McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Attraction to Rathan: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:''' "The Lady Sorsha has returned? Well, I must certainly be on my way then. You oaf! I told you to inform me IMMEDIATELY when she arrives." Rathan push...)
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'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''

"The Lady Sorsha has returned? Well, I must certainly be on my way then. You oaf! I told you to inform me IMMEDIATELY when she arrives."
Rathan pushed past his servant and hurried out of his manor, and into his carriage. A short ride later, Rathan presented himself to Sorsha's staff at her estate.
"Tell the lady that Rathan Himoura is here to see her."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s room had finally been swept of everything she had ordered removed. The rest of her home had also been giving a redecorating. Soft tapestries had been taken down, flowers removed, candles have been taken away for storage. Everything was replaced with pictures of battles, mystical creatures and portrayals of ancient magics she presumed everyone believed myth, but not her. Surrounding them, weapons had been laid out on the walls, axes, swords, daggers, warbows and shield. They were a display but should she find the need, they were right on hand.
Walking down the hall she surveyed everything with a pleased expression. Like she had the previous day, she wore the same leather outfit, only this one was red. She’d had several made; they now replaced everything she’d ever worn. Her maid had asked if she needed assistance with her hair and she’d waved her off informing her flatly with, “deal with it, this is how it’s going to be from now on.”
She was only a few feet away when Lorlan answered the door and she overheard the Marquis requesting to see her. Lorlan allowed the Marquis to enter, seeing as he could not refuse entrance to her Lord. He then turned around to inform her, she presumed.
Lifting her hand, she stopped him in his tracks. “I will take care of it.” Bowing, he glanced quickly to the door and back to her, gauging her mood. At least she seemed somewhat better than the previous day, but looks were now incredibly deceiving.
Approaching the darker man, Sorsha looked into his black eyes but she did not smile, or show any hint that she was pleased or upset to see him, she was simply neutral. The faintest sound of leather was heard as she crossed her arms, her movement revealing the long dagger at her waist.
“Marquis Rathan,” she greeted simply. “It’s been a while…”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Rathan looked at Sorsha, and looked around. What had befallen her? She seemed... Darker. Rathan grinned, and gently kissed her leather clad hand.
"Indeed it has. Tell me, what is with the change in wardrobe m'lady?"
Rathan liked what he saw before him. Perhaps his work here would be easier. His black robes fell around him, giving him a sinister look. His sword hung at his side, the crackling of flame could be heard from beneath the sheath.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha watched beneath long lashes as Rathan took her hand. She resisted somewhat and finally allowed him to kiss it. Her eyes narrowed and then she withdrew it.
Folding her arms again she put most of her weight on her left leg and cocked her head. “I woke one morning and realized I hated all my gowns,” she answered with a mocking grin. “I find this suits me much better… more pleasing to the eye, wouldn’t you say?” she asked him, curious of what he thought.
After Lycan had left, she realized she enjoyed playing games of aloofness. She had actually enjoyed the moment so much she wished she could relive it again.
She grinned, not at Rathan but at the thought as it went through her head; maybe she needed something to explore that venue. <i>Perhaps later</i>, she thought, <i>or…</i>
Once more, she focused on the Marquis, but this time she examined him from head to toe, and grinned maliciously. Some things were too obvious to ignore. “What brings you here?” she questioned, her fingers drummed slowly on her arm.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan's eyes roved her body, and he nodded approvingly.
"I am rather pleased with the change, if I do say so myself."
Rathan's curiosity was peaked. What had happened to her to bring about such radical change... And could he help further it?
"I heard you were in the area, and felt inclined to drop by."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha noticed his assessment with satisfaction.  “Well, I’m very much inclined to tell you to turn around and return home but I’m curious Marquis, what compulsion drives you to me time and time again?” She challenged him bluntly with a quiet laugh.
Would he stand up and meet her at her level or dance around like they all did?
Oh, she needed someone to toy with and he would do quite well, she hoped he was the former. Her odd colored eyes watched him as a cat would watch a mouse.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan hid the surprise he felt when so openly challenged, and then sneered.
"I think my interests are rather obvious, wouldn't you? Or have I been too subtle for you to yet catch on? I did not interfere while Conrac was around because of my respect for him, but while it was Mathias... Well, it just gave me more reason to pursue your affection. What has happened to you?"
Rathan glared into her eyes, assessing, watching, plotting...
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
His answer was bitingly honest, and she laughed derisively. At his glaring stare she stood defiantly, unaffected.
“Affection?” she repeated the word and her eyes sparkled with amusement.  “I hope you enjoy disappointment… More to the point, how do you feel about pain?” she teasingly slid a finger along his cheek with a light laugh. Giving him a touch of what he most likely craved and grinned maliciously.
Oh she wasn’t blind she had read him long ago with a simple kiss. The memory of the sensation seemed too alien, as if belonging to someone else. “The question here,” she purred, “is how far are you willing to go to acquire it?” she bit her lower lip and tapped his cheek.
Deciding that playing with him this way would do, she began to turn away. Walking towards her study she expected him to follow. She wondered just how far she could take him now.
“It was simply time for a change,” she answered him flatly, refusing to revisit the moment of her painful delirium. She would never again be the pitiful vulnerable woman men could toy with and discard. It was time she did the discarding. 
She entered her study and stood before her desk, leaning on it. “We’ll return to the obvious later…What can I do for you?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan debated for a moment. To follow her would be to give her the impression of control... But if he left, it would leave the impression she had scared him off. If she thought she could control him she had another thing coming. Rathan strode after her, and grinned at her last question. He could think of a lot of things she could do for him right now.
"Yes, that is the question now, isn't it my dear? What can you actually do for me hmmm? I could think of a couple things myself. But you know what you can provide me far better than I do."
Rathan shifted slightly, always consciously aware of the daggers in his robes, easily accessible.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At his last words, one of her brows rose, sadly predictable. “Is that so? But what makes you think you deserve anything from me?” she turned mordant “And what could you possibly have in return that I would even want?”
Putting her weight on her hands, she sat up on the desk and crossed one leg over the other, watching him watching her.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan laughed sinisterly, spreading his arms out in a dramatic fashion.
"My dear, you really don't know who I am, do you? Of course you don't. I'd be dead if that was a known fact. I can offer things you can scantly dream of, should I feel so inclined."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Well then…” Sorsha said slowly with a lopsided grin and beckoned him closer. “Do tell... Promise I won’t say a word,” she whispered and put a finger over her lips. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan crossed his arms and looked at her skeptically. He hadn't got this far by being stupid.
"I'm more of a payment up front type of guy."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At that her eyes danced and she laughed. “And here I thought my presence was payment enough? What was I thinking?”
She stretched her arms above her head and moved away from her desk to walk closer. Stopping only a few inches from him, she could smell his scent, feel his breath on her face. 
Slowly she reached up and touched his neck, sliding her hand to his chest. Interestingly the air around them crackled with a variety of excitement and danger and she found it exhilarating.
She grew closer still and her eyes gazed into his. Her lips were so close to his, she could feel the warmth of him. “How then will I ever go on without knowing?”  as she said the words her tongue lightly touched his lips and she pressed the edge of her dagger near his manhood.
She didn’t care what happened one way or another. “You want a wench? Then go find one,” she hissed dangerously. “I’m sure they’d be much obliged to service a man of your stature.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan smirked, and in a flash had his own dagger against her throat.
"If it was a wench I wanted, I wouldn't bother with you my dear. You have so much more to offer than that. But are you capable? A man such as myself needs useful people in his plans. I doubt you are even aware of the powerful magicks that rule over these lands. Magicks that once upon a time were wielded by powerful men and women, that are now punishable with death for the mere mentioning of them. I know of them. I know how to unlock their secrets."
Rathan's icy gaze went down the dagger and into her eyes.
"Or do I need to bleed you out?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s dagger didn’t move as his flew to her throat. “Someone else who wishes to have me…” she said with emptiness. “But tell me what happens once my <i> usefulness</i> is at an end?”
She leaned closer to him again, not caring for the dagger at her throat. She didn’t care what happened to her, she had already died too many times.
Leaning into him she blinked slowly. For a fraction of a second some of her warmth returned to her eyes, to be quickly replaced with a void. “Wouldn’t that be a pity for you? Wanting me this entire time, to have gotten this close, only to watch me bleed?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan lowered his dagger, and brushed hers aside, and pulled her into an embrace. He murmured softly into her ear.
"What's happened to you?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Rathan took her in his arms and Sorsha stood motionless, cold and distant all traces of flirtatious behaviour gone.
“I remember this part…” she said softly, “this is the part where I break down and cry right? Tell you what a mess I am, how confused everything is…and you sweep in sweetly offering promises of something else?” She backed out of his embrace and stood a short distance from him. “It’s not going to be so easy this time…”
She walked away from him to the door, “I’m surprised Rathan,” she said informally, turning around to look at him. “With your many eyes and ears, you of all people, should know better than I what took place. Why not ask your dear friend Conrac if you ever reach him again…” She narrowed her eyes, “you know your way out.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan shook his head sadly.
"I know what he did. But is that any reason to shut everyone else out? To change who you are? You're letting him and Mathias win if you do that. It's exactly what they wanted to do. I'm not Conrac, and I'm not Mathias."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
She stopped. “No… you’re not, but you won’t tell me who you are either,” she countered.
“And this,” she waved the length of her body. “Yes, they helped unveil…This is who I am now. The Sorsha I was before, the one no one bothered to see or stick around long enough to find out, she’s gone. What you see now is what you get. You have your hidden weapons,” she motioned to his robes, knowing full well a man of his abilities would always carry them about his person. “Well I have mine. Living is fighting, breathing is pain, and every day that goes by doesn’t get any easier. I learned my lesson well, this is my battle armor.”
She said the last words but didn’t wait to hear if he had a reply, she just left. Instead of staying in her manor, she took Gaoth and rode off at a run.
She didn’t care where she headed, but it wasn’t long she made her way to Port Nebel.
She didn’t care…she told herself. But she couldn’t stop thinking of what had occurred between her and Rathan as she watched the people walking in the streets.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan shook his head sadly and left a note on her desk before leaving.
"Dearest Sorsha,
You can only run from your problems for so long, and hiding beneath armor won't work either. Even the sturdiest coat of mail has its weak spots. You want to know who I am? I am a scholar from a far away land. A follower of a much persecuted religion, a servant to higher beings... And more importantly... Yours, when you're ready."
Rathan sighed and left.

Revision as of 13:25, 17 December 2012