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(New page: '''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' "Marquis Rathan, have I not been kind to you? Have I not shown you mercy when all others wanted you out of the realm? First there was the matter of y...)
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Revision as of 13:56, 16 September 2009

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Marquis Rathan, have I not been kind to you? Have I not shown you mercy when all others wanted you out of the realm? First there was the matter of you attacking my property. Next you attempted to steal my property when stole from MY coffers and then took MY region of Nebel over to Duke Hexic’s duchy. Now you stand down there and insult both me and the Lady Sorsha...If I could I would have you drug out to the gallows for insulting her. It is obvious to me that you were forcing yourself upon her."

Mathias then motioned for a servant to bring a bottle of wine along with two glasses. Another servant then walked up behind Rathan and set out a chair for him across from Mathias. Mathias then preceded to pour the two a glass. "Rathan, I have no use for disloyal charges who have no respect for their superiors or those around them. I have given chance after chance to prove to me that you were better than the King and many other nobles saw you as. Tell...Give me one good reason I should allow you to stay in my Duchy. One good reason why you are more important than any other body I could put in your place. One good reason why I should not have you forcefully removed from my house!"

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Well for starters, I didn't force myself on her. Its not the first time we've kissed either. Just to let you know. Now, I'll say again, that the attack on your commoner was a misunderstanding, the investigation on the tax fraud has never been concluded, and I have done an excellent job on managing Nebel, and have made her the jewel of the kingdom. Not only have I most generously provided you with money with which to build an academy, and build your walls, but I have just given you two hundred bushels of food. I was a bit temperamental when I took my region from your duchy, and I immediately returned it. Now, I know you have feelings for the Lady Sorsha, but so have I. If you wish to compete for her hand, fine. But don't ever say I have forced myself on her. Ever."

Rathan said, kindly at first, but his voice and gaze grew cold with the last few sentences, his gaze piercing, not breaking eye contact, and unblinking.

Letter from Mathias Ridder

"You speak as if you are some high and mighty god. All those projects you have helped fund could have been done by any other person put in charge of that region. As to the Academy I told you I did not wish to have one built in my city so soon and if one was to be built it would have to be out of some other pocket. As to the return of my region. Bah! Given the choice you would have remained there, don't try and play it off like you did it of your own free will. You were under threat of banishment, and it was I that saved you. I have time and time again given you chance after chance, and still you insult me! Have I not been kind! Have I not been forgiving! Why do you insult me so?"

Trying to calm himself Mathias finished his glass of wine and then poured himself another, "I will give you one last chance. Tell me why you are better than any other noble I could put in your place. Tell me why I should hold you in such high regard as to keep you as my Marquis. Your actions reflect poorly on me. They always have, and I have about had enough with it. Why should I allow you to stay Rathan?"

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Because, none will be as loyal. I made a mistake in switching the regions. I regret it. I have shamed myself with that action, and in doing so, am obligated to serve this Duchy to the greatest extent of my abilities."

Rathan drew a small knife suddenly, sliced his palm, and sheathed it again in one swift motion.

"I will not betray the duchy, I will not fail you. Ever. So I swear on my blood with you and the Bloodstars as my witnesses. No one here can ever surpass the loyalty expressed in a Himouran blood oath, there is no more precious commodity than our blood. I did not come here this night to insult you. The Lady Sorsha is not yours. She belongs to whom she chooses. If you feel insulted, I apologize. But I will not give up on the lady I love. Ever."

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

A smirk crossed Mathias' face and he grabbed Rathan's hand and firmly shook it. "Marquis, I cannot say that my anger is all your fault as I am a little drunk, but I will accept your oath. Understand though I don't take this likely as I don't believe in such things. Heck the last person to swear an oath to me betrayed me to the Mad Queen."

Then knocking the glasses over to the side of the table to get them out of his way he continued, "Rathan, I accept your apology I understand that you did not come here to insult me, and I myself am sorry for calling out in such a manner. However I will have you know this should you ever screw up again you will be gone. Matters of love aside, if you should hurt me, my charges, my property, my duchy ever again you shall be quickly removed and I shall see to it that you face the full extent of D'Haran law."

"Now then as to Sorsha. It is as they say...May the best man win. Though should I win you will have to stop your pursuit of Sorsha and never look back, and the same shall go for me...what do you say?" Mathias yet again gave the same smirk he had but minutes before hand and held out his hand to shake the Marquis."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan took his hand and nodded, a grim smile on his face.

"It’s not over until wedding vows are exchanged mind you. Everything is fair game until then. Not that I have to worry however."

He said with a wink, before whirling about and hopping back down to the dance floor in search of a partner, tearing a piece of a table cloth on his way to bandage his palm.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha could still hear the music from the garden. The entire area was circular with flowers dotting the outer ring, flat rocks marked the paths, with several smaller rings of flowers and rock continuing to the center where sat a fountain with some long benches where she sat. She was looking up at the stars, not really seeing them anymore, just out of habit. And then she looked down to her gown. She had been right, yet vulnerable didn’t begin to describe how she had been, how she had acted with Mathias. How could everything have turned out the way it did? Where had it all gone wrong? She knew… it was her. She was all wrong, she had been for so long now.

She was the curse of balls or banquets, for whenever she attended one, disaster ensued. Well no more. The Duke had asked her to remain in Port Nebel for some time longer, but she knew now she would not be able to stay there, even in another room but his. She would have to endure Kaylan’s torment on her own. With all this she had not even gotten a chance to ask Rathan for more potion. Well either way, if they knew any better they would both stay away from her now.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

The banquet had gone on for quite some time now, and many had already left when Mathias decided to head out into the city. Thinking on what he had just done he had already regretted it. He had made a bet or a woman, though he personally in the past would have had no qualms with doing so he began to wonder how she would react if she found out what the two had done.

Heading straight for the hill where he and Sorsha had sat not two nights ago, Mathias decided to rest. Sitting in almost the same spot he always had, Mathias looked over to Sorsha, but seconds latter the vision disappeared. "My mind is fooling with me. I can't tell if it is the liquor or that I am actually in love."

Laying down Mathias looked up to the stars and waited for something anything to tell him what to do next.