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Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan arrived home and stopped at the entrance of his estate. A long path bordered by big oak trees stretched from the gates to the main house shadowing it. He took a deep breath inhaling all the scents he missed about his home. It had rained that afternoon and the air carried the smell of the earth and fresh cut grass. He signaled his mare Luna to move forward and his two men, the only ones left from the last battle, followed. As they approached the main house some peasants working in the fields saw them and saluted them by bowing as they passed by. A boy approached them as they dismounted and took the reins of all three horses.

“Welcome home Sir.” He greeted his Lord with a smile. “Thank you Tim. Please make sure they are well fed and rested. It was a long ride.” He told him and left him to treat the horses as they directed themselves to the main house.

Immediately the head of the Moreira house opened the door for them to enter. “Welcome Sir Lycan. It’s been a long time.” The older man greeted. “Thank you Joseph. Please have some hot baths prepared for my friends and I and then dinner. We’re starving.” He smiled. I sure could use a bath. he thought to himself. It had been days since he had one. God knows how battles were and they had just returned from one.

Lycan left Damien and Gregor in their rooms and walked up to his own just down the hall from them. The bath was prepared and he took of his sword and armour off letting them drop to the floor. Then he took off his boots and threw them aside. Finally his dirty and blood stained clothes dropped too and he slipped into the hot water. He hissed when it touched his cuts on his arms and chest. The warmth felt wonderful to his aching muscles and bones though. He was bruised all over due to the last battle where he barely made out off alive. Being an Infantry soldier was no easy task. They were usually the most battered ones and they had the scars and broken bones to prove it. He let himself sink in the warm water and closed his eyes savoring the moment.

An hour later he was refreshed and his grumbling stomach was giving him clear signs of what it wanted. He got dressed and walked downstairs to the dining room where his friends already awaited him.

“Good, you’re here already. Let’s have dinner shall we?” he smiled. Damien being closer to his commander risked a joke others wouldn’t have had the courage for. “Of course milady, now that the princess has come down from her quarters…” he laughed.

Lycan looked at him raising an eyebrow and replied with the most feminine voice he could muster “Of course m’lord.” He played with his long black hair. “A lady has to take her time making herself beautiful for you. Give me a kiss will ya?” he winked as he approached Damien’s face. Not expecting that he literally fell off his bench trying to stay away from Lycan as Gregor choked on his ale and laughed at the whole joke. Lycan helped Damien rise from the floor while laughing at him and his surprised look.

They had dinner and spent the night drinking and telling stories by the fireplace until late hours of the night. Around midnight Lycan left his drunken friends in their rooms and went to his. He sat at his desk and saw some letters. He recognized the seal of one and opened it. It was from Lady Sorsha. She sounded strange for part of it and he read it again making sure he wasn’t misreading it due to all the ale he had drank. No, she really wasn’t sounding like herself. Something was wrong and he stared at her words worried. “What happened this time?” he said to no one. He made the decision to stop by her estate next time he travelled through Nebel. Right now all he needed was some rest and he placed the letter back on the desk. He took off his clothes and laid in bed naked with just a sheet covering him and fell asleep instantly.

Roleplay from Dominik Stublic

Sometimes - without even knowing her personally - I feel certain sadness knowing how Lady Sorsha's heart is tearing apart into two... three pieces and then somehow recovers again.

But it is like some mystic relationship, which was discovered a long time ago and can be - maybe -just partly explained by our eldest priests:

As long as Lady Sorsha's heart is bleeding, Stars of Fortune will shine above D'Hara...

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha rode through the gates of her estate, but didn’t take time to look at the blossoming flowers on the trees, or the verdant grass that usually gave her a sense of peace. She didn’t much care for it lately. Riding through the path, gravel crunched and rocks flew beneath Gaoth’s hooves.

She led him to the stable and was immediately greeted by a young boy. He was glad of her presence and smiled warmly. “Good day milady,” he bowed and took the reins she handed him. “Brush him down,” she ordered and walked away without taking the time to notice he was even there.

When she entered her home, she was greeted by an array of servants. All with greetings and offerings of a bath, or to have some food brought out to her, which she casually ignored.

She walked through the hall to her bedchamber and closed the door behind her. She noticed on the bed, a beautiful purple gown had been laid out for her. Before she could move someone knocked on the door behind her.

Rolling her eyes, she sighed and opened the door. Her servant stood before her with towels, and walked in. “I will have a bath ready for you my Lady, I know how much you enjoy it. I also took the liberty of having a gown ready for you, should you arrive.”

“Lydia,” Sorsha said her name flatly, “when I want your assistance, I will ask for it.”

The young blonde, turned to her Lady with a somewhat shocked expression. “My lady?”

“You heard me…” Sorsha answered her impatiently and waved to the door, indication that she should leave. “But…but…” she stammered and Sorsha’s hand tightened on the door knob. Lydia’s eyes lowered to the ground and she began to walk away.

“Oh…” Sorsha’s hand came up to stop her. “Before you go, take that gown and burn it.”

At that Lydia was dumbstruck and her mouth dropped open. When she finally regained her composure, she asked, “burn…. But, my Lady?” Had she been feeling anything other than the emptiness, Sorsha would have laughed at her expression. Instead she sighed and walked to the bed, she took the gown and threw it at her, “Burn it!”

She then pointed to her collection of gowns, all beautiful to the last, soft, delicate, conservative but pleasing to the eye. “Burn them all,” she ordered her unemotionally.

“But what will you wear my Lady?” she couldn’t help her question and Sorsha glanced down at her armor. “I guess it’s time for some changes then.”

She pursed her lip and narrowed her eyes in thought. “I have some material you can use, it was meant for… something different. When you’re done, return here with Korsa and Valeria, you three will get to work immediately.”

At that Lydia bowed and left with the gown in her hands. It wasn’t long after Sorsha’s wardrobe was taken away to leave a large empty space. Her servants then returned and Sorsha overlooked as they worked, giving them directions until she was satisfied.

The day had passed quickly and when they were done, they left.

Sorsha then stood before her mirror, looking at her reflection.

Her high black leather boots reached her knees to compliment her new outfit. It was made so that it gave the impression that every inch of her was fitted with tight black leather like a second skin, only stopping at her neck. It traced every line and curve of her body snugly, leaving nothing to the imagination. Long black studded armored gauntlets reached her elbows and she flexed each hand admiringly.

Her hair was now tightly brushed back into a bun, the braid falling through it brushing her waist. “This will do…” she murmured to herself. The only thing that remained unchanged and forever would be, were her blue, violet eyes.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Arriving in Port Raviel Lycan immediately directed himself to the recruitment center. He went through all the soldiers available and interviewed them to find about their skills and background. When he was satisfied he recruited all the men he could and when they were ready he headed towards Port Nebel. As soon as he could he wanted to check on his friend Sorsha. After all there weren’t any new orders so he was free to do as he wished.

After a day and a half riding he finally arrived in Nebel. He set camp and rode out to Lady Sorsha’s estate without even resting. He was worried and the more he had thought about her words the past couple of days the more worried he had become.

He rode through the estate and stopped at the main house. He was greeted by Lorlan and he expressed his wish to see his friend. Lorlan looked apprehensive and Lycan frowned. “What’s going on? I know I didn’t announce my visit but…” he stopped waiting for an answer.

“The lady does not wish to see anyone…” he said as he closed the door behind him to make sure no one would listen. “She is unwell.” “Well that much I have figured on my own. I must insist. If she is not well I need to see her. Maybe I can be of assistance.”

Lorlan hesitated but let him in. He followed the old man to the living room where he waited for her.

A few moments later Lycan watched as a Lady approached. The world seemed to stop and it appeared she was walking in slow motion. Realizing it was Sorsha he gasped and stood there completely dumbstruck. She was wearing a tight black leather outfit that caressed and hugged her every curve. She looked incredibly intimidating, a walking menace …but at the same time…hot as the deep pits of hell!

Lycan dry swallowed and cocked his head with a raised eyebrow. He felt something embarrassing taking over his body and he closed his eyes for a brief moment trying to regain his composure. He still couldn’t believe his eyes. Oh Gods have mercy on me! This is not the time and she’s your friend, she’s your friend! he repeated the words in his head trying to snap out of it.

He opened his eyes to find she was now standing in front of him. All softness and sweetness in her eyes and feature had disappeared. Cold eyes stared back at him and he didn’t recognize his friend in them. “Sorsha… what happened to you?” was all he could muster.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha had been preoccupied, ordering changes around her bedchamber, requesting that some things be immediately taken out of her sight. She was looking through a jewellery box and began rummaging through it.

Lorlan appeared into the doorway and she didn’t bother to look up. “What is it now?” she hissed at him and he swallowed. “You have a guest,” he told her.

At that her head whipped up she gave him a piercing gaze. “Tell them to leave,” she ordered. Lorlan bowed deep, deeper than she had ever seen him and he lowered his eyes. “Sir Lycan insisted on being shown in my lady, there wasn’t anything I could do,” he lied to her.

At that she rolled her eyes at him. “Servants,” she hissed. She gave a fleeting thought to having her house servants replaced by guards.

She passed him and Lorlan could hear the faint sound of leather. When she walked to the greeting area, she noticed Lycan stand and his expression immediately changed.

At his reaction she couldn’t help being pleased. He greeted her, but then he seemed confused. At his question her fists tightened. Then gave him an empty smile and raised her hands, admiring the way it looked and marveled at how good she felt.

“I grew tired of the same old look,” she finally told him as if discussing the weather, and looked up from beneath her lashes. “Are you complaining?”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan frowned at her reply. He wasn't complaining about the look but he knew her better to think her excuse was all there was to it.

He touched her shoulder trying to make it more personal. Her coldness was very evident especially to a friend like him. "No, you're looking fine. I like the new look." But are you sure this is....well …you?" he nudged her into telling him what was the cause of this sudden change.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha didn’t show any outward emotion. Instead she reached out to touch her hand along his, moving it away from her shoulder as if giving him a silent warning. Then she grinned and cocked her head examining him. “What is, me?” she asked him instead.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

When she avoided his touch it was unexpected and he frowned with worry. He sighed seeing her trying to dodge his question. “Well you are a wonderful woman who cares for her friends, who has a giving heart, who helps those in need. You are sweet and good-hearted and have yet a lot more to give to this world. And this…” he pointed to her outfit. “…aside from being really hot” he admitted with a smile. “…has nothing to do with the Sorsha I know and care about. “ It’s closer to the Sorsha I know in a battle field but that’s the warrior in you…” he let it trail off.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Right…” she answered acerbically. “Sweet, helps those in need, good heart...” her voice dropped to a whisper at the last.

Without missing a beat he had name all the qualities that made her vulnerable, easy for the picking, and this was how everyone saw her. How in the world would they ever respect and take her seriously? The woman he described would forever be doomed for a world of pain.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she licked her upper lip and turned around, taking a few steps away. “Don’t you mean weak?”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

He watched her discomfort upon hearing his words. He didn’t know this new person in front of him. But there was no trace of the person he knew and loved. He wanted his friend back. The coldness in her words and eyes were heartbreaking.

“No, not weak. You have proven yourself strong over and over again. And it takes more courage to admit your fears and weaknesses than picking up a sword or going for an intimidating look like this.” He told her bluntly.

He was confused and couldn’t understand the reasons behind the change. He approached her taking her hands in his “Look, I’m still your friend and I don’t want to lose you. I’m just hoping you’re not taking a path you won’t be able to handle.”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

At his touch she visibly bristled and took her hands back. “Oh I think I can handle, friend…” she sneered at the word, and put some distance between them before he touched her again.

“What a useless word,” she thought out loud with a mirthless laugh. “Why… it fits right in there with lover… and I am neither. It’s obvious there isn’t anything you need from me.” She said flatly and her brow rose as she indicated the entrance behind him. “Besides, I’m done giving,” she whispered dangerously.

She motioned to the guards behind her, “I believe Sir Lycan has outworn his welcome.”

At that they grabbed hold of Lycan by the arms and led him to the door. She walked behind them, watching him frown, practically reading all the questions he had left unspoken. When he was led out, she held on to the door. She then opened her fist, nestled into her gloved hand was the crystal he had given her for her birthday, she had been pondering what to do with it when he had appeared out of nowhere.

“Let’s not do this again shall we,” she threw the crystal at him, which he deftly caught.

He looked down with the most incredibly pained expression yet and a part of her flared with odd delight. Delicious, she thought with an amused laugh and slammed the door in his face.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan’s heart sank at her words and how fast she took her hands back from his. A million thoughts raced through his mind and he was more confused than ever. Talking to her and trying to be there for her turned out completely wrong. What had just happened?!

He felt the guards grab him and part of him wanted to fight them off but he was simply too hurt and confused to do so. He let them take him out and when they stopped at the door leaving him there, he looked back at his dear “friend” who he didn’t recognize anymore and tried one last time to say something “Sorsha …wait…I...” before he could say more he heard the most hurtful words he could hear from her. “Let’s not do this again….” Her tone was ice cold, mirthless. The finality of her words was cruel even. He couldn't hide the pain in his eyes and he knew she saw it. The delight in her eyes from his reaction caused even more pain.

She threw something at him before the door slammed in his face and he caught it. He opened his hand to realize it was the crystal he had given her for her birthday and his chest tightened even more. At last, the final stab in his heart we was hoping he wouldn’t feel. Taking a shaky breath he shook his head and clenched his fist around the crystal. Turning back he whistled for Luna to approach. He rode as fast as he could back to his camp, without his friend and with a new companion…a broken heart.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha didn’t even look back to the door and returned to what she had been previously doing. No one disturbed her, they were all afraid to, especially after seeing the baffling change in her, no one dared approach.

But again, came Lorlan, being tasked with the work no one dared take up, approached with a package. “This has jus arrived for you, my Lady.”

She walked up to him, and took the package. On it her name was scrawled in a fine lettering she would have recognized anywhere. Her throat tightened and she swallowed.

“Leave me,” she whispered to Lorlan and looked to everyone else in her room. “All of you, leave now.”

They did as she asked and she was left alone. She slowly opened the box and paused, staring at its contents.

It was a while before she moved, and when she did she felt a warm tear slide on her cheek. She touched it, thinking how strange it was that she hadn’t felt any emotion to go along with it.

In the box was a final, silent but deadly blow… her dagger Síoraí had finally been returned to her.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan sat at the table in his tent desolated. The one true friend he had in these lands had stabbed him deep and in the end twisted the knife by discarding the gift he had chosen with all his heart for her birthday. He opened his hand and looked at the crystal he had given her. Her words played in his head but more importantly the tone in which she had said them. It was like she was a completely different person. He thought and thought about what he could have done to deserve such treatment but nothing came to mind. He couldn’t understand how the sweet, caring and loving friend had turned so cold and heartless towards him. He knew her better and he knew something had to have happened to cause such change within her. But what?! Or did he know her at all? Was this the real Sorsha? Had he been mistaken all this time? No! No! It can’t be! I know her! Or…I used to… He shook his head to try and regain some clarity to his thoughts but confusion remained. Nothing could have prepared him for what he encountered that day…

He got up and walked to a nearby chest. Opening it he placed the crystal in a small leather pouch and locked the chest.

Walking outside he called out to Damien who saluted as he neared him. “Keep the men training for a few hours, feed them well and… you know the drill. I’ll be in town If you need me.”

Lycan approached Luna and patted her neck whispering in her hear. “Hey sweet girl. At least you will never disappoint me.” The bronze mare nickered as if understanding him. Maybe she didn’t understand words but she sure understood feelings and she saw right through her master’s heart.

He rode to town and entered the first tavern he saw, a rough looking one but he needed a drink, or two... He sat at a table in the corner and the wench approached. He simply said “Ale. And keep it coming…”he smiled at her but it didn’t reach his eyes.

A few drinks later another woman approached him and started making conversation. He nodded in all the right places without really paying attention to what she was saying. Sometime after it was clear what she was looking for and he was only a man. Why not? He got up holding the mug and drank the rest of the ale in one gulp. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve and turning to her he said “Lead the way honey.” For as long as it lasted, at least he would forget about the pain.