McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Boar Hunt: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' Hexic arrived in Nebel, and ordered his men to make camp and dig-in for the duration of the duel. He then proceeded to the estate of Marshal Sorsha. -...)
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'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 

Hexic arrived in Nebel, and ordered his men to make camp and dig-in for the duration of the duel. He then proceeded to the estate of Marshal Sorsha.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Lorlan had informed Sorsha, Marshal Hexic, had arrived to which she immediately began to proceed to the waiting hall to greet him, but not before Lorlan cleared his throat and presented her with an invitation. She opened it and read it with a delicate frown and looked up to Lorlan.
“This does cause a slight problem,” she voiced out loud. “I will greet Marshal Hexic, during this time, Lorlan I will need you to gather Elizabeth and Faralir… it seems I do not have anything decent or formal to wear,” she said solemnly, looking down to her leathers. “I would like something in a deep shade of red,” she told him quietly and his brow rose in mild surprise at the color and he bowed.
After he left, she walked into the waiting hall and noticed Marshal Hexic’s large frame and a smile adorned her lips. “Marshal Hexic,” she greeted. “It’s nice to see you again.”
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"Likewise, Marshal." After adjusting to the idea of a female Marshal, Hexic thought it no longer appropriate to kiss her hand. But Sorsha was a lady of the realm, and it would only be polite to do so. Compromising, he offered his hand at a tilt, so he could either kiss it, or shake it as we would a colleague. "You look well. I had heard rumours of illness as I rode through town, is there truth to it?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
To his greeting, she offered Hexic her hand and grinned. Already she had dropped the sweet persona, for something a bit more adventurous, colder, yet daring. She waited with a long glance in his direction and he gently kissed it.
“Thank you,” she smiled and her fingers lingered in his, only removing her hand after he pulled away. “You have heard correctly,” she spoke honestly. “Though I seem to be slowly recovering, I have no words to explain it, it seems I am experiencing some issues with my memory. It is not grave,” she reassured him, that part she lied about.
Now that she came face to face with the other Marshal, she was given memories of him. Ones that seemed completely out of place in the jumble that was her mind, yet curiously intriguing. She remembered her first and only encounter with Hexic, in fact it blazoned in her memory. She had always admired him from a distance, in a sense she had suffered a slight care of hero worship and that was something incredibly hard to forget. The sensation had remained, and this had been her main attraction to him. “Unless you heard something else,” she grinned,
She began to walk away, and he followed her through the long hallways. “Lorlan will make sure you are properly taken care of should you need to rest, I know the trip from the Lighthouse isn’t a short one.” To her words, Lorlan appeared and bowed, indicating he was already on it. She continued to walk and then looked over her shoulder. “Duke Mathias is here as well if you wish to speak with him, as is Sir Lycan. At the moment though, would you like to join me for a light lunch?” She indicated the open doorway, which a light curtain took to a small breeze and beyond it a table could be seen with two chairs. “I’m in need of… some air.”
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic held up a hand to Lorlan, indicating Hexic desired his attention. "I do not require any special treatment. While I travel with my men I prefer to eat the same food, and generally live in the same conditions. Helps bond us together I find. I will accept your invitation to lunch however, it would be rude not to." Hexic made his way through the doorway, and took a seat. Sorsha followed him and sat opposite.
"Whatever you have in the kitchens will be fine." Hexic said to Lorlan. Turning to Sorsha, Hexic commented on her illness "Well riding on horseback through town is hardly a reliable means to gather information. But you say you have gaps in your memories? Perhaps I can fill some of them in, or at least try."
At his words of bonding with his men, Sorsha gave him a long glance as if measuring him anew. Then she thought about his offer of help and she gave a lopsided grin. “I fear there isn’t much to speak of, she raised her hands as if at a loss and looked out to the scenery before them.
Spring had come and slowly the beauty of the land was showing once more. For a moment, she softened up, as if mesmerized by what she saw, and then she turned in his direction once more, her facial expression changing to one of mischief.
Lorlan then appeared with some platters of cheese, flat bread, rolled up meats and a bottle of wine with two goblets.  She waited for Hexic to start eating first and then she poured him some of the wine. “It is only fair I return the courtesy,” she told him.
She waited for him to eat, and then she nibbled on some of the food. They ate in silence for while, but for some glances over her goblet on her part, continuously admiring the man before her. She wondered why in the world it had taken her so long to approach him in the first place.
“The Duel will take place in the morning,” she informed him, “I have to apologize I did not have much time to make any preparations to entertain my guests, I have been distracted. I’m sure Lorlan will surprise me as he always does, but I fear he as well was not prepared for so many guests. Had I been given more time, I would have had a feast prepared…” she trailed off as she thought of the oversight. “What are your plans for the evening?” They had already neared the end of their lunch and one of her servants came back to take some of the platters.
As the young woman took a platter, Hexic looked up at the beautiful woman with a polite smile, but in return she gave him a coy grin. Sorsha noticed the look immediately but she sat back in her chair, curious but silent. When the young woman walked away, Sorsha grinned. “It seems I am not the only one to be taken in by you,” she said with extreme bluntness and waited for his reaction. 
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic chuckled, and applied what he thought was an even more charming smile. "Marshal, I am 35 and unmarried. I dare say I have applied my fair share of charm in my life. And of course, what Duke isn't well groomed, and doesn't dress in the finest cloths and jewels available in his kingdom?" Hexic leaned back as well, studying the enigma that sat in front of him for a moment. "And to be honest, you're quite charming yourself. The most charming young woman I have met actually." Sorsha appeared to become flustered at this compliment. And while she was still an enigma to Hexic, Hexic chose to remain a bit of an enigma to her, and leave this encounter before she could adequately respond. "And to answer your previous question, I am going hunting shortly. If Duke Bowie has arrived, we will be hunting together."
Hexic made his way through the doorway, and asked Lorlan to show him out, as this was his first visit to Sorsha's manor. As they walked, the Duke found himself telling Lorlan about Qubel Lighthouse, and the 'exotic dancers' under his employ. Clearly interested, Lorlan's pace slowed. And Hexic, enjoying his storytelling did not notice the change of pace, and slowed also, until they came to a stop outside the main doors, and continued on telling Lorlan about his exotic dancers. Being one of the main footpaths through the manor it seemed, all of the men in the vicinity turned all of their attention to the Duke as they heard him mention exotic dancers.
"...And for the feast that was held in Marshal Sorsha's honour, I brought the twins Katherine and Elizabeth as my guests, and introduced them as nobles!" A great wave of laughter arose from the crowd of men. Women soon flocked over, eager to hear what was so funny. Even the pretty maidservant from before joined the crowd. "...I must say, Lycan was looking lonely at the banquet, so I introduced them to him. And let me tell you, they completely fooled him, and he wasn't lonely in the morning when I met with him!" Even Hexic joined in the chorus of laughter that ensued, and he realised that between himself and Sorsha, they had finished the bottle of wine, but Sorsha hadn't drunk more than her first goblet. The handmaiden could be heard squealing "I want to become an exotic dancer! They have so much FUN!"
Attracted to all the commotion, Lycan descended the main staircase, not recognizing Hexic at the heart of the throng, he attempted to disband the crowd. Noticing Lycan, Hexic waved his hand and called to him as he suppressed a laugh. "Lycan! We were just talking about you!" Several of the younger women giggled, and eyed Lycan mischievously. "I was on my way out for a hunt, and my storytelling got out of hand it seems. Would you care to join me? Duke Bowie may be joining us as well."
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan heard the commotion and went downstairs to check up on it. He heard someone call his name and looking over the crowd he saw Hexic with a few women around him. He smiled in their direction and as he approached them he slowly bowed returning the ladies’ grin.
Turning to Hexic he smiled “Hello there. I see you are always well accompanied. Maybe I should start visiting the Lighthouse more often.” The ladies giggled again and he continued. “As for the hunt, even though I hate to leave these lovely ladies…” he turned to them and winked. “…yes I think I will join you.” He patted Hexic on the back “Lead the way my friend.”
Hexic led the way and they left for the hunt.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had stayed behind for some time, thinking about what Hexic had told her. <i>“You're quite charming yourself. The most charming young woman I have met actually. </i> This line had thrown her off for some time now and she sat there, wondering.
It was a while after she eventually decided to return inside and look for Carlene, the young servant from before, but she couldn’t find her anywhere. It was a bit of time later, Sorsha stood in the corner of the hallway, hidden by most of her servants, listening to Hexic’s tale with an amused expression when she heard Carlene call out her desire to become an exotic dancer, well she had found her. Sorsha would solve that issue very easily, although she would make sure she wasn’t in the Duke’s employ. At the thought Sorsha frowned, she was irritated, more so as more of the women fawned over Hexic. What was wrong with her?
She then watched as Lycan entered the room and they both left.
The crowed dispersed as they left and Sorsha walked down the hall to one of her private rooms. She lit some candles and closed the door. The candlelight reflecting off the weapons adorning the walls, they were of every kind imaginable. Making her way to the center of the room, she kneeled on the ground and closed her eyes. She had extreme difficulty doing so, but she managed to clear her mind, looking for the empty void she needed, preparing herself for the coming duel. 
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Having not heard from Bowie, Hexic did not wait for him. He did return to his camp and selected his five most experienced archers to accompany them on the hunt.
Hexic, Lycan and the five archers set out to southern Nebel where it was rumoured large boar lived. Two of said beasts would feed the Duke's entire unit. They have seven strong backs, if they could bring back seven of these large boar, he would impress many.
They tracked one to a wallow, and bore witness to five of them. "Ready your crossbows..... Fire!" They felled three, and the others immediately attempted to escape. Before another word could be spoken however, a large cat pounced from the other side of the wallow, and landed on the larger of the two remaining boars. It ferociously and savagely killed it. "Is that an ocelot? Its head would make a fine trophy, eh?" Hexic asked his men. Without awaiting a response, Hexic readied another bolt and took aim. "NO!" Lycan shouted, alarming the ocelot as he knocked Hexic's crossbow upward. It went off and missed the ocelot. In a hushed and urgent whisper, Lycan said "That is Sorsha's ocelot! I'd recognize it anywhere..." The ocelot had begun to pace, keeping its eyes on the spot the group was hiding. "She has an ocelot??"Hexic said, stunned. "Well it clearly knows we're here, and I don't want to become its second victim this evening. Let’s see if we can find another wallow." The group inched slowly away from the wallow. The ocelot seemed to sense it, and proceeded to eat the four boar.
It took quite some time to find another set of fresh tracks. By the time they had it was nearly too dark to continue the hunt. They attempted to follow anyway, and found a lone boar investigating a log for grubs. Indicating his men to hold their fire. The Duke decided to allow the Royal Fiduciary the honour of the kill. Lycan took his shot, and struck the beast dead in the heart. Congratulating him on the kill, Hexic field dressed it, and one of his men attempted to sling it over his shoulder. It proved too heavy, and far larger than they had expected. It took four men to carry it back to Hexic's camp.

Revision as of 13:16, 17 December 2012