Is she alright?" Thain asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice. A long moment of silence followed.
"Well?" he asked, impatiently.
"Sire, she was wounded, and is currently with the healers." the adviser spoke softly.
"WHAT! TURN IT AROUND! TO AZROS!" Thain roared, unsheathing his sword, and taking off in the direction of the city, oblivious to those who tried to restrain him. He had only one thought, and that was to kill this wretched foe that dared harm his Dei. He would kill them to the last man, and nothing short would be justice enough. His hands shook with rage and he marched, his men falling in behind him, frightened by their lord's anger into obedience, even though it surely meant most of them would die.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah was leaning on her horse, eyes closed, too weak to move, but she refused to stop until she arrived in Pates. Several times her Captain had approached to touch her shoulder to make sure she was well and she groaned and pushed him away. “I’m fine,” she lied, but little did she know Loach was moving very slowly and what should have taken them a day’s ride turned into two. She just wanted to be back, and find Thain so she can find comfort in his arms and rest, knowing she was safe again.
“My lady,” Johann said taking her out of her thoughts. “There are men approaching,” he said and she slowly looked over her shoulder to the source of his words. “Are they friendly?” she asked softly, her voice weak. “Yes my lady, it appears to be the Himoura banner,” he informed her and her eyes lit up. “Thain…” she whispered and smiled, and her Captain caught her before she slipped out of her saddle. “Perhaps we should stop now,” he suggested again, and this time she didn’t even object. “Yes… now we can.” 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain approached, helping move his wounded men. There were well over 40, and going was slow. He spied the McDowell family banner in the distance, and stopped, and ordered the few who could to make camp. He ran to the banner in the distance, towards her unit, to see her weak, and being held by her captain. He held out his arms, and spoke softly.
"I'll take it from here Captain, you're relieved. Make camp here."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah heard Thain’s voice and felt the comfort of his arms. “My white knight,” she said softly giving him a weak smile and leaned into him. “I’ll be fine,” she said stubbornly, “I’m just tired.”
She rose on the tip of her toes and kissed him softly. “Now I can rest,” she smiled.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Yes you can." he whispered into her ear, wrapping his arms around her.
"I was so worried when I heard... Are you alright?" he said, picking her up, and carrying her towards his encampment, where his tent was being set up.
"They'll pay for this... I'll make sure of it."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She moaned lightly as he picked her up, the cut on her abdomen flaring up, but it was quickly gone by the comfort of his presence and she wrapped her arms around his neck and the pain in her arm coursed through to her hand but she tried to ignore it. “It was a disaster Thain,” she told him and closed her eyes as she leaned her head onto his shoulder. “I’m just grateful to have made it out at all. I’m fine, I was nicked here,” she pointed to her abdomen, and then pointed to her arm, “but they really got me there, I’ll be better in a few days. I just didn’t want to stay in Azros any longer than I needed, I didn’t want to replace the healer’s tent with a soliferan prison cell.” She gave a weak smile at his promise of vengeance. “<i>We</i> will make them pay,” she echoed.
It didn’t take long for his men to set up his tent and a short while later they were inside.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Don't you ever go getting captured. I'd have to rescue you, and I don't fancy going to Soliferum's prison, no matter the circumstances." he said, setting her down on the bed.
"Let me have a look at it." he said, pulling some things out of a trunk.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah removed her cloak after he set her down. “Which is why I left so quickly,” she said and watched as he rummaged through his trunk. “I was scared when they told me you weren’t there, I thought something had happened to you too.”
With her good arm she raised the material to expose her abdomen and the bandage but she had difficulty removing her top the rest of the way. Her arm flared up and she stopped struggling. She took a deep breath while he was still preoccupied and tried again. Sighing she gave up and instead lay back onto the bed. He then turned to approach the bed and she examined him with a pitiful expression. “I can’t take it off,” she told him pointing to her clothes, with a dejected voice. "Really… It’s not that bad."
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"I'll take your word for it then." he said, crawling onto the bed next to her and kissed her.
"Looks like my colony will have to wait... I was told to wait back for the battle to be won... But our 'intrepid' allies have fouled that up again." he said before kissing her again.
"I was so worried when I heard... I charged off, looking for you, and ended up assaulting the walls. Not one of my men was unscathed."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
She closed her eyes at his information. “As long as we're both here, then we can do it. Let’s not kill ourselves driving for it, patience for now.” She said as he kissed her. The thought of him doing that out of fear for her safety meant more than he would know. “I’m sorry…” she apologized, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Thain promise me you won’t charge blindly, although… I would probably do the same,” she admitted. “I just don’t want to lose you either.” She then gave him a lingering kiss. “I’ve missed you so much,” she smiled and slid her thumb along his lower lip.
Remembering something, she moved away from the bed and out the tent. It was a few moments before she returned and when she did, she was holding a small white ball of fur. She cuddled it and then returned to the bed, relaxing once more and set the puppy between them. “At least I found a small wonder while I was there,” she told him and the small puppy looked up and gave a small yip. Its pointed ears stood straight up and his little tail moved so quickly out of happiness it was a blur. "Say hello," she grinned and scratched his chin. Large blue orbs looked up at Thain and he backed up on his front paws, his behind propped in the air and pretended to charge at Thain playfully.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain picked the dog up, and held it close.
"Well hello there, aren't you just an adorable little pup?" he said as the dog squirmed out of his grip, and jumped up to lick his face. Thain laughed and fell on his back, scratching the dog behind its ears.
"What's its name?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah’s eyes shone with pleasure and she smiled as Thain lay back on the bed with the puppy licking him. His handsome face transformed to an endearing boyish expression and she couldn’t help watching, loving seeing him this way.
With her good arm, she rested her elbow on the bed, leaned her chin into her hand and grinned as the puppy started to lick Thain’s finger and then nibble on it. One of his ears then folded over lazily and she giggled. He barked at the sound as if joining in the other ear drooped. “I haven’t named him,” she grinned as the puppy returned to licking Thain’s face with a vengeance and barked. “In fact… I wasn’t even sure about keeping him until now,” she admitted and the puppy looked at her as if understanding what she had just said and cocked his head. He looked from Dei to Thain and then returned to his licking.
“He really seems to like you an awful lot,” she grinned, “of course I don’t blame him.” She reached over to pet him. “Just so you know puppy, he was mine first,” she said playfully and again he looked at her, his head turning as if considering her words and she laughed.
“What do you think we should name him?”
Thain seemed to be lost in thought at her question and it was a long time before he answered her. The puppy then walked away from him, standing between them and then chased an invisible speck and flopped off the bed to play.  “For some reason the name Thor keeps coming to mind,” she said as she looked up to him. “What do you think?”
The pain in her arm flared again and she lay back down onto the bed. “Thain… I lied. My wound keeps flaring up, it burns like fire…” She then tried to remove her top again but was having the same difficulty as before only this time he could see her struggle. “Could you take a look at it?” she asked him with a small pout of her lips, “I need your help taking this off.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain smiled at her, masking his concern as he assisted her.
"Thor... I like it." he said, scratching the pup behind his ears. He then turned, and grabbed a bowl, and poured water from a kettle over the fire into it. He dabbed a rag into it and applied a minty smelling paste to it.
"You're going to have to remove the bandages."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Thain helped her remove her clothes, doing as he asked she started to remove the bandage around her waist first, moving slowly, revealing the shallow cut across her abdomen. The air felt good on her skin, and then she continued to remove the bandage around her arm. Only this time she had more difficulty, and hissed as the bandage pulled at the caked blood over it. She bit her lip and waited for him to return and take a look. “I hope it’s not infected,” she said, trying to get a good look at it.

Latest revision as of 14:29, 17 December 2012

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