McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/kara duel: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha rose from the floor where she had spent most of the night in quiet meditation. She looked up to the walls, choosing her weapon. It wasn’t a di...)
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Revision as of 18:06, 16 September 2009

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha rose from the floor where she had spent most of the night in quiet meditation. She looked up to the walls, choosing her weapon. It wasn’t a difficult choice, Síoraí’s blade gleamed in its bracket, but she did not take it, instead her new, two long daggers. She had been given Síoraí for a reason, she excelled in close combat.

Once out, she returned to her room to change into fresh leathers. When she was done, her long brown hair was freshly braided; her blood red leathers shone in the light, as did her knee lengths boots and her hands were covered with her armored gauntlets. She walked out through the hall and made her way outside.

Unfortunately not many preparations had been made for the duel in question, and there was no circle built already. Chairs and long wooden benches had been set out into one of her grassy fields. A large circular area had been cleared out and patted down, with long poles planted firmly into the ground to mark it.

Seeing it, Sorsha directed herself to the center and finally looked up. She did not look around to see who was in attendance, there would be time for that later. She was wrapped within a shroud of emptiness, cold indifference, and her eyes reflected it. Although she had been in this state for a year now, the difference was that this time she could touch the anger should she need it. When she looked across she noticed Dame Kara already there, obviously waiting for her.

Sorsha had been to almost all the duels in D’Hara, but she had never fought her own. “You have gotten your wish,” she whispered to Kara. The blond hair, blue eyed woman before her bowed and gave a small grin. She pulled out her sword and smiled this time.

Someone announced them overhead, but Sorsha was not paying it any mind. She watched Kara’s eyes quietly.

The indication to begin was when the other woman was off, almost at a run. The sword came at her with a whistle and Sorsha moved back with a jump. Kara turned swinging again, this time in a downward arc all her weight behind the movement. Sorsha rolled on the ground but not fast enough and Kara’s blade nicked her arm.

Blue, violet, eyes looked down to the nicked arm and back up with darkened eyes. The blond haired soldier slashed again this time to the left but Sorsha was ready for her, and quickly slashed at her abdomen, cutting her, not once but twice. Kara withdrew with a hand to the light cuts, allowing Sorsha the room to jump back to her feet.

This didn’t hold Kara long, and she returned this time more aggressively, angrily. Sorsha watched her calmly, calculating, and defended every movement with quickened parries. The sword whistled by her ear many times, Kara managed to cut the leather on Sorsha’s upper thigh with the tip of her sword, but that was the end of it.

Sorsha hit her across the face with her forearm, and then slammed the pommel of her dagger into her face, sending the blond woman reeling. She swung out with her right leg to the side of her head, and then slammed her foot into her stomach, knocking her further. Finishing it Sorsha swung right and left, the first dagger putting a gash through her arm to match the cut Kara had given her, the other was slammed deep into her flesh. Kara fell to the ground with a grunt, and looked down to the blade in her arm. Shocked she looked up at the brunette standing over her and slumped down silently.

Sorsha then waited for the healers to approach and pick the blond soldier from the ground and finally she looked up. She could see among the crowd, Mathias, Lycan, Hexic and then Rathan.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan applauded, slowly clapping, as Sorsha struck down Kara. He stepped into the dueling ring and walked up to her, and handed her a water skin.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

She took a small drink from the skin and nodded. She was still wrapped up within the void of emptiness. “Very well,” she said and walked away with Rathan.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias was once again finally able to stand on his own. Gathering his belongings he began preparing to head back to Port Nebel. However when he picked up his spear he noticed for the first time on the side a strange set of symbols that he could not understand.

Then taking the spear he began to walk through the house until he found Sorsha's servant Lorlan. "Lorlan! Come here please I have something I wish to show you." The two then walked towards each other and once they meet Mathias held out his spear. "Yes my Lord that is a fine spear." said Lorlan. "No you fool. Look here, "he said pointing to the inscription on the spear, "I have no idea what this means or even what language this is...Seeing as how you are your ladies servant I hoped you would know what language this was or if you could even tell me what it meant."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Lorlan looked down at Mathias direction and his eyes grew slightly wider at the inscription and then it dawned on him what it was. “Where did you get this?” he asked in awe.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias looked at the awestruck look on Lorlan's face and responded, "Your Lady, Dame Sorsha gave this to me. She said something about it being my protector. Which I assumed she meant that I should use it in battle and it would protect I wrong in thinking this?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Lorlan closed his mouth and then looked up at Mathias. “It is a guardian,” he whispered. “It is an honor to receive such a gift, to be awarded one must mean you are regarded in high esteem, a battle hardened warrior” his voice was still touched with awe.

“Every McDowell owns one. Sorsha herself owns a dagger such. It is a McDowell custom to be awarded with such weapon, usually one at which you excel at. This inscription,” he pointed, “is very symbolic. Usually it is a battle prayer of choice, one in which the bearer solely believes, to instil fear in the hearts of your enemies. Sometimes, and very rarely the message is of the bearer, a prayer of protection.”

His fingers trailed along the inscription. “It is in Lady Sorsha’s native language, Gaelic.”

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Hexic had watched the bout in earnest, measuring each combatant. Hexic lived by the blade, that would never change. It was said that martial artists in the Far East consider combat a form of self expression, and you can learn a lot about someone from how they fight. Hexic understood this principal, and had seen enough combat to make similar observations. But when it comes to one-on-one combat, each combatant is sending a message to their opponent, or to the spectators. These messages typically could not be expressed in words, but rather in feelings.

As the match finished, Hexic thought he understood Sorsha's message. Hexic took measured, formal strides, which exuded a presence of authority. The crowd began to silence as Hexic stopped a few yards from Sorsha. "Marshal Sorsha McDowell, Dame of Nebel," Hexic said so loudly he was nearly shouting "I, Duke Hexic Jeckyl, Marshal of the D'Haran Guard, former High Commander of the armies of Everguard challenge you to a duel to first blood." Hexic took off his right gauntlet and threw it to the ground in front of the Marshal, waiting for her to pick it up in acceptance.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

As Hexic approached her, Sorsha’s gaze went from Rathan to the Marshal who stood before her. Her eyes remained empty, she had not withdrawn from the void yet. And then he challenged her, and threw his gauntlet before her. This time she gave him a long look, measuring him. Her first choice to a duel had in fact been the Marshal himself, but she had not gotten a chance to challenge him. Time took care of all things, she grinned and picked up the gauntlet on the ground. “I accept,” she told him softly, her blue violet eyes staring into his green ones. It was not necessary for her to shout, the message was clear with her action.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

The Duke studied her carefully as she accepted the challenge. "Then we shall meet here, on this spot, tomorrow at first light." Hexic turned and strode from the dueling grounds and returned to his unit's camp.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias looked closely at the spear still trying to decipher what it meant. Then thinking to himself, "A guardian...holds me in high esteem....does she wish to protect me? I am not worthy of such a gift." Mathias then dropped to his knees and Lorlan thinking his legs had given out bent down to help him up. Yet Mathias just swatted him away. "My Love has given me this most wonderful of gifts, and yet I have treated it like a common tool to be used."

Slowly getting back to his feet Mathias began, "Lorlan. Do you know any of this language? Could you perhaps teach me or even give me some reading material on it?" Then looking back to his spear, "Perhaps start by telling me what this inscription reads?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Lorlan stood back up and then hesitated. “It is a sacred prayer,” he told him but then smiled. “If you wish it, I shall teach you some of her native tongue.”

He then took the spear in his hands and traced the symbols as he read them out loud. “It reads: Protect and shelter thee, for my heart and soul are within.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Protect and shelter thee, for my heart and soul are within...." A small tear then ran down Mathias' face, "This proves it, the Sorsha I knew and loved was always there beside me. Just trapped deep within that cold shell of a woman that she became." Mathias then looked over to Lorlan and had him begin to teach him some phrases in Sorsha's native tongue. He would be there for many hours before finally taking his leave. With him though was close to three different books all on her native language that Lorlan had given to Mathias.

Walking out to the stable he began to prepare for the trip back when it suddenly hit him that Sorsha had said something about a duel today. Mathias then rushed over to see how she was doing.

Upon reaching the dueling field he saw that she had come out victorious and that in fact Duke Hexic had already challenged her to another duel. Almost turning to leave Mathias then decided to go and see Sorsha one last time before heading back to the city.

Forcing his way through the crowd he made his way to Sorsha. Once he had reached her he gave her a big hug lifting her slightly off the ground. "My love, it does me good to see that you were victorious today. Had I the ability I would stay for tomorrows duel as well, but I fear my city needs its Duke, and seeing as how I have been gone for sometime now I feel I should return. Either way I would like to thank you for your hospitality in allowing me to recuperate at your estate."

Mathias then looked around and asked Sorsha, "Might I have a minute alone with you before I leave?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was getting a lot of attention it seemed, and she then noticed Mathias approach and take her in his arms to hold her, congratulating her. “Thank you,” she said “it is the least I could do. Especially considering the reason for your injuries,” she said in a low voice.

At his question, she then turned to Rathan who had remained silent the entire time. Knowing many people had wanted to speak with her. “Excuse me,” she told him and walked away a short distance so that her and Mathias could have a word, alone and waited.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias looked Sorsha in the eyes, "My Love, I never properly thanked you for this spear, and I just want you to know how much this means to me." He said holding the spear out with the inscription facing her, "Protect and shelter thee, for my heart and soul are within.....My Love, I am not worthy of such an item, but know that I shall cherish it for the rest of my life."

Sorsha looked to the spear in his hands and then gave one long slow blink. She remembered the spear, she remembered having it commissioned, she had given every last bit of gold she had for it. She even recalled the blacksmith’s face.

But when Mathias read her the prayer on the side, her eyes opened slightly with confusion and she reached out to touch it. “This is…” she breathed unable to finish her words, the cold façade slipped and she looked into his blue eyes with silent wonder.

This was a one of the holes in her memory… and she was unable to fill it. It was a mystery, especially to her. But the message was deep and significant, unmistakable. The words were loud and clear to anyone who knew how to read them. She had branded this man as hers with his very own guardian and announced it to the rest of the world to see, because she had been the one to give it to him.

“I… don’t know what to say,” she said softly. “I remember it, but not these,” she traced the symbols.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"It is alright my dear. You need not say a thing." he said bringing her close to hug her. "I just wished to thank you for this Guardian...I never knew you cared so much for me. I...I..I always thought the feelings where one way in that I would give anything for you but that you did not truly care for me. I now know though that deep inside you is that woman I fell in love with so many years ago. I just hope that one day soon she will resurface." he said still holding her tight.

Sorsha did not know what else to say to that and gave a small nod. Her eyes though softened at his words and she held him back as he hugged her. When he pulled away, she averted her gaze. “I’m sorry,” she apoligized and walked away from him. “I need sometime to think.”

She walked away from him and returned to stand by Rathan’s side, waiting for him to lead her away, but her gaze did return to Mathias and again she was somewhat confused.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan gestured towards his manor, in the center of the townsland, seated atop the motte and bailey.

"That was a most impressive fight, and I have no doubt that you will win against the Duke... Especially if he knows what’s good for him."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Thank you,” she told Rathan. “But before we leave for your manor, I wish to dress accordingly.” It wasn’t long that Sorsha returned inside her own home and found her servants who had been tasked with the dress she had requested. She didn’t take the time to change as she knew he was waiting for her, and instead brought along what she would need.

When she returned to his side, she gave him a smile. “I am ready.” To which they made their way to his estate.

When they entered his home, she asked one of his servants to take what she brought along to a room where she could prepare herself and then turned to him. “Do you mind if I change?”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Please, go ahead. Take your time. I will be waiting in the courtyard, the view is most splendid this time of day... A little marred by the palisades, but military necessity comes first."

Rathan said, taking her hand and kissing it lightly.

"Do make yourself at home. Except for my office, I wouldn't go in there. It's... Dangerous right now."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha gave a small nod at his words and went inside his home. She had the servants take where to where her belongings were and began to get ready. She peeled off her blood red leathers and discarded them, they would need to be mended later. Taking a moment, she looked to the small nick to her arm and then her upper thigh. She would be fine, she had gotten worse in the past.

Making sure they were cleaned properly, she then turned to take the dress out of her box. When she did, she smiled, and then something within her seemed to change. As if the emptiness was crawling back to the surface, mixed in with something else, something she had grown familiar to. Some time later, she stood before a mirror.

She had undone her braid and brushed her fingers back through her long bangs and lock, where they hung wildly and loosely down her back. The dress she wore was tighter than any she’d ever worn. The thin straps hung off her shoulders and dipped to show a small amount of cleavage. The rest of the material from there fell into a v shape from her hips down to the ground with a gold belt. The skirt was then cut to each side, the cut reaching her upper thighs. She did not know why, but something told her this was right, this was the person she was with Rathan.

She left the room quietly and began to head down the hallway to the courtyard but then curiosity got the best of her. He had said not to go to his office, yet she couldn’t help but wonder why. What could be so dangerous? She looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was there to see her and approached the door. She knew exactly where the room was by use of her murky memories. And slowly she began to open the door.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan cleared his throat. He had expected this, and had followed her down the hallway, unseen and unheard.

"It is dangerous, because I am brewing more of the sleeping remedy for you, and if disturbed at this point, it is extremely volatile."

Rathan looked a little perturbed, but slightly amused.

"Curiosity is admirable though, even though it did kill the cat."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

As he cleared his throat, Sorsha closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip at being caught. She then turned to face him, and he could get a clear view of her. “I’m sorry,” she apologized and brought her hand up to her mouth biting her finger. “I couldn’t help myself… With all these holes in my memory, I’m finding it hard to resist the unknown. I have this burning need to know everything. It won’t happen again,” she promised and lowered her hand to smile at him.

“Is this going to be added to my reprimand?” she asked coyly.