McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Mathias and Rathan Duel: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' He arrived in Qubel for the duel in the afternoon. He had never witnessed one before so he was at least curious. He directed himself to the dueling ring...)
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'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''

He arrived in Qubel for the duel in the afternoon. He had never witnessed one before so he was at least curious. He directed himself to the dueling ring trying to satisfy some of his curiosity. Upon entering he looked around admiring the place, at the center of the ring he saw a man. He frowned seeing this man there alone. Maybe he’s just as curious as I am. He approached him and decided to introduce himself.
“Good evening. I’m Lycan Moreira. I’m here for the duel, obviously. You?” he asked, curious to whom this Knight was.
Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan arrived at the ring with his retinue, and observed the ring, scoffing to himself.
"They honestly expect an important person such as myself to get in that little dirt pit and hack away at the Duke? Pah. Such things are so far beneath me that it fails to be funny."
Roleplay from Mathias Ridder
"Sir Lycan you say?" said Mathias then turning to see who was talking to him. "Well it is obvious you do not know who I am seeing as I am to be participating in the duel. So I shall introduce myself, I am Duke Mathias of Port Nebel, and what brings you here Sir Lycan?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Since you put it that way, yes I could see the attraction…maybe it is simply due to the fact that it always seems to be Mathias doing the dueling lately,” she chuckled a bit, somewhat nervously.
Finishing the last of her tea she rose. “I accept your invitation,” she told him with a smile. “Hopefully more will join us to this feast,” she said wistfully.
It wasn’t long the call for them to leave was made, and the Count presented her his arm and she took it gracefully, making their way to the arena. This was her first attendance therefore she simply followed his lead.
It was a silent ride due to her worry, but Bowie kept smiling whenever she glanced his way, most likely trying to reassure her.
When they arrived, he again proffered his arm and she lightly rested her hand. He was dressed in his best, and that morning she had chosen a dark green colored gown with a silver shawl. She usually preferred her long brown hair swept off her neck, but today it was pinned in long curls trailing past her shoulders reaching her lower back. If it wasn’t for the fact that this was a duel, she could have pretended she was attending a ball instead.
They were led down the halls of the arena until they came out a side door that led to an elevated scaffold where two seats were reserved for the Count and herself.
Sorsha’s heart was pounding so hard now that she was there. The Count motioned for her to sit and she slowly lowered into the cushioned chair and he joined her.
Looking around now, she looked to the center of the arena where Mathias was talking to none other than Lycan. This made her blink with a small bit of surprise. She was glad Mathias was distracted and had not seen her yet. If he did, she would try to avoid his gaze for fear that he would see right through her.
Then a smile formed on her lips at seeing Lycan again. She would speak with him later when she had the chance.
Further down, she spotted Marquis Rathan who examined the arena in quiet disdain. Her eyes rested on him for a bit and as if sensing her gaze, he looked straight at her. They shared a long look her heart racing even faster. She forced an impassive look on her face, in case anyone was watching her hoping they wouldn’t make anything of the expression on her face.
Count Bowie began to talk excitedly of what was to come and she listened quietly. Eventually she managed to tear her gaze away back to the center ring.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
“Oh…” he said surprised he was one of the contestants. “Well I have never witnessed a duel before so in all honesty I’m just here to satisfy my curiosity.” He paused a bit and then added “I do not envy you right now.” He admitted. “May I ask you what was the motive to such challenge?” he glanced at him trying to read his demeanor. He seemed comfortable enough with it.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Well my friend I was insulted by Marquis Rathan. If you noticed actually about two days ago he switched duchies and in the process broke one of our laws. Though he did quickly switch back after a would you describe it, conversation, I guess. Well even after this whole situation had calmed down I still felt insulted and decided the only way I could satiated would be with a duel seeing as how the Marquis refused to apologize for his insult to me. But you see here is the strange thing he will not fight me either in the dueling ring he instead has his Champion fight for him. Either way though if I win or lose against his champion my honor will still be intact and I shall have what I desired, but enough about me and my problems. Was there anything wished to know?"
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
So this man had been insulted and seemed to have good reason to challenge the other man. He just couldn’t understand why the other contestant wouldn’t take his own place and fight his own battles. Sending someone in his stead. But he wouldn’t pass judgment. He didn’t know either of them well enough to even consider who was right. “No. Thank you for your words.” He said simply.
Looking to his right Lycan noticed a couple heading for the scaffold. A man was leading their way with a beautiful woman by his side and looking a second time he realized it was Sorsha. He smiled surprised she was there. She looked astonishing and he couldn’t help but comment out loud. “Wow! What a sight for sore eyes!” he exclaimed while nudging Duke Mathias to look in the same direction.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Yes, I saw her come in minutes ago. Though from what I gathered in the letter she sent to me was that she did not desire to actually see me. My heart is broken right now Sir Lycan, though I am amazed that you knew of me and Sorsha. Or did you even now about that? I am sorry again I speak too much of myself." Mathias then stroking his beard came up with an idea. "I got it, how about you lead up there and us carried away with our conversation meet up with both Count Bowie and Lady Sorsha?"
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Upon hearing his words and the heartbreak they carried with them Lycan was very surprised. “Wait. What?! You two…” he let his words trail off has he looked from one to the other. “Wow.” Now that’s awkward. “Uh…Sir, I didn’t know you two were…” he paused. Were they? “Uh..had an history…”
Whatever was going on between them he did seem heartbroken. “Duke Mathias I see you have something to work out between you. But if the lady wished not to speak to you I’m not one to meddle with it. My advice to you. Show her how you feel, keep nothing within yourself. Speak your mind and your true feelings towards her. Women want to know what we’re thinking about and how we feel. We just don’t do it often enough…” He paused a bit evaluating his demeanor. He looked more nervous about talking to her than he did about dueling.
“Duke Mathias, Sorsha and I met not long ago and we became instant friends. From what I gather she’s a great lady and like any other woman she just wants to be appreciated. If you do not wish to lose her, show her your appreciation.”
Giving him some time to digest what he just told him Lycan added “C’mon Duke Mathias, I’ll buy you some ale. You look like you need some.” He chuckled and led the way to the vendor in a shed just on the outside of the arena.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
His head hung low Mathias decided some ale would be good for him and followed Sir Lycan to the shed.
'''Roleplay from Kratos Wolff'''
When the food cart that Kratos was riding arrived at Nebel he got off and payed the trader some gold.
"Thank you for the ride my friend, I appreciate it."
After saying this he headed towards the center of town to see if he could find a faster way to get to Port Nebel. While in his way, Kratos noticed a peculiar post in the bulletin board, outside of a bar. It said something about a duel, and a following feast, back at Qubel. He decided to head back, since he couldn’t miss it.
"Well buddy, we will see what you are later." Kratos said to the pup as he headed back.
After a small bit of walking he noticed the same trader, who was heading back.
"Hey there friend, are you heading back now?" He noticed that the cart was empty, it must be a good break for the two horses.
"Yes M’lord, we are heading back to Qubel, and we will be making these trips 'till the sun comes down."
Kratos thought about it for a second and asked "Can one of your horses carry the empty cart all by itself?"
"Of course sir, it can." The trader replied quickly.
Kratos got out a small pouch with some gold in it and handed it to the trader.
"I need to take your horse if you don't mind, I am in a bit of a hurry... the gold should be enough for the trouble, I will leave the horse at my estate, it is not far from Count Ironside's, you could find it if you ask around."
Saying this Kratos started releasing the horse from the cart, and the trader adjusted the other one. Then he got on the horse, holding the dog on one arm.
"Thanks again my friend, and good luck." Kratos said as he made his way towards Qubel.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had tried her best to keep her gaze focused on everything around her but Mathias or Rathan. Bowie was ever the entertainer and continuously spoke with her, managing to make her smile and giggle which was incredible considering the state she had arrived in.
How grateful she was for Bowie, as much as he said it of her, it was he who was the real gem. She quietly wished she could eventually confide in him, to know what he would do were he in her place. She smiled imagining how simple he would make matters, of course with a flair of exuberance thrown in for effect. This made her laugh out of cue and he turned in her direction. Noticing her quiet laughter, he paused, eyes glinting and mirrored her expression.
Drinks were brought out to them and she thanked the servant. She was pleased to notice hers was filled with wine.
Mathias was leaving with Lycan and she could see them now in deep conversation. Wondering what they could be discussing with such seriousness. Realizing she was looking at him, she gave a start and quickly drank some wine.
She tried to find any other familiar faces within the crowd to distract her but she hadn’t found any yet. There were quite a few spectators now beginning to fill the arena and she actually began to feel something akin to eagerness. Possibly to get this matter over and dealt with.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan gazed at Sorsha for some time, and caught himself, realizing he had been staring. He disappeared to his tent for a time and reappeared, his robes replaced with the dark leather of his days as an infiltrator. He stepped into the ring and took the glove off his hand, stepping past Sir Lycan and slapped Mathias good and hard across the face.
"I will fight this duel. You are hereby challenged Duke Ridder."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Ow!" Mathias then grabbing his sword turned to meet his assailant only to hear the words I challenge you.
"So Marquis Rathan you have decided to fight me anyways. Well then I will be happy to oblige. What say you? We meet back here in say a few hours and settle this?"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan smirked
"Need some time to write up your last will and testament. Go then, I will be waiting."
He turned his gaze to Sorsha once more, and felt his heart begin to race.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had been sitting quietly sipping her wine when her gaze subconsciously returned to the center ring. When it did, she blinked only catching as Marquis Rathan began to approach Duke Mathias, he was no longer dressed formally but ready for a fight. She counted each of his steps as he approached, her senses tingling with trepidation. There came a slap and Mathias whirled on him, immediately Sorsha cringed at the dark look on the Duke’s face.
They exchanged words she could not hear and her eyes grew larger fearing the worse. Gods she hoped Marquis Rathan wasn’t going to taunt Mathias further, suddenly her guilt sky rocketed at the words she imaged were being shared. There seemed to be a quiet hush over the crowd and she realized what had just occurred.
Rathan had challenged Mathias and she moved forward in her seat, gripping the railing around the box, now against her will completely engrossed in what would come next. He had said he would only challenge someone to the death… Surely he wouldn’t now.
Then Rathan turned in her direction, this time she was powerless to stop her gaze. A mixture of emotions crossed her delicate features, fear, guilt, and exhilaration. Was she even against her will actually getting caught up in the excitement of it all now?
Then beside her she heard an explosion of laughter, followed with, “I guess his feet weren’t so sensitive after all. What a twist, and a nice turn of events. This will be entertaining!”
Bowie leaned forward with her. “I’ll have to find something other to harass him with,” he laughed again and she grinned despite herself.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan nimbly leaped out of the ring, the crowd surprised to see such lithe movements from the paper pusher. He walked up towards Count Bowie and the Lady Sorsha and stretched.
"It seems that everyone so quickly forgets what I did before I was Royal Fiduciary. Who was it that sank his blade into Vesna? Or the old bag Katayanna? I merely wished not to damage the Duke irreparably."
And with his final words he drew his blade, the Ebony Longsword of Flame. Flame traveled down the blade as he drew it, and it flickered brightly.
"Forged in a time of old when magicks ruled, it has survived. Useful little artifact, no?"
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''
As the Marquis displayed his fancy sword, Dame Sorsha was caught off guard. Should she approve supportively? Should she acknowledge with caution? The Dark Count noticed her hesitation and intervened.
"Marquis! Do you know the lengths I went to to arrange all of this? And you are standing here showing off your sword while the Duke drinks? Go fight him! That is what we all came here to see. (he mutters to himself and to Dame Sorsha) First he hires a substitute to fight, now he delays. I can't imagine what tricks he'll try to pull when I get the chance to step in the ring with him."
That comment did not get an applaud from Sorsha. He returned his loud voice to the Marquis, hoping she would let it slide.
"I did not hire any other entertainment! What are we supposed to do while the two of you lace up your gowns? How about we test that sword of yours? Would you be willing to put on a display? I can have targets of varying strengths set up in the ring, and we will judge the magnificence of your sword as you test it before us. Consider it a presentation of what you may do to the Duke."
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
“It is not I that tarry. The Duke it seems is far too nervous to face me after my champion has grown ill. I normally wouldn't lower myself to such activity unfitting of a royal adviser, but nonetheless, here I am. I am not afraid to fight Count Bowie, but I am no fool. I will not allow the Duke's advisers see myself in action prior to our duel. They surely would study my style for weaknesses to exploit. It is about time for lunch, why do we not eat instead?"
[[/Mathias and Rathan duel2|Continue...]]

Revision as of 13:28, 17 December 2012