Heen/History of Heen

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The beginning

Heen was created by Gaius Marius Angmar when he ceded away the city of Heen from the realm of Varyamo Nolvo. The cause of his secession was when the Minister of Defence of Varyamo Nolvo, Scion the Skilled Twinblade, called for an uprising for the government that seemed as if it would not fail. He did not want his city to fall into the hands of Scion the Skilled. But after the 'gods' spoke against Scion in Varyamo Nolvo, the rebellion failed. And Scion and his supporters fled to the Kingdom of Heen.

At that point Gaius Marius began to attempt to keep the power from Scion and his supporters, he coaxed Juno GreatSword, one of Scion the Skilled's most loyal, to the position of High Marshall, in exchange for stepping down as Arch Priest, leaving it open for elections. Scion the Skilled won. And after Scion pointed out to his supporters, nearly the entire realm, that Gaius Marius was taking all of the tax, and keeping all of the power he could, they began to protest heavily, forcing Gaius Marius off of the throne entirely.

Scion the Skilled easily rose to power, and Gaius Marius fled back to the same realm he ceded from, Varyamo Nolvo. Scion quickly had war declared on Varyamo Nolvo and Vice (a realm reborn for the exact same reason, fashion, and time as Heen when Skadhi Storm ceded the city of Latlan away) declared war on Heen in turn. The war would rage for a long time, with Heen attempting to destroy all of Hedonism and its two defenders, Vice and Varyamo Nolvo.

As the war progressed, things began to get worse. Heen lost Hcallow to Varyamo Nolvo, Watersdown to Vice, and faced several defeats by the two larger armies. The first duke of the reformed Heen, Javan Taanach, turned out to be a Dark Wizard and was subsequently banished from the realm, thus hindering Heen's struggle further. Heen was then surrounded by its two enemies with larger forces running TO's in Kif and Ling, which held out very nicely, but in the end fell to the brutality of Vice and VN. After the loss of Kif and Ling, the King and High Marshal, finally decided to begin launching the first offensive campaign. After FIRMLY securing the capital, the War for Survival and Purification began.

Light vs Dark, Righteous vs Evil, Holy vs Taint, Heen vs Hedonism.

War for Survival and Purification

The War for Survival and Purification is a war that Heen fought for most of her existence. It was Heen's first war. It was fought for the purification of Hedonism and for the survival of the Kingdom of Heen. The war began as an unfair war, with Heen facing its two hated enemies, the defenders of Hedonism, Vice and Varyamo Nolvo, without assistance. Starting only with the capital city of Heen.

  • The Recapture of Ling
    • 1st Battle: The nobles of Heen assulted an abandoned noble of Vice who was occupying the region of Ling. After the nobles gaurd was defeated and began to retreat. Marshal Medium began a friendly TO, King Scion and High Marshal Martana began to hunt the survivors, while the rest of the nobles began to brace themselves for the inevitable fight of the entire Vicean Army that was sure to come to try to stop thier efforts. A day later, Ling was back under Heens' control, but just as the govenment switched, a huge, 219 horde of undead attacked. Heen retreated, hoping to leave the horde to Vice, then come and clean up the remains....
    • 2nd Battle: After the Undead horde that plauged Ling for two turns then left to Watersdown, Heen assulted two Vicean nobles, Badai and Peace, who came to occupy the region once the horde had left. After the battle, Untrained scouts returned to the nobles reporting that the Vicean army was nowhere to be seen, seemingly leaving their capital nearly undefended. This opened a window of oppertunity to cause devastating damage to the capital of Vice. King Scion issued the attack...
  • The Looting of Latlan
    • 1st Battle: The nobles of Heen attacked the capital of Vice, Latlan, and successfully defeated the Ponitfix's TO size unit, city milita, as well as a few lesser nobles and thier guards. They even managed to wound Pontifix of Vice, hikari. Heen had no trouble in scaling the level 2 walls. Once the battle ended, Heen began to hold public executions of Hedonist radicals. Heen began to take the Hedonist gold from the temples, and began to cripple the military infastrature in Vice's capital.
    • 2nd Battle: The remains of a unit of city milita and two lesser Vicean nobles had re-rallied, and assulted the nobles of Heen in a desperate attempt to liberate thier capital. They failed, resulting in another day of executions, looting and victory for Heen.
    • 3rd Battle: Paladin Primus of Vice, Skadhi and Marshall of Latlan, Grey returned with a few lesser nobles from hunting monsters and assulted thier capital at the same time as the Haruspex Maxiumus of Vice, Attila, and the rest of the lesser nobles already in Latlan recruited the remaining soilders. This force was strong enough to defeat the army of Heen, and drove us from thier capital. The cause for the loss of the battle to the smaller Vicean force was due to low moral, unpaid soilders, and high equipment damage. But all around, the looting of Latlan was very successful, gaining Heen hundreds of gold, and severly crippling Vice's income for more than a week.
  • The Skirmish of Sotrebar
    • 1st Battle: The nobles of Heen assulted Sotrebar, the only region besides Ling that has access to the Vicean capital. The nobles of Heen met little resisitance, just a few Angry Peasants. The Marshall of the Army of Heen and newly appointed Royal Treasurer, Medium, began a Brutal TO, while the remaining nobles looted for a few hours, than began preparing for battle.
    • 2nd Battle: 5 Vicean nobles, Paladin Primus Skadhi, Marshall Grey, and Haruspex Maximus/Fiducary Attila, and two lesser nobles assulted the running TO and Heen easily claimed the victory. Heen celebrated by looting, hunting, then re-fortifying. After so much looting, 55 People Milita took arms and prepared to do battle with Heen along side the re-rallied Vicean nobles, and the remaining nobles coming from Latlan.
    • 3rd Battle: Fresh Reinforcments from Latlan, including two lesser nobles and the Vicean Pontifix, a large 55 man peasant milita, as well as the re-rallied nobles that had already been defeated, assulted Heens' TO of Sotrebar and prevailed, causing the nobles of Heen to retreat, ending the Skirmish of Sotrebar. Heen accomplished ransacking and pillaging Vices' most productive region besides its capital, makeing the Skirmish of Sotrebar an overall victory in Heens' eyes.

Disclaimer: **The scribe that was keeping the records of the war was killed shortly after this last recording in a battle at Ling.


After the (what was considered by all other realms) 'civil war' (also referred to as the War for Survival and Purification), Heen began a period of reconstruction. With Heen , Latlan, Tahgalez, and their respective duchies under the Heenite banner, it was time to carve a Kingdom not to be forgotten. During this time, the Constitution of Heen was written by King Scion the Skilled himself. Thus reforming the kingdom into a constitutional monarchy, rather than traditional. It was also during this time that peace with nearly every nation on the continent was achieved. As well as an alliance with Sint and a federation with Irombrozia.

The governing council during this time was:

King Scion the Skilled Twinblade
High Marshall Martana Curs
Arch Priest Kagurati Tian
Royal Treasurer Medium T-style

Much was accomplished during the reconstruction period. The devastated population was given time to heal and rebuild, many peace treaties were signed, much infrastructure was built, and fortifications raised. Even the banner that Heen so loyally followed during the war was slightly altered. And it was a great time for peace and prosperity in the desert.

The War for Allies and Friends

Initiated by Scion the Skilled Twinblade, first king of Heen, Heen waged war upon Plergoth and Mesh to help its struggling allies Khton and Vlaanderen. Heen's first encounters against the new enemies were signs of heroïsm and the beginning of a stronger bond with its allies. Although at first many battles were lost, when Heen had reorganised its army again its striking power grew more important. Especially the camels that Heen introduced in this war proved to be of great value. Soon the war evened up and got stuck in a stalemate.

Then, after a month of struggle in Vlaanderen, the sucessor of King Scion the Skilled, Queen Martana turned her attention to her other ally, Sint. Also Sint seemed to be struggling to win its war against Ashborn, and Martana decided to help him because Vlaanderen and Khton were successfully fending off Mesh and Plergoth on their own. Heen's arrival in Ashborn resulted in the immediate capture of its capital, Keffa. Proudly, Queen Martana could open the city's gates for King Bocephus of Sint. Not much later however Old Grekh decided to repay a favor that Ashborn had once done to them. They attack Sint and Heen and helped Ashborn.

Several weeks long Keffa switched hands between Sint/Heen and Ashborn/Old Grekh. Eventually Heen was forced to send its troops to Vlaanderen and Khton to help it against Mesh and Plergoth. Sint was pushed back and forced Old Grekh in a stalemate. Ashborn however recovered while the soldiers of Old Grekh died to keep Sint away and they reclaimed some lost lands. Luckily Heen's presence in Vlaanderen saved it from a siege upon Reeds, Vlaanderen's captital. Plergoth and Mesh lost thousands of men by the hands of Vlaanderen and the Heenites.

The Invasion

The invasion forced Heen to side with one of the two evils that entered Beluaterra. Queen Martana decided to ally with the monsters for tactical and some ethical motives. Because of this the undead literally focussed on Heen with predominantly all their forces. This exerpt has been taken from the Heenite Highlights, painting a fairly good image of the circumstances during this period of Heen's history.

"An awful lot has taken place in the last week. Although it has been a struggle to find much to write about. A series of quite disasterous events have taken place in the realm of Heen since the last article, which wasn't great news in itself. The invasion on Beluaterra hasn't been good for any realms, but Sint and Heen appear to be having a rough time of it at the moment.

The undead General used a portal to jump three of his units right past the Heenite army still returning from Naraka, reappearing in the region Ling, which is one of the most strategic places within the realm - it being the link between the two big cities. This was an unprecedented movement, and unexpected also. It left the Heenites in a dire situation, but all was not lost (or so it seemed).

(Historian's note: To clarify, the undead had used a portal to teleport their armies over large distances. This ability is now disabled for them however due to repeated tactical abuse.)

It became clear that the undead were to assault a city, and as the majority of Heenites had trudged their way back to Heen city by now, it seemed that Latlan was their target. A brief message from Hannibal claimed that their time to overthrow Martana was up (Historian's note: Which he had demanded earlier.), and the city would now be sacked. Heen immediately responded by gathering forces in Ling, bringing two monster units with them, and another approaching from Watersdown. As this was taking place, another group of undead, larger this time and said to be lead by the leader Dominus was spotted moving from Hirzmet to Kif. (Historian's note: With a mere force of 5000CS.)

At this point, Heen had amassed in the region of 13k CS in Ling, while the undead who had indeed assaulted Latlan - destroying almost all the militia in one turn were down to just over 8000CS. Heen city had 7k CS inside its level 5 walls, and Dominus (still moving to Kif) did not seem a threat. High Marshall Thrydwulf then gave Hannibal a choice: Move out of the city of Latlan, and engage their forces in Ling, or they would move from Ling to liberate Latlan themselves. The odds seemed promising, and Heen seemed safe.

Hannibal had other plans, and pulling a dirty trick, Dominus with his unit of 6.3k used a portal to move to Ling and immediately set movement to Latlan - thus avoiding our forces. This resulted in the fact that Latlan would then have almost 15k defending it, and the attack was called off.

(Historian's note: To clarify, Dominious teleported himself to Ling where the entire Heenite army was stationed. No battle occured because of the game mechanics and Dominious was able to travel that very same turn from Ling to Latlan.)

The four undead hordes then set about destroying builings, killing peasants in the hundreds and generally causing havok. It was at this point that perhaps the Heenites should have attacked the undead, even though odds were now against them, as in the following days waiting in Ling, trying many tricks to lure the undead out of Latlan, thousands of peasants were killed. Finally the decision was made, to ignore the differences in size, as Latlan needed to be saved before it fell, and attack orders were given - especially as allied help and more monsters were on their way.

However, this also failed, despite the Heenite armies best efforts. Their orders were to misdirect to Sotrebar, and as late as possible change movement to attack Latlan and liberate it from the undead. Scouting parties were sent every few hours throughout the night, and 2 hours before day break the undead were still stationary within the city. A battle looked imminent. But no, mere seconds before the sun rose, the undead left the city - somehow passing by the Heenite army advancing on the walls; and as the sun rose, the Heenites strolled into the city to find the undead missing - having moved to Ling. The undead now numbered over 1000, with a strength of nearly 19k CS.

(Historian's note: To clarify, the undead moved towards Ling from Latlan at the same turn that Heen moved from Ling to Latlan. The armies of each thousand men crossed eachother without any battle taking place.)

From this unfortunate event, it was clear that Heen was in danger, and the army immediately moved to Ling - accompanied by another monster unit that had made its way up from Reeds. The Heenite's were still outnumbered, but their will and determination was now spurred on by yet more insane tricks by the undead. This evening, as the Heenite and Monster forces gathered in Ling once more, the Undead Army attacks the walls of Heen. For some strange reason, all the infantry and cavalry units charged out of the gates, leaving the walls useless. This editor puts it down to the fact that there were no Marshalls present to set formations as Fortification Deploy, but it is still rather weird. Almost all the militia were slain in a bloody battle, but despite the overwhelming odds, they did manage to cut down some 239 undead bodies." ~Heenite Highlights

Heen attacked the undead army in Heen and in a devestating battle, although lost by Heen, the undead were cut down to half their force while the Heenite only lost 500 men. The undead raised more men from the dead and during the next days there was a battle each turn with many losses on both sides. The undead general, Hannibal, was killed in one of these battles while Maldiciones, another undead general was wounded. Monsters and Vlaanderen helped Heen in fighting the undead until the point where only one hundred undead were left of the original thousand. At this point the undead played their last card by letting their supreme master, Summoner, interfere by attacking Latlan.