Jezralhm Family

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Jezralhm Family


The Jezralhm family originates from Tolhuar, Darka (Atamara). (more: account details)


==== Nirandor ====

A knight of Tolhuar and writer, Sir Nirandor.

As a young knight, Nirandor entered the ranks of the Darkan heirarchy as a knight of Tolhuar, a subject of Lady Lavigna in the week just after the great battles between Darka and Abington.

A intellect at heart, Nirandor seeks to justify all his actions and is set out on discovering the untainted truths. He values his ability to voice himself and stands steadfast behind the Darkan monarchy and their judgment.

The first communication between Nirandor and the reigning monarch, Kostaja Kosunen, was after the hunt for a foreign assassin within our land who successfully wounded the greatly respected Darkan Banker, Mr_Jones. Since then, Nirandor has taken part in many defensive battles against raging monsters and earned prestige and honor within his ranks. The unit Nirandor commands is named, Frontier, and is an infantry based unit. Through much training, the irregulars are gaining cohesion and are capable warriors almost primed for combat duties.

Nirandor is a follower of Darkanism, under the God of Ash and rebirth, Darka and the God of stone and stoutness, Lodril. Nirandor is also a designer for the Darkan newspaper Volcanic Hot Newsletter and has published an article detailing the events of the RedSpan-Darkan War.

Nirandor and Frontier has participated in the RedSpan-Darkan War. He fought in Meldeen and Stargard where Darka and her allies were victorious.

==== Seethen ====

Humble knight of Mewun, Sir Seethen.

As a battling knight of Mewun, Seethen is the eldest brother of the Jezralhm family and is the most experienced in battle fighting in the front line of the Ikalak, "The White Legion".

Seethen was always prompt for his schooling, and he never muttered a word of disapproval. He marched in step and has been granted his leave from family affairs to battle away in the great warring South-East Island. His blade sharp from hours of practice sparring with his squires, Seethen hopes to become one of the realm's honored heroes and to bring great fame to the family name.

Seethen has fought alongside his realm mates in many great battles.

  • In the Battle of Moeth, where the majority of his untrained men, were inexperienced and were slaughtered at the gates of the Moethan fortress.
  • Seethen participated in the immense Battle of Belus, where the Leechers fought valiantly but were forced to retreat after suffering immense casualties.
  • Guiding his men, in the Battle of Falens, Leechers were eventually dispersed but Ikalak managed to remain victorious.
  • Retreating from Falens, Seethen was in Moeth when enemy troops were able to lightly injure him. Only his captain and two wounded men remain.

==== Meero ====

Boastful knight of Cagil, Sir Meero.

The young Meero swore allegiance to the Empire just at the brink of a great Atamara continental war. He is currently training his group of men, a small batch of irregulars, nicknaming themselves the Marchers for their endless marching over the great Empire to defend the land from the unnatural beast-spawns.

The youngest of all the brothers, Meero never was content with what he was given. A streak of rebellion was always in the youth's throat and he was never afraid nor wise enough to stop it. As a result, Meero was always punished. Being held back from noble duties in Cagilan Empire, Meero was given all the second hand weapons and armor of his brothers. Bearing some animosity, he has sought to be greater than his elder siblings. This blind ambition, was driven his great hunger for vainglory.

==== Durin ====

An adventurer of Avalon, Durin.

Durin is a bastard son who roams the lands of Avalon on Beluaterra. He is especially fond of the ale in Darhauyo. In his spare time, he hunts monsters and undead in the area rigorously to protect the local villagers, especially that of the local girls. Durin also likes scavenging for rarities and oddities. He hopes to straddle a horse and become an idol knight of the lands.



Nezra emerged from the ranks of Ikalak peasantry to serve briefly among the knights of Ikalak. However, the politics and bickery within the realm made Nezra to return to his family and back to till the land.

==== Marques ==== Marquez served initially as a lowly knight of Scio to the realm of Caligus in the warring East Continent. Serving under his liege, Sir Yuri the Baron of Scio, Marquez is training his forces of Archers, named Bounds, in the art of homeland defense as well as for offensive combat.

After realizing that his increasing unit would not stand for the pittance of a pay which Caligus had in mind, Marquez abandoned his men after paying their final wages and set off to trade with the locals of the land in hope of acquiring wealth. Not long after, Scio was given to an ally and Marquez chose to swear allegiance to Duke Kamekaze of Partora.

Despite this, new found hope as a trader under a new liege, Marquez fell into a heavy bout of depression and tripped. Upon which landed on a dagger with the blade pointing straight into his heart. Marquez was pronounced dead before the healers could reach him.

Coat of Arms


The Jezralhm family blazon.

The meaning behind the Blazon (the official symbols of a family) is (source: The Meanings Behind the Symbols):

Symbol Definition
Blue/Azure: truth and loyalty
Red: Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity
Knight: a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; loyal service to liege and realm
Maroon: Patient in battle, and yet victorious
Chevron: Protection
Fusil: Labor and travel
Fess: Military belt or girdle of honor; represents readiness to serve the public
Engrailed Line: Earth or land
Embattled Line: Walls of fortress or town