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It was hard times, difficult days... Sirion was struggling against SoA and Fontan together at the beggining. It was a real stalemate until the Red Dragons were born and started to achieve many victories and great deeds impossible to think at those days, like breaching Karbala and Fontan city to steal all the gold from their taxes. Fontan was suffering from the destruction of the KDF Lions (their elite army) while Sirion was just starting to use theirs.

Win after win, Sirion started to push forward, taking over Dale and Tabost many times, aswell as Caqueta (who was a walled region at those days) turning the balance after many years in favor of Sirion. Eventually i ordered to destroy the walls in Caqueta because they were dangerous. SoA used to rally there and crushing them was very costly due to face the palizades.

After some time struggling in the winning side, Westmoor decided to join the war against us, making things even more difficult. Pushing forward was harder because even when we still managed to achieve victories, they were everytime more tight making our pushing forward more difficult. After Westmoor, OI and Perdan also decided to attack Sirion, starting the worse period that i have lived, the period of the epic defense of Sirion.

I was the marshal of the Red Dragons, i gotta admit, i made myself a great reputation been in charge of bringing the best news of Sirion in many years. It was a rejoice to my eyes, reading the letters of Sirionites congratulating me and my army for the great deeds. Also i was the right hand of the General Meristenzio, taking care of the armies coordination when he was not able.

Many people across the East Continent and also around the entire world ask themselves how the realm of the mighty elves survived alone against 5 realms? Well i would like to tell my story if you are willing to read it.

Once the news of Perdan joining against us, we knew we were in trouble, in a very serious one. Perdan was together with Sirion the biggest military power, that added to Fontan who was really strong and SoA who always was good coordinated made them have the best odds, actually nobody gave two cents for us, speaking of Sirion as a dead realm already. I remember Fontan giving us some idiotic terms of surrender without even fighting yet.

Meristenzio and myself sat in his tent and had a very interesting talk. I remember he asked me, "Do you think we can survive" and i asked without hesitate "Yes i do". After that we only spoke of strategy and planning. We had the Army of Sirion, a big and slow army. Then we had the Glinmar Light Riders, a balanced army, not that slow, but not really fast either and finally the Red Dragons, who were specifically used for agressive missions but well, we didnt had a chance to go agressive in that situation.

Meristenzio and i, decided that we would obviously defend and that we would push forward ONLY if the odds were completely in our favor, that means after a battle that we won by far. We knew they were going to gather their forces and strike with all what they got. I remember them having around 50k mobile force able to attack us and so they did, at least at the beggining...

Sirion had a lot of land to cover. Despite our excellent Geography, we still had a lot of territory to defend. Avamar, Trinbar, Sermbar, Csopa and Osslamar were the exposed places and we needed to draft a plan on how to defend everything as everything was important. Avamar was covered with a lot of militia, no less than 12k of force were always stationed there, so if they wanted to breach it they would need a big force. Trinbar is a lvl 2 walled townsland, while it was exposed, still we were able to put all our forces there and all together they didnt standed a chance, but the key point was Sermbar. A region with no walls and that limited many important regions like Parm, Trinbar and Sir Temple. How to defend Sermbar then without leaving everything naked? Let me tell you it was not easy at all.

The AoS was the designated force to cover Sermbar/Trinbar area. They were slow and big. Most of the archers were always in Sentries and dug in Sermbar. The GLR were also around Sermbar area, mostly covering the north from SoA raids and the RD were in Sirion city adjacent to Trinbar. We made Montijo, Tabost, Dale, Obando and Caqueta get really destroyed, i recall to specifically destroy the roads in Tabost and Dale making their attacks to Sermbar or Trinbar a full day move, giving those in regions 1 day away the time to head there and defend. Montijo was also not in perfect shape and the fact that the enemy needed a serious ammount of sieges made the RD who was 1 day away always able to reach Avamar on time for a defense.

Basically... We had a lot of force spread away covering our whole frontier and we setted ourselves in places where we were able to reach everywhere in a matter of a day. Most of the attacks were on Sermbar so as soon as there was no threat in Montijo or when we spotted them moving towards Sermbar, then the RD simply moved to Trinbar and then Sermbar and made it to every single major battle there. When they attacked Avamar, the RD moved from Sirion in a day to Avamar and defended it, since they needed a big ammount of sieges also the move from Montijo towards Avamar was a full day move.

Years of battles passed, with Perdan cycling their armies constantly and attacking mustering with their allies or separated. I believe only once Sirion's defenses failed and that caused the loose of the walls in Ustimbar and Osslamar which were irreplasable but more or less the situation was under control. Of course Sirion was not able to win, but the enemies were not able to win either. Battles took places in Sirion lands, yes, but not in important regions.

Eventually, the south politics changed and that forced Perdan to leave and fight Caligus. With some of their gold already wasted, Caligus also managed to stalemate Perdan. Sirion on the other hand fought SoA, Westmoor, Fontan and OI with more strenght and managed some pushing forwards. Then Perdan declared the stalemate and came back to attack Sirion. They miserably failed an attack on Avamar and came back to realize that it was now Ibladesh and Caligus attacking them. Eventually, Caligus allied with us and attacked Westmoor leaving Sirion free to fight OI, Fontan and SoA. After an incredibly good political maneuver (incredible because it came from me, someone horrible politically speaking) OI whitdrew from the war. I just pasted a letter of the SoA general where he laughed with the killing and rapings done in Sirionite land, leaving the war SoA, Fontan vs Sirion and from there, Sirion just focused in Fontan bringing them to what they are right now.