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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' After spending the evening with Rathan, Sorsha had returned to her room. She had been emotional upon arriving and sat up for a long time thinking about...)
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Revision as of 20:33, 16 September 2009

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

After spending the evening with Rathan, Sorsha had returned to her room. She had been emotional upon arriving and sat up for a long time thinking about what she would do. Eventually she had taken the sleep potion and lay down in the bed. She slept most of the day because of it, when she did wake it was late afternoon. The sun was high in the sky when she made her way outside.

She needed to take a walk to clear her head. Walking through the city, she made her way as if by memory, and tried to find the hill to which Mathias had taken her only a short while ago. Only when she got there, she realized they were in the middle of building something over it. At this her heart sunk. With a small sigh, she turned around to find another place where she would be able to sit and just think.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias happened to be overlooking the construction of the wall around Port Nebel when he happened to notice that Sorsha was seen approaching the hill that he and she had once rested at. Standing up to meet her he then noticed her turning around and heading back into the city. Unsure as to why Mathias then attempted to catch up to her.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha absently made her way back to the city. She didn’t have a destination in mind, she simply walked where her feet took her. Her mind not truly on the action but jumbled with other thoughts. Thoughts of Rathan, of Mathias, of what she wanted out of life, how she had envisioned her future to be like. When she did stop, she blinked at what surrounded her and a small breath of awe escaped her lips.

She had heard of it many times, but she had not actually been to the Grove of Honor. Surrounding her were trees as far as the eye could see, and before her a lake of crystalline water, in which the beauty was enhanced by the hundreds of swords reflecting the light of the sun mirrored in the clear water. It was a spectacular view and she could not believe she had not set foot here until now. To be honoured so in death, was something she could only wish were reserved for her. At this she then wondered what were to happen if she fell in battle.

Bringing out of her thoughts was a tingling that crept up between her shoulder blades and her attention was focused away from the Grove to the familiar sensation. It was one of warmth, comfort, knowing. Usually her instinct warned her of possible danger, but in this she only recognized it as being a part of her, a part she needed.

The realization of it made her smile. She didn’t have to turn to see, she knew he was there. He approached slowly, and before he reached her, she spoke up, “good day Mathias.” Only then did she turn, and gave him a warm smile.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias was slowly walking towards Sorsha when he heard, "good day Mathias." Somewhat surprised that she knew he was approaching he continued his way to her. She then turned to face and he finished his walk to her. Then grabbing her hand he gave it a kiss, "Mo Searc, it does me good to see you. Though might I ask how you knew I was coming?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“I felt your presence,” she said as she looked into his eyes. “It is not the first time…” she admitted with a small blush to her cheeks and tried to explain it. “It is like realizing a part of you is cold and empty and then suddenly it is warm and complete once more…” she trailed off, and her cheeks reddened some more. It had been so long since she actually felt shy around anyone, it caught her by surprise and she quickly averted her face and looked down to his hand as it held hers. “I cannot explain it any other way,” she breathed softly.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Well then, seems to me like we complete each other then..." Mathias said as he took his other hand and gently grabbed her cheek, raising it after which going in for a quick kiss.

"Sorsha, I was just preparing for a ride outside the city, perhaps you would deem me worthy to have you join me?" Mathias asked. Sorsha still being somewhat shy did not verbally answer but instead nod her head in approval. "Excellent!"

It would take the two but a few minutes to reach the dukes stables. Which upon his arrival Mathias called for his strongest and most hardy horse available. Once it arrive he climbed on top and preceded to aid Sorsha in mounting it as well. Having her hold on tight Mathias then began a slow trot outside the city with a small procession of guards close behind.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Mathias did not take his horse in the direction of the city but rather into the thick of the woods surrounding the mountain which the Palace sat upon. Together they rode in silence for some time, she holding on to the reigns in front of him, and he holding on to her waist gently, as if afraid he would break her. She looked to the beautiful scenery before her with a smile, the trees were starting to fill with leaves, flowers were just beginning to bloom, birds were singing, and the afternoon sun was beginning to darken and sink in the horizon once more.

Sorsha leaned into Mathias and she closed her eyes as she felt his warmth at her back, surrounding her as he held her. His hands reached in to take hers in his and she looked up to the side at him. “Isn’t it beautiful…” she breathed, not really asking him, but making a statement. “I feel as if I could close my eyes and live here forever. I feel so warm and safe.” He looked down at her then and smiled. The moment seemed to stretch, and she was drawn in by the touch of him, the smell of him, mostly the way he looked at her.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias continued to smile and held her tight. "Mo Searc, the beauty of this place is only made more so by you being here."

The ride would continue on for some time. They would then eventually stop and watch as the sun finally set and then Mathias asked, "Sorsha I have a gift waiting for you back at the palace. IF you wish it so we can head back now so that I might present it or we can continue the ride a little longer."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Let’s return,” she told him softly. Mathias nodded and led them back to the palace stables. From there the horse was taken and they walked away. The night sky had completely darkened by the time they returned inside the Ducal Palace. “Mathias, you know you don’t have to get me gifts,” she told him but a part of her was still somewhat curious. “I am easily pleased without.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Mo Searc, I do so know I need not give you gifts, but I insist...you deserve only the best and as such that is what I shall continue to give you." Mathias walked over and covered her eyes with his hand and began to guide her through the palace until they reached the roof. Upon their arrival Mathias removed his hand and said, "Surprise!" To which was revealed the most beautiful garden on his roof. The floor so thick with soil it could no longer be known that there was a hardened floor beneath. Along with the lush flowers and bushes, and the trees that doted his roof.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

When Mathias removed his hand, she gave a small gasp and her eyes lit up as a child’s. They were outside, beneath the stars which had only begun to light up the night sky. Surrounding them was a spectacular array of flowers, each more beautiful than the last, beginning to dot the branches of trees, some rose bushes could be seen as well, and the scent of them was so amazing, it permeated the air. She walked around for a moment, not really believing it was real. Reaching in she touched some slowly, her fingertips brushing over the petals. Then looking up, her eyes twinkled. She felt like if she tried, she could actually reach out and touch the stars.

“Mathias this is…” a lump caught in her throat and she swallowed. “I can’t believe it, it’s so beautiful. I never knew this garden even existed.” Then she turned to face him, and approached him. This time when she looked into his eyes she stood on the tip of her toes, and kissed him. She was completely overwhelmed, all she could do was show him how it made her feel.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias gently grabbed Sorsha by the shoulder, "Mo Searc, that is because one never has before a few days ago. I had this commissioned long ago as a surprise for you, and only recently was it completed." Mathias then leaned in and gave her a kiss before continuing with, "I assume you approve?" he said knowing full well that she did.

Grasping her by the hand he walked over to a small man made hill upon which a familiar tree stood. "Sorsha, before the wall builders got to our hill I had them remove the tree and bring it here. Though the view is not the same it is still quite magnificent." Then sitting down under the tree he motioned for Sorsha to come and rest beside him.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Mathias…” she could only whisper his name. “You did all of this for me?” she was shocked, and a part of her extremely flattered and pleased by his consideration of it all. He had been watching her more than she thought he had. He had noticed the things she enjoyed, this was testimony to that. “I’m touched that you did all of this… and this tree,” she motioned… “I was actually looking for it earlier, you have just created a haven for me. I love it and I love you,” she told him softly and kissed him again.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias went to lie down under the tree on the hill and then motioned for Sorsha to rest next to him. holding her close he then responded, "I love you to mo searc." Then closing his eyes he began to rest holding on tightly to Sorsha beside him.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha rested her head on his shoulder and looked up to the sky, and now the twinkling stars above. She didn’t cry this time as she thought about the decision she would soon need to make, but she did get emotional. Another day gone. She reached down and took his hand in hers and watched for a long time until her eyes began to close and she fell asleep beside him.