McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/sentencing: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien'''

Picking up the letters and evidence brought fourth to her she rose from her chair of the study and made her way to the court of Port Raviel. As she entered the Court she prepared her information and turned to the guard who escorted her.
"Bring me the Marquis" she walked to her seat and waited for his return with Rathan.
She had always made her court available to those who wished to attend, in hopes the it would bring some young minds closer to the laws and prepare them for such futures. Many attended mostly out of curiosity, others to get satisfaction in watching the Confessor charge the accused with their crimes, and like many other courts simply to spin tales and eventually rumors that would spread like wild fires across D'hara. On this day the court filled quickly at the news of the Confessor interrogating and charging a Marquis of multiple crimes against the Crown. They waited silently as the Confessor did for the guard to bring the guilty to his seat.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan entered the court room, well dressed, and groomed. He took his seat, and took several papers out from his bag and set them on the table before him. If he was nervous, he didn't show it. The crowd that had gathered looked on silently as the Marquis sat, waiting for the Confessor to begin.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
Marquis Rathan I will present in part the list of accusations that you are facing today you will be given the chance to show your defense on each count.
She reached over to the paper before her and started to read out loud.
Marquis Rathan Himoura today you stand before me for numerous acts of treason against the crown and your Duke. I will list the charges which have been placed on you and you will be given the chance to defend yourself accordingly on each count.
But before we start I want you to know that I had given you the chance to present me with the correspondence that you and Bowie planned in secrecy, when I gave you the opportunity to do so you agreed to prove to me that you didn’t act alone in this but you failed to show all of the correspondences as they were picked out of convenience to favor you and incriminating the Count further in both of your plot. As you have the right to know the Count has also given me the correspondences freely knowing that it would incriminate him as well but he did so that he was not going to be responsible for all acts on his own.
Your charges are as follows:
1. Abduction of a Duke on D’Haran lands which include:
-Imperonating the Black Lions
-Vandalism and burning of a D’haran ship on D’haran land
-Putting the Marshal of the Black Lions in direct danger and drugging her silence
2. Organizing a coup d’etats:
-Working against the Crown to over throw the King
-Working on gathering members into your secret organization
3. Formulating an assissination of your King
Be thankful that the King has agreed to lower the list of the charges and also agreed that you face only these charges even in your intent to dispose of him.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
Let us start with the charge of abduction on your Duke and placing him in direct danger by removing him from D’Hara and placing him in the hands of vigilantes whom are still unknown to D’Hara. You have played a role in taking him from a gathering which was orchestrated by yourself and the help of the former Count Bowie Ironsides. In this process you have committed three counts of charges which included, bodily harm to the Duke with intent to kill him, Impersonating members of the King’s Black Lions, and the burning of a D’Hara ship in D’Haran waters.
It clearly shows here in your hand writing and personal seal that the letters are indeed from you,
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (13 days, 23 hours ago)
You always have known how to spark my interest. I'm in, and so are my associates. I want to be D'hara's new Confessor. I never thought there was interest for it, but I definitely agree with you.
My other term is:
We kill Mathias.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (13 days ago)
I'll introduce you to my associates in person. As for killing Matbias, I will take great pleasure in it, but it has to look like you forced me to do it.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (11 days, 15 hours ago)
Who is hosting it? If we can find out who is supposed to be staging the kidnapping, we can kill the men they've hired, and have our own men take him instead. I'm moving to Port Nebel now. I can help you with funding for this, I have no shortage of it. How many followers do you have in this?
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (11 days, 15 hours ago)
As for a timeline, I cannot be here too long before striking without drawing suspicion. Two weeks would be ideal, a month at the most.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (10 days, 14 hours ago)
How I feel about Sorsha will not interfere with my ability. I remain cold and calculating. I will take care of Mathias and company, and hold them as long as I can.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
You deliberately informed the Count that you wished to kill the Duke without taking any responsibility for your actions by suggesting that he forced you to do it, and you fabricated a plan with the Count to do so. You have also informed him that you would him as long as you could.
What is your defense on this charge? The court began to whisper amongst each other which quickly forced the Confessor to hit her gavel for attention and silence to the court room.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan stood, and bowed.
"Today, before this court I plead as follows:
1. Abduction of a Duke on D’Haran lands which include:
-I plead guilty to imperonating the Black Lions
-I plead guilty to vandalism and burning of a D’haran ship on D’haran land
-I plead guilty to putting the Marshal of the Black Lions in direct danger
-I plead innocent to drugging her silence, I, along with my trusted healer, adminstered medical care, and provided a pain remedy.
2. Organizing a coup d’etats:
-I plead guilty to working against the Crown to over throw the King
-I plead guilty to working on gathering members into my secret organization
3. I plead innocent to formulating an assassination of my King, as the plan was abandoned before it was in fruition.
I have done wrong, and throw myself upon the mercy of the court. I was vulnerable when approached, and not in a right state of mind, and I am now aghast at what I have done. I leave my fate in your hands Confessor."
Rathan bowed again, and resumed his seat.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
She listened as the Marquis plead guilty on all counts with the exception of two, which included the Marshal's well being and the assassination of the King.
"I do believe you were indeed acting in the best interest of Lady Sorsha as I am aware of her condition and your affection for her I do not believe that you would deliberately inflict harm to her person. As for the assassination of the King we will get to that a little later."
For these crimes you will be charge 50 gold.
The second Charge is as follows:
The second charge is Treason against the Crown in organizing a coup d’etat with the Count
Organizing a rebellion to overthrow the Crown in the process you have included two of your associates as being Alden Clarke and Drakos Galaros which will be facing immediate charges after this court.
The Count sends a letter asking who he should contact and who is already part of the plot, the Counts letter reads as follows.
'''Letter from Bowie Ironsides''' (12 days, 12 hours ago)
(Personal message to Rathan Himoura)
So you wish to dodge the moral blame and guilt placing it all on me? Hmm, I must admit I don't need this nor am enthusiastic about it. But if it makes you more confident in our scheme then we will arrange a performance in the future which will secure your innocence. Know this though, that this is a matter second to our ultimate objective and my participation will cost you one favour.
I am about to knock door to door to sell dissent. Whose doors can I safely ignore?
The Prince,
Bowie Ironsides (Duke)
And your replies are as follows
'''Letter from Rathan Himour'''a (12 days, 12 hours ago)
Alden and Drakos.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (12 days, 10 hours ago)
They know enough. I've told them we're staying here, and instead of making a new realm, we'll just take our own.
I want Drakos to become the new Marquis of Nebel when I get my city.
And, actually, I think executing the cabbage might be more satisfying.
As for Mathias, I cannot take responsibility if I wish to obtain the hand of Sorsha. Could you perhaps try and delay their marriage?
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
You have plead guilty to this and the charge is 50gold.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
The third charges is intent to Kill the King
'''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' (12 days, 11 hours ago)
Prince Bowie,
Will you need me to 'cook' the cabbage? I can take care of that once things begin.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Marquis of Nebel
Although I do not have more information on the plot to organize his assassination or of disposing of him and taking the crows for yourselves, you clearly indicate in this letter that you are more then willing to kill the King in order to get what you want.
It is easy to keep silence between two people and although you claim that the idea was not brought to full fruition the intent was still there none the less.
In conclusion to this case Marquis Rathan Himoura you are hereby sentence to pay the courts a fine of 150 gold. I hereby relinquish your title as Marquis to Nebel and you will immediately step down giving the Duke the opportunity to put someone else in your seat. You have until sunrise to do so if you do not obey the courts wishes you will face immediate banishment of the realm of D’Hara and you will no longer be welcomed in these lands.
Court is now official closed and you will not be faced with these charges as you have answered to them already. Know that in the future any disobedience on your part will not be in your favor as I will extend the crimes to be faced with the brutal sentencing of this court. You may make your leave.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Alone, Sorsha had made her way to the court, and stood in the very back to watch and listen. She could see Mathias in the room, but she stayed her distance.
Then as Kisharianda listed the crimes and evidence against Rathan, Sorsha grew angrier and more disappointed.  She began to chew the inside of her cheek raw. She was fuming, but more so again the betrayal was too much. Her heart broke, she had given Rathan the benefit of the doubt, she had trusted him explicitly… she loved him.
As the verdict came to a close, she closed her eyes and shook her head. Sorsha then left the room before anyone could notice her, or speak to her. She didn’t care about anything right now, she just wanted to be alone. She returned to her room and took one of her black cloaks and set it around her shoulders, she raised the hood and left the palace…
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha walked through the city of Port Raviel, not really paying attention to what was in front of her. She walked aimlessly trying to deal with the pain gouging her insides. So much had taken place during the last few days, she didn’t even remember how she got here, only that she was.
For one, her friend, or so she thought, Bowie had tried to organize a rebellion. Second, Rathan a man she had loved and was still having difficulty letting go, had participated. Only in Rathan’s attempt he had wished to kill the King, a man she not only respected but loved as a father, and then there his intense wish to kill Mathias, the man she was going to wed. She had almost chosen Rathan instead…as their love triangle finally came to an end. Well she had thought it was ended… Had she chosen Rathan instead, what would have been her future? Would she have been able to save this entire chaotic disaster from happening?
Rathan had stepped down as the Marquis of Nebel by judgment of the confessor and Mathias his Duke, and she had been given the region in his stead. She found no joy in it, had it been under different circumstances, perhaps, but the opportunity to take her seat had not been worth the price…
It seemed history continuously repeated itself. First she had been Marchioness of Nebel, she had stepped down, Rathan had taken the seat, and now they had switched again. Rathan had been made banker, was removed, and she was put in his stead… Was it a twisted kind of irony that they should reflect the same path? She was slowly growing hateful, her heart was darkening, would she simply continue to harden? She kept trying to understand but she couldn’t…
Looking down to her left hand, she looked to the McDowell ring on her middle finger and gave a sigh. She should have been married by now…
She wondered how Mathias was dealing with everything. He had been extremely silent after everything she had told him, and then with what ensued afterwards…
Looking up she realized she was in the dankest and poorest districts of the city of Port Raviel… again she didn’t care.

Revision as of 13:10, 17 December 2012