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(New page: '''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:''' The battle was fierce but none of his soldiers hesitated in the face of the monsters. They were tired but the adrenaline was still rushing through thei...)
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Revision as of 05:35, 4 July 2009

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

The battle was fierce but none of his soldiers hesitated in the face of the monsters. They were tired but the adrenaline was still rushing through their bodies. They fought hard and well. All the training they went through since they became the Dragonclaws finally paid up.

Camp was set and the soldiers were having their due break. Lycan inspected his soldiers making sure that nothing faltered. He entered the tent where three of his men were wounded. Worry could be seen in his eyes. He would make sure they were taken care of. He rode his horse with determination until he found the nearest camp. Arriving there he didn’t recognized the banners but he knew they were friendly. He walked up to the first soldier on sentry duty and announced himself.

“I am Sir Lycan Moreira of the Western Guard and I wish to speak to your commander.” The soldier nodded him to wait and walked into the main tent. “Excuse me Lady Sorsha, there’s a Sir Lycan Moreira here to see you.”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha had made sure her men were all counted for before she returned to camp. She had only been in her tent a few minutes before one of her soldiers appeared. “Excuse me Lady Sorsha, there’s a Sir Lycan Moreira here to see you.”

She had only gotten enough time to remove her gloves and turned around to look at him. She removed her helmet and tucked it in the crook of her arm, as her long thick braid fell over her right shoulder. Hearing the name, she gave a small smile of recognition. “Sir Lycan…” she repeated slowly. She remembered him clear as day, and wondered why he wanted to see her. Only to realize he probably had no idea who she was. The thought made her sigh. Noticing her soldier was waiting, she waved him off with, “show him in.”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

Lycan followed the soldier inside and he bowed presenting himself to this new Knight. A Lady nonetheless. Being somewhat distraught by the urgent matter that drove him there he immediately started speaking.

“Milady, I must apologize for coming here unannounced and so soon after the battle. You don’t even know me and this isn’t a proper manner of meeting anyone. But I have an urgent matter you may be able to assist me with.” He saw her paying attention to him and felt something familiar about her but he couldn’t quite name it. He continued, putting it in the back of his mind. “You see, I have some injured men and no healers with me. I tried hiring some but they were simply not available so I had to take our chances in battle even without them. Can you spare the services of yours?” he waited worried and anxious for her reply.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

She regarded him curiously unable to stop smiling. It was so nice to see him again. He stood waiting for her to say something and she had to back track the conversation in order to formulate an answer and blushed.

“Sir Lycan,” she held her hand up helplessly, “I would give assistance but alas,” she turned around setting her helmet on her command table. “I as well am without healers.” She cocked her head and sighed, “times are unfortunately difficult. It may not be much help but due to this inconvenience, a couple of my soldiers have taken the responsibility of caring for their brothers in arms. Whenever they have a chance they try to learn as much as they can in form of healing capacity. Perhaps they could assist you?”

She wanted to tell him who she was but she didn’t think he’d even believe her if she tried. Who would?

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

He watched her smile and her demeanor and it all seemed familiar again. Do I know her? Maybe she was one of my conquests. And I was too drunk... Hmmm...No, I would remember her for sure...

When she turned around giving him an answer and he realized he was staring at her he averted his gaze.

He listened to her reply and sighed. Of course she didn’t have healers either. What was he thinking? He was just hoping…..

He thought of her suggestion and realized it was better than no assistance at all.

“Well milady, I’m sorry to hear you find yourself without the services of healers too. And yes, I will take your kind offer. Any kind of assistance will make a big difference right now...” he paused when he realized she hadn’t introduced herself yet. “Lady….”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Of course, he would not know who she really was, “Sorsha McDowell,” she offered with a lopsided grin. “I apologize I did not introduce myself.” She had noticed his wandering gaze and wondered if she had made him uncomfortable somehow.

Before he could say anything else she lifted her hand palm out, motioning for him to wait a moment and stepped out. It was a few moments before she returned, “I have sent my men off to your camp, to offer assistance. Perhaps you shall breathe easier knowing some help has been provided.” Then her eyes looked about the tent and back to him, “Sir Lycan,” she mused with a secretive smile. “I like it, a very peculiar name, you must have a strong warrior lineage to be named so after wolves. Your birth must have been graced with a full moon?” Her eyes glinted playfully. “I have to admit with what’s been happening, I haven’t had much to eat yet, would you care to join me?” She invited and watched his baffled expression with amusement.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

Upon hearing her words he immediately thought of another woman. One he met at the King’s wedding. Nastasia was her name. She had asked him the exact same thing then. But this…this wasn’t her at all.

“How do you….” he started but still baffled didn’t finish his thought. She was acting in a familiar way and very similar to the other lady but… Was this some form of magic? Then he looked into her eyes for the first time and recognized the rare violet color. “Nastasia?” he thought out loud.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

At his flabbergasted expression she let forth a small musical laugh, “well it is nice to know I have made quite the impression even though at the time I wasn’t my true self. Yes Lycan, the woman Nastasia that you met was indeed me, although not quite.” She gave a moment’s though to the blonde hair and pale complexion she had worn for a short period of time with a small shudder.

Glamorous wasn’t her at all, she was happy to have returned to her dark and mysterious yet plain appearance. “I must apologize for the confusion, and no it is not a lie I had tried to remain inconspicuous to avoid such uncomfortable situations but you have given more attention than I ever thought possible. It is nice and refreshing to see. Have you been well?”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

At her admission he closed his mouth. “Wow, you have truly changed. “ he said still confused.

“I am sorry for my reaction but I really couldn’t have foreseen anything remotely like this. Yes I have been doing well.” his stomach grumbled and he added “and I will gladly join you in your meal. I haven’t eaten much either and you know my appetite.” He gave a small laugh.

Someone entered with the food and set it on the table nearby. They both sat and as they started serving themselves Lycan added. “You will take your time and tell me all about this change young lady.” He waved a piece of chicken at her playfully.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha tried to but couldn’t hold back her laughter, it was so easy to be herself in his presence. “Yes I have changed,” there was an amused glint in her eyes. She began to eat the meal brought to them and remembered fondly how he enjoyed his food. She was just glad there was enough for the both of them.

Taking a bite of her own chicken, she then continued on to tell him about her tale. Where he blinked and stared at some places and others he became speechless. When she was done, they had both finished eating their meals and she took a drink of her wine.

“Tell me, what on earth has made you come to D’hara of all places? Sometimes I… wish I could return to Fontan myself but there is nothing left there for me.” Her eyes became sad and he seemed to be studying her. She tried to change her expression. “I did not tell you this before, but when I was Marchioness of Nebel, your sister Cascadia was one of my knights. She was quite brave, if I would have chosen anyone to fight alongside me it would have been her without a second thought. I see her strength in you. It may be presumptuous on my part, but I hope to be given a better opportunity to form a friendship with you than I did with her.”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

Lycan listened to her tale sometimes forgetting the food in front of him just staring at her not believing what he was hearing. Of course, so far he had no reason to doubt her word. He was sad at her misfortune, but proud of her overcoming such great obstacles. This lady in front of him seemed full of surprises.

And when she spoke of his sister Cascadia he was immediately flooded with memories of the letters his sister used to send him, telling him all about her new liege and her new dear friend.

“That’s it!” he exclaimed while pointing at her. “I knew I had heard your name before but I couldn’t remember from where. I had seen your name in our army’s reports but I felt there was something more to it. My sister spoke highly of you too. She used to send me letters quite frequently to let me know how she was doing. I made sure both of my sisters did that.” He chuckled. “But, yes, she was very happy to have become your friend. And I’m sure she would have not let you down.” he paused. His green eyes falling on the glass of wine before him thinking of Cascadia and Isabel, his younger sisters and how much he missed them. A feeling of longing for them and his home overcame him and he sat silent for a bit lost in thought playing with a wisp of his dark brown hair. Something he unconsciously did since he was a boy.

Realizing the silence between them he looked up to Lady Sorsha’s blue violet eyes observing his behaviour and he remembered her questions. “Oh, sorry. Uh …well I heard good things about our current rulers and I needed to serve people with values akin to my own. So far I’m not sorry I made my choice.”

“As for our friendship it is not presumptuous of you to wish it. And it will be an honour to become a friend of the lady who watched over my sister as you did. Actually, I think we’re off to a good start don’t you think?” he winked. “But next time, let me know when you change your appearance so I’ll know with whom I’m talking to.” he added with an amused laugh.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha joined in with his laughter, “yes I believe there is a list I need to keep so I can make them all aware.” She took up her glass to finish the last of her wine and began to refill their glasses.

His words brought out a fresh pain and she became pensive. Her finger circled the rim of her glass absently. “I miss home terribly,” she admitted softly, her expression changing. “If I had known how everything would turn out here in D’Hara,” his brows drew down in question and she explained, “how my life would constantly be filled with doubt. The drastic changes, the necessary seclusion, the ill distrust that seems to surround this entire island, and the betrayals, I think I would have chosen home and the immature antics of Alec, my brother, rather than to brave this.” She raised her hand to show the tent around her.

She suddenly became nostalgic, her own words reminding her of what she was really missing deep down, Mathias.

She suddenly wondered what he was doing, where he was now, and then looked up to see Lycan giving her all of his attention and felt a fool. “I apologize,” she said timidly forcing her best dazzling smile.

“This tent seems to be getting small. I need some air, would you care to join me?” she invited. Without waiting for his response she rose from her chair.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

Lycan saw the sudden change in her. He was trying to make a light moment of it but instead he seemed to bring up hurt and sadness. So she missed home just like he did and she had a brother she missed probably just as much as he missed his sisters. Not really knowing what to do about it he simply chose to listen. He followed her outside with her words still lingering in his mind. They both kept quiet for a while lost in their thoughts. He gave her a moment and waited for her to speak again. When she didn’t he simply said. “It seems you have been carrying a burden in your heart….”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha gave him a sidelong glance and shook her head in amazement. Finally someone with as much blunt honesty as she had, mixed in with a touch of intuitiveness that was refreshing for once. She had been in D’Hara how long? And this was the first time someone had even gotten remotely close to asking her, how she really was deep down. She wasn’t usually selfish, but to have someone to open up to that wasn’t something you found everyday, still a part of her was still wary.

After waiting a few moments she spoke, “yes… I miss my family. I left in a time I probably shouldn’t have. To tell the truth, I don’t think there would have ever been a proper time to leave. I am the eldest, therefore have responsibilities...” she trailed off walking along noticing some of her soldiers nodding as she passed them and nodded in return.

How to answer him honestly without looking like a complete lovesick fool? It was a moment before she spoke, “have you ever known love Sir Lycan?”

She blushed furiously and averted her gaze, “I know how this may sound,” she rushed out quickly, “but how does one know that the advances of one are genuine? If you were to feel affection and devotion for a woman, how would you let them know with assuredness that you wanted to make them yours and never leave room for a shred of doubt?” She said the last and then only realized how this may sound to him…. Gods she hoped he didn’t get the wrong idea, and bit her lip.

“This is probably extremely personal and really rude of me to ask you this type of question. We have barely begun to get to know one another,” she turned around to look into his green eyes. They appeared kind, clear and honest but for the most part, trusting. “For some strange reason, I feel I am able to tell you things I have not been able to tell anyone before.”

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

He chuckled when he heard her talking about family responsibilities. How he knew them so well. He was the oldest of three…

He kept listening and watching their surroundings enjoying their walk. When she asked him about ever knowing love he looked down at her in surprise with a raised eyebrow. No one had ever asked him that before. He was trying to find an honest answer to it as she went on talking about her doubts and fears. When she went silent he looked at her “Sorsha, it’s alright. It is not rude of you at all. I do feel I can trust you with anything too and to tell you the complete truth I don’t have an answer to that. So, I guess in all honesty I haven’t known real love or I would have an answer right?” he asked rhetorically.

“I can tell you that when one loves another one should love them with all their heart. Not every man knows how to do it though. I believe women are creatures of thought and words while men are creatures of action. We don’t always know what to say, how to express our feelings but we try to show them through gestures. Unfortunately sometimes we don’t do it as often as we should and then doubt sets in.” He paused for a bit studying her facial expression. Feeling a bit self-conscious he averted his gaze and then added “I apologize for not having a better answer or some pearl of wisdom to share with you but until I do know it this is the best I can offer you.”

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

She mulled over his words as they continued walking. “Do not apologize Lycan, that was one of the most candid and astute answers I have ever received. I have to admit I have never really asked anyone else before but I have thought it over for far too long now,” she admitted. “You know I am starting to believe we don’t in fact know the meaning and value of love until it has been taken away from us… I have brushed the emotion on many occasions and it has seldom been returned. Perhaps you are right… creatures of action…”

She began to think of Mathias’ actions, was she blind? No… there hadn’t been much to consider. Her gaze returned to the ground before them and she avoided looking at him again. Making him uncomfortable with her question was the last thing she had wanted. “Thank you for being honest with me. You could have lied and said anything a hopeless fool like myself would yearn to hear but you didn’t, I am grateful. Let’s forget this talk it will get us nowhere.” She reverted back into her shell and kept her emotions inside, allowing the doubt to fester her mind.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira:

“You’re very welcome.” He replied simply realizing there wasn’t much he could add. An hour had passed since they started their walk, as enjoyable as it was Lycan needed to return to his men and tend to his duties, they both did.

Looking into her blue violet eyes “Sorsha as wonderful as this time with you has been, I’m afraid my duties call me. I am truly honored to have been chosen as a friend of yours and I appreciate all the help you offered by letting your men assist mine with their injuries. I will always be grateful for it.” He smiled then added “Let me repay you by offering you a dinner or lunch next time we’re in the same region? After all I did eat most of the meal presented to us.” He laughed taking away the awkwardness that had settled between them.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha gave a relieved smile. “I would be delighted,” she nodded at his invitation. “I as well need to return, there is much to do. Thank you for indulging me, the pleasure was mine.”

She touched his hand lightly before she left. “Until our next meeting, farewell.”