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== Daimon Nature ==
== Daimon Nature ==

The Daimon are mysterious beings, timeless in essence, and dual in nature. Their existance is both within our physical world and that of the Netherworld. This is evidenced both through their appearance, which tends to be rather unlike the other beasts we encounter and through their lore. Although they are shrouded in mystery, the few stories I have descovered speak of Daimons turning to the Netherworld as they faid from this one. As it stands, it seems they can fully exist only in one of these two realities. From this side of the devide I can only see their strangeness in regards to our natural order, They are by their nature intertwined with the Netherworld and their knowledge of it is intimate.
The Daimon are mysterious beings, timeless in essence, and dual in nature. Their existance is both within our physical world and that of the Netherworld. This is evidenced both through their appearance, which tends to be rather unlike the other beasts we encounter and through their lore. Although they are shrouded in mystery, the few stories I have descovered speak of Daimons turning to the Netherworld as they fade from this one. As it stands, it seems they can fully exist only in one of these two realities. From this side of the divide I can only see their strangeness in regards to our natural order, They are by their nature intertwined with the Netherworld and their knowledge of it is intimate.

== Daimons of Dwilight ==
== Daimons of Dwilight ==

Revision as of 18:25, 9 January 2012

Daimons 02.jpgOn DaimonDaimons 02.jpg

By Patriarch Moritz Von Igelfeld

Daimon Nature

The Daimon are mysterious beings, timeless in essence, and dual in nature. Their existance is both within our physical world and that of the Netherworld. This is evidenced both through their appearance, which tends to be rather unlike the other beasts we encounter and through their lore. Although they are shrouded in mystery, the few stories I have descovered speak of Daimons turning to the Netherworld as they fade from this one. As it stands, it seems they can fully exist only in one of these two realities. From this side of the divide I can only see their strangeness in regards to our natural order, They are by their nature intertwined with the Netherworld and their knowledge of it is intimate.

Daimons of Dwilight

The daimons of Dwilight are a unique breed among all non-humans in our world. Unlike other beings such as undead, monsters, and even daimons of other islands, those of Dwilight seem to have little interest in expansion or destruction. In fact one role they play is as protectors of the indigenous human tribes of the Zuma territories. This catalog of Daimons is a collection of observations about the Daimons I have personally met. It includes their characteristics, appearance, and social role within the Daimon Culture.

Note: Although I will be referring to the Daimons in the masculine throughout, I must note that their sex is undermined at this time and I also know not if male and female is a proper distinction among the Daimons.

Custos I

Although he is the first Daimon I ever encountered, I still possess very little knowledge about him. In physical appearance he appears to be the origin of our notion of the grim reaper. Wearing a tattered and flowing dark robe and emitting a dark vapor he is truly a terrifying sight. Adding to that image, the only part of his physical body that has been seen is his hand which appears as a human skeletons would. Among the Daimons he seems to sometimes play the role of messenger as he travels outside the realm to speak with humanity, but he has not been seen for some time according to my sources. He is one of the two Daimons who has given the Zuma Mark.


Lord of Grympen Mire.


Duke of Dragon Song.


Duke of the Ruins of Walfurgisnacht and current head of the Zuma Coalition.


Lord of Volcano Nightscree.


Lord of Overroot


Lord of Dragon Roost.


Defining his role within the Zuma society in human terms this daimon is the duke of Nightmarch the capital city of the Zuma coalition. His facial appearance is that of a of bird resembling closely the head of a raven, but as with all daimon I have encountered thus far he does not appear to be fully of this world. The eyes appear as small suns and his arms that possess winglike features also seem to emit a dark dripping smoke. In stature this daimon is unusually tall even by daimon standards. Where as all daimon seem to be at least half a man taller than our tallest men, Screamer is about as tall as two or two and a half stout men.

Regarding his abilities, the name Screamer is not unearned. It seems his presence causes the Zuma to go quite mad. Shrieking, wailing, beating the ground, and unorganized chanting from the Zuma announces the approach of Screamer. Furthermore, upon opening his beak he emits a high pitched shrill call with the force to knock all within earshot to the ground from the pain of the call. It is currently unknown if he can speak in the human tongue.


It is difficult to say if one has or has not had contact with the Daimon Silence. For as it is with many of the Daimon their name is far more than just a name as it also tells of who they are. In my pilgrimages through Evenfell Silence has been present, but he is more of a presence manifested by the hushing of all sound and the feeling of being watched than an actual physical entity. It is unclear if Silence has a physical form or if he can speak. Silence is the Lord of Evenfell.


Lord of Underroot.


Truly a unique character among the Daimons of dwilight, once head over all daimons Vates has since faded from prominence in this world and quite possibly has returned fully to the netherworld.

In appearance, Vates takes the form of a man but by no means a normal one. although he has the appearance of skin, it is more of a ghostly haze firmly fitted to his form. He has no hair on his head, nor his arms, has no eyebrows, and his eyes resemble dark perils. It seems as if he takes this form aiming to look like a human, but because he is not he simply picks the primary characteristics and is ignorant to the details.

Vates alone among daimons seems to have a unique love or appreciation for humanity. Among many of the others one will find mostly apathy. He is one of the two Daimons who has given the Zuma Mark.

Zuma Coalition

In Dwilight, the Daimons rule over a group of territories populated by a people group collectively known as the Zuma and segregated regionally by tribal boundries. Their territories include, Grympen Mire, Ruins of Walfurgisnacht, Volcano Nightscree, Dragon Song, Nightmarch, Evenfell, Dragon's Roost, Overroot, and Underroot. Throughout our recorded history, these territories have been under the care of Daimons, and it seems the ground itself has been affected by the netherworld presence. Traveling through one is always aware of the otherness present in these territories, A fearful and unnerving difference displayed in the sounds and shapes of the land.


That strangeness of the land brought about by the Netherworld presence is also seen in the people that populate it. That influence commonly seems to exaggerate the tribal characteristics of the people and provide them with abnormal longevity. Therefore, it is not uncommon to meet Zuma who are over 100 years old and still stand half a man taller that yourself. Inversely, there is also a tribe that is peculiarly short, coming but to my chest. The Zuma are referred to collectively as the Zuma and possess a strong bond with the Daimon that heavily influences their way of life. The Daimons choose the role each Zuma will work during his lifetime, and they typically are placed into one of three categories; priest, warrior, and merchant. Warriors and Merchants are predominantly male while most women are designated as priests.


As part of my research I have befriended one Zuma who we call Kimwa, His full name is Kimsanbali Meswiskini Kismokil'sonisylowa. He originates from the tribe that populates Dragon song and is a second level warrior. Standing two feet taller than myself he is considered short among his tribe, and although he looks not a day over 25 he is recently turned about 50. Interactions with him have allowed me to see that the difference caused by the Daimon presence goes beyond appearance and longevity. Kimwa and I assume all Zuma see the world not quite as we do because their connection with the Netherworld allows them to see its impact and presence where you or I would miss it. Often I will be traveling through human realms with Kimwa and he will point out a landmark or another person that he sees the mark of the netherworld on, and with his help I am able to see it as well.