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(New page: '''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' Rathan considered her offer, and grinned. "I am more than up to the challenge. Sir Alden Clarke will accompany me on this deed. Thank you Confessor...)
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'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 

Rathan considered her offer, and grinned.
"I am more than up to the challenge. Sir Alden Clarke will accompany me on this deed. Thank you Confessor, its more than I deserve." he said humbly, bowing low.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
"Very well" she stood up "I will see that your room is readied until I speak to the King. I'm sure you will appreciate a nice comfortable bed over the hard boards of your former cell. I will not be made a fool twice in one day Rathan therefor I will still order a watch to your room so that I can see that bright grin in the morning. There will be two guards posted at your window side and two at the door. My children sleep in this house and although I know you would never bring them physical harm I also do not want them to be subject to chaos in their homes where they should feel safe" she walked to the door and opened it
"Now I must find the King if you will excuse me" she motioned for the guard to enter the room "See that he is brought on the west side of the palace, post two guards at his door and two at his window do not hesitate to use force should the Marquis decide to go for a midnight stroll. Bring him a plate of food and some refreshments it's been a long day and I'm sure he is hungry" she looked back to Rathan
"Enjoy your night Sir Rathan, the guards will show you to your room now" she walked behind the guard as they escorted the Marquis to his room.
A few hours had passed and Kisharianda rolled around in bed wondering where the King had been all night. He left rather quickly earlier and he had an air about him that made her suspicious of where he might be. She knew Cenarious well and for him to leave the way he did something was up. She stood out of bed and went to check on the children for the fourth time since she had prepared herself for bed and like the first time they were all sleeping soundly in their rooms with both the nursemaids and their guards at the door. Thankfully Cenarious was smart when he order the additional room next to their room to be set up for the twins as the room had no windows the only means of entrance was through the door and that was well guarded. She kissed Selena and rubbed her hair back admiring her bubbled lips as she slept.
"Your real father is a fool little one, but I make a promise to you on this day, I will do what is necessary to make sure you never see the likes of him for the rest of his life. You will not be subject to such shame from his actions, you will grow up to be an honorable woman with class and sophistication. She leaned over and kissed her forehead again, turning over to the twins she kissed them also and walked out of the room to tour the castle and find Cenarious, for without him she would surely not sleep this evening.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
The sharply raked bow of the Storm Cutter sliced through the ocean gradually picking up even greater speed as its sailors made minute adjustments in answer to the orders of its captain. The clipper ship belonged to the Black Lions and it was said to be the fastest boat in D'Hara, and tonight they were working hard to maintain that reputation, not that anyone would ever actually hear of this trip as everyone on board had been sworn to secrecy in the name of the Crown. The ship ran dark as it raced across the open water, not a single light shone on deck and its black sails could not be seen against the dark of the night. Its compliment of Lion guards held themselves below deck, both to keep the space above free for the sailors and to help mask any noise their equipment might make. If it came to it they could be on deck in seconds, and it wasn't as though the sailors couldn't hold their own in ship to ship combat as they were trained as Black Lions themselves.
As the crew went about its business as usual, one Lion sat nondescriptly in the stern with his sword across his knees. As the captain seemed to be making a point of ignoring the cloaked man all his sailors followed his lead and did so as well. They knew all to well the price that could be had for sticking their noses where they didn't belong. Lost in his own thoughts, the Lion pulled a cloth from his belt pouch and began to slowly wipe the blackened blade of his bastard sword clean of the blood that drenched the blade. Though the man had obviously seen a good deal of fighting that night, and was mostly certainly fatigued from the exertions, he performed the cleaning of his sword with the demeanor of a priest performing a daily ritual. Slowly, with a steady hand, he wiped the blood that could barely be seen in the dead of night from the blackened steel. Every good soldier knows that their weapon is their life and that blood left on a blade for any length of time could well ruin it beyond repair. It was apparent to any who saw the blade in its current state that it had seen a great deal of use that night. More then one man must have died on that sword for it to be so caked with blood that layers had formed in several spots along its length.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
As the man worked to clean his blade he pondered the nights events. He had never seen Sorsha act so single-mindedly, she had disregarded her own safety as she worked her way across the island like a woman possessed. It would seem she really was in love with Mathias, though he still doubted that Mathias deserved such devotion. If it hadn't been for her Lions it wasn't likely that she'd have made it as far the cave, let alone succeeded in saving Mathias from his captures. In truth she would never know how close she had come to death that night. Though her group had taken on the patrols that roamed the island she had avoided the kidnappers' ship entirely, and the main camp that guarded it, as it was located on the farthest shore of the island from where she herself had landed.
Even as Sorsha was busy saving Mathias from the cave, the mercenaries had prepared to secure their prisoner in answer to the ruckus death cries of the men she had slain to get there. It was then that he and the Storm Cutter had made their move. While the swiftness of the silent attack from the sea had taken the kidnappers completely by surprise, it was far from their death blow. The ship did little more then set the mercenaries' carrack a blaze before it moved back out of range of the fire or of any other possible counterattack from the kidnappers. The safety of the ship was paramount in this situation, as it would do them little good to kill the mercenaries only to trap themselves on the island after all. As the mercenaries raced to save their doomed ship Sorsha was busy leading her party to their boat and the safety of their ships, still completely ignorant of the battle about to take place to ensure her safe retreat. He remembered thinking that the burning boat would be the anvil to his hammer as he had drawn his sword and raced ahead of his Lion companions as they charged out of the darkness to attack the distracted and disoriented mercenaries. He would love to say that they had been worthy foes for him to test his strength against but alas that had not been the case. It was not a battle, it was a slaughter, and as his bloody clothes would attest he had been at the center of the slaughterhouse. Head butcher of a macabre meat house. It brought back memories of the siege of Avamar, the blood had pooled in the streets as the elves fought tooth and nail to breach the walls. He had lost friends and fellow soldiers in plenty during the days of that siege, and in his youthful rage he had killed more elves then he could even count. He had killed for days, from sunup to sundown, until his arm had grown too tired to even lift his blade and yet in the end they had been forced to flee the city as the elves climbed over the bodies of their own dead in order to claim the city as their own.
With his blade now clean, and his garb still bloody, the Lion sheathed his sword and looked out at the Dragon Gate as the Storm Cutter passed beneath the fiery eyes of the Dragon towers. Home at last it seemed, he thought to himself as he glanced back at the open sea behind them. The Storm Cutter had earned its reputation this day, for although Sorsha's ship had left before they could, the Storm Cutter had made it here first and with time to spare no less. He would still need to be quick if he was to sneak back into Heaven's Palace before Sorsha's party of Lions did so themselves. It wouldn't do to go to all this trouble just be found out on the home stretch.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan followed the guards back to his room, and sprawled out on the bed. He was tired, but he could not sleep. He sat up, and opened the door.
"Do go get something to drink... Something strong, and something to eat as well, I am starved. Be quick about it." he said the guard, and shut the door. It wasn't long before there was a knock, and a young serving made came in with a plate and a tumbler of whiskey.
"Good. Now leave."
He ate quietly, and downed the small glass, and went to sleep, wondering what the next day would have in store.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Mathias’ reaction to her words was a large grin and he set her back to the ground. She would have wanted nothing more than to forget they were on the ship but they couldn’t, not here. The ship sailed on quickly until they neared Port Raviel. She walked to the railing and Mathias stood beside her. Her hand touching his, every moment she needed to feel him near her, needed to touch him to ease the worry she had in the pit of stomach. Even though she knew he was safe and well, the fear she had lived with for the last few days remained within her, and it would for quite some time.
Their talk, even though light at first had turned to a darker note as she told him everything that took place in his absence. “When I found out you were taken, I searched the city for you. I ended up at the port, and something just felt off, too many strange things happening for it to remain coincidence. I found a small ship, and engaged with a masked mask, the ship we were on was set on fire. I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive, but I thought he was the one who had taken you… He managed to push me off the ship and I was hurt” she then reached up to touch her head, she was still very tender. “He knocked me out and took me back to a room in the city… It was Rathan.”
She swallowed, not looking at Mathias’ eyes, she knew he would be enraged but she couldn’t leave him in the dark, he deserved to know the truth. “He apologized, and told me everything had gone wrong… At the time I did not know it, but the King demanded that every noble be arrested and I be found. Not only were they dealing with your kidnapping but mine as well.” She squeezed his hand lightly. “I did fall asleep, and then remember Bowie waking me. I began to leave and Captain Johann found me and took me back to Port Raviel. Bowie was then taken back to the palace as well.”
She looked up to the sky at the next part of her story. “The King was relieved to see me, but he persisted in saving you, only they were waiting for something… of what I am unsure of. He wished to know what happen and I gave him Rathan’s name. He was locked away.” She closed her eyes and looked down. “I went to Rathan and asked him to tell me where you were. I couldn’t ignore my instincts I knew something was terribly wrong. He refused to tell me unless I took him with me, it was then I offered myself, telling him I would remain with him, in exchange for your safety… he gave me your location quickly.”
She didn’t turn to see the look on his face. “When I left, he escaped and joined me and Lycan on a ship to return back to Port Nebel. That’s when I found out the real truth. Bowie was preparing a rebellion, and you were a key element. Rathan has told me it was to apprehend you…to detain you to keep my attention drawn elsewhere. These words I know to be false. He thinks I am easily fooled, but I am not. That is not the only reason, Rathan would have accomplished in ridding himself of you… And I would have been left without you.” 
Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke the words out loud. Sorsha had felt betrayed before but not like this, her throat seemed to fill with a sob she refused to let out and she closed her eyes. “I thought Bowie…was different, a friend even, but he shall never receive a kind word from me. When I close my eyes, all I can see is myself killing him with my bare hands, over and over…but that fate would be much too easy for him, he deserves to suffer for an eternity. He has cut me so deeply there are not enough words of apology in this world that will make me hear him, he has become nothing to me and Rathan…” a trembling sigh escaped her lips.
“What did he think would happen? You are taken, possibly killed in the end and what? I fall into his arms out of grief? The only reason why he is still alive at this point is because he has served his usefulness for me and has led me to you.” Her voice dropped so low she stopped talking. It hurt too much to continue, in the end Sorsha had lost more than anyone could ever imagine. With the events that had taken place, many of them had made an enemy out of her. This was extremely dangerous for them.
She remained silent and waited for Mathias to speak. She knew he would have much to say considering all she told him. She didn’t really know how he would deal with it all. He was a man who didn’t trust people easily, she could only imagine how this would change him.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
It had been a whole day since Lycan had left Rathan with the guards at the palace. He was now in the King and Queen's hands and there wasn't anything else he could have done. Afterwards he returned to his camp.
After arriving there, he went directly to his tent and Gregor greeted him with "Sir, that must have been one heck of a party for you to return only now..." Lycan replied in a low voice "No, it wasn't." and asked to be informed of the latest reports. Gregor found it strange. After a bachelor party the commander should be walking around with a huge grin instead of a frown, but he knew better than to ask more.
Lycan sat at his table and read the reports and then a few orders while Gregor awaited. He looked up from one of the orders and with an even more worried look and disappointed look on his face he told Gregor to keep the men ready for battle. "And no, Gregor, that's all you'll know about it." Lycan answered when the captain's brow furrowed. Gregor saluted and left the tent.
Lycan slipped his hands through his hair and yawned. It had been two days since he last slept. But now there wasn't any time for that either. He got up and followed Gregor outside, he needed to inspect the men's equipment, weapons and oversee their training. He needed to make sure that everything was being done as he wished.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
The morning had started out slowly for the Stormrage family, staff and servants were walking around the palace like busy bees at their duties. She made her way to the kitchen to find Charles cooking eggs and pancakes in a black cast iron pan, you could smell the bacon cooking from deep within the hallways of the palace..
“Smells wonderful Charles” she grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee “Charles will you see that Rathan gets a hearty breakfast this morning it’s probably been days since he’s had a good decent meal” she looked behind her to find Misha walking in. “Oh good just the person I wanted to see, will you see that Rathan gets a bath filled for him, and have his linen changed as well” Misha bowed and left the room to execute her wishes
“Breakfast in the garden my Queen” Charles asked smiling knowing the answer already “Yes as usual Charles that will be fine” she made her way out of the kitchen and picked up the reports that were handed to her, she read as she made her way to the children’s room. She approached the door and looked at the guards. “Any movement in there?” she asked smiling “No m’lady nothing yet” one guard answered. “Wonderful” she grinned “Quiet is always good, take your leave and get some rest I will be with the children today, you will return this evening” she ordered and both guards bowed “Thank you my Queen” and they made their way out of the hallway
Opening the door she walked in stepping lightly on the floor not to wake them, the room was always dark since their was no windows in the children’s room, Cenarious had purposely made it this way to make sure the children were kept safe but most importantly to keep the brutal humid sea air out of the room to prevent the children from getting sick. She flickered a match to the lamp on Selena’s bedside. As the room lit up she noticed Cenarious sitting on the rocking chair between the twins cradles and she smiled to herself. His head laid comfortably on top on his hand which gripped the hilt of his black sword, all the while his other hand was in Alistair’s cradle who gripped his father’s index finger. She couldn’t help but smile again at was she was seeing. Cenarious loved his children and he often slipped in their room at night to watch them sleep. She stepped lightly around Cenarious to light the other lamp behind him, looking back as the area lit up she noticed blood stains in the back of his neck and speckles of blood around his ear and she frowned and wondered.
“Cenarious” she shook him lightly “Cen my love” she shook a little harder. His head raised to see his wife standing before him “Where have you been all night?” she asked . Cenarious looked at her with sleepy eyes wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggling up against her “Guarding our family” he said as he hugged tighter.
“You have blood behind your neck and ears my love, what have you been up to” she shook her head waiting for him to reply but instead he just squeezed harder. “I’ve been worried sick about you “ she played in his hair and noticed how tick and knotted it felt “Guarding your family” she said again knowing well at this point that was all the information he was going to share with her. “Were you successful in guarding your family this past eve my love” his head leaned back and her eyes caught his. “Everything is at it should be” he sat back and stretched as he yawned “Is that Charles breakfast I smell? I’m famished” his eyes grew round “ and he stood up and stole a kiss from his wife
“Yes that would be Charles breakfast” she folded her arms and grinned at him “He will be serving us in the garden as soon as I ready the children”
Cenarious smiled and tapped her behind “Good let me get into some clean clothes and I will meet you in the garden” he walked over to Selena who was just waking up from hearing the voices “Good morning Selena how did daddy’s little princess sleep last night” he kissed her forehead as she rubbed her sleepy eyes and runny nose
“Daddy sleep wif Selena” she hugged his neck and continue to rub her nose on his shoulder. Cenarious grinned and patted her back “Yes daddy did” he put her down “Now we all get ready and go have breakfast”
“We need to talk about Rathan, I have something to propose to you that might be of use to all of us in the end, over breakfast maybe?” she asked hopeful “Yes over breakfast” he nodded and made his way out.
“Alright princess lets get the twins up and ready” she held her hand out to Selena “Yep mommy we get da twim weady”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias just stared at Sorsha unable to string two syllables together he was so infuriated, but then he realized it made no difference because he was still fine and his love was here with him. "Mo Searc...though it disgusts me to think that you would even for a second think to be with that monster even to free me. I don't even know what I myself might have done being put in the same situation...."
Mathias then turning noticed that the ship had arrived at port in Port Raviel, and with Sorsha in hand the two began to walk towards the palace.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s brow furrowed at his reaction. The Mathias she knew would have flown off in a rage, regardless of who was around. She knew she wanted to scream for all she was worth, but she was keeping it inside, waiting to use it on the appropriate subject. He had changed, more than even she knew.
As they walked off the ship, Sorsha noticed a unit of Black Lions in the harbor, only just arriving themselves. As she passed by, several looked up to see her and saluted. She quietly wondered from where they were returning. Many of them had weapons drawn, others were only now removing blood on them. <i>Curious…</i> Much was happening these days and it seemed she may have missed something.
Of course now was not the time to focus on the matter, she would ask them later. She had more pressing matters to deal with. The guards let them into the palace with some wishes for the Duke, “glad to see you are safe and well Duke Mathias,” one said and eyed the blood on their clothes with a slightly surprised expression.
Sorsha walked in with Mathias and then announced to the servant. “Inform the King and Queen that Sorsha and Mathias have returned. Should they need to see us I will be in my chambers,” she then paused and added, “mind only if it is of the most pressing urgency. The Duke and I have been through a great ordeal and wish for some time to, compose ourselves and recuperate.”
She led Mathias down the hall and back to what she now thought as her private room and closed the door behind her. “Shall we take care of that bath now?”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha couldn’t help smiling at his words and approached the dresser and began removing first her weapons, and then her bloodied gauntlets. Looking at all the dried blood, she reached up to touch her face. She could only imagine what she looked like. Should anyone see her, she would probably look like a nightmare of bloodlust. She turned to see him sitting on the bed, waiting. “Mathias… did they mistreat you?” she asked suddenly, the anger inside boiling.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
“Well besides the fact that I was tied and bound for nearly a week, and that they fed me slop. No I was not mistreated. Though I do wish my friend you found me with had lived to come back home with us....I...oh it doesn't matter so long as I am here with you now.”

Revision as of 13:11, 17 December 2012