McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/zeromus: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''

The violet specks adorning her light blue eyes danced as she examined the banner of Abaron.  The black raven with the three arrows on the blue field seemed to take flight as the wind whipped it about. She would have recognized the large tent as the Marshal’s even without the banner.
She noticed some of the men walking around, soldiers by the looks of them, her long dark brown braid trailed over her shoulder to her waist as she turned to one. Seeing her appearance his step momentarily faltered and her brow rose at his gaze and she gave him a malicious grin.
Her skin tight black leathers shone, and hugged every one of her curves reaching up to her neck. The several belts at her waist and torso holding them tightly in place, her long black gauntleted gloves gleamed as did the two scythed daggers at her belt.
Her face expressionless she approached the guard at the tent. “Inform Marshal Zeromus, Sorsha McDowell is here to speak with him.”
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron'''
"There is a lady named McDowell who wishes to speak with Marshal Zeromus," said the guard who was positioned at the tent entrance.
"Yes, she has been expected to, escort her to his workroom." said the Guard Captain.
"As you wish, Captain Kleber!" the soldier turned around and escort the lady to the marshal's workroom.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha waited only a few moments before a guard returned, this time directing her into the tent and further into a small closed off area. She was directed to sit, and she shook her head, preferring to stand, and waited. Looking around, she could see maps, goblets, ink pots, parchment about, she would identify this as a command centre. 
It wasn’t long after a man entered, and she looked over her shoulder at him. By the looks of him, she could only guess he was the Marshal himself. Turning, she gave a slight bow of her head and gazed directly into his eyes.
Back home the intensity of her piercing gaze combined with the rare color of her eyes made most pause, more so it was the lack of expression on her face that didn’t reveal of hint of emotion on her part that made them draw back. “Good day Marshal Zeromus. I hope you are well. I had wanted to see you sooner, but under the circumstances one must wait. I hope I’m not disturbing you.”
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron''' 
The tall, but corpulent man, still in is his leather armour and the blue tunic with his family crest on the chest, his green eyes made contact with her before he answered her.
"You never disturb, my lady, though I am surprised to see you so soon, I had wished to take a bath and change clothes before you came. I hope this don't disturb you"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha nodded again, “yes I wanted to have the chance before something else occurred and it would be again a chance lost. I will not be long, my word.”
She glanced around the room and this time took the chair, her facial expression never changed, but that simple movement on her part brought out the fire in her abdominal wound.
“Have you been receiving word from our General?”
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron''' 
Zeromus flinched at the question and looked surprised.
"The D'Haran General? No, I have not. Why? Why would he contact me? Or did you mean Brother Bellator? I asked him about Madina, and he says he has not heard anything new from them, yet, so I asked him to send a reminder." He said while he threw his unstrung bow on the bench, along with his quiver.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
She watched his expression and followed his movements as the bow hit the bench. “It is good that a reminder be sent,” she said softly and looked back to him. “Yes I was referring to General Nils. I was curious if your General had made mention of any news if there were any. I have been in correspondence with our Military Council and as I have done in the past I am the voice of the Ordenstaat Excursion along with Marshal Carlos. As of yet, I do not have any word if reinforcements will be sent. I have actually been asked to return home. Although I do not wish to leave until I am satisfied I did everything I could to assist you. Like I said my word as a McDowell seals this, unfortunately one simple unit does not make the whole of the Black Lions Army.”
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron'''
"Well, I did hear something from my general.... MUROS! I KNOW YE ARE HIDDEN AROUND HERE! Time to get to work, old man!" Zeromus said, and an old man enters the workroom.
"My lord is truly an evil man. Sending letters here and there and then he want copies..." muttered the man named Muros.
"Ah! So you was there after all? Anyway, have we received anything about the D'Harans from Brother Arden?" Zeromus asks his scribe.
"Yes, we do. I think I actually have the letter on me... Ah, here it is!" he folds the message out and displays it, on the paper it stood:
No news from Madina but D'Hara is rebuilding the Western Guard (the army that came to help).
Arden Fury
Brother Bellator of Ordenstaat, Duke of Rettleville, Marshal of the Inferi Hunters
"Any help sire?" The old man asks.
"Yes, thank you Muros, go and join the others now." Zeromus said. The old man left the workroom, and went to join the soldiers in their ale drinking contest.
Zeromus turned back to lady Sorsha and said: "You said that they are requesting at your home. Well, it would be a disaster. Without scouts I will be fumbling in the dark more then ever, which is a shame when we for once have units. But if you must return, you must. I can't force you to stay. As you said, we are the masters, or mistresses, of our own fate. Too bad on your unit though. Those with scouts are both busy, and none are in my army."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha regarded him coolly, she idly wondered just what was keeping Madina from assisting their neighbors. She knew it would take time to rebuild the Western Guard, they had been wiped out to the last man.
“Yes it would be disastrous for you to be blind, had I known of your lack on scouts, I would have made sure to bring a few more along. I did say I was called back home, but I will not be leaving immediately therefore you should not worry right away. My men are fierce they will give it their all as will I. Although you should make preparations to have them available once I am gone.” Something he then said made her frown. “Where are the other units? Should they not be assisting you here and now? You are already short on men as it is and are being pushed back daily. Every man counts.”
She rose off the chair and began to pace. “Forgive me,” she said softly. “I am often too candidly blunt for my own good. I am sure you have everything under your command and know exactly what you are about in your own land. I will refrain myself.”
She began to walk near the entrance. “I simply wanted to speak with you face to face, and I am glad I took the chance,” her soft heart shaped lips rose into a rare smile. “I am sure you have much to occupy your time with, I will bother you no longer.”
'''Roleplay from Zeromus Abaron'''
"Talking with you has been a pleasure, and you don't bother me, not at all. The only unit except those here is Duke Ardens, who retrieve our lost regions once again. Baron Silesian is busy with maintaining Maeotis, so we can get units at all. Do you need an escort? Or do you find out from this place?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha nodded slightly. “Thank you, but I do not need an escort.” She gave his green eyes one last look and flashed him a grin. “May we see each other on the battlefield M’lord,” she bowed and left.
When she exited the tent, she looked around noticing how dark everything had gotten. In the distance she noticed a pair of eyes watching her, giving a small whistle, her Ocelot bounded to her side and she walked away with him trailing her steps. She thought of Marshal Zeromus. He had been as she expected him to be and now had satisfied her curiosity. Hopefully working with them would be easier from now on, she wished she could go back with the information she now had and change things, but she couldn’t. She had to make due with what life had given her.
When she returned to her camp it was much smaller than it usually was and she watched everything with incredible detachment. She wished Rathan was still there with her and had not left to return home...
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha sat in her tent and rubbed her tired eyes. She had met with Marshal Zeromus today and had only talked for a short while but it had been enough of an insight for her. The man was faced with impossible odds and dealt with them as much as he could and with what power he was allotted. She hoped that now that they understood each other from now on things between them would be smoother.
She had also mentioned to him she would be leaving shortly, what was left of her unit was almost now non existent and there was nothing more she could help them with but for her scout reports and already he felt like would be blind without her there… she was almost tempted to return…Despite what she has said.
She wondered how she would be welcomed at home. She just wanted to go back to Nebel. To go home, she couldn’t remember the last time she had even been there, the last time she had taken a warm bath filled with exotic scents, or when she had been in her bed… well maybe she would see about finding more of that sleep tonic, lock herself up and not come out until she had slept a good week.
Taking the bottle of wine before her she took a long drink and lowered the empty bottle. A few days now…

Revision as of 13:19, 17 December 2012