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Elrism teaches the virtue of truth and has strict ideas about the role of peasant and Nobles. Elrism proclaims itself the one true faith and actively seeks to convert others in an attempt to better serve Elrin (the one true god of Elrism) and save as many people as possible from servitude in Hell after death and utter destruction in the Great Cleansing.
Elrism teaches the virtue of truth and has strict ideas about the role of peasant and Nobles. Elrism proclaims itself the one true faith and actively seeks to convert others in an attempt to better serve Elrin (the one true god of Elrism) and save as many people as possible from servitude in Kragmar after death and utter destruction in the Great Cleansing.

==Basic Tenets==
Elrism acknowledges Elrin as the creator of all things and that by dedicating one’s life to Elrin's service one can achieve salvation and be granted a place in Trasia with Erlin. Those that fail to do so and fall under the influence of the Delmai, the Deceivers, are doomed to suffer in Kragmar. The Writ (the religious book of Elrism) states that Elrism is the only true religion and that all others are misguided. It is also taught that it is everyone's responsibility to spread the teachings of Elrism so as to save as many soles as possible.

Elrism teaches Elrin is the creator of all things and that by dedicating one’s life to Elrin's service one can achieve salvation and be granted a place in Heaven. Those that fail to do so and fall under the influence of the Delmai, the Deceivers, are doomed to suffer in hell. The Writ states that Elrism is the only true religion and that all others are misguided. It is also taught that it is everyone's responsibility to spread the teachings of Elrism so as to save as many soles as possible.
==History According to the Writ==
Elrin is depicted in The Writ as a loving but stern figure who cast down and cursed the Delmai and their followers during the Uprising. Elrin is also depicted as forgiving and welcoming. Only through Elrin's mercy can one find redemption and rid themselves of the Taint that plagues all people.

===The Prophet===

The Writ teaches that the Delmai, the Deceivers, were not satisfied with the gifts given to them by Elrin and wanted more. Through deception they managed to convince many men and women to obey their commands. Using this influence, they attempted of take over heaven and displace Elrin in what is known as the Uprising. As a result Elrin cast all of mankind from heaven and bared the Delmai from ever returning to Heaven. Spiteful, the Delmai have made Hell their domain and enforce a brutal life of servitude upon all there.
Many millennia ago, after the fall of Elrin's children, a great and pious man was chosen by Elrin to provide guidance to humanity. Kelam was made king of Elrin's community and formed the Church of Elrin. He also wrote a large and complex volume known as the Writ that contained all the knowledge passed to him by Elrin. Unfortunately Kelam's death severely weakened the Elrin's Community and as time passed more and more people abandoned Elrin's truth for the more sweetly coated lies of the Delmai. 200 years ago the last known community dedicated to Erlin vanished in the jungle of [[Thysan]].

==History According to the Writ==
===The Great Beginning===

In the beginning Elrin formed from the chaos of existance the upper realm of Heaven, the middle realm of earth and the lower realm of Hell. Heaven was a place of beauty and splendor was the home of Elrin. Earth was varied and full and was the realm of beasts and vegetation. Hell was a realm of chaos and instability and full of nightmarish creatures.
In the beginning Elrin formed from the chaos of existence the upper realm of Trasia, the middle realm of Battlemasterra and the lower realm of Kragmar. Trasia, a place of beauty and splendor, was to be the home of Elrin and his children, the Delmai. Battlemasterra, varied and full, was to be the realm of beasts and vegetation and humanity. Kragmar was a realm of chaos and instability and full of nightmarish entities

Elrin then created the Delmai and Humanity. The Delmai were eternal beings and possessed great power and magic. They were to be Elrin's hands and eyes amongst his people on earth. The Delmai had free access to all realms and were tasked with shepherding mankind. The Delmai were timeless and pure. Mankind was given life on earth where they could learn, love and live full lives. There was no natural death or sickness and all lived in peaceful coexistence. Humans were given a great many gifts, the most precious of which was the power of Choice, and were dearly loved by Elrin.
Elrin then created the Delmai. The Delmai were eternal beings and possessed great power and magic. They were to be Elrin's hands and eyes amongst his people on Battlemasterra. The Delmai had free access to all realms and were tasked with shepherding mankind and giving proper worship to Elrin. Elrin then created humankind. Humans were given life on Battlemasterra where they could learn, love and live full lives. Humans and Delmai were given a great many gifts, the most precious of which was the power of Choice, and were dearly loved by Elrin.

Pleased with his work Elrin commanded the Delmai to guide and protect humanity. Elrin then retreated and rested, entrusting the Delmai to do his bidding. This was known as the Great Beginning.
Pleased with his work Elrin commanded the Delmai to shepherd humanity and to teach them of Elrin and show them how to give proper worship. Elrin then retreated, entrusting the Delmai to do his bidding.

The Delmai, however, were not content. They took joy in their great power and grew over confident in Elrin's absence. They forgot their place and began deceiving mankind by claiming to be gods themselves and demanding that humans give them worship. Through deceptions and tricks these Delmai began corrupting mankind. Using empty promises, hollow threats and outright lies they convinced other men and women to follow them and do as they commanded.
===The Great Uprising===

When Elrin returned from his rest he was distraught at what these Delmai had done and ordered them to make amends. Arrogant, the Delmai instead rose up with the support of the humans they had duped and sought to defeat Elrin and take Heaven and Earth for themselves. This was known as the Great Uprising.
As the millennia passed by the Delmai grew discontent. They took joy in their great power and grew over confident in Elrin's absence. They forgot their place and began deceiving mankind by claiming to be gods themselves and demanding that humans give them worship. Through deceptions and tricks the Delmai began corrupting mankind. Using empty promises, hollow threats and outright lies they convinced other men and women to follow them and do as they commanded.

Furious, Elrin cast the power hungry Delmai from Heaven and declared all mankind Tainted. Those that remained true became Nobles and were made to lead humanity. Those that aided the Delmai became peasants and were made to serve the Nobles. All suffered the Taint as none did all they could to stop the Delmai. This Taint weighed heavily upon the soul and made life difficult. Mankind was now plagued by age and sickness. Elrin also laid upon the Delmai a curse that made them weaker the closer they came to Heaven. The Delmai were denied the one thing they truly prized - the opportunity to rule over Heaven as to be in heaven would result in the Delmai's destruction.
When Elrin returned from his retreat he was distraught at what these Delmai had done. Arrogant, the Delmai rose up with the support of the humans they had duped and sought to overthrow Elrin. Elrin cast the power hungry Delmai from Trasia and laid upon them a curse that made them weaker the closer they came to Trasia. After millennia of wandering the Delmai discovered that their power was greater the further from Trasia they were. Thus, they made Kragmar their seat of power and began their work of corrupting men and women and inducting them into their army of darkness with hopes of once again rising up against Elrin.

After millennia of wandering the Delmai discovered that their power was greater the further from Heave they went. Thus, they made Hell their seat of power and began their work of corrupting men and women and inducting them into their army of darkness.
Elrin then rewarded the men and women whom remained true to him by declaring them Nobles and were tasked with leading humanity. Those that had aided the Delmai punished and declared peasants and placed under the guidance of the Nobles. Elrin was greatly saddened by the fall the misguided humans but he wanted to ensure that the faithful could find their way back to him. So Elrin declared that those who gave him proper worship and followed his Tenets would be granted a place in Trasia upon their deaths. However, those that did not would join the Delmai they worshiped in Kragmar where they would suffer until the Great Cleansing came.

Elrin was greatly saddened by the fall of his children but he wanted to ensure that the faithful could find their way back to him. So Elrin searched amongst men for one of great purity and found Kelam. Elrin explained to Kelam that all humans were Tainted and that this Taint weighed them down and doomed man to a short life on earth and an eternity in Hell. Elrin also explained to Kelam how one could free oneself of Taint upon death and thus be permitted to return to Heaven.
===The Great Cleansing===

And so Kelam wrote all of this into what is now known as The Writ and began spreading this knowledge.
The Writ tells that the future holds a final battle to be fought on Battlemasterra between the denizens of Trasia and those of Kragmar and that this final battle will result in the destruction of all tainted and the eradication of the Delmai. Thus would purity once again be restored. This final battle is referred to as "The Great Cleansing."

==The Afterlife==
===The Restoration===

Elrin taught that if one lives their life according to his tenets, they would be absolved of all taint upon their deaths. Those that are absolved of all taint are then allowed into heaven where they will be allowed to enjoy an existence of peace and happiness in the company of Elrin. Those who fail in this will not be absolved of taint and, thus burdened, will doomed to Hell and thus suffer servitude, pain and eventual destruction.
While leading a team of scouts for [[Terran]] [[Pelgart_Family/Cedric|Cedric Pelgart]] came across the ruins of an ancient temple in the heart of the Thysan Jungle. Intrigued he spent some time touring the ruins and eventually found an old book in what appeared to be a small sleeping chamber. [[Pelgart_Family/Cedric|Cedric]] felt compelled to take the book with him and began to compulsively study its contents. He spent countless hours learning the archaic language of the strange book. The more he learned the more he became convinced that he had stumbled upon something truly magnificent.

==Nobility and Peasantry==
Since that day [[Pelgart_Family/Cedric|Cedric]] has done all he could to see to the establishment of Elrism. With the help of illiterate scribes, local historians and countless hours of study and prayer Cedric eventually came to understand this newfound religion. He was further shocked when his cousin, Marcus Pelgart, sent him documents describing a very similar religion in the [[Far East]] known as the [[Church of Echad]]. These more accessible documents allowed [[Pelgart_Family/Cedric|Cedric]] to make great progress in the deciphering of the Writ's contents.

When the first humans were exiled to earth to live with the beasts and vegetation of the land, those that had aided the Delmai in their schemes where shamed. As just punishment Elrin decreed that it was their lot, the lot of their decedents, to serve those who had chosen to stay true to Elrin and their descendants. From this came the peasantry and the nobility. Peasants continue to be second class humans destined to serve the Nobility. However, Elrin has taught that a peasant may improve their status through piety and that, by giving proper service to a noble, it is possible for one to rise up and join the nobility in this life. Elrin has also decreed that by following His tenets all people, noble or peasant, will be absolved of taint and be allowed into Heaven upon their death.
Once everything was in place [[Pelgart_Family/Cedric|Cedric]] began construction of Elrism's first temple with the support of [[Barca]].

==The Great Cleansing==
==The Doctrine of Elrism==

The Writ tells that the future holds a final battle to be fought on earth between the denizens of Heaven and those of Hell and that this final battle will result in the destruction of all tainted and the eradication of the Delmai. Thus would purity once again be restored. This final battle is referred to as "The Great Cleansing."
Elrism has a clear set of doctrine that followers must abide by based on the contents of the Writ. By obeying the doctrine and embracing Elrin one shall be granted a place in Trasia and enjoy an eternity of joy at Elrin's side.  

==The Tenets of Elrin==
===The Tenets of Elrin===

* One must embrace Elrin with all their heart, soul and mind.
* One must embrace Elrin with all their heart, soul and mind.
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* One must atone for any actions contrary to these Tenets.
* One must atone for any actions contrary to these Tenets.

===The Writ===
==The Writ==

The Writ is lengthy and complex text. Only priests are permitted to poses a copy of or read from The Writ. Thus, it is the responsibility of the priest to educate the layman as to the contents of The Writ and to interpret the passages held within for the layman during the daily services held in honor of Elrin.
The Writ is lengthy and complex text. Only priests are permitted to poses a copy of or read from The Writ. Thus, it is the responsibility of the priest to educate the layman as to the contents of The Writ and to interpret the passages held within for the layman during the daily services held in honor of Elrin.


Elrism places a strong emphasis upon building a strong community or members. Followers of the faith are expected to give aid to other members of the religion and can expect such aid in kind. Members should support each other and help each other in both the advancement of the religion and their own personal careers. It is taught that a strong membership will ensure a strong religious base.
Elrism places a strong emphasis upon building a strong community or members. Followers of the faith are expected to give aid to other members of the religion and can expect such aid in kind. Members should support each other and help each other in both the advancement of the religion and their own personal careers. It is taught that a strong membership will ensure a strong religious base.


While Elrism seeks to convert as many as possible, they only seek willing converts. Lip service alone is not enough and only truly dedicated members are sought. Elrism teaches that the beast way to convert others is through kindness and example. If the benefits of Elrin's faith can be seen then people will want to enjoy them in kind.
While Elrism seeks to convert as many as possible, they only seek willing converts. Lip service alone is not enough and only truly dedicated members are sought. Elrism teaches that the beast way to convert others is through kindness and example. If the benefits of Elrin's faith can be seen then people will want to enjoy them in kind.

===Nobility and Peasantry===

When a follower does something contrary to the Tenets of Elrin, they must seek out a priest and make an Admission by telling the priest what they have done. The priest will then meditate on the matter and consult The Writ in order to determine what must be done by the Follower to atone for the transgression. Depending on the transgression atonement can vary from extra meditation to fasting to self-inflicted wounds, to beatings, to servitude to mutilation or even death. Complex or extreme transgressions are brought to the elders for consideration.
When the first humans were exiled to Battlemasterra to live with the beasts and vegetation of the land, those that had aided the Delmai in their schemes where shamed. As just punishment Elrin decreed that it was their lot, the lot of their decedents, to serve those who had chosen to stay true to Elrin and their descendants. From this came the peasantry and the nobility. Peasants continue to be second class humans destined to serve the Nobility. However, Elrin has taught that a peasant may improve their status through piety and that, by giving proper service to a noble, it is possible for one to rise up and join the nobility in this life. Elrin has also decreed that by following His tenets all people, noble or peasant, will be absolved of taint and be allowed into Trasia upon their death.


Elrism is led by a council of High Priests lead by the Pontifex. Priests serve these elder members of the religion.
Elrism is led by a council of High Priests lead by the Pontifex under the guidance of the Deacon. Priests serve these elder members of Elrism by spreading the truth or Elrism to all.


* Deacon: Founder of the Elrism
* Deacon: Founder of the Elrism
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* Acolyte: A follower that is still learning of the religion.
* Acolyte: A follower that is still learning of the religion.
* Admission: The act of admitting religious transgressions to a Priest.
* Battlemasterra: The middle realm in which animals, vegetation and humans exist.
* Deacon: The title given to the founder of Elrism.
* Deacon: The title given to the new founder of Elrism.
* Delmai: Powerful beings that reside in Hell and seek to subvert humanity for their own ends.
* Delmai: Powerful beings that reside in Kragmar and seek to subvert humanity for their own ends.
* Elric: To be of Elrism.
* Elric: To be of Elrism. An Elric Temple
* Elrics: Follower of Elrism.
* Elrin: What mortals call the one true God.
* Elrin: What mortals call the one true God.
* Elrism: The one true religion.
* Elrism: The one true religion.
* Heaven: The upper realm in which Elrin resides. A paradise that once can only enjoy by dedicating themselves to Elrin.
* Elrist: Follower of Elrism. Congregation of Elrists.
* Hell: The lower realm in which the Delmai reside and to which humans are doomed to unless salvation is granted.
* High Priest: An elder priest of Elrism.
* High Priest: An elder priest of Elrism.
* Kragmar: The lower realm in which the Delmai reside and to which humans are doomed to unless salvation is granted.
* Parson: A Follower of Elrism.
* Parson: A Follower of Elrism.
* Pontifex: The head priest of Elrism under the Deacon.
* Pontifex: The head priest of Elrism under the Deacon.
* Prelate: A follower that has chosen to financially sponsor Elrism.
* Priest: One who has chosen to dedicate their life to the practice and spread of Elrism.
* Priest: One who has chosen to dedicate their life to the practice and spread of Elrism.
* Provost: A follower that has chosen to dedicate their military strength to Elrism.
* Taint: A curse that humanity has inflected upon itself that causes age, disease and hunger.
* Taint: A curse that humanity has inflected upon itself that causes age, disease and hunger.
* Tenets: The rules by which one must live in order to find a place in Heaven upon death.
* Tenets: The rules by which one must live in order to find a place in Trasia upon death.
* The Great Beginning: The creation of all.
* The Great Beginning: The creation of all.
* The Great Cleansing: An event to come that will result in the destruction of all Delmai and Tainted humans.
* The Great Uprising: An attempt by the Delmai to overthrow Elrin.
* The Great Uprising: An attempt by the Delmai to overthrow Elrin.
* The Great Cleansing: An event to come that will result in the destruction of all Delmai and Tainted humans.
* The Writ: The holy book of Elrism
* The Writ: The holy book of Elrism
* Trasia: The upper realm in which Elrin resides. A paradise that once can only enjoy by dedicating themselves to Elrin.

[[Category: Religion]]
[[Category: Religion]]

Revision as of 18:26, 22 September 2011

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Elrism teaches the virtue of truth and has strict ideas about the role of peasant and Nobles. Elrism proclaims itself the one true faith and actively seeks to convert others in an attempt to better serve Elrin (the one true god of Elrism) and save as many people as possible from servitude in Kragmar after death and utter destruction in the Great Cleansing.

Elrism acknowledges Elrin as the creator of all things and that by dedicating one’s life to Elrin's service one can achieve salvation and be granted a place in Trasia with Erlin. Those that fail to do so and fall under the influence of the Delmai, the Deceivers, are doomed to suffer in Kragmar. The Writ (the religious book of Elrism) states that Elrism is the only true religion and that all others are misguided. It is also taught that it is everyone's responsibility to spread the teachings of Elrism so as to save as many soles as possible.

History According to the Writ

The Prophet

Many millennia ago, after the fall of Elrin's children, a great and pious man was chosen by Elrin to provide guidance to humanity. Kelam was made king of Elrin's community and formed the Church of Elrin. He also wrote a large and complex volume known as the Writ that contained all the knowledge passed to him by Elrin. Unfortunately Kelam's death severely weakened the Elrin's Community and as time passed more and more people abandoned Elrin's truth for the more sweetly coated lies of the Delmai. 200 years ago the last known community dedicated to Erlin vanished in the jungle of Thysan.

The Great Beginning

In the beginning Elrin formed from the chaos of existence the upper realm of Trasia, the middle realm of Battlemasterra and the lower realm of Kragmar. Trasia, a place of beauty and splendor, was to be the home of Elrin and his children, the Delmai. Battlemasterra, varied and full, was to be the realm of beasts and vegetation and humanity. Kragmar was a realm of chaos and instability and full of nightmarish entities

Elrin then created the Delmai. The Delmai were eternal beings and possessed great power and magic. They were to be Elrin's hands and eyes amongst his people on Battlemasterra. The Delmai had free access to all realms and were tasked with shepherding mankind and giving proper worship to Elrin. Elrin then created humankind. Humans were given life on Battlemasterra where they could learn, love and live full lives. Humans and Delmai were given a great many gifts, the most precious of which was the power of Choice, and were dearly loved by Elrin.

Pleased with his work Elrin commanded the Delmai to shepherd humanity and to teach them of Elrin and show them how to give proper worship. Elrin then retreated, entrusting the Delmai to do his bidding.

The Great Uprising

As the millennia passed by the Delmai grew discontent. They took joy in their great power and grew over confident in Elrin's absence. They forgot their place and began deceiving mankind by claiming to be gods themselves and demanding that humans give them worship. Through deceptions and tricks the Delmai began corrupting mankind. Using empty promises, hollow threats and outright lies they convinced other men and women to follow them and do as they commanded.

When Elrin returned from his retreat he was distraught at what these Delmai had done. Arrogant, the Delmai rose up with the support of the humans they had duped and sought to overthrow Elrin. Elrin cast the power hungry Delmai from Trasia and laid upon them a curse that made them weaker the closer they came to Trasia. After millennia of wandering the Delmai discovered that their power was greater the further from Trasia they were. Thus, they made Kragmar their seat of power and began their work of corrupting men and women and inducting them into their army of darkness with hopes of once again rising up against Elrin.

Elrin then rewarded the men and women whom remained true to him by declaring them Nobles and were tasked with leading humanity. Those that had aided the Delmai punished and declared peasants and placed under the guidance of the Nobles. Elrin was greatly saddened by the fall the misguided humans but he wanted to ensure that the faithful could find their way back to him. So Elrin declared that those who gave him proper worship and followed his Tenets would be granted a place in Trasia upon their deaths. However, those that did not would join the Delmai they worshiped in Kragmar where they would suffer until the Great Cleansing came.

The Great Cleansing

The Writ tells that the future holds a final battle to be fought on Battlemasterra between the denizens of Trasia and those of Kragmar and that this final battle will result in the destruction of all tainted and the eradication of the Delmai. Thus would purity once again be restored. This final battle is referred to as "The Great Cleansing."

The Restoration

While leading a team of scouts for Terran Cedric Pelgart came across the ruins of an ancient temple in the heart of the Thysan Jungle. Intrigued he spent some time touring the ruins and eventually found an old book in what appeared to be a small sleeping chamber. Cedric felt compelled to take the book with him and began to compulsively study its contents. He spent countless hours learning the archaic language of the strange book. The more he learned the more he became convinced that he had stumbled upon something truly magnificent.

Since that day Cedric has done all he could to see to the establishment of Elrism. With the help of illiterate scribes, local historians and countless hours of study and prayer Cedric eventually came to understand this newfound religion. He was further shocked when his cousin, Marcus Pelgart, sent him documents describing a very similar religion in the Far East known as the Church of Echad. These more accessible documents allowed Cedric to make great progress in the deciphering of the Writ's contents.

Once everything was in place Cedric began construction of Elrism's first temple with the support of Barca.

The Doctrine of Elrism

Elrism has a clear set of doctrine that followers must abide by based on the contents of the Writ. By obeying the doctrine and embracing Elrin one shall be granted a place in Trasia and enjoy an eternity of joy at Elrin's side.

The Tenets of Elrin

  • One must embrace Elrin with all their heart, soul and mind.
  • One must never place anything before Elrin for nothing is of greater import.
  • One must always speak of Elrin with the utmost respect.
  • One must always keep Elrin foremost in their thoughts
  • One must pray to Elrin before sleeping and upon waking.
  • One must give aid to all followers of Elrin.
  • One must not speak false words.
  • One must not covet that which they have no right to.
  • One must bathe daily to show their desire to cleanse themselves of Taint.
  • One must embrace their station as peasant or Noble.
  • One must serve those above them to the best of their ability.
  • One must not inappropriately intermingle with those of another station.
  • One must spread the truth of Elrin and guide others to salvation.
  • One must give produce children and give them care.
  • One must atone for any actions contrary to these Tenets.

The Writ

The Writ is lengthy and complex text. Only priests are permitted to poses a copy of or read from The Writ. Thus, it is the responsibility of the priest to educate the layman as to the contents of The Writ and to interpret the passages held within for the layman during the daily services held in honor of Elrin.


Elrism places a strong emphasis upon building a strong community or members. Followers of the faith are expected to give aid to other members of the religion and can expect such aid in kind. Members should support each other and help each other in both the advancement of the religion and their own personal careers. It is taught that a strong membership will ensure a strong religious base.


While Elrism seeks to convert as many as possible, they only seek willing converts. Lip service alone is not enough and only truly dedicated members are sought. Elrism teaches that the beast way to convert others is through kindness and example. If the benefits of Elrin's faith can be seen then people will want to enjoy them in kind.

Nobility and Peasantry

When the first humans were exiled to Battlemasterra to live with the beasts and vegetation of the land, those that had aided the Delmai in their schemes where shamed. As just punishment Elrin decreed that it was their lot, the lot of their decedents, to serve those who had chosen to stay true to Elrin and their descendants. From this came the peasantry and the nobility. Peasants continue to be second class humans destined to serve the Nobility. However, Elrin has taught that a peasant may improve their status through piety and that, by giving proper service to a noble, it is possible for one to rise up and join the nobility in this life. Elrin has also decreed that by following His tenets all people, noble or peasant, will be absolved of taint and be allowed into Trasia upon their death.


Elrism is led by a council of High Priests lead by the Pontifex under the guidance of the Deacon. Priests serve these elder members of Elrism by spreading the truth or Elrism to all.


  • Deacon: Founder of the Elrism
  • Pontifex: The head of Elrism under Deacon
  • High Priest: Elder Priest and advisory member.
  • Priest: Priests
  • Parson: Full Member
  • Acolyte: Aspirant member


  • Acolyte: A follower that is still learning of the religion.
  • Battlemasterra: The middle realm in which animals, vegetation and humans exist.
  • Deacon: The title given to the new founder of Elrism.
  • Delmai: Powerful beings that reside in Kragmar and seek to subvert humanity for their own ends.
  • Elric: To be of Elrism. An Elric Temple
  • Elrin: What mortals call the one true God.
  • Elrism: The one true religion.
  • Elrist: Follower of Elrism. Congregation of Elrists.
  • High Priest: An elder priest of Elrism.
  • Kragmar: The lower realm in which the Delmai reside and to which humans are doomed to unless salvation is granted.
  • Parson: A Follower of Elrism.
  • Pontifex: The head priest of Elrism under the Deacon.
  • Priest: One who has chosen to dedicate their life to the practice and spread of Elrism.
  • Taint: A curse that humanity has inflected upon itself that causes age, disease and hunger.
  • Tenets: The rules by which one must live in order to find a place in Trasia upon death.
  • The Great Beginning: The creation of all.
  • The Great Cleansing: An event to come that will result in the destruction of all Delmai and Tainted humans.
  • The Great Uprising: An attempt by the Delmai to overthrow Elrin.
  • The Writ: The holy book of Elrism
  • Trasia: The upper realm in which Elrin resides. A paradise that once can only enjoy by dedicating themselves to Elrin.