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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' After taking care of business, Sorsha returned home to Nebel. She did the usual, surveyed the stable boy as he took away her warhorse, the only posses...)
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Revision as of 18:29, 6 July 2009

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

After taking care of business, Sorsha returned home to Nebel. She did the usual, surveyed the stable boy as he took away her warhorse, the only possession she had taken with her when she had left home, when she was satisfied she walked back to her estate. The servants greeted her as she walked in, glad to have her return. On her way to her bedchamber, she removed her riding gloves and her cloak, handing them out to a servant who had quickly began to follow. “I’ve had a terribly long day,” she sighed.

“Would you like me to prepare a bath Milady?” the young woman asked and Sorsha smiled. “That would be divine.”

A short while later, she was resting in the warm water, eyes closed, trying to clear her mind.

When Sorsha finished her bath, she dressed in a beautiful light dress and made her way to the kitchen area for something to eat. Before she even got there Lorlan appeared with a bow. “Milady, I must inform you that Duke Conrac is here and he waits for you.”

She stopped walking and her smiled slipped. “He’s just arrived?” she assumed taking a calming breath, of course she would have had time to leave for an entire day and he wouldn’t have noticed her disappearance. “Uhm, no milady, he has been waiting here since this morning,” he informed as he seemed to bow lower.

“Since this morning?” she repeated in a whisper. “You mean he’s been waiting this entire time to see me?” She kept her face impassive but a part of her was strangely satisfied. “And you didn’t think I would have benefited in knowing from the moment I arrived?”

“I did not have any chance to speak with you and you were… erm, preoccupied,” he noted. “Yes, I guess I was. Is he very upset?” she asked curiously and he shook his head. “No, he has been keeping himself busy with what I assume are important correspondences.

At his words she pursed her lip. She would not let it bother her. She had no right to let it bother her. She was the one who left, she was actually just surprised he had even showed up after all, how else would he keep himself busy while he waited on her for an entire day?

“Where is he?”

“He is in your study, he has been… accommodated.” Lorlan smiled and waved his hand in the direction of her study.

When she walked through the door, Conrac was sitting quietly at her desk, taking the liberty of using it to conduct his business. On the corner of the desk was a wrapped box she noticed immediately and on the other side, was a glass of wine – accommodated, she mentally noted. Knowing her servants they would have made sure he drank it, and then would have continued to bring him some refreshments throughout the day. She secretly smiled wondering how many glasses of wine he’d had so far.

“Milord,” she greeted quietly. “I apologize for making you wait… I was taking care of…” she let the silence settle and then said meaningfully, “business.”

She looked directly into his eyes and sat in front of him. “I hope you will forgive me.”

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra

"Ummmm I got you a present...." Conrac pointed to a small box.

"Its not much but..." Conrac smirked.

"Well I did tell you that I would come to Nebel even if D'hara is burning to the ground and well it seems like that’s happening."

Conrac shook his head. "When did we become so suspicious of one another? It feels like our entire countrymen are turning on one another." He slowly massaged his temples.

"Its sad how our realm is dying, Mathias once led a rebellion to protect Katayanna. How could such a strong bond between two individuals crack like an egg?"

He quietly cracked his neck. "My friend in Morek states that war may be upon us. And we do not have the strength to weather the storm."

Conrac points to the gift. "Anyway tell me what you think about it."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

She gingerly lifted the box and slowly opened it. She smiled shyly, while keeping an eye on Conrac. “I will take that as a yes,” she grinned, unable to hide her pleasure at the gift. She loved surprises. When she was done, she blinked and pulled out a beautifully crafted doll. The detailed paint on the porcelain face was precise and exquisite. The long brown hair appeared to be real hair, and she was then shocked when she realized it was the exact likeness of her. “This is….” she swallowed and whispered “beautiful...” She wanted to thank him, but she was speechless by the gesture.

Just then there was a knock at the door and her servant came in holding several letters. “Milady, I believe these demand your immediate attention.”

She carefully set the doll on the desk, smiling her thanks to Conrac. He had obviously already read the letters that were circling from his previous words but she had only gotten home. Something he had said bothered her and he watched her from the other side of the desk, possibly gauging her reaction. She then began to look through some of the letters and became silent. What smile she had slipped and she looked up askance at Conrac and he nodded.

“Mathias…” she whispered his name and swallowed, “but these are lies!” she said vehemently not knowing what else to say and pushed the paper down on the table.

She got up and started to pace the room. “I know Queen Katayanna has no love for the Sanguis Astroism, but to demand that Duke Mathias step down because of a petty argument over a temple and a faith? Are we a theocracy now? Are we to armor up and march through every corner of D’hara and purge every member who is not a part of the Way of the Dragon? Does this mean I should fear that this madness be directed at me because I have changed my views on the matter and done so publicly? No matter where the gold comes from. Did we not all agree at one point that we would look into this ourselves? I clearly remember the referendum, are we all to be questioned now?”

She stopped to face him. “How quickly the Queen changes for her Gods be damned Dragons!” she shouted, slapping the table and Conrac shrunk back at her unexpected emotion. “Mathias was one of the reasons this realm even came into existence, not these bloody dragons,” she cried and her legs began to tremble. “I hate them!” she screamed, and her tears spilled over her cheeks. She seemed to be hyperventilating and had to hold the table. Her entire argument caught up to her and she realized she was raging out of pain. The very idea that Mathias was leaving seemed to tear her apart from the inside, in her state she wasn’t thinking rationally. All she could think of was how much it hurt, and that her insides were on fire. “Why….” she moaned and slunk to the ground.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra

Conrac pat Sorsha awkwardly on the back "There, there." He fingered a letter from one his friends. He was a politician...he really wasn't sure how to deal with a crying woman. Give him an army or a plague and he could handle it but he had never read how to deal with this.

"I agree with you, I dislike theocracy, and the fact that D'hara seems to be becoming more radicalized is a danger. I have been trying to convince Mathias to stand on trial and fight against the charges levied against him but he's stubborn. The man is as bad as a mule when he feels his honor has been spat on." Conrac's eyes burned.

"There is something brewing in this realm and I don't like it one bit. Terran is coming closer and closer to our borders and we seem to have alienated Astrum quite a bit as well. They most certainly will not forgive what they see as an attack on their religion. We will need to work fast." Conrac stared at Sorsha for a few minutes before he seemed to come to a decision.

"Sorsha I want to show you something." He quietly took out a small box stored in his sleeve. As he opened the box three stones glowed within it. They seemed to shine with a dark green color.

"These are portal stones... One came from a friend in Pian the other two were recently found by a friend who made a quick trip here from Morek."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

She felt his hand patting her back, but it was small comfort compared to how she felt. Conrac began to speak, obviously uncomfortable with the situation and she averted her face, but it was already too late, she had already shown too much emotion in regards to Mathias, she couldn’t pretend her feelings about him were only on a friendship level now. Conrac was still speaking but she was absently listening. What a horrible person she was. Was it even possible to have this many feelings for two men at the same time? She groaned and rose from the floor, wiping her wet cheeks.

Something he said got her attention and she sniffed. She looked to his hands were sat the stones and looked up, slightly confused. “Portal Stones?” she asked meekly, not trusting her voice. “I don’t understand.”

She wanted nothing more but to go to her bedchamber and to wallow in self-pity but that was no longer an option. She had to take control of herself, she wasn’t a child any longer. Now she was slowly filling with doubt. Had she fallen in love with the wrong men? Wondering how Conrac felt about her outburst, she quietly watched his expression, waiting for his answer.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra

Conrac stared at Sorsha before nodding. "There is no shame is showing grief especially when it’s someone important to you. I would weep as well, if I had any tears left to shed."

Conrac looked down at the stones. "You look tired, perhaps you would like to go to sleep? I'll wait here until you wake up. You won't be able to really function with your world just torn apart."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Torn apart…” she repeated quietly, only half listening to his words. She was tired, and she had completely lost her composure, and had let her emotions rule her mind. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Rising she walked over to the lounging chair nearby and lay down. “Yes…maybe I need sleep,” she agreed and he nodded his understanding, but before he could walk away from her she touched his arm. “Conrac, sit with me,” she asked in a pleading whisper. She only then realized how extremely forward her words sounded, but that was the last thing on her mind. She just wanted to feel the comfort his simple presence gave her. “Just until I fall asleep,” she explained.