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Roleplay from Wasylis Zond

The night sky twinkled with a myriad of lights in the heavens, and looking down just over the horizon were a similar twinkling that peeked over the dark waves far in the distance. Nothing but the sound of ocean spray striking against the side of the boat. Wasylis sighed. It had been a very, very long mission to D'Hara -almost a year by his reckoning. He wondered if the fabled ports of D'Hara were every bit just like those heavenly stars above. He had heard the stories from his royal comrade, Wolf King Erasel, and even many lords and nobles of Fissoa and Madina along the way who wished fair travels and success to him and his companion knight, Sir Skyndarbau. He had had plenty of time to himself to dream those amazing dreams of the twinkling ports of D'Hara.

The sea voyages had not been kind to the Warden of Myern. He was no noble sailor of Madina, Waslis preferred firm ground, solid earth to stand upon. He also had much diplomatic pleasantries to conduct with the Grand Dodge of Madina and the Duchess of Paisly. No matter how far away they were from the lush forests of Myern, diplomatic work took time and these were important times and duty called to represent his fellow comrades of Myern to the utmost. The good knight of Garuck Udor, Sir Skyndarbau, had taken leave to Port Raviel before him. It was just as well. His knight was the selected champion of Myern to first present himself before the court of D'Hara for membership into the great International Guild. Wasylis was most proud of Sir Skyndarbau. Addmittedly, he was a quirky lad, but then again are we not all strange in our own way, he thought. Appearance aside, he knew Sir Skyndarbau to be a fine warrior of commendable honor and duty. He was a man of can-do spirit and that was most needed above all on this seemingly never ending quest though seas of palm, forests of terror beasts, rolling fields of agriculture that dotted the realms along their travels, and finally through strange, confusing, and crowded foreign cities. Wasylis looked out over the ocean again, their boat was already making way into the night, yet almost 12 hours behind Skyndarbau. By the time I reach port, I may have to look forward to a grand breakfast instead of dinner, ...that is everyone was still awake, Wasylis mused . Perhaps Skyndarbau had been well received and had already partaken in a diplomatic gala dinner in honor of Myern entering the great guild by now.

Wasylis continued to contemplate... Well who knows what awaits us, its been quite the adventure and we'll make it right now matter what. Myern is a realm of mixed heritage of pioneers and survivors after all -and that's what we do best. We survive. Wasylis nostalgically touched upon the worn and slightly burnt phoenix seal emblazoned on his uniform chest. The crest of the Zond family always reminded him of his past and the future to be. A family of the high plains and deserts. Our dutiful calling is that of the glorious and honorable fire bird. To be reborn again each time, adapt to our new surroundings where ever life's journey and the Great Spirit took us, and live life to the utmost, most honorably. Even if it meant the seas and oceans at most strangest of times. Covering his somewhat now ratty and worn uniform underneath was the emerald green cloak of his office of Warden with the banner of Myern spread across the back. A dire wolf standing and walking upon it's haunches, ready to defend or attack for the good of the forests of the realm, with a bold white X that criss-crossed the back. As Warden of Myern and Warden of the Forest, his duty was to justice of the forest, a master ranger who watches over and seeks balance of both the wildlife and citizens of his lands. Really the only injustice being committed these days, was the crimes against humanity in the shape of evil, chaotic beasts and undead that invaded their forests. And so, it was decided by the high council of Myern that he would go forth on a new mission and be a peacemaker among men, while the general and marshals took their call of duty to battle the nefarious beasts. His most earnest and attempt at respectful dealings with Pian en Luries had been his first failure. They had spurned him and his companion, Sir Skyndarbau, entirely, refusing to even hear them out or allow passage through for safer, shorter travels. They saw Wasylis and Skyndarbau as nothing but barbarians and they showed no patience, with just the barest thread of respect accorded to a noble and lord. For Myern was not even recognized to exist in their eyes. No matter, we are survivors, with honor and grace in our hearts to fellow man.

"Well, let's see what awaits us over these waves to D'hara shall we comrades!?"

Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

Heavy, but fast-paced footsteps disrupted the silence, as Skyndarbau hurried through the empty corridor. It had been a simple plan, to take a short walk across the castle's perimeter. However, Skyndarbau was a man used to forest and field, open air and fertile soil. He had lost his orientation in this maze, stoneform eloquency of architects. He had gotten into a part of the castle that was about to be renovated, and thus nobody was around. Not that he would ever publicly admit that.

As he went around yet another corner, he was greeted by warm torchlight further down the hallway. The walls were blank, and the only interruption was formed by a small door, accompagnied by two lit torches in their holders. More out of habit than because he was really interested, he tried the handle, and was surprised to find the door unlocked. The door swung open silently, being well oiled. Skyndarbau, no man to be bound by misplaced shy or regulations, grabbed a torch and went inside the dark alcove behind the door.

Voices. He suddenly heard voices, although they were hard to locate in the dark. Across the room he spotted two bright spots. He went closer, and saw that holes had been drilled out, a bit lower than his own eyes. For a woman perhaps, or a small man, although Skyndarbau was not too good at estimating heights smaller than his own, as he looked down on most people. He leaned forward and looked through the holes, and, to his concern, he was looking right into the back of a head. A head wearing a crown. The king. Not that this man needed a crown to be recognised so, as he had an aura of power around him. Not brute strength, rather cunning and wisdom. Although he could not see his eyes, Skyndarbau was certain that this man could look right into your heart with them. Next to him sat a woman, that had to be Kisharianda, the Queen. Only a blind man would not see that she was a true descendant of the Confessors, known for their unlimited kindness, love and compassion. And intelligence. She probably was more than capable, and Cenarious, if the rumours Skyndarbau had heard were correct, would not have signed for less.

Calmly Skyndarbau observed the other guests, when he suddenly felt a near presence. There was someone standing in the doorway. Skyndarbau could not see who, as the small circle of light cast from his torch did not reach across the room, and the person's front was covered by a shade from the torch outside. The person was noble, for sure, judged on the confident pose. And unimpressed by Skyndarbau's appearance, thus no rookie. The person spoke:

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Sitting enjoying the conversations through the laughter Kisharianda looked around the room and wondered what might be keeping their guest. She then thought maybe they had taken rest from their voyage but she was sure they would have informed her, maybe they needed a little more time.

She looked around the room and could not see Sorsha, as she made herself comfortable around the castle like it were her own home there was no cause for alarm. She sat back and looked at the King.

"Maybe I should go see what is keeping our guests?" she smiled at Cenarious

"You worry to much my dear, I'm sure they'll be down shortly" he patted her hand that sat comfortable on top of his.

"You are probably right my King" she nodded and continue to look around the room

Moments passed and Kisharianda turned to the King again. "Maybe send Maurice to see if they need help getting to the hall?" and Cenarious smiled at her. "Very well wife I will send Maurice to see if all is well" he leaned to Maurice who never stood far from his King, being with him for so many years Cenarious depended on him very much to accomplish his most discreet concerns around the castle. He always knew where everyone was, their history and who the King could and couldn't trust.

"Please satisfy my wife Maurice and see if our guests are well and if they need help finding the hall" he ordered and Maurice bowed and left to the guests rooms.

"There Maurice will make sure they are well and find their way" he chuckled "I'm sure they are sleeping" he took a drink a wine "After a journey like that I would eat and sleep" he drank again.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan had been standing sipping his wine and awaiting for the other guests to arrive when he decided to take a walk through the halls. There wasn't much to do and he liked wandering. When he was pasing through an open door he heard something. He stopped and turned back where the sound seemed to have come from. Walking in he stood at the doorway in silence. He watched as someone holding a torch seemed...out of place. His instincts took hold of him and he unsheathed his sword. He could only see a big man, taller than him.

"State your name and your intentions!" he said in a commanding voice.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had been sitting, still holding Mathias’ hand, awaiting the guests when she felt a small tingle run down her spine. She was extremely sensitive to her surroundings and this she would not take lightly.

She excused herself to Mathias and slipped out of the room. She then circled her way around through some passageways she knew were there due to her extensive time spent in the palace. Not only that, but for the security of the King, as his Marshal, it was her duty to know all the passages in the palace to make sure, should she need to, she could protect the royal family and get them to safety.

She reached the back of the council room, and stood in the shadows and watched quietly. A man stood, apparently observing the room through some peepholes and grinned maliciously. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, observing him silently. Sorsha didn’t approach, but instead watched as suddenly Lycan’s voice sounded. Her eyes narrowed at this, how could he have known of this particular passage? She was not happy… at all.

Nevetheless, she would stay and watch the small scene unfold before she revealed her presence.

Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

"State your name and your intentions!" commanded the stranger.

'So the mysterious visitor is a man,' concluded Skyndarbau. Ready for anything, he brought his hands closer to the twin daggers on his belt. He also carried around a heavy two-hander on his back, but he only drew that to kill. As he did not have that intention, daggers should be good enough. Combined with the long, platemail braces on hiw lower arms, he could create a versatile screen of steel, protecting him effectively when indoors. He had received Cassillian training, back in Atamara, from a group of priest/warriors, who had come as missionaries into his homelands in Makar, from the south. As he was the second son, he was the one to be trained, both physically and mentally. His brother, Fryhtan, had received lessons of their father, on how to manage estate and the affairs of court. His sister, Wasylla would have become a poet or an artist, until she had been cast out of the family.

Before replying, Skyndarbau took a few paces forward. As the man in the doorway only carried a sword, he would have the advantage of a greater range, unless Skyndarbau was able to step into his proximity before the man could draw it. And although the stranger seemed capable of using it, the sword was no weapon of war, rather a decorative trinket. Prepared for anything, Skyndarbau answered, completely ignoring the shady context of his presence in this alcove. "My name is Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Knight of Garuck Udor, coming from Myern, on behalf of my one true King, Erasel Arnel, First Wolf. I have vertured here on a diplomatic mission, both on land and sea, to join the Guild of Chivalry. And I have no hostile intent, nor do I feel the urge to draw these daggers, I assure you. Who might you be?"

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan stood sword in hand awaiting the man's response. Upon hearing his words, Lycan took a few steps forward so his face could be seen in the light.

"I am Lycan Moreira, the Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara. And if you are who you say you are, show me your face and do not draw those daggers, I warn you." Lycan stated still suspicious. Why would a member to be of the Guild of Chivalry be in this room, hiden from everyone else?

He waited now still unsure if this was friend or foe. He could not see the man's coat of arms with the little light the torch offered. He would surely recognize Myern's colors.

Letter from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

"Relying on the wisdom of D'Hara; Fide et Fiducia," said Skyndarbau, and he took out his daggers. Only to put them at his feet, and to take a step back. "I mean no harm, Nobleman, let my actions prove my words. Take me to your King, and all will be explained." Skyndarbau nodded his head in respect, and revealed a fresh wound on his upper left arm, only a few weeks old. It was the carved out shape of a wolf, standing his ground on a white cross, cut in his bare skin. "I am barbarian nor treacherous, let this coat of arms be a symbol of my loyalty. A symbol that can nor be washed, neither taken off. Now I bid you, let me see your King, as I will bow for his judgement.”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had watched quietly, and heard both men exchange words and now that one weapon had been drawn foolishly, on Lycan’s part no less, she shook her head as the other did to protect himself.

He had already stated his purpose there, there was no use in furthering the moment into the ground. There shouldn’t have been any doubt left on Lycan’s part, there probably wasn’t but she didn’t want to take any chances. Not only that but the man had obviously taken a wrong turn if he had ended up here, so had Lycan. She would make sure to speak with him about it later.

Deciding enough had been done already, she then stepped closer to reveal her presence to both men. Together they stopped to look at her, Lycan’s eyes immediately flashed with recognition and she nodded to him, and then looked to Skyndarbau. Even in the muted light, one could not ignore the intimidating aura she had, more so the eerie silence that surrounded her shouldn’t be taken lightly. The scythed daggers at her belt, remained there, she would not need them. With incredible ease, she planted her feet to the ground and stood tall, she then crossed her arms, making the leather creak lightly and reflect the torchlight.

“Sir Skyndarbau,” her blue violet eyes looked to him, empty eyes. “I believe your presence was highly anticipated, it seems you have lost your way? Perhaps you would allow me to take you to the King and Queen.”

She then turned to Lycan. “Thank you for your assistance Sir Lycan.”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan heard his words "Fide et fiducia" In faith and trust. and then he put his daggers down and showed Lycan his harm where Myern's coat of arms could be seen carved into his flesh.

Lycan sheathed his sword and relaxed. At this point Sorsha came out of the dark and he looked at her in recognition. Upon hearing her words he nodded and waited for the man’s reaction.

Roleplay from Carlos Francisco Torres de los Reyes

Carlos Francisco remained at the table, enjoying the fruits and light snacks that had been provided. The Queen had briefly graced him with her presence. He was thankful for that. There appeared to be some kind of commotion going on in one of the back hallways, but he cared not. If the alarm was sounded, he would be prepared. Yet as things stood, he was more annoyed at the rustling in the background as it distracted him from enjoying the comedian who was currently entertaining his area of the chamber.

"What was the pig doing in the kitchen?.... He was BACON!!!"

The humor was lost on the Marshal, although many around him chuckled and shook their heads.

Roleplay from Wasylis Zond


Wasylis awoke instantly at the sound of a distant holler for port landing. Groggily, he dressed into his uniform, donning his emerald cloak of office he bounded onto the deck of the ship from his quarters. The sky was still dark with the shimmering of stars twinkling above. Was it night still? Perhaps it was early morning before dawn? Certainly, a quicker arrival than expected. Hmmm...Well time lag be damned. No matter, Wasylis was relieved to finally make land fall once more. The sooner, the better, the gracious hosts of D’Hara must have been waiting for some time. –And who knows what mischief ol’ Skyndarbau has got himself into, Wasylis jokingly thought to himself. A welcoming delegation from the Dragon King’s court was already awaiting his ship arrival on the harbor and waving hands and flags in the torch light. Wasylis saw that his trusty captain, Gottolf, already had his liege’s chest packed and the lads of the Emerald Phoenix were standing at attention as the ship drifted into port.

Later on…

Wasylis was respectfully yet expediently ushered by the Dragon King’s personal guard through the halls of the majestic castle of Port Raviel. Finally. The capital of the fabled islands of D’Hara, where chivalry and high honor among realms and men was said to be a beacon of light and hope for all of Dwilight, Wasylis thought to himself as he gazed about the marbled halls. Finally the small entourage arrived before the grand dark wood double doors of the royal feast hall. Well, now’s the moment of truth! A herald of the royal court quietly came up to Wasylis and greeted him a long, honorific bow. “Mi’lord, it would greatly please Dragon King Cenarious’ Royal Court if I were to be enlightened of the proper details of your title and calling and how you came to grace us with your visitation so that all honor and due course is bestowed upon this grand visit of diplomacy and merriment. My ears are at your bidding, Mi’lord…”

Moments later…

"…Lords and Ladies of the Royal of Court of his Majesty, the Dragon King of D’Hara…", the herald cried... "May I present thee his lordship Wasylis Zond, the Honorable Warden of Myern, Defender of the Forests and for the Justice of the Citizen, Count of Garuck Udor, mentor and liege to Sir Skyndarbau Melphrydd, First Champion Knight of Myern and Representative to apply to the League of Chivalry as directed by King Erasel Arnel, First Wolf of Myern".

Wasylis bowed before the royal court with all humility and grace. Nothing too extravagant in his appearance, but with honor and conviction in his voice, with perhaps a touch of exhaustion, “Your Majesty, Lords and Ladies of the Dragon King’s Court, I come before you all in the spirit of honor and goodwill toward men, offering an open hand of diplomacy and friendship between the realms from my majesty and liege, Wolf King Erasel Arnel. We come from afar on the east side of Dwilight, our diplomatic mission long and hard, through Fissoa, the isles of Madina, onward to the west coast of Paisly with much sacrifice yet unwavering conviction. Thus, we gladly partake of your most honorable and gracious hospitality. Please forgive my tardiness, most inexcusable as I had honor and chivalry to attend to in Paisly of Madina. However, I do believe my good knight and traveling comrade, Sir Skyndarbau, as arrived before myself as vanguard and hopeful representative to the League of Chivalry as Myern’s first Champion Knight. I of course present myself as representative lord who is to be a hopeful guild branch owner of the League of Chivalry upon return to Myern as well as acting diplomatic representative of the High Council of Myern…”, Wasylis sighed deeply and almost seemed to swoon at the sight of good wine and the wonderful aromas of enriching food. It had been a long trek…

Suddenly pulling out from the inner folds of his cloak that had gone unnoticed by the court guards previously, “Allow me to present to thee a small token of my appreciation and true gift of honored intention, a savory bottle of vintage Frundi Firesprit, from the ancient cellars of my family’s homeland, saved and savored for honored comrades. It is the sacred and aged liquor wine of the Zonds and of the Phoenix, spicy and burning to the senses, as if on fire and reborn, yet soothing and heartwarming in the next instance upon ingestion. You’ll find it to be quite the homeopathic elixir of healing and yet the height of intoxication for all to take merriment in. Thus I present thee this humble, yet symbolic bottle as our first exchange in hopes of a continued relationship filled with the spice of life and the warmth of camaraderie…

Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

Skyndarbau had witnessed the arrival of the strange woman wearing leather, rather stunned. As women wield weapons as well as men in the high North, it was not her gear that intrigued him, it was her eyes.

Even though he knew he was both taller and stronger, he was unsure whether he would be able to fend off this woman or if he would ever need too. He was skilled with his daggers, but, where he had been trained in the use of them, she must have been born with that skill. Luckily she did not seem to be upset, and the hair on the back of his neck, that had risen when the man had arrived, came to rest. Somehow, wolves feel, or perhaps smell, whether another wolf is higher in the pack's ranking than itself. Skyndarbau knew in the same way, that this was his superior.

He asked if he could pick up his daggers, and was permitted to do so. Before he sheathed them, he held both against the inner side of his wrists, the point facing towards his body, crossed his arms and bowed in the Cassillian way.

"I will only be one step behind you, Milady."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha watched him with a calculating gaze and then with a small hint of appreciation noticed the expert way in which he handled his daggers.

At his words, she uncrossed her arms and turned around. She walked ahead of both men, leading the way back to the council room. Her long braid swaying with her steps, she then looked slightly over her shoulder. “Welcome to D’Hara, Sir Skyndarbau. I wish to excuse the manner in which you were received,” she didn’t glance to Lycan, but the point got across she was sure. “You will understand, one can not always be too trusting.”

She then turned a corner, expertly leading them back the way Lycan had come as to avoid any further investigation to the secret passages. She encountered Maurice on the way, and informed him to return to his duties. It wasn’t long they entered the council chamber.

The King and Queen glanced over in their direction and Sorsha gave King Cenarious a nod of her head, indication that she had returned and that matters were taken care of. The King being her mentor would of course understand her signal. “My King, My Queen, may I present to you, Sir Skyndarbau of Myern,” she announced him and stepped back to reveal him as he entered.

Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

All across the room, conversations stopped and heads were turned. Apperently, some had never seen a man like Skyndarbau before. However, it was rather fascination that could be seen in the gathered nobles' eyes, not fear or rejection. Skyndarbau stared back, equally impressed by the many colours and shapes of the diverse pieces clothing around him. Being a man from the wild, he looked for Wasylis to get some support. His mentor nodded seemingly inviting him to speak.

"Your Majesties, I am most honored to make Your acquaintance." A short pause.

"Although I have travelled faster than my mentor, he seems to have beaten me in the sprint. Please forgive me my tardiness, I hope I have not made You wait too long." A longer pause. "I might not be as elegant with words as Wasylis, but still, I try not to embarras Myern in any way. King Erasel declared that I was to be the one to voyage here, if I had known on beforehand, I might just had advised Him to take someone more capable." A short look in Queen Kisharianda's eyes. "However, finding someone more willing would have been difficult. I am most pleased to have been able to journey here, alongside Wasylis, with such a noble purpose, the uniting of righteous men, and I am even more delighted to finally stand here before You. I am sure your Marshal will inform You of the events that have just occured, and I will bow to Your judgment over these actions." As he was speaking, Skyndarbau kneeled onto one knee, bowed his head, with his forearms crossed and fists closed, and awaited response. Except for Erasel, Cenarious was the first man Skyndarbau had ever kneeled before in this manner.
