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Account of the Duel between the Dark Count Bowie Ironsides and Duke Mathias Ridder

The Dark Count ordered the realm to initiate the Crusade for Sallowtown and immediately found an opponent in Duke Mathias, who denounced the Crusade. As the two argued, Count Bowie said the Duke was soft, lazy, bitter and fat. This insult prompted the Duke to challenge him to a duel. So they did. Along the way, Dame Sorsha McDowell was vexed by the contest.

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)


Duke Mathias has grown soft from the cushioned throne and bitter from his unfortunate experiences. He is a naysayer. There will always be naysayers.

But where were the naysayers when the Dragon King saw the Old Bat for what she was? We were uncertain then that our rebellion would succeed, but it did.

Where were the naysayers when D'Hara expanded to Paisly all of those times? How much resources went there? We won it every time.

Where were the naysayers when we consumed Shadovar? I was there at the fall of Port Nebel. We were uncertain then, but we prevailed.

History has shown that the ancestors favour D'Hara. They have given us the fortune of being neighbours to the Sallowsians, and the Dragon Sallow has brought me their wisdom and culture. We can restore them to their greatness. You, personally, have power to do that. Ignore the naysayers, overlook the obstacles, and ride with pride and glory to liberate a depressed people.

Sallow wills it!

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Letter from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Bah you have insulted me for the last time Count Bowie I will stand another. Are you to say that I was not there for any of those? Do not give me a history lesson for I know it all too well.

And Rathan you speak of Vesna and his possible attempt of Sallowtown. Well let me tell you what I see in Bowie here. I see Vesna, in that Bowie is merely seeking to use a religion for his own personal gain. He speak of me changing, well yes I have changed anyone who went through what I did would change. But lets look at the real change here. Who remembers when Bowie first arrived in realm? I do it was long after D'Hara had secured both Isles and yet here he states that he was there for the conquest. However this is not the change merely me pointing out how Count Bowie intends to mislead you.

Now then when he first arrived did he not have a true hatred for Cenarious? Yes he did. Yet this hatred disappeared when the Mad Queen gave up her seat in Port Raviel to the good King. Why did he do this because he knew where the power was, and predictably changed his stance over night to being a close friend of Cenarious. Then his conversion to the Way of the Dragons. This happened at a time of great turmoil being when the Queen was considering the complete outlaw of the SA in D'Hara. So of course seeking to get those brownie points he so craves he converted to her religion.

I am done with this Bowie I challenge you. Meet me in Port Nebel so that we may settle this.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Duke Mathias,

It is you who has the history wrong. I was there went Shadovar fell. I fought in Port Nebel when the takeover succeeded. I did that because of my duty to the Queen, who mercifully gave me refuge in D'Hara. I was here weeks before the Dragon King even landed ashore.

You have another point wrong. My hatred for Cenarious dissipated long before the rebellion. He is connected to someone very special to me, and I made arrangements for my daughter to be in his care. Why would I let him raise her if I hated him? She now carries the Stormrage name! You have another fact incorrect. I was the very fist to convert to the Way of the Dragons before anyone. If the Old Bat did not excommunicate me during the rebellion you would be able to check the date of my conversion, the very next day after the Prophet heralded our faith. Thank you for making me defend myself and prove you wasted your breath. You are blatantly incorrect.

I call for righteous action. The Dragon Sallow visited me and commanded me to bring civilization to Sallowtown. The people are trapped in a Dark Age and only the rituals of their Prince can save them. I am their Prince!

And Duke Mathias, you do not have to worry your lazy weak legs. I am coming to Port Nebel. We shall have our duel.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

It had been a quiet stay in Port Raviel. Sorsha had wanted to speak with the Queen but she had gotten the terrible news that she was injured. Therefore she decided to wait a bit.

She was returning from the nearest recruitment center back to her quarters but stopped on the way when she noticed porcelain dolls in a small kiosk. A small smile formed on her lips and she picked one up. A memory of her past returned and she lowered it slowly, trying to avoid the thought altogether.

Continuing on her way, she was about to enter through the door when a scribe appeared. At the amount of letters he had, her eyes grew slightly bigger and she frowned. “I was unable to find you milady,” he apologized and she waved the apology away. “You have found me now.”

He smiled politely, managing a bow and handed her the letters. She walked up to her quarters, going through them, recognizing who they were from.

She sad comfortably and began opening them one by one. Her eyebrows practically reached her hairline at the orders but she dismissed it quickly, still somehow fascinated with Count Bowie’s persona. She gave a small sniff and took a moment to reply.

She returned to the others, but the rest were threats and insults, the usual when you found yourself in a realm that was made up with very dominant and powerful figures. She had half expected to receive something personal from Mathias, but there was nothing. She swallowed, keeping her disappointment at bay. By the looks of it, he seemed quite preoccupied with other matters.

At the last line of the last missive, she stood up, the letter slipped through her fingers, and she hunched forward as one hand held the desk, keeping her from falling. Her heart squeezed in her chest and she gave a small whimper, “noo…”

She breathed erratically and tried to find moisture in her suddenly dry mouth. Without thinking, she grabbed her cloak, and was out the door. She passed by one of her men as she quickly walked out and he saluted her. She stopped in her tracks and returned. “Are you well milady?” he asked seeing her expression and she shook her head. Trying to keep her emotions in check. “Get the men prepared, I want you all on the next ship to Port Nebel,” she ordered him and he put his fist to his chest showing her he would comply with her wishes. “I will already be there,” she informed him and he saluted. “Very well.”

As she passed the busy street, she heard some voices through the crowd and slowed her steps. “Did’ya hear?” one of the peasants said excitedly nudging another. “There’s ta be a duel between that Duke Mathias and Tha Dark Count,” he cackled and another joined his laughter with glee. “Well aren’t that something I wish I can’see. M’bettin’ tha Dark Count’ll teach’im good, hear tell he won his las’un.”

The other grinned viciously, “nah, m’hafta bet on tha Duke on this’un, y’ever saw’im?” His friend shook his head and he continued, “stood’up to tha old crazy bat them use’ta call Queen. Well that’un had one hell temper a’right, imagin’him with a sword.” He nodded with a satisfied expression and Sorsha’s eyes only became rounder. She ignored the rest of the conversation and instead of walking, started to run for the ship.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)


Bowie Ironsides, Count of Qubel meets his challenger Sir Mathias Ridder, Duke of Port Nebel for the agreed duel till surrender. Mathias has decided to use the 'defensive' strategy while Bowie has choosen the 'neutral' strategy, giving Bowie the advantage. The duel goes back and forth for a while. Finally, Bowie surrenders after suffering a light wound.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Mathias waited in the courtyard of the Ducal estate for Count Bowie to arrive. The past few days of heated debate had grown to the point of insults being thrown between the two men. Eventually Mathias had had too much and challenged Bowie to a duel. The day had arrived for this to happen.

Duad, Mathias second brought forth his sword and moments latter the two went at it. Mathias having taken his usual defensive fighting stance happened to be at a disadvantage. As Count Bowie moved circles around him and nearly forcing the Duke to surrender. however it became clear to Mathias that Bowie had become to confident in himself, and in the end would let his guard down. All Mathias need do was wait.

Mathias blocked slash after swing after jab until he finally saw it. Parrying Bowie's final attack Mathias got off his own attack and wounding the Count to the point of having to surrender. At which point the healers run up grabbing the Count and carried him away.

Mathias then handing his sword back to Duad walked back inside the Ducal Palace with a smile on his face.

Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Sorsha had finally arrived, she had managed to get through the Ducal Palace Guards who knew her, and made her way to the courtyard. She was too late, as she arrived she saw the final blow as the Count fell and gave a small gasp. She practically slunk to the ground with relief that Mathias was standing but her heart wouldn’t stop racing. She watched as the healers took away the Count and bit her lip. She was grateful Mathias was not hurt, but she had not wanted Bowie to get wounded either.

She watched as Mathias handed his sword back to Duad to continue into the Ducal Palace. In his pride and satisfaction, he had not seen her. She wanted to go to him, to speak with him but she stood her ground for the time being. She couldn’t face him so soon after their last meeting and the words shared between them. Then again… he would most likely be happy to see her, wouldn't he? Doubt filled her and she sighed.

It was with a heavy heart that she walked away, but not before making sure the Count would be fine. She knew the guards would eventually inform the Duke of her presence, she would leave the option to see her, in his hands. Then she would know…

She made her way to the healers taking care of Bowie and asked after his state. She was informed of his minor injuries and decided to stay a bit longer to a least have a chance to speak with him before he returned home.

Sorsha McDowell (Dame of Port Nebel)

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

The Dark Count awoke in a room in the Ducal Palace. He quickly realized he was beaten and carried out by the healers. He scratched his head and noticed the wrappings around his chest and finally sensed the pain. He must have been wounded. He smiled and shook his head.

"Damn, I must have offered the wrong sacrifice to the ancestors. I knew they preferred figs over apples. Why did I eat the figs instead?"

Standing up and dressing himself, he walked out of the Castle into the streets of Port Nebel.

He was proud of himself. The past two days were the most exciting of his entire life in D'Hara. Two duels with two dukes in two days. Prince Sallow would be very impressed, and Bowie knew the divine icon chose the right candidate to be his successor.

His mission was never clearer. The obstacles set, the objective true and the courage and resolve to succeed unflinching. The Sallowsians had a long way to go before they were rescued from their Dark Age, but they could at least trust there was someone out there chosen to save them. Some point, Bowie will fulfil his Mandate. He just needed to make everyone else realize it too.

He returned to his room in the inn to relax and heal. After having a few drinks, a great many few, he noticed the letters he missed during his recovery.

"Hmm." He thought aloud, "Looks like the realm can carry on without me."

And then he burst out laughing uncontrollably.

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel

Afterwards, the Duke made peace with the Dark Count.

Letter from Mathias Ridder

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Count Bowie,

Though I know you shall not receive this letter immediately I know it shall reach you soon enough. My honor has been restored and hopefully once you have fully healed we can put this behind us and move on with more important matters. Let us stop this useless mudslinging shall we?


Sir Mathias Ridder

Duke of Port Nebel

Letter from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (20 recipients)

Duke Mathias,

Don't think for one second I respect you less for our duel. In fact, this would have been the only way you could prove to me you are not soft, lazy, bitter and fat as I thought you were. You proved me wrong, well done.

I do not consider opposition "mudslinging." We were engaging in an active argument, debate. A battle of letters. There is nothing to feel ashamed over and it is certainly nothing to avoid. I encourage and appreciate the challenge. Plus, it led to a fantastic duel.

Honestly though, I was defeated because I did not make the right offering to the ancestors. Next time I'll know better. I really hope there will be a next time.

Anyone else want a piece while I am still alive?

The Dark Count,

Bowie Ironsides

Count of Qubel