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(New page: '''Roleplay from Selene Octavius''' Selene stepped forwards dubiously, a wary look on her face. She hesitated a second before taking Silmeriel's hand and said "I swear by all that I hold ...)
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'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Selene stepped forwards dubiously, a wary look on her face. She hesitated a second before taking Silmeriel's hand and said "I swear by all that I hold dear, if you seek to trick me I will cut you down wear you stand." Then she grasped Silmeriel's hand firmly.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel took Selene's hand chuckling at her words and they both found themselves amidst a frozen forest, it was very cold but Silmeriel pointed to fortress besides then apparently made of ice and said calmly
"There, we'll be safe from the cold once we are inside, we have been invited, uninvited visitors however would die frozen if they somehow passed through the gates"
Upon noticing the two women, many guards with pale blueish skin, light blue hair, and eyes of the same color immediately opened the huge gate, Silmeriel took Selene's hand and pushed her inside, once they were in the fortress all the sensation of cold passed and Silmeriel spoke again
"Here we are, the Winter Court, got any questions my lady ?"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene had taken in her surrounding with a single glance as soon as they had appeared in the forest. Either they were really here or she was under the influence of some kind of herb, either way, there was no point trying to reject what her eyes were telling her. Time would tell whether it was real or not.
As they entered the fortress she had assessed the way the guards held themselves and the quality of their armour. She came to the conclusion that it would be best to leave in a friendly manner than to risk fighting her way out. At Silmeriel's words she paused for a moment then said "Only one, if this is a court then it must have a King or a Queen, who are they and what is their name?"
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
"Certainly, though the King and the Queen themselves have their own names, the fey consider it offensive to call royalty by their names except when you're intimate with them, since this is not our case we must call them by thei titles, King, Queen, there also the Princes but it's unlikely that we speak with them"
"Winter is not like Summer where I took Thain, the Summer court is a huge city with many innocent people defended by noble paladins, in the Winter Court there is no room for innocents, everyone is taught and expected to fight, those who can't defend themselves end up dead sooner or later"
"Like I said, each court is group of fey linked to particular human feelings, Winter is the home of devotion, pragmatism, and resolve"
She then smiled at Selene and said while taking her deeper into the halls, full of passing nobles, most bearing their arms and armor, and many followed by companies of lower soldiers
"You're very different from me, but that's part of what makes me appreciate you so much"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
"I see." said Selene as she matched Silmeriel's pace.  "Of course, personally I would say I am more idealistic than pragmatic but no doubt my view of myself is biased. Shall we be meeting the King and Queen then? And perhaps you could tell me where exactly we are, 'the Winter Court' is not of much use in plotting us on a map."
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
"Indeed, well we are walking towards the throne room, it fairly straight way despite the size of the way, Winter likes it simple and practical when it comes to building"
"Ohh and don't worry about being different, you're not by any means expected to be a copy of the virtues these fey defend, just fitting in reasonably well is more than enough to be considered part of it"
"There are Sartanians here too, as all gods of war are reasonably popular here, but ultimately the cult of the King and his family are considered to above all others"
"Ohh here we are" said the woman playfully while making a letting out a little chuckle of hapiness, they had arrived in the room after some minutes of walking, minutes enough to be distant in case of a invasion and close enough not to tire a visitor.
The room was probably one of the few if not the only room made in the whole court with the intent of looking beautiful instead of being easy to defend, it was stunning and looked like it was carved from ice, a long hall with a pair of crystalline thrones on the end.
"I love this place, so beautiful, it never fails to amuse me when I visit it"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene looked around admiringly at the throne room. Despite all her travels she had never been in one before and this looked very much she imagined a throne room should look. She wasn't sure how comfortable it would be to sit on a crystaline throne though. She had decided not to ask about the other Sartanians that Silmeriel had mentioned as she was sure that all she needed to know would be revealed in due course. She turned her head slightly and looked at Silmeriel for a cue as to what to do next.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
"Come with me Selene" she said while offering her right hand to the other woman, and guiding her towards a couple of fey nobles, by the quality and beauty of the clothes anyone could guess they were the King and the Queen, they also stood proudly near the center of the hall apparently awaiting for the guests to present themselves.
As Silmeriel approached then she bowed and spoke to the King
"Your majesty, I bring you Selene Octavius, she has come to receive your gift"
The King watched her with a faint hint of interest for a second, while the Queen watched Selene with disdain, and then he spoke in calm and deep low voice, not necessarily beautiful but strangely likable.
"I bid you welcome ladies, I know your stay will be short but it will also be fruitful, you can check the book right now, its on the same place as always, the shelf to the left of the throne, go Lady Selene, I think you will find it most useful"
Silmeriel bowed again and gestured Selene to followed her, as they stood before the shelf she explained while pointing to a huge red tome.  
"Since you're wearing a special brooch from the King touching the book will make you read it almost instantly, it tells the history of war since the beginning of mankind and contains an analysis of each important battle and war, even if you already know much about war there's much more you'll learn with this"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene bowed slightly in the direction of the King and Queen before following Silmeriel.
Selene moved over to the book and reached out her hand towards it. Her hand had just grasped the spine when her vision filled with strange images and voices. Battle after battle passed before her eyes. There was a whistling in her ears, as if of a strong wind roaring past. Her vision became distorted and hazy and she felt herself falling backwards into darkness.
Her eyes snapped open and she found herself back in the throne room with Silmeriel watching her. Selene felt a confusing swirl of information tumbling about in her head. It brought a mild ache to her temples and she was sure that it would take several days at least before she could make sense of the information she had just absorbed. As it was a few details stuck out but she could not be sure whether she hadn't already known them before she had come here.
She took a deep breath then exhaled slowly, calming her racing heartbeat slightly. Turning to Silmeriel she said "What now?"
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
"Easy now Selene, take a deep breath first it will make you feel a bit better"
She then waited for the priestess do what she said and proceeded anxiously
"There's not much left now, but come"
Silmeriel offered a hand once more and guided the other woman through the halls, ocasionaly stopping to ask a guard for directions
"Here we are" she said as they emerged into what seemed to be a garden, but on a closer look it was clear that it was an open training hall, few soldiers were gathered there at the moment but their movements were fast and all seemed competent, isolated on the other end of the place was a man in long red robes, apparently human, he was very old but walked towards the two women with no difficulty.
He was carrying a golden box, with drawings of a battle on it, he approached Selene looked her in the eyes and smiled as he gave her the box, and left as mysteriously as he had come, Silmeriel looked delighted at the way the old man behaved and said amused to Selene
"He is a priest of Sartan, that is a gift for you, you should not open it unless your life depends on it, but I shouldn't say more, if your God sent a mute priest to give it to you then I shouldn't explain more than this"
The whole cryptic feeling of the thing excited her, and she guided Selene back to the entrance of the palace even more happily than usual.
When they finally made it outside she asked
"Ready to go Selene?, just take my hand again and close your eyes once more"
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene found the whirl in her head slow somewhat and become... manageable. She followed Silmeriel and was surprised to see a fellow priest. After he had given her the box she opened her mouth to speak but he had gone before she could say anything. She accompanied Silmeriel back in silence, trying to take in this surreal experience.
At Silmeriel's question, Selene nodded and took her hand and closed her eyes.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
And it happened again, they were back at that same room in that same night just a few moments after the discussion with Jenred, as always everyone looked surprised once more when the two came back.
Silmeriel was getting a bit tired, she was the only one doing all the traveling, and it was her body was beginning to feel heavy, but she smiled brightly she knew the next journey would be far better to her body and her mood, not wanting to wait out and answer any question from the other guests, she immediately offered her hand to Deianarah and said with haste.
"Are you ready to come with me Dei ?"

Latest revision as of 16:28, 17 December 2012

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