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Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: July 1st, 2007

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

Byblack Falls!
July 23rd, 2007

Redspan, in a display of extreme brutality, has re-absorbed Byblack.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Defeat at Byblack!
July 21st, 2007

A large Abington/Redspan army defeated the bulk of the Army of Tara today as our enemies fight their destiny. Alongside our Talerium allies, Tara suffered great loss of life and limb trying to save Byblack from oppression. We will be back, however, and we will win.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Byblack Liberated!
July 20th, 2007

The light of purity and hygiene shined into Byblack today as its people cast off the shackles of Redspan. Though the peasants are free today, everyone wonders if they will follow Meldeen's path into devolution. Regardless, Tara will persevere to save these benighted souls.

Jonathon, Dictator of Tara has been declared rightful heir to Byblack. Our leader's love for the downtrodden is a beacon for us all.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Meldeen goes Rogue!
July 19th, 2007

Word has arrived that the peasants in Meldeen has overthrown our realm's rightful rule and declared independence. One only wonders the conditioning Redspan subjected their people to. For anyone to be this badly treated speaks of crimes beyond the pale. Redspan does have a lot to answer for.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Meldeen SOLD!!!
July 19th, 2007

Long-lost heir found Gaspard has produced documents to the local government in Meldeen proving that he is a heir to the title of the region. Accordingly, he is now known as Gaspard, Count of Meldeen. Despite scrutiny by the responsible officials, the documents have been demonstrated as genuine, substantiating a claim strong enough for an immediate grant of title.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Meldeen Peerage for SALE!
July 18th, 2007

Nobles of Tara!

I've got a once in a lifetime offer for you! If you have the money, go ahead and buy the title to Meldeen. This is a first come-first serve offer. This may be the one and only time you are able to do so!

We need a Lord of Meldeen. Is there any among you who will step up and do this for your country?

Sincerely, Jonathon Dictator of Tara

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Carelia takes Upperfell!
July 16th, 2007

Upperfell was liberated by Carelia yesterday as the peasants lost heart following the decisive defeat inflicted upon their realm by the Allies. Rumors abound that Carelia will now annex another region as Abington desperately refits. Time will tell if the Goats will survive this latest setback.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

The Goats Strike Back!
July 14th, 2007

A large Abington/Redspan Army counterattacked in Ambermel then Upperfell today in a desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable. Though the CE/Talerium raid in Ambermel was crushed, the Allied Army attempting to annex Upperfell succeeded in beating the advancing goats. Our generals assure this reporter that it will take at least a week before our enemy recovers its strength. For now, our attempt at liberating Stargard is secure.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Allies Return to Stargard!
July 12th, 2007

The Allied Army of Tara, Cagilan Empire and Talerium entered the City of Stargard today after defeating the stragglers left behind by the fleeing Redspan. Flowers and praise are being heaped upon the parading Army as the ecstatic city peasants welcome back their saviors. In anticipation of the needs of the populace, soap and various bathing items are being distributed to the general population while lectures on basic hygiene are provided for free.

Jonathon, Dictator of Tara, personally initiated the annexation of this city into Tara. Learning from past mistakes, all Da Way Priests and Redspan Infiltrators are being arrested while Priests of The Order spread the Truth. We will soon save these people!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Redspan Takeover of Atblane Ended!
July 12th, 2007

A combined Carelian, CE, Talerium and Taran force marched into Atblane today and easily crushed the enemy units attempting to conquer the region.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Stargard Evacuated!!!
July 8th, 2007

The Army of Tara abandoned their positions today as the mighty Army of Abington marched closer to the city. Despair and disappointment could be seen on everyone's faces as peasants of the city beg for their protection. Alas, it was not to be! Facing 2-1 odds, General Lister ordered them to fall back to Meldeen and await developments. The cries and wails of the bereaved civilians could be heard a mile away from the city. Heaven knows what future awaits them in Redspan's bosom.

Some Taran Nobles could not standby, however. Led by Urpo, Duke of Foda, these brave souls led a frenetic defense for the people of Stargard. Outnumbered three to one, they were cut down like wheat in a field. Let all know that these few held our hearts and fell protecting the defenseless.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Tara fights on for all non-goat lovers!
July 7th, 2007

In Stargard the Grand Taran Army of Foda has continued to support hostilities against the religion of Da Way, who is still stirring up resent towards Tara. The Order prays for freedom from Da Great Goat for all those who accept The Order and who follow in its footsteps, as well as those who have not yet found their true calling. Tara and those here at the Tara times thank the dedication of The Order priests who are helping ease the transfer from Redspan to Tara rule.

Written by Oscar

Carelia defeated in Upperfell!!!
July 7th, 2007

The Army of Abington with Redspan support attacked the Carelian TO of Upperfell today using 2-1 odds. With Upperfell secure, there is little doubt that the Southern Alliance will come to Stargard next. We expect battle to be met at sunrise...

Written by Jose dela Cruz

ASI hands Rogeshore to Redspan
July 7th, 2007

Honoring their treaty, ASI gave Rogeshore to Redspan today. There is a great shock among political observers as the treaty was forced upon ASI during Redspan's hollow war threat a few months ago. Many believed that ASI would stall or delay now as Redspan fights for her existence. The Tara Times honors ASI for her honor and dignity.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Abington Spotted in Bolgar
July 7th, 2007

A large enemy force identified as the Army of Abington has been sighted in Bolgar heading into Ambermel. With Redspan Troops known to be hiding in Byblack and Ambermel, it is rumored that this will be another assault to retake Stargard. Only time will tell whose banner shall finally fly over this sad city.

In other news... The Barony of Makar and Norland appears to be in a state of crisis as two of their regions overthrew their local governments and declared independence. Uforth and Jerkel are now considered Rogue but it should not be long before they are reabsorbed back into Norland and the Barony.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Shamus, King of Redspan speaks...
July 6th, 2007

My contacts in the Stargard Underground has recently allowed me access to an unprecedented opportunity... an interview with the Hidden King of Redspan!!! After being blindfolded and brought to an unknown location deep in the bowels of the city, here is my pulitzer-winning interview:

Jose: May I ask what you and the Duchess of Stargard are doing in this city? Aren't you risking capture by your presence?

Shamus: Some things are worth taking a risk for.

Jose: You were elected, I believe, soon after Stargard fell. May I ask how you won enough support to beat Tony?

Shamus: He stepped down voluntarily and didn't run. It was pretty easy to beat an ineligible candidate.

Jose: Redspan recently had an Alliance with Tara and a Federation with Carelia. Where did it all go wrong?

Shamus: I'm still trying to figure that out. Both leaders refuse to say.

Jose: I seemed to remember Redspan was scheduled to obtain Rogeshore from ASI. Is that agreement still being honored?

Shamus: This is between ASI & RedSpan.

Jose: You're people fought valiantly against incredible odds. Will you now make Sullenport your capital or retake Stargard once more?

Shamus: No decisions are ready to be made public at this time.

Jose: Considering Darka is still at war with your realm, do you think the mercenaries were afraid of facing you?

Shamus: No. They are being paid to fight in the north, and get no pay from attacking us. Mercenaries always choose gold over anything else.

Jose: How do you feel about Abington's loyalty?

Shamus: I have never had reason to doubt it.

Jose: The only realm known to survive such bad odds as this was Abington. Will you rely on their strategy to see this through?

Shamus: RedSpan has survived worse odds than this twice before. I will rely on Abington for strength and friendship.

Jose: What gives you strength?

Shamus: Faith in Da One and Sullenport Stout.

Jose: On a personal note, do you know where Benny is? Reporters tend to stick together.

Shamus: No clue, sorry.

There you have it, folks. Straight from the hors...err... goat's mouth himself!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Stargard Resistance Continues...
July 4th, 2007

You have to admire the modern indoctrination techniques used by Redspan. Despite the obviously unnatural religion of Da Way, the peasants of the capital still believe in it. The Liberation of this city has once again failed as numerous Redspan Priests counter Tara's efforts to bring civilization to our neighbor. Difficulty is even being encountered in nearby Meldeen where attempts at introducing hygene and bathing have met with surprising resistance. Still, we will not be Tarans if we were not persistent. The light WILL shine upon these poor souls.

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Stargard Liberation Fails!!!
July 2nd, 2007

The annexation of Stargard failed today as the citizens of the city overthrew their Taran saviors. This marks the second time such ingratitude has taken place. Despite the compassion and understanding shown by many of our noble troops, it would appear the goat preference in the general population is more prevalent than previously believed.

Calls for harsher methods of treatment are being heard throughout the realm as realization of the insidious nature of Da Goat spread. This reporter, himself, has witnessed personally the nightmare of being under the influence of Undead and Monsters. We must free Redspan's people from a fate unimaginable!!!

Written by Jose dela Cruz

Tara Times Reporter Captured!!!
July 2nd, 2007

It my sad duty to relate to you all of an unfortunate experience I had recently. While rushing into battle at Jagla against Undead, I was overwhelmed by thier superior numbers and captured. After six days of undescribable hell, I finally escaped back to civilization. I apologize to the good people of Jagla for not having enough soldiers to crush the menace. I will try my best next time.

Written by Jose dela Cruz