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Nearly Fratricide - Armstrong versus Bowie

After the end of the war between Westmoor and Sirion and Caligus, Armstrong was settling into a more administrative role to govern his region and train his army, the Knights of the Scorpion, when, arriving in the capital city was none other than his notorious brother Bowie. Armstrong knew this could only mean trouble and sought to make sure Bowie caused as little damage as possible to Westmoor or the Ironsides Family in Dulbin. The effort resulted in a bloody death duel leaving Bowie seriously wounded - but alive.

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (38 recipients)

After observing the battle against the monsters in Morshes, Armstrong mounts and begins to return to his manor. Along the way, a messenger rushes up to him and hands him a letter stressing that he reads it immediately. Armstrong takes the message, opens it, and after reading its contents curses aloud.

"Damn it! Now I have to deal with him."

Of course, he was referring to the arrival of his brother Lord Bowie Ironsides, who was deported to this continent by daimons of the Zuma Coalition on Dwilight.

This could either be a quiet or very loud homecoming...

Armstrong Ironsides

Count of Morshes, Marshal of the Knights of the Scorpion

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

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Armstrong discovered which underground brothel his brother was holed up in and approached it cautiously. Internally, he knew his mission, but once he confronted the demon he could not be sure which way things would go. Entering the dark seedy establishment made Armstrong cringe. He heard music and smelled a pungent odour similar to burned hair. There was also laughter and arguing, it was typical underworld society. Certainly no place for a noble, let alone a Count. But there was Bowie. Inside sitting between two patronesses, Bowie laughed and used the drink to pass the time of his forced exile from Dwilight; second forced exile.

He did not notice Armstrong enter or walk closer, nor did he hear Armstrong yell to get his attention. The Count had to kick over the table and frighten away the women to face his brother. Bowie stopped smiling for a second and then once he recognized who was before him he started laughing again.

“Boy oh boy! You know I was going to visit you soon right?” Bowie said.
“When, after you bury yourself with these whores and their poison?” Armstrong replied.
“Always the purest. What do you want Armstrong? The family reunion wasn’t supposed to be for another few days.” Stammered Bowie, although Armstrong recognized that small glint in his brother’s eye, a glint of concern which suggested Bowie was not all that intoxicated after all and was only exaggerating until he learned Armstrong’s purpose.
“There isn’t going to be a family reunion Bowie. That’s why I am here. I do not want you visiting our estate in Dulbin. I do not want you visiting my estate in Morshes. I have heard far too many stories of your wretched exploits around Dwilight and the family does not want anything to do with you.” This was the launch of the argument.

Bowie straightened up on the couch and stared directly at his slightly older brother. Their age was a difference of a few months, they having different mothers.

“Oh, I see exactly what is going on here brother. You are afraid I am going to challenge you to become the Patriarch of the Ironsides Family? Now that Soren’s dead it falls to you and you think I came here to take it from you?” Bowie counter-argued.
“You could never be the Patriarch – demon!” Armstrong raised his voice to catch the attention of some of the customers around them, but they quickly returned to their own business.

Bowie readjusted himself in his seat and contemplated the situation with a sly smile. He was intrigued by his brother’s suspicion.

“Bowie, I was once the Inquisitor of the Invigilators of the Fourth Law. I hunted down witches and demons like you, cleansing them from our innocent world. Do you think I would for a second allow you to pollute our family manor?” Armstrong was standing shoulders square and feet well placed. It was almost time to decide which way this night was going to go.
“Please Armie, you are too hard on me. Can’t I at least visit the family graves? Soren was my uncle too, and I never even had a chance to meet your wife and son. Besides, do you have any idea what Dwilight is like? Frontier, boredom, but so much opportunity if someone would just take a chance! That’s what I am, an opportunist, an adventurer, just look at what I have brought for the family thus far! Our name is famous!” Exclaimed Bowie.
“You mean infamous!” Armstrong returned. “I am willing to give you one hundred gold to leave Westmoor. I know you have to pass two weeks on the East Continent before you can return to your life, but you can do it somewhere else.”
“Only one hundred? Surely a Count as ritzy as you makes more than that!” Laughed Bowie, which annoyed Armstrong.
“Fine, two hundred. It is all I have on me. Leave Westmoor. I do not care where you go, but don’t ever come back.” This was the point that would decide the events of the evening.
“No!” Bowie roared.

Armstrong’s heart paused for just a moment when he heard his brother reject the offer. If this was the way he wanted it, then there was only one other way to settle the matter.

Armstrong unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards Bowie.

“Your life now depends on your answer brother. I tried to bribe you, but now I am threatening you! Leave Westmoor or face me in a duel.”

At this, Bowie burst out laughing. He stood up, still laughing, positioned himself, and unsheathed his own sword.

The two looked at each other eye to eye; Armstrong solemn faced and prepared, Bowie giggling and seemingly drunk. Suddenly, Bowie stopped smiling and slashed at Armstrong who parried and leapt back.

“You are not the first to try to kill me Armstrong, and you will not be the last to fail. Don’t you know, I am immortal!”

And so the duel began, the showdown of brother versus brother!

Armstrong Ironsides

Count of Morshes, Marshal of the Knights of the Scorpion

Duel accepted

Bowie Ironsides (Noble) has accepted your challenge. Meet him in the same region and the duel will be resolved at the next sunrise or sunset.

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (37 recipients)

Armstrong attacked aggressively hoping to overwhelm his brother and beat him quick. In response, Bowie applied the overrun strategy and countered Armstrong’s moves. The duel really began to heat up and they were kicking over tables and slashing at each other into other people. Many of the women in the brothel started screaming and ran outside, followed by the men, leaving Bowie and Armstrong alone to settle their grievance.

Armstrong pressed his attack and Bowie pressed his, and they clashed and slashed cutting into each other. Armstrong took a deep gash across his left arm when he fumbled to block Bowie’s cut. Bowie was in turn kicked in the stomach and elbowed in the teeth, then shoved back into a shelf carrying plates and glass. As Bowie was stunned by his trip backward, Armstrong lunged forward putting the sword right into Bowie’s chest.

Bowie threw his fist into Armstrong’s throat and then knocked him down to give him space to remove the sword from his body. Holding both swords, but badly wounded, Bowie slogged over to Armstrong. On the ground, Armstrong rolled and got back to his feet, then launched himself into Bowie tackling him to the ground. This was a hard hit and Bowie dropped both swords when he landed on the floor. He was bleeding everywhere and was starting to choke on his own blood. Armstrong picked up both swords and stood over his wounded brother.

Pointing the swords at Bowie, one at his throat the other at his face, he spoke.

“Do you yield brother? Or may I kill you?”

Bowie gasped and gagged, spit out a thick clump of black blood, smiled at his brother and nodded.

“…spectacular…” Bowie struggled out.
“What is?” Armstrong looked puzzled at the gore that was his brother.
“Once again…ugh…I survive death. I…am…IMMORTAL!” And Bowie fell unconscious. Armstrong exited the brothel and signaled his carriage driver to come and take Bowie to the infirmary in Westmoor. Leaving his brother’s body to its fate, he wrote a note for the driver to give to Bowie when he woke up.

It said:

“Dear Brother, I hope you understand that we do not want to see you again. Please leave and ruin our name no more.”

Armstrong Ironsides

Count of Morshes, Marshal of the Knights of the Scorpion


Bowie Ironsides (Noble) meets his challenger Armstrong Ironsides, Count of Morshes, Marshal of the Knights of the Scorpion for the agreed duel till death.

Armstrong has decided to use the 'aggressive' strategy while Bowie has choosen the 'overrun' strategy, giving Bowie the advantage.

The duel runs its course, until Armstrong delivers a fatal blow. The healers carry Bowie away, seriously wounded but still breathing.