McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Mathias again: Difference between revisions

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She then reached up with her other hand, and softly touched his neck, and licked it slowly until she reached his mouth. She released some of her grip and he looked at her. Staring into his eyes, she leaned in but not completely, “from this moment forth everything you get from me, you will have to earn...” she breathed into his mouth. “Do you understand me?”
She then reached up with her other hand, and softly touched his neck, and licked it slowly until she reached his mouth. She released some of her grip and he looked at her. Staring into his eyes, she leaned in but not completely, “from this moment forth everything you get from me, you will have to earn...” she breathed into his mouth. “Do you understand me?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Cocking his eyebrow and tilting his head in confusion Mathias stated, "So you want me back but I have to earn it. Well then just how might I go about doing that? What is it you want from me? My oath still holds true, I will do almost anything for you."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
This was a truly delicious moment. At his words of doing almost anything for her, her brow rose in turn and she gave him a lopsided grin. “You’ll just have to find out when the time comes now won’t you,” she answered cryptically. Moving away, she gave him one last look. She didn’t tell him anything else she would reserve that for later.
She climbed atop Gaoth and looked down at him. “Now be a good Duke and return to your prophet,” she told him and rode away with a laugh, returning home.

Revision as of 21:42, 6 July 2009

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

There was a massive movement of guards from within the ducal palace of Port Nebel all heading to the harbor.

Meanwhile in the courtyard Mathias was standing next to his servant directing the flow of men out the palace.

"Duad, I want to make sure everything is perfect for the prophets’ arrival. He will have the best protection and boarding that we can afford. Give him anything he asks for."

Then starting to pace he continued, "In fact have my cooks prepare a feast encase he is hungry from his journey. Though this si no diplomatic trip we cannot afford a gaff with the Holy Prophet himself. The entire north might fall upon us if something was to go awry."

"My Lord," Duad said, "The Holy Prophet only travels down here to hold a ceremony for the enlargement of the temple why do you fret so much over this?"

To which Mathias replied, "I am not sure my friend. I just feel like something strange is about to happen to me..." Mathias paused for a few second then continued, "Duad, Oversee the completion of the welcoming party and send a messenger to find me when the Holy Prophet arrives. I am going for a walk."

Walking through Port Nebel Mathias saw a familiar figure enter the city. Not quite sure if it was who he thought the person was he sneaked closer to take a better look. Hiding from behind the wall of a building he saw her.

It was without a doubt, Sorsha. The woman who tore his heart out and spit upon it. He did not know if he could forgive her that insult, but something seemed different about her. She did not seem to be the same person he once knew. Then suddenly she looked his way, their eyes meeting for but a split second, but enough that Mathias was sure she saw him. He then quickly hid back behind the wall and waited to see if she would pass him by.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was still thinking about Rathan, when she noticed a familiar face among the crowd. She stopped her sweeping gaze to look directly at him and her eyes narrowed. “Well, well,” she murmured to herself.

He moved back behind the wall, returning to the shadow from which he came and she let him. “What are you up to now Mathias?” she whispered.

Moving Gaoth in the other direction, she appeared to be headed away from him. Instead she circled around the building and all too soon, stared at him from the opposite direction. The area was small, devoid of peasants. It was only them.

Sliding off her horse, she walked towards him, leading her stallion. “Are you waiting for someone Duke Mathias ?” she handed him his title with heavy sarcasm as if to point out she didn’t forget his last words to her. It was given out of derision and not respect.

Her red leathered gloved hand reached beneath her horse’s chin and she gave him a small scratch. She whispered a Gaelic order to Gaoth, his ears flicked back and his stance changed.

Returning her gaze to Mathias, she crossed her arms.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Well yes if you must know Sorsha I am waiting for someone, and just what is it that you are here for?" he responded. Not giving her the time to reply he continued. "Well not that it matters for if you were to be doing anything for someone you would only tear their heart out afterward. Why Sorsha why did you decide to abandon me, what did I do that day to lead you to decide I was no longer for you.

Was it not but two days earlier you finally decided to accept me? I would have done anything for you! But instead without any warning you decided to runaway with Conrac! WHY?!" he said as he was screaming towards the end.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha impassively watched as he ran into a tirade. Her eyes widened slightly at his shouting and then he screamed and she couldn’t help the amused expression on her face. Well this one would be easier pickings, especially considering the circumstance.

She lifted a hand calmly. “Breathe,” she reminded him, goading him.

“That day I came looking to make peace with you, to decide if my decision was the right one…a part of me was still filled with doubt. But you couldn’t have made it any clearer for me. Thank you for helping me make that decision…”

Her eyes became colder, “And you say it was I who tore yourheart out?” she repeated with a contemptuous laugh. “It no longer matters now, does it? You are here still expecting me to bow down to your wishes, and here I stand. The only difference is that I am no longer that pitiful excuse of a woman. I shall never shed a tear for you Duke Mathias .”

“Now, how about you hit me again, and this time we’ll see where it leads,” she challenged him with spite.

Was this what Kaylan had meant in her dream? She would do anything to feel again? She shook her head at the thought and refocused on Mathias.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Staring at the woman before him Mathias was confused. This was not the woman he once knew. Had he been locked up in his palace for so long that the world outside changed around him? Cocking one eyebrow up he stated, "You’re not Sorsha. Who are you?" He then quickly took a step back and grabbed his sword, "Are you some demon come here to take my soul!?.....No."

Mathias then walked back closer to her and stared in her eyes, "No you are Sorsha, but your not.....AH HA! You are indeed Sorsha, but you’re not anymore the Sorsha I knew as I said before. Well seeing this I can only conclude one thing."

He then got as close to her as he possibly could staring her in the eyes and stated calmly but firmly, "Conrac left you." Then cracking a smirk he waited for the backlash.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

She watched him dance with his blade, coming to his first conclusion, she smirked but didn’t bother reaching for her dagger. “Still wary and suspicious of everything aren’t you?”

Then he approached her this time really taking a long look at her and she stared back. He was incredibly close, invading her personal space but she didn’t budge and then came his words.

They mocked her with a hint of satisfaction but she took them in without a shred of emotion. She had repeated those very words to herself so many times she no longer felt a thing in relation to them.

“Yes, and you must feel incredibly satisfied,” she retorted. “By all means, don’t contain yourself on my account.” If he was expecting her to break down and get all weepy about it, he would wait an eternity.

“Feels good doesn’t it?” she asked him and touched his face with a small caress. “To know that I walked away from you, and in the end lost it all. The joy you feel at my expense must be intoxicating. What is it they call it…” she thought for a moment. “Oh yes,” she purred. “Poetic justice,” she deadpanned.

It was he who had invaded her space, she would make sure he would play on her terms. She moved in, brushing her lips over his tauntingly. “But I have to admit Duke, I did learn some of that hardness from you, you helped make me who I am today.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Refusing to back away Mathias continued, "Oh you bet it feels good. You deserved it for what you did to me, and so much more." He then grabbed the hand that was stroking his cheek and pulled her closer, still staring into her eyes. "And as to the hardness you learned from me, well, you could have learned so much more."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“And those are the key words here aren’t they? Could have…” she was so close, she spoke to his mouth, then traced his upper lip with her tongue. “And you… you could have gotten more than just a taste,” she then gave him a long slow, elaborate kiss.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias did not fight it. He was taken in by Sorsha and reciprocated the kiss. Upon it finishing he began, "Well you sure know how to play the game." He stated as he grabbed her only to finally notice the leather that now covered her body. Continuing to feel her new leather he made his way to her breasts and said, "Hmm, Not sure about the new look, but it sure does feel good." He said with a grimace on his face.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

After the way she had teased him, she wasn’t surprised by his reaction, in fact she had counted on it.

“Yes…” she smiled and shoved him up against the wall. He let out a sound of surprise but his hands were still on her breasts and she slowly reached up to press her hands over his with a hardened gaze.

Taking one of his hands, she kissed a finger and licked the length of it putting it into her mouth. Her gaze never left his and she grinned lasciviously, she knew exactly the effect she had on him. “Too bad for you though,” she pouted with pity, “because all you’ll ever get is a taste.” And she slowly put her knee between his legs, pressing into him unmercifully.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias' eyes widened in surprise at what Sorsha was doing. His eyes twitching, his hands trembling, his whole body in some sort of strange trance. He had never been so attracted to anything in his life. "By the stars! Who are you really? The Sorsha I knew was never so lively, so full of spirit. I could forget that woman in an instant with you. Tell me truthfully are you really Sorsha? If so..." he then squeezed firmly, "I never felt so alive."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha leaned in, this time pressing her knee painfully. “None other,” she whispered into his ear and laughed with amusement but her eyes became empty at his words. The truth always came through...he had never truly loved her.

She felt a sense of satisfaction go through her, knowing she had him right where she wanted.

Looking back into his eyes, she grabbed him by the throat and squeezed her fingers. “How alive do you feel now?” she whispered dangerously, testing him. “Because I can make sure you never forget what it feels like…the pain you gave me,” she added the last conversationally and kissed him again, savoring her power over him.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

“Because I can make sure you never forget what it feels like…the pain you gave me,” Sorsha said, and almost like that Mathias snapped out of it. "The only pain I gave you," he said, "was a back hand to the face. The pain you gave me however stayed with me for quite sometime. I am only now recently going out into the city again." Mathias then turned to walk away, but stopped mid turn. "However for some reason I can't leave. I know I should, I should walk away and never see you again, but I can't. What spell have you put on me witch?"

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer

A small boat, flying no colours other than a small flag of Corsanctum, slipped quietly past the fishing boats and larger traders, to dock in Port Nebel.

As the boat tied up, a tall, thin man in the simple robes of a priest hopped from the low deck to the boards of the quay. He gazed from the bustle around him up to the great palace and library.

He walked through the city for a while, before coming to one of the public parks. Here he squatted, and took up a handful of soil from the banked flower beds. He rubbed the soil between his fingers, working it, smelling it.

"Welcome to D'Hara," he said to no-one in particular.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias stood there with Sorsha still unable to leave her side when his servant Duad came running up to him. "My Lord a ship from Corsanctum has arrived yet we saw no ruler of a great realm exit the ship only a priest and some other travelers.

To which Mathias replied, "You fool! That priest was him. Gather everything quickly make sure the men see to his every need. Do you know where he went?"

"Yes my lord, some saw the priest walk to the garden in the town square..." Duad was unable to finish his sentence as Mathias quickly began to run off. Only to again stop mid step. Looking back to Sorsha he said, "I will see you again. Very soon. In fact if you can keep your cool and not cause a scene you are welcome to join me with meeting with the Holy Prophet." not waiting for her answer Mathias ran off.

After a short run he saw the priest sitting in the garden running the earth through his fingers. "How could someone so simple looking be such a great man?" Then finishing his approach Mathias bowed as low as he could and said, "Most Holy Prophet, I am sorry my men did not notice you exiting the boat, and greet you like you should have been, thousand apologies. Either way I have a small feast being prepared for you if you wish to eat or we can get right to business and head for the temple?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha listened to his words without emotion and watched Mathias leave at a run. She gave thought of immediately leaving but she was curious. It was shortly after, she climbed atop Gaoth and led him in the direction of the square, in time to see Mathias greet the Priest in question.

She slipped off her stallion’s back a distance away and after a moment she joined them. She bowed in turn, her blue violet eyes gazing directly at the Prophet. “Welcome to D’Hara,” she greeted simply, giving him her sweetest smile and looked to Mathias with a grin.

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer

Mathurin looked up, a smile on his gaunt face, as Mathias approached. He stood as Mathias spoke, and shook his head. "No, my Lord Ridder, it is I who should apologise to you, for embarrassing you like this. I wanted to see Port Nebel from the eyes of a simple traveller."

He glanced down at the dirt on his hands, and seemed to be about to say something when Sorsha arrived and made her welcome.

"M'lady. I thank you. I doubt I will be able to have much time here, but I like what I see so far. It is a beautiful city."

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"You are too kind my lord." he said still bowing to the Prophet. "Well then, seeing as how you will not be able to stay long we should get right to work. Would you please follow me to the temple so that we might begin enlarging it."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha regarded both men quietly deciding she would remain silent for the time being. Whenever Mathias looked in her direction, she grinned, as if to tell him she was able to be a good girl but she was only playing along. But the fact that he didn’t know if she would continue with it was even better, she enjoyed making him nervous.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias took the lead and led the Holy Prophet to the temple. "I am sorry my temple is in such a small state for so grand a city. But my Lord this is why I have called you here as you well know. I will now leave you with my servant Duad, he is a good man. Ask him for anything and he shall retrieve it for you. When you are ready to proceed have him come and seek me, then I shall return." Then looking back to Sorsha and then back to the Holy Prophet, "I have some...unfinished business that needs to be taken care of."

Then walking up next to Sorsha he pointed and said, "Lead on."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha smiled one last time in the Prophet’s direction. “It was an honor,” as she bowed, her skin tight red leather garments sounded softly. When she looked up again, she glanced over her shoulder at the Duke, her long brown braid slipped over her shoulder reaching her waist and she grinned. Without saying another word, she walked away.

Taking Gaoth’s reins, she took the lead making sure Mathias followed. When she was sure she was out of earshot from the Prophet, she dropped all pretence of civility…

They turned around the next corner and she pinned Mathias to the wall, catching him off guard. Her left arm pressed against his throat to keep him from moving, and her other hand reached for his hand stopping him from taking his sword.

“Don’t think this timely interruption will save you. You know damn well how much pain you put me through. That backhand was only a glimmer…” she let trail off, giving him the opportunity to think of the rest himself. “Still the center of your world aren’t you? Go back and take one long look.”

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer

Mathurin bowed as Mathias and Sorsha took their leave. He watched them go, and then scratched his chin, thoughtfully. There was some tension there, some drama to which he was not privy. He shrugged. There was always tension, always drama.

He turned to Duad. "Before I start blessing anything, I should probably clean my hands, don't you think?"

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Heh, A long hard look. You betrayed me, we made up. You no longer wanted to be with me, I pleaded for your return in front of hundreds. You left me for Conrac, well that was it. As they say third time is the charm. I could not take it anymore, I don't know what pain you think you felt because of me, but believe me when I say it was nothing compared to what you did to me."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s eyes narrowed, his words were true but she was not about to start admitting to any of it. It was bad enough he had even made her admit to some of her reason for changing.

There were always two sides to a story and he simply refused to see her side of it, always the selfish, egocentric man. “If you’re looking for an apology don’t hold your breathe…” she finally told him. “I’m through waiting for you to open your eyes and realize I’m there. I guess we’re even now.” This time she leaned in and smelled the side of his neck. She didn’t know why but she was unable to stop toying with him.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"And just what do you mean open my eyes? I have been trying to get you for the longest time yet you kept running away! I never understood it. You seemed to want me yet would not let me have you. WHY!"

Mathias then noticed that while she was sniffing his neck she had let her guard slightly down, but just enough. He then took his free hand and grasped her arm on his neck freeing himself of the wall, and then pushed back having her land on the opposite.

"And no I am no longer looking for an apology for I know I shall never have it. You think I think myself the center of the universe. Well guess what we are one and the same, both too stubborn to admit we were wrong, and we both seem to think we are the center of the universe. Now then why don't you take a good hard look at the past and tell me what happened?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha felt the wall press against her back and sneered. “Because you fool, that Sorsha refused to be a mere possession of conquest. You never once showed her your true affection, never bothered to let her know you were thinking of her. Would it have killed you to whisper soft words in her ears, to kiss her neck, to court her? You went from accusations of betrayal, to prison and wedding proposals in a single heartbeat. In what world does that make any sense? She didn’t want to be the woman who walked a step behind you waiting for the left over scraps of attention you gave her.”

Her eyes softened. “In what world would she had believed your feelings to be true? She wanted to be the center of your universe and make you hers but you never gave her the chance… when she tried to confront you with it, you told her to take the door.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

"Confront me with it!?" Then releasing her he took a step back and point at her face. "You came there under false accusations seeking to have me believe you were still wanting me, only to have me find out from other sources that you had gone crawling back to Conrac not even a week after I had finally convinced you to forgive me! And as to the previous statement about my run of insanity, to have an entire realm turn on you for no good reason only to be invited back not but a few days later. I became extremely paranoid, and distrusting.

To me everyone betrayed me no matter what they actually said or did. I did not trust a soul, not even you. That is why I did those things. Yes I can be eccentric and go overboard but who cares it is who I am."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

He was confused about which confrontation she spoke of, but she wasn’t about to replay the scene for him. “Crawling?” she shook her head at his use of words. “Always the same word…Of course it’s what pathetic people do. I never lied about my feelings for you, but you were too wrapped up by what others told you instead of asking me. You told me to leave,” she deadpanned, cutting him off before he could continue.

“Who cares?” she repeated numbly, remembering all too well his often eccentric and belligerent behavior. “I did… because I was the unlucky recipient. “But I was never a liar… If I was anything it was afraid of you! ” she spat venomously, “but not anymore and I am no longer that pathetic woman.”

She pushed away from the wall to get right back in his face. “You’ve tasted what I have to offer, and now think you’re bewitched,” she laughed and looked up to the sky as if looking for some help. “Trust me you’re not, this is what you turned away because you were too preoccupied with yourself.”

She leaned in closer, unable to fight the pull she felt, hating every second of it. “But I won’t make the same mistake again, I promise you.”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias then grabbed her in a warm embrace pulling her as close as he could. Looking deep into her eyes, "You do have some power over me, this I could never understand. However if I may ask," He said resting his neck on her shoulders, "What mistake will you not make again?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

She felt the warmth of his embrace, remembering how she had yearned for a moment like this, but it was too little too late. The person she was now couldn’t process it.

“I will never make the mistake of allowing you power over me again,” she whispered in his ear and grabbed a fistful of his hair, pulling his head back. “To instil fear and doubt within me.”

She then reached up with her other hand, and softly touched his neck, and licked it slowly until she reached his mouth. She released some of her grip and he looked at her. Staring into his eyes, she leaned in but not completely, “from this moment forth everything you get from me, you will have to earn...” she breathed into his mouth. “Do you understand me?”

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Cocking his eyebrow and tilting his head in confusion Mathias stated, "So you want me back but I have to earn it. Well then just how might I go about doing that? What is it you want from me? My oath still holds true, I will do almost anything for you."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

This was a truly delicious moment. At his words of doing almost anything for her, her brow rose in turn and she gave him a lopsided grin. “You’ll just have to find out when the time comes now won’t you,” she answered cryptically. Moving away, she gave him one last look. She didn’t tell him anything else she would reserve that for later.

She climbed atop Gaoth and looked down at him. “Now be a good Duke and return to your prophet,” she told him and rode away with a laugh, returning home.