McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Man behind the mask: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''

After having sent her men off ahead of her, she had changed into something more suitable. She wore a soft flowing gown of blue, with small wisps of violet in the fabric which gave the illusion of iridescence, adding a light blue velvet cloak. She could permit herself this indulgence, since she wasn’t taking her horse back home.
Sorsha made her way to Count Bowie’s estate. The guards seemed wary upon seeing her and she gave her best smile, announcing herself. “Please inform your lord, Sorsha McDowell has arrived. I believe he is expecting me.”
She was taken inside to a small waiting area as a servant left to inform his master of her presence. She paced the small room, and looked to several paintings adorning the area and peered intently at one. It was very peculiar and drew her attention immediately. A small smile grew on her lips. It reminded her of the forests she used to run through as a child - Home.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
The Dark Count had finished dressing in full formal attire, with gold and jewelled decorations on the coat and a black cape to the back of his knees, when the servant entered and notified him of the Dame's presence. He nodded and put on the last piece of his suit, a blank mask to cover his eyes and forehead. The servant shrunk in terror when she saw the mask. It was plain, creamy white, but covered the top half of the man's face completely leaving no slits to see his eyes. The servant stepped back as the Dark Count walked past her.
From the top of the stairs Bowie saw Lady Sorsha at the entrance in her astounding gown. She looked up and noticed the peculiar item on the Count's face. He noticed her expression and gave his excuse.
"So you cannot see my eyes."
He flicked his fingers and two guards approached the Dame and searched her for weapons, from their inspection she had none. The Dark Count descended the stairway, his appearance menacing. His costume succeeding in its task.
At the bottom, without greeting or salutation, the Dark Count reached out his arm for Lady Sorsha to take and they exited the estate together, to enter the arranged carriage.
Inside, the Dark Count said nothing until the carriage began moving. Then he spoke.
"Dame Sorsha, forgive my guards suspicions, their orders reflect my paranoia. One can never be too careful. Ever. You should know that I am pleased that we have arranged to travel to the capital together. It is unusual for me to share the company of such a darling woman. Regularly, I am alone. May I compliment your dress? It is quite alluring. Maybe it is you who should be suspicious of me?"
He produced a slim smile, devilish, cheeky, and provoking.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Upon seeing him Sorsha had been taken aback by his quite original attire. She was a mixture of awe, fear and curiousness. He was a well built man, who walked with a strong countenance, he was successful at his threatening projection and she swallowed.
When she looked into his face she was met with disappointment for she was unable to see his eyes. As usual that was the first place she looked, that having been taken away, she was left with a strange sense of eeriness.
Then she was somewhat insulted that his guards checked her for weapons, but she understood the need. She had learned a very hard lesson recently that even the most trusted… rarely deserved it. One eyebrow rose and she gave a satisfied sniff when they found her weapon-less.
There would be no way for her to even glimpse the soul through his eyes, for he purposely hid it from her. She quietly wondered if he knew how much that simple action had left her blind to him.
She had to inwardly smile as she took the proffered arm and quietly walked away.
He did have many titles at least he lived up to this one, the Dark Count indeed.
The carriage left, and he finally spoke. She looked ahead quietly, her eyes searching as he spoke. At his last words, his smile conveyed more than his eyes could have.  She smiled shyly and turned away, her ears burning. She silently prayed her hair hid them properly.
“Milord, I understand more than you may realize,” she answered him softly. “It was not too long that I myself discovered the meaning of betrayal. But you are right, it is a necessity. It would not only be you that I am suspicious of, but everyone. As you conveniently mentioned we can never be too careful.” She may have been without a weapon, but as a McDowell she was graced with a long line of warrior’s blood and an education to match. Velvet words from a dark handsome man on the other hand, she had come across rarely.
She looked back into his face and stared intently where she would have normally been gazing into his eyes. “Thank you for the compliment,” her soft pink lips curved again into an amused smile, “you are quite dashing yourself, without the mask of course,” she noted.
“As we previously discussed, I fear I will be unable to return to the capital with you. I must stop in Port Nebel, I have a very important matter to settle.” She looked out to the small window. The simple reminder brought a swarm of butterflies which seemed to get caught in the painful knots in her stomach. She bit her lip and concentrated on him once more. “But we do have some travelling to do before we get there. Tell me, why do you find it a necessity to hide your eyes from me? I am grievously intrigued.”
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
The Dark Count sat quiet for a moment, leaving Dame Sorsha unsure if he heard her question, then he answered cryptically.
“My eyes belong to me.”
He saw the lack of satisfaction in her face so he continued.
“If it is through the eyes that one may know another, then it is safer for you not to know my eyes. You have an affinity for the rural, what connection is it to you? If I am not mistaken, you would rather look out the window than speak with me. Should I close the curtains?”
Again he expresses himself with his lips. That smile.
“I am disappointed that the trip will close at the end of the island, but some matters override others.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
She silently wondered what he was hiding behind the mask, more importantly she longed to see his eyes. For someone who spoke so possessively about his person, surely he must be hiding something of dire significance.
“Very well Milord, I will not ask again,” she smiled, hiding her disappointment.
“Yes I am fond of nature and its beauty, sometimes I feel it calling to me, but no I would not rather take in its splendor than speak with you, my apologies if I seemed rude. To tell the truth I am only… preparing myself for what is to come at my destination.” She swallowed and kept her gaze on him, refusing to look away. She didn’t know how she could tell, but she knew he had been staring at her the entire time, she felt it. As if watching her every movement like a cat would a mouse. She didn’t know if she should be flattered or nervous.
Taking in his smile, she returned her best one. “Let us not disappointment darken the journey. Let us speak as old friends if you can allow it, but let us be frank. Tell me, are you satisfied with the Sorsha that sits before you or do you still believe me a threat or a doppelganger? Some are still unsure of who I am, and believe me to be an impersonator.”
Subconsciously she played with her bare ring finger and stopped herself when she realized what she was doing.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
The Dark Count answered frankly, as requested.
"To be honest Dame Sorsha, I never knew the one earlier so I have no measure to which to judge this one by. As far as I know you simply changed your cloak. Regards to my trust of you, I am able to think you not an enemy. Really, I think you have put yourself in more danger by joining me than I have accompanying you. You are aware I am the Pariah of D'Hara? Are you not concerned for your reputation? Very few admit to having personal relations with me. Most regard me as a public enemy. I prefer that. Yet you do not seem afraid. Either you are too stupid, or very confident."
He adjusted a bit, then continued.
"You must be confident. Since you have brought up your supposed transformation, or metamorphosis, let me ask you this. Has your regard for life changed since you have felt a different side of your self? What I mean is, can you ever truly be yourself again after living as another? If you answer that question, then it will not make a pinch of difference what the rest of the nobles think. You are exactly you. I often ask myself such questions, the times when the demon reigns. I have still not answered it. Maybe I am afraid to."
He looked out the window and saw the landscape Sorsha was admiring. He could not appreciate it so he returned his gaze back to his companion. His way of assessing people involved detailed observation. Every facial gesture, movement, wince or whine, he would notice. All of it his eyes would collect and form into judgements on the person's disposition. Much of why he was doing this was to watch for their decision to attack, the eyes and face sing louder than the voice, but sometimes it was to judge their comfort. It was an art.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha grew extremely silent for a long time, carefully weighing his words but she never once let her gaze falter. His gaze wandered for a moment and then returned to her.
The carriage carried them through, and she could feel the difference in the movement as they changed course. They would be arriving shortly.
“The pariah of D’hara,” she repeated with finality as if saying the words for the last time. She gave with a lopsided grin returning the honesty she had requested. “I believe in the truth in my heart. If one’s reputation is to be soiled truly there is always little one can do once the lie is loose, only what you keep within, unless it is done purposely to hide something greater? You have yet to give me that truth, and I will not ask for it, it is yours. Sometimes we are not looking because we are afraid to see nothing has really changed. Confident…” she bit her lip, “nay to speak such a word would only instil arrogance and I am neither. I am fascinated with you,” she told him bluntly. She was extremely intrigued by him, and more so by the words he spoke. She had never really come across anyone like him before. She felt with him as a prey did in the presence of a perfect predator. She hung on to every word as they ensnared her but she was too mesmerized to notice. Yet for all he spoke of fear, it was he who hid from her.
Her blue violet eyes regarded him with curiosity. “As for who I am…” she looked down to her hands and back up, with a new air of freedom. “I have been the light of day and the darkness of night, it is the dawn that reveals me,” she answered poetically, not truly answering his question. “Everything happens for a reason. That reason is not always about you, but sometimes others.”
She grew silent after that, making sure not to look at anything but him.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
The Dark Count enjoyed the silence. He felt it to be more revealing of a person than what they said. Only in the silence could he hear their breathing and see their idle motion. It was very difficult for a person to control their idleness, and he could read their thoughts by the speed of their fidgeting, by the little things their hands were preoccupied with. No one could pretend with their body, and if they tried to they often seemed so obvious that it was laughable. Their idea of hiding their body language was to remain completely rigid and straight. It was a dead give away. Maybe it was a coincidence, but as Dame Sorsha watched him, he began to think she was reading him just the same. Could she be so sensitive? He wondered. Perhaps she was playing him the whole time and was using such little effort to confuse his receptors. At any minute she might leap at him with a dagger and cleave open his throat. She could have been an agent of the Grand Duke, come to settle the score once and for all. He thought the Grand Duke rejected his offer to come and kill him, but he was never fully certain. He wondered...
As the carriage neared its destination, the Dark Count made his formal finish.
“Our trip is almost complete. Now that we have shared this moment together and now that I know you, if you were to change again - I would notice. Your company has been most pleasurable. Our conversation is a rare gem in my many years of acquaintances. In fact, you may have earned my trust, but I am not certain of that yet. If in the future an opportunity for us to journey together arises, please do not hesitate to make the arrangement. Whatever business you must conduct in Port Nebel I wish it to be pleasant and with ease. If you are in need of support, such as a second sword, I offer mine.”
They enter into the gates of the city and stop at the carriage bay. The driver opened the door for the Dame to exit and as she did she was hit with a small item tossed by the Dark Count. She looked up and noticed he threw off his mask revealing his full face and eyes. They were emerald, a colour uncharacteristic of the demon he portrays. He smiled at her and bowed.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Her breath caught in her throat, for this was the moment she had waited for, now completely unexpected. Despite his dark exterior, she was mesmerized by the light luminescent color within, taking the small moment to drink in its magnificence. Her vision filled with the deep color of the sea and she gave a genuine smile, reflecting his. It was a small action on his part, yet revealing so much. She was delighted by the amount of trust he had allowed her.
She bowed in turn, never once taking her eyes off him. “The pleasure has been mine. If I find myself in need, I will remember your offer. I am flattered by your words. Should the opportunity arise, I will inform you. I look forward to it, and perhaps you will allow me the indulgence of drowning in a sea of emeralds.” She dropped that small bit of information and grinned as she turned away. She had no idea why, but being in his presence made her braver, as if her shyness had suddenly become nonexistent.
She could practically feel his grin at her back as the small carriage door closed behind her.

Revision as of 13:32, 17 December 2012