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Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

The evening was settling in and the children had been brought up to bed Misha had seen to their needs and had returned by the Queen's side for further instructions on the arrival of their guests.

"My Queen, how can I help" Misha bowed and smiled waiting "Well" Kisharianda looked around "We can start by making this room presentable for our guests she pointed at the flowers "For one we need a new fragrance in here, and see that a linen is changed, I would like to use a red table cloth for this evening" she tapped her lip with her fingers in thought

"I do not know what Sir Skyndarbau or Sir Wisylis like so I would like to make them feel comfortable" she nodded as she spoke "I wish I knew a bit more of their traditions but we will have to improvise" she smiled confidently. She started to make her way to the kitchen area to make sure Charles had everything ready. as she entered the room the smell of the ham overwhelmed her.

"Oh the heavens this smells wonderful Charles" she reached in the one of the cooking pot and stirred the contents "What is this?" she brought the spoon to her face to get a better smell "My mothers vegetable soup" he chuckled "But it sure brings a smile to those who eat it, simple but hearty" he took the spoon from her and filled it with some broth and offered it to her. Leaning over she blew lightly on the spoon and slowly sipped it's content "See Charles that is why I will bring you to the ends of the world, wonderful, what else have we got here" she looked around "For starters we will start with the vegetable soup" he smiled" and then we have bacon and cheese scallops, buttered rum carrots, garden salad and a very special ham this evening my Queen. I had one of the servants run to the market to get some exotic fruits and to my surprise he found a pineapple and bought it so I made a glazed pineapple ham. For desert we have a mixed berry angel cake with heavy cream" he said proudly

"Well I'm sure this will satisfy our guests hunger,I'm sure they haven't had a hearty meal in days due to their long travels. Very well when do you anticipate this will all be ready?" she looked back at him as she picked a slice of cheese from the fruit and cheese tray "Everything will be ready for when our guests arrive, just say the word and I will send out the food" he nodded "Very well" she smiled and walked to her chambers.

"Entering the room she noticed Misha had prepared a bath for her, she walked over to the tub and tested the waters. "Perfect" Opening her chest she pulled out a long satin purple dress and laid it across the bed. Misha helped her untie the white dress she was wearing and she let the dress fall to the ground. She entered the bath and took the pin out of her hair, letting the long reddish strands caress her waist as she sat down in the warm water.

Misha took a brush and sat behind her brushing her hair as Kisharianda closed her eyes and soaked. The small white rose petals floated around. "I love this fragrance" she said as Misha brushed her hair. "I also took the liberty of adding some oils to your water m'lady" she smiled "I remembered you telling me it drove the King absolutely mad with desires" she giggle and Kisharianda leaned her head back towards Misha "Yes it does, and you remember to much" she chucked

"Misha go make sure that everything is ready and that our guests are tended to I wouldn't want to keep anyone waiting, I will not need you for the dress I will get Cenarious to help tie it" she smiled mischievously at her own comment.

"Yes M'lady" Misha nodded and left, Kisharianda soaked a little longer and then started to get ready for dinner.

Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd

It was at nightfall, that Skyndarbau's ship arrived in port, and he admired the many lights of the city during the short trip ashore. He had chosen to row a small boat himself, rather than letting his tired men do it for him. "If only Wasylis were here," he thought. Wasylis, not just his superior back home, but rather a friend and mentor, had not digested the journey at sea very well, so there had been decided that he would stick around in Paisley for a few nights, also to establish new relations Myern would benefit from in the city.

He disembarked, and stood on the docks for a few seconds, enjoying the sound of silence. Moments later, a second sloop hit dry land, and 8 men stepped out. They were his 8 compagnions, loyal men, who had followed him from the moment he had recruited his first troops. Of course, he had drafted more men, back in Atamara, but many of them had been proved unworthy along the way. Some had decided life consists of no more than mere gold, and they had looked for jobs well-payed, but often honorless. Others had died in his service, and for every fallen man, Skyndarbau had made a clean cut in his lower left arm. The 13 cuts were silent witnesses of his pledge: some have to die so that others can live. Whenever a group of wolves attack a deer, the first attacking wolf is aware of the danger he is putting himself into, but he is willing to do so for the benefit of pack. Those 8 men, followed him all the way from Atamara to Myern during his immigration, and later though the Sea of Palms, monster pillaged lands and on to D'Hara.

D'Hara. For a long time, it was just a mantra to keep him going along the way but .. now, the fantasy had become real. He couldn't wait for the sun to rise, so he could admire this city he had dreamed about so often. During the last nautical miles, communication with the city’s Confessor had become possible. This mysterious woman seemed free of all hardship, and kind to strangers. She had even invited them to dinner! When Wasylis arrived, the feast could start.

Luckily, Skyndarbau was no man to worry about what to wear. Some might consider him barbarian, because of the grease he put in his beard to make it nice and shiny. Or because of the trinkets in his ears. People going forth on appearances though, had been proved wrong, as this Skyndarbau was not stupid nor primitive, as he had studied both latin and ancient greek, the languages that had been common in the Ancient World. In his family, knowledge was the greatest good, and above the doorstep back home it said chiseled: "No knowledge is not worth going through the trouble of having it."

Skyndarbau and his men discussed on their next move. Should they find an inn to sleep? Or head for the castle, despite the late hour? The sound of cartwheels on stone finished off their dilemma. Two royal carts wearing the heraldic shield of Confessor Kisharianda came to drive them to the castle, where they would spend the night, as the driver stated.

Sitting in the cart Skyndarbau's last thought was: "Who on earth is this woman? Not only kind, but also swift and just in her actions? If my King Erasel was to marry a woman, I hope he might be as lucky as this Cenarious I have heard so much about."

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

The strapless purple gown hugged her waist and fell down to the ground circling her leaving a small trail behind she fixed her cleavage and she turned to Cenarious who had been admiring her discreetly. He had sneaked into the room while she was removing her robe and she smiled to herself as he leaned up against the wall watching her.

"You know husband, I can feel you from miles away" she turned and smiled at him "Would you help me" she walked up to him taking her hair up in both hands revealing her bare back. Her tanned skin was still moist to the touch and warm from the bath. Teasingly his fingers trailed down to the last button as he kissed her neck. "Must we really put this on?" he whispered in her ear

"We have guests my King" she smiled and cocked her head enjoying his kisses "Yes we do, but I am King they can wait" he continued as he buttoned her dress slowly "They can yes, but what kind of King makes his guests wait when they have traveled such a long distance to see him" her eyes closed as he continued to whisper in her ears.

"If you keep this up my lord we may very well be adding numbers to our children, I must insist that we keep this for later" she turned around to kiss him

"Fine until later then" he grinned and kissed her again "but only because you insist" he smiled and took her hand and kissed it.

Cenarious left the room and she sat at her vanity table, she brushed her long hair and then started to pin it up with small pins making small curls at the top leaving long strands to dangle off her arms. She took a small brush and dipped it in water and into the black powder and drew lines beneath and above her eyes, she brushed a beige powder on her cheeks and grabbed a small pink lipstick and colored her lips to finish. Looking at herself in the mirror she smiled and reached for a white shawl to cover her shoulders.

Entering the hall she was informed that her guests had arrived and they were being brought to their rooms. She was happy at the news and turned to Misha who was never far behind her mistress.

"Misha see that our guests get refreshments while they get ready for dinner, and inform them that as soon as our King is ready we will meet in the Council room before dinner is served so that we may wait for all the guests to arrive. Should they have any needs see that they are met with reason" she smiled at Misha who bowed gracefully at her orders "Yes my Queen"

Taking one last visit to the kitchen she confirmed with Charles that everything was ready and awaiting instructions which they were. She then took a few minutes to check on the twins and Selena who had been put to bed hours ago, not one night had gone by since the birth of Alistair and Alexis did she miss checking in on them and kissing them goodnight and wishing them wonderful dreams, her motherly instinct were the most powerful feeling she had yet encountered and she was grateful for it. They were the children of a King but that never changed anything they may have been royalty, but both Cenarious and her showered their children with love and affection.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Having gathered in the council chamber, Cenarious and his Queen took their seats as they watched the other D'Haran nobles arrival and take their seats. Cenarious causally sipped his brandy as he casually stroked his wife's hand and pondered who Kisharianda was most likely to have invited for this gathering. His Ambassador and the Dukes no doubt, as well as the Marshals most likely. His thoughts were interrupted however by the grumbling of his stomach. 'I may be King, but I'm still a man it seems!' Cenarious thought to himself with a chuckle. There would certainly be good food to say the least, and perhaps good company. Erasel had always been a good man, it was a safe assumption that he would not send a fool this far to see him. Then again, the throne had change hands as of late. Although the new Wolf King had said he wished to strengthened relations, he was no Erasel, and it would take time to rebuild the relationship they had built between the realms.

It was situations like this that highlighted both the strength and the weakness of a monarchy to Cenarious. Relationships with foreign realms were as much about personal relations as they were about realm relations. Trusting a King is not the same thing as trusting a realm. His predecesor had been a queen much hated by their neighbors, and it wasn't until he had taken the throne that the invasions had been diverted and peace became an option. Just as his coming had changed things, Cenarious new well that his leaving would have similar repercussions as a number of their alliances would no doubt fail without him to bolster them. The flip side of this was that his name garnered a great deal of trust and it was that trust that had improved relations, not trust in D'Hara but trust in him. As with many such things, ones strength could also be ones weakness.

As the clatter of chairs broke Cenarious from his reverie he surreptitiously sipped his brandy and awaited their guests. He would soon see what Erasel's 'Champion of Myern' was really like..

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s blue violet eyes looked out over the horizon to Port Raviel. Their ship would be arriving soon. The remaining light cast a soft sheen of red into her dark brown hair, which was braided tightly, reaching her waist.

She was dressed in her usual garb. A full body skin tight black leather outfit which shone as it caressed every curve of her body. Her black armored gauntlets reached her elbows, as well as black boots that reached her knees. Her scythed daggers were resting in the belt at her waist, as always.

She had given thought to returning to gowns, but so far other than thinking of it no other effort had been made. She rather enjoyed the ease of movement. Besides when people saw her approach, they knew exactly who she was and she rather enjoyed the intimidating effect she had.

The Queen had informed them of the Nobles arriving from Myern and no matter what pressing duties she may have had Sorsha would honor them and attend. She silently wondered what type of nobles they were, and what kind of customs they brought from their homeland. She was looking forward to meeting and speaking with them.

Leaning on the rail, she looked up to the sky and closed her eyes as she waited.

It was only a couple of hours before they finally arrived. When they did, they went directly to the Royal Palace.

Sorsha was at home there and the guards allowed her entry easily. The Black Lions posted around the perimeter nodded as they noticed the arrival of their Marshal. She nodded back and continued on her way to her personal chambers.

She took a few moments to freshen up, and then made her way to the Council Chamber.

Upon entering, she looked directly to King Cenarious – A man who not only ruled his realm with strength and love, but with a careful touch, and a watchful eye. He wasn’t just her king, but a man she truly admired, a man she loved as her own father. “My King,” she kneeled before him.

Then she looked to the Queen, The Confessor, the embodiment of perfection, a creature of love and unbound empathy but should she be slighted or betrayed could become a creature of terrifying, yet justified wrath. “My Queen.”

She then rose from the ground and took one of the seats.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan left his camp just outside the City's entrance. He left Gregor in charge and took his mare Luna. Arriving at the Palace, he was greeted by a stable boy who took her reins and left with her. He entered the palace and was then directed to the Council chamber. He was wearing his best clothes, a light blue linen shirt, black trousers and boots and a dark blue jacket. Being the Royal Fiduciary the regular clothes wouldn't be enough. Of course, he was carrying his sword too. The one used only for ceremonies. It was made of silver with gold engravings. The hilt had his coat of arms designed in fine detail, a pure work of art.

He was announced and entered bowing before the King and Queen. "Your Majesties, thank you for the invitation, it's an honor."

He then noticed Sorsha. Walking around to the other side of the table, he noticed how beautiful she was that day. Giving her a smile he took the seat across from her.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias was right behind Sorsha as she entered the chamber where the feast was to be held. Looking around the room he noticed his wife to be, Sorsha giving her respects to the King and Queen.

Looking to one of the servants near the door, Mathias took off his cloak and handed it to him to store until he left. Then walking forward a bit he gave slight bow to his King and Queen. "My King, I thank you for the opportunity to meet these foreigners. I am quite curious to see what caliber of man stands up to Pian."

Then walking over next to his betrothed he took a seat and then straightened out his clothing. Looking over to Sorsha, "I must say my love, I do miss the armor if only for one reason....not having to worry about the wrinkles in my clothing."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha nodded in Lycan’s direction as he sat, and then leaned closer to Mathias with a smile and whispered for only him to hear. “I can work around wrinkles much easier than I can your armor.” One light colored blue eye winked, the violet specks in it, twinkling with amusement. Mathias had ever worn nothing but heavy armor, but slowly he had begun changing his manner of dress to please her, and looking at him in his clothes, she couldn’t help but appreciate it silently.

She then reached over and took his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda sat at the right of Cenarious and greeted her guest as they approached to pay respect to their King. Lady Sorsha was the first to present herself as always followed by Duke Mathias and moments after Fiduciary Lycan bowed before them.

They presented themselves in proper attire which pleased Kish very much she was always one who thought that first impressions were the most important. But she also knew that the clothes did not make the man but the way they spoke would leave a print forever. She hoped that meeting with the Marshal and Lords would help ease the discomfort her guest might feel once sitting at the table and she stood up and grabbed a glass from the servants tray.

"Thank you for coming I was looking forward to our next gathering it's been too long already, I believe the last time we got together for a feast was when the children were born" she smiled.

"Our guests are still getting ready for dinner, please enjoy the refreshments as they ready themselves" she motioned for Hendrix to serve them some wine

"As you are aware we have visitors from the realm of Myern who will be joining the International Guild of the League of Chivalry and I thought I would hold a small feast in their honor so that they can see first hand the true hearts of the D'Haran traditions" she raised her glass "May this evening bring us new friendships and plenty of laughter" she sipped her wine

She was still expecting a few others to show up but she had been made aware that they would do their best to attend as some were tied up in duties. She knew the General was busy keeping the front with his men, last she heard there was still some commotion of undead near the lighthouse but she had not kept up with the reports as she had other matters to tend to. She knew that the General would see to it and didn't have much concerns as he did he job well. She expected Hexic to show up but she knew also that he had sour feelings from her last judgment she just hoped this would not affect their first duty which was to the realm. However she had received word from the Ambassador that he would do his best to make an appearance this evening.

They all talked amongst each other and Kisharianda took the liberty of reaching over for a white box that sat next to her chair and she smiled and walked to Lady Sorsha.

"A moment of your time Marshal" she smiled over at Mathias who was now looking up at her "If I may Duke steal your bride to be for a moment I promise to have her back at your side shortly" she smiled and Sorsha nodded. They walked out to the balcony of the council room and Kisharianda handed her the long box.

"Before you say anything, I want you to know that if you do not need the contents of this box I will find no offense in it what so ever, I just wanted to give you something before the wedding as a token of my love and appreciation for you" she handed the box to Sorsha. It was beautifully decorated with pink and blue silks all brought together at the center to form a big bow. Sorsha smiled and uncertain untied the bow and opened the box to reveal it's contents.

"Rare Atamarian silk and satin" she paused as Sorsha felt the material in her hand "As you know my mother raises silk worms back in Atamara and from their cocoon produces it's rare silk and from the silks comes the satin" she pulled the silk material back to show her the satin "I have been saving this for a special occasion as it is the very same material I used the day I wed Cenarious" she smiled warmly at her "I wouldn't want anyone else but you to have it on your special day, and also if you haven't begun your dress mother and I would be more then happy to assist you" she leaned in and kissed Sorsha on the cheek "You are like family to us Sorsha and I want you to know this"

She stepped back and watched Sorsha she wasn't expecting any thank you's she just wanted Sorsha to know that she was special to her.

Roleplay from Carlos Francisco Torres de los Reyes

Having received the invitation from his Queen, the dutiful Marshal left his men training at the walls of the city and quickly dressed for the occasion. A military dress uniform, complete with his family insignia and the shield of the realm across the right breast gave him a distinguished and proud, albeit not the most elegant look. Taking his buckling his ceremonial sword around his waist proved the final touches.

Making his way to the city center, Carlos Francisco saw many of the realm's most distinguished nobles exchanging pleasantries. Entering the Chamber, the Marshal approached his King and Queen, first embracing the lady cordially, then the Dragon King with D'hara's traditional military greeting. While the gathering was not exclusively of military nature, Chesco made no attempt to relax and kept a military swagger about him. Taking his seat off to the side, the marshal toasted with the Queen and enjoyed some of the tasty hors d'oeuvres that were making their way around the elegant room.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha touched the silky material with a look of awe, she could see a blue iridescent sheen to it and she smiled at the gesture. At the Queen’s words, her eyes moistened and she then moved closer to Kisharianda to hold her tightly, the material forgotten between them. “You have also become my family,” she told her with emotion. “And I am grateful for you, and all that you are. You are truly a beacon of light Kisharianda, one that will forever hold a place in my heart.” She kissed the Queen’s cheek in turn and held her tightly again.

She then backed away and looked at her. “I have already asked the King if he would give me away to Mathias on my wedding day, but I wish for you to stand by my side as well. For not only do I consider you family, but you are also my sister. Will you honor me?” she asked, her voice meshed with hope.

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

"I would be honored to stand by your side" she smiled trying to hide the lump that had formed in her throat at her words. "I wish for you to have the best as I would my very own sisters" she hugged her again hiding her own tears. "Family is not only by blood it is deep within, like a precious pearl. You have made a fine choice with Duke Mathias and I know that you will both be happy, bound by each others promise to walk a life together forever" she wiped her eyes not to mess her make up.

"Look at us" she said chuckling wrapping her arms around Sorsha "Crying like children, we should return to our guests I'm sure Mathias misses you already" she began to walk with Sorsha back into the council hall.

She walked passed Marshal Carlos and remembered she didn't get the chance to greet him properly when he presented himself earlier. "Marshal Carlos it is a pleasure to see you have finally took some time away to join us, you work to hard Sir!" she smiled "You look handsome this evening" she complimented him "Please do not hold back on the beverages Charles has prepared a fantastic meal for you all this evening I'm sure it will please your palette" she excused herself and returned to her seat next to Cenarious.

Picking up her glass she looked over at Sorsha and smiled again, it had been a long time since she had felt the warmth of her own sisters and she missed them so much, Sorsha had become part of her family and she loved her just as deeply. This evening was made to honor the men who had traveled from far to join in a communication with our realms, but she also realized that having shared this moment with Sorsha strengthened their bonds not only as friends it would strengthened their family bond as well.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha smiled in Kisharianda’s direction as she returned to her seat, she didn’t have the words to explain how she felt that Kisharianda had accepted but she was relieved and happy.

Sitting down she took Mathias’ hand again and looked at him lovingly as he watched the other guests arrive. Kish was right. She did make a good choice with Mathias. A small smiled formed on her lips as the thought crossed her mind.
