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Revision as of 14:46, 29 September 2009

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Within the building, shouts began to rise up, loud voices and a booming commanding voice ordering their silence. Sorsha looked up and wiped her cheeks. There was a trample of boots running up the stairs and down the hall and one man stopped when he noticed her there. “Lady Marshal,” her captain breathed with worry. “You don’t know how good it is to see you.” His eyes closed with relief and he spoke to the soldier beside him. “Alert the King, The Marshal has been found.”

Sorsha frowned and tried to rise but she couldn’t. “The King?” she asked confused and her Captain leaned in and picked her up in his arms. When she didn’t protest, he continued with his explanation. “The Black Lions have been on the highest alert my Lady. We’ve been searching for you… for hours now.”

“And Mathias?” she asked quickly and he gave her a sad smile. “We have found the ship which he is on.” She leaned her head on his shoulder from the dizziness and closed her eyes. “Was it really a party?” she asked confused and he frowned. “I guess you could call it that,” he answered cryptically, not really understanding her questions. Maybe Rathan had been right and she had overreacted for no reason. How could something so mundane go so wrong? “Mathias has been found…” that was all she needed and she was able to breathe easier, it didn’t occur to her to ask anything else on the matter.

“Please take me to the palace,” she asked him softly and he shook his head. “No, the King wishes to see you…” his voice trailed off as they left the inn.

Up in the room one of the black lions looked to Bowie. “And you…” at the look Bowie gave him, he corrected himself. “Milord, you are to be taken with us. The King wishes to see everyone present and accounted for, you are no exception.”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

The previous night

After arriving at the harbour Lycan and Hexic were stopped by two soldiers just like Bowie who led the way a few feet in front of them.

"Hey! What are you doing?! I'm a Black Lion too, don't you recognize me?!" Lycan said a bit irritated not only for the soldier grabbing him but because of all the events that happened previously on the ship.

The soldier backed up a bit and apologized but kept questioning him about the events that had occurred on the ship. Lycan explained it had just been a bachelor party that went wrong and told him about the "pirates" that boarded them but what worried him most was finding out Lady Sorsha was missing. The questioned turned inquisitor as Lycan grabbed the soldier by his collar and demanded to know more about what had taken place in their absence.

The soldier knew very little however. But Lycan added the little he knew to the fact Mathias had told him she was at the palace at the time of the “kidnapping” and regret crossed his face and guilt followed.

He let go of the soldier and took two horses that were tied in front of the bar at the harbor not caring to whom they belonged. They both rode around the city all night trying to find a clue to Sorsha’s whereabouts. The first light of dawn was now visible and Lycan and Hexic were approaching the harbor again when another quad stopped them.

“Alt! Two soldiers approached them taking the reins of their horses. While the others stood blocking their passage. “Sir Lycan, Duke Hexic, we have orders from the King to take you to his presence.”

“Great!” Lycan’s eyebrow rose and he turned to Hexic who was looking back at him. “Can this turn any better?!” he said sarcastically with a grin.

Hexic was tired and disappointed about the whole ordeal and just gave a heavy sigh. He too needed answers about who had ruined the party, who the pirates were and who had the nerve to torch his carracks. So he decided to just follow the quad and see the King.

“Alright, just make sure these horses are returned to their owners. We took them from the bar overlooking the harbor.” Lycan said to a soldier holding the horse’s reins. The soldier nodded and they were led to a carriage that would take them to Port Raviel.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"Your Majesty! We found her!" an excited guard exclaimed as he burst into the King's study.

"Where?" Cenarious asked brusquely as he headed out the door already looking for her. "I said WHERE?!"

Rushing to catch up the soldier stammered out a response. "Her chambers.. she was ill.. she is with Master Ugyel.."

Finally reaching her chambers Cenarious shocked the guards by physically brushing them aside as he burst through the door without pause or hesitation. Even as Ugyel looked up blinking from the bedside Cenarious was already asking, "How is my daughter?"

Not noticing his slip of the tongue Cenarious strode closer to the bed to see for himself rather then waiting any longer for a response.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias was sitting on the bed of the small ship he had been thrown on for some time now. Sitting around he began to wonder how long he would be held hostage here.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

The men ignored the messenger bearing the King's message, and sent him back, informing him the Duke would not give up his search. They sailed on, keeping their distance. The sloop quickly lost its pursuers, and pressed onwards, sticking to the shallows until the crew felt confident they had shaken their pursuers. They turned North and away from the isles, and sailed onward to their alternate site, where they waited for some time to see if they had been followed.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha looked up from Ugyel’s face to the King’s worried expression, who was fast approaching. She had tried to shoo everyone away with the explanation she had only gotten a bump to the head but they had tenaciously remained. Treating her like precious glass, which if handled with the slightest pressure would shatter into a million pieces.

“I am better now,” she said groggily. Ugyel had been quick to administer several tonics that would make her feel better, but they made her sleepy. If only they would taste better, why must they all have the flavouring as if one dragged them into animal urine? Not that she knew what it tasted like, but if she had an idea, that would be it. She would make note to tell the healers one day to throw some fruits into one, better yet strawberries. She worked her mouth slowly and tried to forget the taste.

“To tell the truth, I am extremely confused.” Her blue eyes looked into his, hoping he would have an answer for her. “I think I overreacted, I thought… I thought there was an assassination attempt on Mathias. He was taken.. and I followed, but everything becomes distorted. I think there was a fire, I killed a man, and then I was attacked… Only to be informed Mathias is at a party?” she questioned softly and shook her head. “I don’t even know what to think anymore.” She rubbed the tender area on the back of her neck and sighed. “What is going on?”

Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien

Kisharianda had just walked in the door to bring some tea for Sorsha when Cenarious burst into the room to see if the Marshal was indeed fine. The words that rolled off Cenarious' tongue caught Kish's attention rather quickly and she smiled to herself without showing his majesty that he had been heard.

Ugyel grabbed the tea from Kish and added a pinch of dust to it smiling back up at Kisharianda. "Now child this will help you sleep comfortably" he handed her the tea. "I do not know what is going on, you know I'm an old man and I keep to myself most of the time" he paused, his eyes locking on to hers hypnotically making the room around them stop in time and he smiled as Sorsha looked around to see no one but the two moving.

"Am I dreaming?" Sorsha asked confused reaching for the hot cup of tea. "No" he smiled "I have something of importance to tell you and you need to listen to these words carefully if you are going to get back on the right path" he lifted his long skinny finger at her as if to reprimand her like a child "You filled your body with fifth and dangerous poisons, one should be so careful as what they take" Sorsha's eyes frowned surprised. "If you need to clear your mind and your state of dreams you should seek the help of a trusted alchemist, I can still smell the poison releasing from your body, but this should make things right again and help you clear your mind. Not all vision or dreams are nightmares my child, sometimes the most important messages are not pleasant to hear but they will manifest themselves into something of importance in our life, you should also be careful as to how you let your dream state control you, just remember that you control everything even if you think you don't, once you have mastered the control of your dream it will reveal it's true meaning to you" he snapped his finger and Kisharianda handed her a handkerchief "It's hot" Sorsha instinctively grabbed the hankie and smiled "Thank you."

Ugyel stood up from the bedside and nodded at the King "Your Majesty, she still needs to rest but once that tea is gone she will be in a deep sleep best ask her what you need to know now" he smiled and patted the King on his right shoulder as he made his way out of the room.

"I'm glad to see you are fine Marshal you had us worried" she squeezed Sorsha's hand smiling at her "Now I will let you get some rest and we can chat in the morning if you feel up to it" looking over to Cenarious she stood up and kissed his cheek "I'll speak with Master Ugyel"

Opening the door she seen Master Ugyel pacing in deep thought "Is everything alright" Ugyel stopped and looked at her. "I am but she's not" he responded frowning "Someone has been giving her some pretty powerful elixirs, in fact so powerful that it has been banned from being used here in these lands" he continued to pace "I do not understand why someone would do that but it has been done and we need to make sure Sorsha stays away from it" he explained

Kisharianda listened as Master Ugyel explained everything to her and all the while he was talking she remembered Sorsha telling her that she was having problems sleeping, then she remembered seeing how much her personality had changed, from being cold and distant to changing her attire to dark leathers from the beautiful dresses she used to wear. Now she was to be wed, nothing made sense and a friend would be concerned, a sister would stick her nose where it didn't belong and since Sorsha had no family ties here in D'Hara Kisharianda was going to have to do what no one else had done, and that's act like she would if Fiona or Aewyn were behaving this way.

"I'll be sure to talk to Sorsha after she gets some rest maybe she will open up to me" she took a deep breath "After all she knows she could talk to me about anything and she also knows that I would only seek your advice if I didn't have any answers for her" she continued to walk with Ugyel to his chambers "Just be sure to ask the Marshal if she has problems sleeping I think that's the root of all her troubles" he opened the door before him "Now I'm gonna make something she could take to help her sleep just in case, she cannot and I do mean this Kish she cannot keep on taking that poison she has been taking" he gave her a meaningful glare "There's no telling what will happen if she does" he stepped inside the room and looked back at her "We really need to find out where she got those potions from, if that person can make those potions there's no telling what else that person has been doing"

Kisharianda felt a cold chill run down her spine she had heard of the old black magicks and powerful potions that had been banned from here but she never thought she would actually come across someone who had been under it's influence, the damage of it's effect would only be seen in time and now they just had to make sure that Sorsha understood the severity of these things.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan was brought begrudgingly before the King, having recently arrived with the Black Lion detachment that had detained him. He stood silent, looking confused and furious at the same time.

"Your majesty, we have brought you Marquis Himoura as ordered. He was found at his residence in Port Nebel."

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"Your Majesty, Mathias' boat 'escaped' just as you ordered. They are acting as though they expect pursuit but they haven't spotted any of the ships that are shadowing them just yet. And on a happier note, Your Majesty, Rathan is being kept under guard in the informal throne room. Do you wish to see him now?" Maurice inquired.

"No, make him wait." Cenarious responded as he hovered over Sorsha's bed. "This whole incident reeks of deception and desperation. He was involved in this, of that I am certain.. when the Dukes arrive keep them separated from Rathan, send them all to my waiting room and offer them refreshments.. we must get to the bottom of this quickly I fear."

Leaning in over Sorsha, Cenarious attempted to get her attention and make her focus on him. "Sorsha sweetheart.. can you wake up enough to tell me what happened when you went after Mathias.. did you recognize any of your captors? That bloody Rathan was there, wasn't he? And who in the Dragons' names has been feeding you those vile potions! Don't you dare try to protect the culprits or lie to me either young lady! I want their names... and I want them now."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

In her sleepy state, Sorsha was able to follow the words being spoken a short distance from her and she frowned. Information on Mathias made her look up and her heartbeat started to race. Then they talked of Rathan being under guard and all the Dukes were there as well?

Cenarious leaned over to look at her and she focused on his hazel eyes, the slight touch of green in them drawing her in. “Escaped from what?” she asked dazedly, referring to Mathias’ boat. Something wasn’t adding up and everything was so confusing and the Kind had not answered any of her questions. What Master Ugyel told her came back to her and she blinked. “Poisons?” she asked numbly. “They are a sleep aid, just to keep the nightmares away…”

She remembered her talk with Rathan, and the way he had left. The fear of his words reflected in her mind. No matter what she said now though, his fate seemed to have already been sealed.

“Rathan…” she whispered his name. “Under guard?” she managed to ask but her eyes closed slowly. She was unable to fight off the effects of what Ugyel had given her anymore and everything turned black.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

Needing answers Cenarious pushed the issue by gently shaking Sorsha to wakefulness.

"I need answers Marshal." Cenarious said firmly as he waited for her to respond to his queries.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha felt herself get shaken and slowly opened her eyes to see the King before her. She was somewhat confused and frowned. He needed answers, but it took her some time to remember the questions. “I went after…Ma…thias…” her head wanted to droop to the side. “I found the man in the mask…,” she said tiredly and gripped the King’s hands but she had very little strength left, “Rath…an…” she said his name with extreme difficulty.

The fight she had with the masked man returned, and so did his words, it had killed her when she made the connection her mind had resisted to make. But she knew now…it had been Rathan, the man she loved. “I was… with Rathan…” she was having difficulty moving her lips. “He gave me… the…potions.”

Her eyes opened slightly wider and she tried to move up. “Please help… Mathias, bring him back…to me.”

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

With all the testimony he needed to begin seeking justice, Cenarious finally had a clear picture of the mastermind for the last night’s incidents. The man behind the violence and crimes was none other then Rathan, much as he had suspected already. Clearly this has been a long time coming, Rathan had been on this road long before Sorsha came into his life, but she was obviously the catalyst that caused the last threads of sanity to unravel.

Ordering the guards increased on Rathan, Cenarious ushered the majority of people in Sorsha's room out into the hall before leading the way down the hallway. Cenarious entered the informal throne room where Rathan was being held right on the heels of his personal guard. Examining the prisoner carefully as he approached his throne, Cenarious took his seat and calmed his mind.

"You've done more then merely disrespect me, this time you injured my family and for that I will not be so lenient." Cenarious said firmly. "I'll leave the final charges to the Confessor, but I will present her with my own charges against you. At the least you will face the Confessor on the charges of poisoning a noblewoman, aggravated assault of a Black Lion, kidnapping a Marshal, impersonating a Black Lion, multiple cases of vandalism, theft of a D'Haran vessel, arson of a vessel in D'Haran waters, instigating civil unrest, and I would be a fool not to know damn well that your behind the hostage taking of a Duke of my realm! The woman you love spurns you and chooses another! Your driven into a corner where you've nothing left to lose and you know it full well. The evidence before me paints a clear picture of your activities since then, and it would be far too convenient for you that while you go on a crime spree Mathias, your romantic rival, is mysteriously kidnapped by forces unknown. Don't belittle yourself by denying it, not as though you'd be fooling anyone anyhow."

Pondering Rathan's fate Cenarious continued, "As a just King I will grant you this opportunity to say your piece, but make no mistake, you will answer to the Confessor when you leave this chamber regardless."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan looked bewildered, and stood, mouth agape for a second.

"Your majesty, where are you drawing these conclusions from. Impersonating a Black Lion, theft of a vessel, assaulting a Marshal? Poisoning a Marshal? I gave her an old sleep remedy, been in the family for ages, trying to help her. I rescued Sorsha from the dock, she had taken a blow to the head. Who knows what would have happened had I not come along. Detaining a Duke? Who is missing?"

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"Vague protests, how original coming from you." Cenarious said with a condescending smile after listening to Rathan speak his piece. "I hope you can do better then that at your trial, I mean if you can't fool me what chance do you have against the Confessor? Regardless, this is not your trial and I'll not be baited into discussing the evidence or the charges by the likes of you."

Leaning forward Cenarious lowered his voice as if to impart a secret to Rathan. "Return my Duke, unharmed, and I'll not only drop some of the charges against you but I'll also ensure that you don't lose your head over this incident. Do keep in mind that this is a one time deal though I'm afraid. My patience with you has grown thin as of late."

"Guards!" Cenarious barked as he leaned back into his throne. "Take the prisoner to the Confessor's holding cells, have Lions reinforce the guards for the area, and maintain a strict watch over him until the Confessor can put him to the question. Feel free to send word if he wises up enough to take my offer but I doubt he'll display such forethought."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan glared at the guards for a moment, not moving, thinking hard for a moment.

"I believe I know something about the disappearance my King... And a lot more. IF you want to know, and I assure you that you do, you'll grant me full pardon, and better yet, agree to another proposal of mine, and I'll be out of your hair forever. You'll never have to put up with me again. These aren't the desperate protests of a condemned man, but something I'm sure you'd absolutely love to hear. I can tell you who is behind the Duke's kidnapping, and more."

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

"A full pardon?" Cenarious fought to hold back a wicked grin but in the end he couldn't help but laugh at Rathan's words. "Ahh! Your arrogance knows no bounds! I always knew your pride would take part in your downfall but I must admit that this is rich indeed! Caught with your hand in the cookie jar, you first deny, and then you start in with the 'buts' and 'ifs'. You sound just like Selena you know, except unlike her you don't have the benefit of being able to fall back on being a child."

Growing thoughtful Cenarious continued, "Then again, do not the actions make the man? Perhaps you are a child, acting out since Mathias took your toy. Was she fun to play with child? Do you think Mathias has enjoyed her more then you ever have? Though she wouldn't give herself to you, she seemed more then eager to give herself to Mathias after all. The fact that you weren't man enough for her should drive home your status in her eyes child."

Cracking a disparaging smile Cenarious shook his head disdainfully at Rathan as he continued, "Your all bluster and arrogant talk, but we both know your nothing but a boy grasping desperately at what is placed beyond his reach. You can make all the proposals you like, do so to your hearts content, but something tells me that regardless of your proposals you'll be out of my hair child, one way or the other."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan clenched and unclenched his fist as Cenarious talked about Sorsha.

"I guess you don't care about who organized the kidnapping of Duke Mathias, or, more importantly, why. Because, trust me, until I have your assurances that I will not be banned, you don't get a word out of me, and I assure you, what I have to offer you is of great worth. It'll get more than me out of your hair, that's for sure."

Rathan glared at him, his voice dropping low.

"Don't ever talk about Sorsha like that, she is not a toy."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

A masked man stepped into the cell that now housed Mathias, and threw a plate at his feet.

"Eat. You're being released soon, and we don't want to send you back starved."

The burly man glared at Mathias, and then left the cell, leaving Mathias to his own devices.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was sitting on a stone bench, looking up at the stars. The flowers and leaves of the trees around her swayed as the soft breeze passed through them and she smiled as it touched her long dark hair. She was in the garden Mathias had built for her.

“It has been a while,” Kaylan’s voice came up from behind her and Sorsha’s smiled slipped but she didn’t dare turn. “So you found a way to hide from me,” she leaned closer and whispered in Sorsha’s ears, “but it didn’t last long did it?”

Closing her eyes at her words Sorsha swallowed and tried her best to ignore the fear in the pit of her stomach. Ugyel had said something about her dreams being important, and how she could start controlling them but she was so terrified, she didn’t think she had the courage to stand up to Kaylan. “You love him don’t you? More than you ever thought you would… more than you loved Conrac.” Kaylan said softly and Sorsha closed her eyes at the truth of her words. “Yes…” she whispered, finally speaking for the first time.

“And now look, he’s nowhere to be seen.” Kaylan stretched her arms out to show the empty roof top. This time Sorsha frowned and looked at her cousin. She had expected to be hit, laughed at, beaten to a pulp, but not this. Kaylan smiled at the look on her face.

“He was taken from me,” Sorsha spoke painfully. “Ah yes, he was and what are you doing about it?” Kaylan sat beside her and looked up to the stars. “What are you waiting for?” Her red hair flew into the breeze and her blue eyes looked at her. “Go…”

Sorsha flinched and opened her eyes. She half expected Kaylan to be in front of her but she wasn’t. Alone in the room now, she looked around and then pushed the blankets off. Still feeling somewhat dizzy, she waited to steady her feet and made her way out the door. When the healer noticed she was up and about, he called after, “My lady, you need to return to your bed,” he told her but she ignored him and ran down the hallway. After what she had heard of the conversation, she knew she had not been mistaken and Mathias had in fact been taken. She didn’t care about anything else but to be with him again, she needed to get him back.