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(New page: '''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' The sun had just risen, and despite an embarrassing defeat earlier that day, Hexic's men had rallied themselves, and the Duke pressed his army onward. The...)
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Revision as of 03:47, 24 November 2009

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

The sun had just risen, and despite an embarrassing defeat earlier that day, Hexic's men had rallied themselves, and the Duke pressed his army onward. The Marshal knew it advance that monsters would also arrive in Paisly, and would for this battle be aiding the D'Haran war effort. In this instance he could not have asked for better allies.

D'Haran Mixed Infantry brought siege engines to the walls, while firing on the troops lining the battlements. Monsters and Jordan's Sundancers broke the palisade and entered the city, allowing opportunity for the rest of the armies to follow. Hexic and Lycan were not far behind. As Hexic crossed the breach into the city along side Lycan, Lycan's Dragon Claws were seperated from his Hex's. The marshal noticed his friend was in trouble, and ordered his men to the aid of the Royal Fiduciary. "Hex's! Lets show the "elite" Black Lions how REAL men fight!" Hexic shouted, the sounds of battle nearly louder than his voice. Hexic's Hexs let out a uniform battle cry and moved towards Lycan's position. Unfortunately they were only able to prevent Lycan himself from being wounded. The rest of the Dragon Claw lay wounded, or dead, and unable to fight. "Looks like the battle is over for you, my friend." Hexic said to Lycan as he checked him for injury. "Now time to deal with that whelp Dakan. Apparently the bond I had with his father Mosious died when he died, and the bond with him died when Everguard died." Hexic gathered himself, and led his men further into city, where Dakan Aljfoi Suaht, Marshal of the Raiders of the Inner Sea would be located.

Hexic met with Jordan and her Sundancers, and encountered two militia units of archers. The first group was defeated quickly, and the second only after Jordan's unit was also defeated. Readying to press deeper into the city, Hexic spotted Dakan. He recognized that face anywhere, he looked so much like his father. "Archers ready!" the Marshal bellowed as he raised his sword, preparing to fire arrows, then rush in with swords. "FOR HONOUR!" he bellowed again as he lowered his sword. Twangs of bows filled his ears as his archers loosed. The number of arrows in the sky was three times as many as he expected. It was biblical. Was it a sign that those without honour must be punished? For a moment, his thoughts returned back to Everguard. He remembered how Mosious had died as a result of the rebellion, and how he slew one of the rebel nobles for compensation. An eye for an eye. Dakan clearly did not honour Hexic the way Hexic had honoured Mosious. The Duke jarred back to reality as his men started cheering. He re-focused his gaze to where Dakan and his archers had been. They were in full retreat, Dakan himself being wounded. Hexic looked around, and saw Marshal Carlos Francisco's Fafnirs Fire Soldiers, and Marche's Hungry Lions holding their bows high as well, all claiming to have wounded Dakan. Hexic gave a small smile, glad to see the morale of the men so high.

Roleplay from Asriel Octavius

Asriel was smiling as he broke his men up into small groups and sent them to hunt the enemy forces scattered throughout the city. By the Allfather that had been a good battle!

He had been fortunate enough to be right at the front of the lines and one of the few D'Haran units carrying banners. His men had looked glorious as they marched towards the walls. They had just reached the walls when a small group of militia had rushed out of the gate and attacked them. With well practised discipline, the D'Haran forces had cut them down, killing several of them. Regrettably, one of his men had died there, cut down by a lucky blow from one of the militiamen. Undaunted, his men had squeezed through the heavily crowded siege engines and onto the walls. But the defenders had the fortifications on their side and had wounded three of Asriel's men, repulsing them from the walls.

Then Asriel had his men use their ladders and they had mounted an escalade on several parts of the wall. They attacked the battlements along with scores of D'Haran troops and had cut down the militia in one brief and brutal melee. Scenting victory, they had pressed on, trying to force their way through the crowded front lines, unfortunately they were still only half way to the last enemy position when the cry of victory had gone up. His men had had to content themselves with liberating the militia's food and wine stores instead.

Now, with his wounded in the care of the healers, Asriel joined one of his hunting parties, looking for more Madinan dogs to carve up.

Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth

Eleanor was barely moved by all the excitement of her first battle, she didn't particularly like or dislike the thrill, for her it was just a necessary step in her quest for prestige and glory and so she stood focused and charged at all possible opportunities.

Her unit made it to the walls and was thrown back many times, soldiers died screaming in pain around her with severed members but she stood there almost like a statue, only moving to cut down any enemies who dared to approach her with swift movements of her shortsword, and though she was by no mean a great warrior she was certainly more than enough to slay any confused guard from the Madinan garrison.

And so she waited there until her men could hold no more, when that happened she gave the order to retreat in a proud and strong tone that could be heard by anyone close enough to the scene, but when they were climbing down, more Madinan troops appeared and threw the ladders out of the walls, Eleanor let out a short desperate cry and fell.

Luckily the corpses of other D'Haran soldiers prevented any serious wounds, and she quickly left the battlefield to reorganize her troops.

Roleplay from Thers Lewinn

Thers wiped the sweat from his brow – at least for a moment, the battle had subsided again. Tremors of adrenaline from the fighting had caused Thers’ armor to be thoroughly soaked from perspiration.

Whatever the young knight may have thought before, he now understood the truth about armed combat. Even in victory, the price paid in human flesh was horrific. Noble conflict was more than pomp and circumstance. It was also brutality and fear and uncertainty. The faces of dead men on the battlefield and ramparts confirmed that truth.

When the first flight of arrows from the D’Haran Guard struck the defending walls, Thers believed the battle would be short. The pride he felt in observing the best of D’Hara approaching the defending soldiers! After three violent altercations, that pride was now tempered by certain knowledge; a lesson that only experience could teach. Good men also die in combat.

Thers’ Black Arrows had survived and redeemed their mediocre performance at the fight’s commencement. The second pass by D’Hara – resulting in a solid victory had re-swelled Thers’ breast with that fledgling pride. The crude mockery of Medina’s local nobility had reinforced Thers’ belief that D’Haran action was needed. Cenarious, the Dragon King – his King – had called those persons true: base, cowardly and without honor.

His reflections turned to thoughts of home, and of recent times, easier and without the complications of killing. Those times are gone, in many ways, Thers realized. After a short time, the sergeant of the Black Arrows arrived with ill news – another man had died of his wounds. That man had been among the first Thers had recruited in Port Nebel. >Another charge on the butcher’s bill. Another family to call upon with ill-tidings.

Now the forces of Medina were scattered. Thers stood and straightened himself. There were respects to be paid; orders to be received; soldiers to be marshaled. King and Country. Certainty and resolve. Courage and glory.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha opened her eyes and groaned miserably, her leg felt like it was on fire. That’s when the healer realized she was awake and turned to face her.

“Milady,” he managed to say before he gripped her shoulders. He frowned at her and looked to the side. “She’s awake,” he told another healer in the room.

Another man approached her and started to examine her. She gave a feeble attempt at pushing the first healer’s hands away. “Let me go,” she said weakly and looked around the tent.

She recalled the battle vividly. The brutal volley of arrows came over the wall decimating their units. Her attention kept being diverted between the wall and her husband, and then she had watched in horror as he fell. Her world had tilted and she screamed his name, trying to rush to his side. Her inattention cost her and an arrow found its mark, penetrating her right thigh, and then another whizzed by almost finding her heart but she was roughly pulled away by her Captain and it completely missed her. “LET ME GO!” she yelled and he refused to loosen his grip. “No, someone will get him!” He yelled and she shook her head trying to fight him off and then her world turned black.

Sitting up now, she searched the tent for Mathias but he wasn’t there. “Where is he?” she asked and he frowned. “My husband!” she said shrilly, her voice panicked. “Where is Mathias?” The pain was put to the back of her mind now.

“Milady you have to calm down,” he told her, and then she closed her eyes tightly. “Is he alright?” she asked, afraid of the answer. “He will be fine,” he told her and put some kind of leaves to her mouth, forcefully getting them between her lips. “Chew,” he ordered and her eyes burned hate into his but she did as he told her at least she knew Mathias was fine.

“They will calm you,” he said and she continued to chew but had her mouth been empty she would have given him a piece of her mind. Satisfied the healer walked away with the other one and they started to whisper.

She watched in silence, but then she grew nauseous from the leaves and grabbed the first thing she could and vomited into it. This time the healer rushed to her side and helped her. When she was done, he took away the bowl she had grabbed and she wiped her mouth. “Are you feeling any other pain?” he asked her concerned.

“My leg is on fire,” she said and he nodded. “Yes we removed the arrow.” He then turned to the healer behind him, “the captain didn’t mention her being struck to the head did he?”

The man shook his head, and Sorsha looked at them both, wondering why he asked that question. “My wits are intact,” she told him roughly and he shook his head. “No you misunderstand, your sickness,” he started to explain and she waved it off. “That’s been happening long before this battle,” she told him and he frowned. “I chewed your bloody leaves, as you can see they don’t agree with my stomach, now let me go.”

“When you’re well I shall, but until then you will remain,” he countered and she sighed and then her Captain entered the tent. When he did, she sighed with relief. “Johann, I want reports now.” The large dark man took the chair beside her bed and sat. He then pulled out some letters and smiled. “You know me too well,” she smiled and took the pages.

“Do me a favor?” she then asked, her eyes pleading. “Please find Mathias and make sure he is well.” He gave a small nod and left. Sorsha then leafed through all the letters she had missed while unconscious.