Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/1017/December

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3rd December

Day -- Poryatu

Letter from Aldrakar Renodin

Esteemed members of the Realm, Sir Nicholas Archival, Sir Staedtler of House la Stylo,

Knights of the Kingdom of Earth Hall, Blades of Poryatown.

Furthermore, any information or insights you may have towards the current political climate within Luria Nova and Dwilight at-large would be more than appreciated -- I wish to cultivate my understanding of current affairs as swiftly as I might, to be of better service to yourself and the realm. ~Nicholas Archival

Before I delve into that set of questions, I will elaborate on the titles above it. Know also that I write this letter to the Realm at large so that everyone else may benefit these words also. The Empire of Luria Nova, our home, is the third installment of such an Empire. The Greater Luria region stretches all the way to the City of Shinnen, The Tomb Islands now occupied by D'hara, the mountains to the North with the seat of Balance's Retreat and extend well into the Palm Sea.

The Halls of Luria, of which Earth Hall is but one, are former Kingdoms that were absorbed, peaceful or otherwise, into the Empire. As such the Rulers of those Halls are referred to as Kings. Bond to the Emperor and governed by the Imperial Laws. Each Kingdom however has jurisdiction over its own lands. That immediately brings me to the next topic. Lurian lands are greatly diminished. The last time Luria was great it held thrice the amount of Nobles as she does this day and age.

Back then Luria stood against the world as the Monster ravaged the Western Half of Dwilight. All humanity was extinguished there by the fang and the claw of the dark ones and the monsters. We, Luria, were among the few to accept the Noble refugees from that side of our continent and gave them a home. Promised them a new Realm and fought for them until our countrymen died. Bonds were forged back then. The East and nigh all its Realms did not like our Generosity. It was they that declared war upon our Empire. Led by D'hara, whom we now call allies. They invaded us. Realms that no longer exist fought us back then. One remnant is the Morek Empire. Cast your eyes onto a map and see in the north the small green trace they are now. They used to comprise of all the lands currently held by Arnor, Avernus, the Druid Realm and more even. Now they are but a spec of the painting they were before.

Since those heydays, the world has know a great deal of darkness. Monsters leaned to swim the highseas and they visited from the West onto our shores. The Empire had by then created a Realm called Westfold around the City of Unterstrom. More on that city later. The monsters came in numbers beyond counting. Their might inhuman and our lands were ravaged. It was an age of terror. We survived however but what you see before you is the limping body of that once great empire.

Lurians are Nobles, High Nobles, the Highborn. We have been accused of looking down our noses at other Realms. And we do. We have. We had a good right to. We did better, we were stronger, we were wiser. Still the name Luria is spoken of with reverence and fear. Our ability was without match. Much of that knowledge is still with us but the Old guard is not enough to quicken this world. There you come in though.

Hands are needed coupled with wisdom to breathed life once more, not only into memory but also into the future. Luria always believed in meritocracy. In giving chances and allowing the best to rise to the top. At times other Realms called Luria a warzone of blades and words. When Luria wasn't facing an enemy, it looked within itself and fought itself. The Lurian Civil wars are the stuff of legends. Recall the Halls? Each of them was a Kingdom of Luria that stood independent and fought one another.

The Currently Empire was forged by the First Empress, Alice Arundel. Long may her name be remembered. She was a harsh woman. A brilliant sword-fighter and possessed great cunning and indeed a devious mind. Her husband the Crown Prince Hendrick Madigan was my first Liege, then Lord of Mattan Dews. I've seen all the ages of this Empire and am willing to share my knowledge with you all.

Before I continue with more practical matters, I shall share an old letter by a most venerated Lurian. A man called Malus Solari. A king of the Northern Reaches of Luria. A great teacher.

Letter from Malus Solari(Approximately December 2012)

Ladies, lords, dames and knights of Sun Hall—

Since our realignment with the Houses of Luria Nova, I have had much time to think. Mostly, I have thought about ale. How it is brewed. How it can be improved. Strengthened. Stuff of great import. Occasionally, I have devoted time to another, singular thought: what does it mean to be Lurian?

Now—For me, at least—I believe I know. It means fighting. Striving. Yearning for something better. Pursuing it at any cost, by violence if necessary. That passion defines us, and when we are not free to express it, calamity or inner death is the result. I have witnessed many calamities in my time, but now I believe we find ourselves at the threshold of a malaise. You shouldn't stand for it. I won't.

In my idle time, I have begun drafting a Lurian code. Not some law that dimwitted bureaucrats enforce with their hammed fists, but a personal code. A way of being. It is the distillation of what made Solaria great for a time combined with my observations of other successful Lurians. It will be the lodestone of Sun Hall, and any who aspire to great things under the banner of this duchy would be well served to consider it, at the least.

What is this code, then? Certainly, it must not interfere with other creeds. It makes no grand claims regarding the divine. It does not tug at your many loyalties. Simply put, it is a code of service. Honor. Perfection in whatever you do. Ignorance should be your greatest shame. Do you march to battle? Do so with a keen understanding of martial tactics. You do not know them? Learn them. Ask. Do you administer the courts? Your task is often thankless. No longer. Your sharp mind will be regarded as equal to the sharpest sword, with all the rewards due to you. Are your talents in the cloth or the granary? A people must have comfort, and armies fight better with full bellies. Your service, however it is given, shall be rewarded. The Lurian code leads to a life of continual striving toward the ideal. Something can always be done better. A machine can always be improved. We are machines made flesh, no? We should strive for perfection of the self. You are not asked to undertake a personal struggle without reward. It is time that you enjoyed greater liberty. But how do we get there?

Ladies and lords shall be required to take up the code. If you find that a life of stagnation meets with your approval, then I wish you a long and happy tenure, because your successor will always be waiting in the wings. For your commitment, you shall have an immediate stake in the future of the duchy. Through referenda, your interests shall collectively become the official policy of Sun Hall. There is no matter too great or small for your consideration. War. Trade. Politics. Sun Hall shall be governed collectively.

For dames and knights, you may expect the largest estates. Immediate elevation to lands and titles when such vacancies occur. Assistance for recruitment. Vigorous defense against your enemies, external and internal. Support for your training in any of the arts.

This is all very sudden and vague, I know. I believe it to be critically important for the restoration of Sun Hall and Greater Luria. Let us demonstrate that we are masters of our own domains and captains of our own fates. By demonstrating the superiority of our ethic, it is likely that such a code will be adopted by the Duchies of Giask and Shinnen, when such time comes. Let this code, this way of being, be the first step toward a genuine cultural and political reform of Luria. Who will take up this mantle with me?

Glory and honor,

Malus Solari

Ambassador of Luria Nova, Duke of Sun Hall, Margrave of Askileon Purlieus, Priest of Sanguis Astroism

Now, onto the more practical matters and those questions.

Furthermore, any information or insights you may have towards the current political climate within Luria Nova and Dwilight at-large would be more than appreciated -- I wish to cultivate my understanding of current affairs as swiftly as I might, to be of better service to yourself and the realm. ~Nicholas Archival

The political Clime within Luria is a tranquil one. The Grand Panetier is a woman of great respect. She in no small measure has fed the Empire and is currently undertaking a great project to see wealth trickle down to the Knights of the Realm. The Grand Pantry Guild is where you should take up membership to augment your income.

Heed her words if you value the prosperity of the Empire and indeed your estates.

The Empire is very centralized presently, it wasn't always so but partly due to my own actions, power is strongly vested in the Emperor. Where in the past we had many enemies we've sundered the Realms south of us, Fissoa and Madina and they are no threat anymore. To the North we had founded the Realms of the Druids, and Westfold. Unsterstrom as you might recall, was the capital of Westfold. A realm of Refugees from the West. This Realm was destroyed by the Realm of Astrum.

That very Realm has declared war on the Realm of Swordfell. North of us. In response Swordfell, whom were the owners of Unsterstrom in recent days, have split their Realm in twine, creating the Realm of Sol. To better combat this aggression. Astrum is the stronger Realm and likely to win a prolonged war. The Empire of Luria has had an amicable yet irritable relation with Swordfell. the Region of Flying Hongrns is ours. We lend it to Swordfell during the Great Monster invasions but despite promises they never returned the region to us.

There is also the memory of Kamron Lorgan, former King of Earth Hall. Whom longed to set ablaze the Fellish Mountains. We never have till this day though. Further north, Arnor is supporting Swordfell on the basis of Religion. There is a great Faith that has been shattered, split, politicized and more over time. The Faith of the Bloodstars. One of our own Emperors, Seoras, became a prophet of a schism of said Faith. Regardless, the Bloodstars must be in balance, there are three of them, and the Realms of Astrum, Arnor and Swordfell (Sol) are now at each other's throats.


To the new Knights, Diplomacy, Ambassadorships, Courtiers, Warriors, Marshals, Vice Marshals at that and more is available to you. Plan, bring forth Ideas and see your thoughts made Reality.

Join the Royal Rangers Guild, a place I helped elevated to have spread across the entire continent. Its purpose is to fight Monsters and undead but it will also bring you into contact with Nobles from every Realm. Ask questions, be curious, have fire in your belly.

Be Lurian and be welcome, Aldrakar Renodin Imperial Magistrate of Luria Nova Royal of Luria Nova Duke of Earth's Hall Margrave of Poryatown

Letter from Ciarghuala

Not only does my esteemed colleague Imperial Magustrate Aldrakar gives most excellent advice, his history of Luria Nova has inspired me to tell my tale and illuminate some of the history which has shaped the situation all of Dwilight now finds itself in.

I was not born here in Luria but across the inland sea in the Free City of Via, the daughter of an exiled noblewoman from a distant land. When most think of the West they think of monsters and the fell things dwelling in ancient tombs, for in recent years these horrors have cast their shadow even here in the golden halls of Luria. But there are worse horrors in the West, their names whispered in the secret councils of witch and sorcerer, the profane ancient Lords of the Zuma Coalition who dwell in the Ruins of Walfurgisnacht and worship their Dread Gods at the Temple of [Region:Dragon Song]. For though the Age of the Sun is little more than 40 years old (approximately 8 Great Years in the Calendar established by Lord Gregor) the Zuma dwelt here uncounted Ages in the darkness before the first men set foot on Dwilight's shores.

Those lands and the evil they contain are well known to me for I ranged them in my youth and there learned the ways of battle, before the call of duty drew me north to Niselur and the first battles of the Great War Against Humanity which to this day rages unabated.

If you look on your maps in the far northwest you'll find the land of [Realm:Westgard], a colony established in recent years by knights from foreign shores in an effort to reclaim some of what humanity has lost. But in my youth that was Niselur, the home of the Horse-Lords, a realm supposedly under the protection of Sanguis Astroism. Many are the nights my dreams turn to the First Edreun of Niselur and our doomed efforts to hold the Provincial City of [Region:Gaston], the mighty Temple City of Darfix already silent beneath death's uncaring rule. Where were our allies then? The proud and haughty Lords of Astrum laughed in our heralds' faces, and though good King Falco was a most reverent and orthodox servant of the Blood Stars did Sanguis Astroism rally to our aid?

No. Those quarrelsome and self-serving clerics - the very ones whom Emperor Seoras would later seek to purge from that faith - turned their back on both King and realm, claiming we were heretics and our fate written in the stars. Would the Gods have revealed the Forgotten Crown of the Austere Star to our people if they had turned their back on us? No! And so the Gods withdrew their protection from humanity even as much of humanity turned its back on a godly realm. And now look at humanity's predicament?

In the the years which followed I ranged the Inner Sea, escorting King Falco and the Crown to sanctuary here in Luria Nova before expeditions to the Tombs Islands and leading the last desperate attempt to hold a beachhead in the West at the mighty haven of Golden Farrow. No greater army has ever gathered in Dwilight than the horde which threw itself against Golden Farrow's walls, nor braver men and women than those who stood against them. Even then, had the Northern Realms done as the Gods surely desired and stood in unity and faith we should have endured.

But alas they did not. For there is a corruption at the heart of Sanguis Astroism and its name is Astrum.

So I settled here in Luria, the one realm in all of Dwilight which offered the Lords of Niselur sanctuary without contempt. And today, many years after those events, I use the skills I learned in the wild lands of the West to do what the Gods have always asked of the nobility: to safeguard those too weak to safeguard themselves, to mete justice in honesty, and bear proudly the banner of mankind in the face of all who assail us.

It is my hope that one day the corruption of Sanguis Astroism will be purged and our brethren of the north commit the energies they expend betraying each other to the Great Crusade humanity must surely mount if we are to reclaim all the.

Until that day Luria Nova will remain a shining example of what honest men and women can achieve if they are willing to place the good of humanity ahead of their own venal desires. Just as I was once proud to ride with the First Edreun of Niselur I am proud to now call myself a Lurian.

​For Truth! For the Empire! For Humanity!

Roleplay from Aldrakar Renodin

A Royal Letter

Accompanied by an escort of Rendorian Heavy Cavalry sporting not entirely ceremonial gear a, veritable emissary of the House Renodin, the King of Earth Hall, your overlord, arrives. Before inspecting you in a curious and somehow imperious manner he hands you the following parchment. A heavy thing in and of itself. Even without the added velum for thickness and the small gems studded along its border. Garnet, tigers eye and rose quarts most prominently:

Nobles of Earth Hall,

Here follows the words of his Majesty, the King of Earth Hall, the first of his name, the Master of Poryatown, former Emperor of the Empire among many of his titles.

All Nobles and their servant bondsmen, banner-men, warriors, hired blades and other such acquired fighters are to be assigned to the Army of the Emperor's Will. It is the express order of his Majesty that this be done and that all will serve faithfully in this army to the best of their ability.

All Nobles with estates within the Kingdom of Earth Hall are to take up membership of the Guild known as The Grand Pantry of Luria. His Majesty has decided that the goals of this Guild are in line with his ideals of ensuring the Knights of the Realm are well supplied with funds. Particularly so when his Majesty casts an eye on upcoming military campaigns.

A great Feast is to be held in the Golden City of Giask. The former Seat of his Majesty and the home of his Children and late wife, the Imperial Conciliator Lucini Talratheon. All Nobles of the Kingdom of Earth Hall are hereby personally invited by the hand of King Aldrakar. To be his guests on this occasion. Audiences will be granted. Failure to properly represent the Nobility of Earth Hall at this Feast will be greatly frowned upon and will earn the ire of his Majesty.

So are the words as recorded for His Majesty, King Aldrakar of House Renodin of Earth Hall.

Feeling the parchment in your hands a finger absentmindedly pokes one of the luster gems embedded in the parchment. The Emissary casts you a last glance before departing. One that conveys a certain expectation that somehow was already hard to miss reading the laden words of the Scion of House Renodin.

You mind wonders, what to do, what to wear perhaps even.

Roleplay from Matthew Coffey

Perhaps it was fortunate that Matthew had been performing his speeches at Giask when the messenger arrived. Immediately he knew the crest of House Renodin, having been from a local family in Poryatu, recognising such heraldry would have been taught during his upbringing. A necessary skill. It dawned on him just how much he had been anticipating meeting the nobility of the realm in person, the real ​nobility of consequence, but the true weight of the situation had only hit him as the emissary peered down from their horse, awaiting the pale pink faced youth to take the letter. Indeed, the letter itself told of a grandeur and richness that his family would never have seen, only being minor landed nobles themselves. Forgetting himself for a moment, Matthew took an inappropriately long time regarding the wealth displayed on a mere missive, before addressing the messenger as he would if Aldrakar had been there in person. Once dismissed, Matthew did not hesitate to return to his room to open the letter in private.

​Having returned to his lodging, a fairly modest room within one of the many fine inns scattered about the city of Giask, Matthew scanned the words at great length, as if trying to glean some sort of greater meaning from it besides the literal orders presented. Firstly, he made a quick note to remind his newly hired captain Wolfram the next day that the troops need be informed of their new position within the "Emperor's Will". This was of less interest to Matthew, as he had already known of the military implications of his pledge to the empire. He was looking forward to leading his troops into the fray, having only tasted real battle once against the beasts that lurk the outskirts of the realm, expectations of glory and honour were running high in his mind.

​Matthew smiled slightly to himself, skimming briefly over the next segment about joining the "Grand Pantry", having already done so at the request of his liege, Ciarghuala. Being the Margravine of Poryatu, the Coffey family had no doubt interacted with her servants, although unlikely in person. Thankful of her advice thus far and warm words of encouragement, Matthew hoped he would meet his liege in person soon enough, and it seems his wishes were to be answered.

​The next segment caught Matthew somewhat by surprise, not that the feast was unwelcome, and after all, the wealth of Luria Nova was unmatched so noble feasts were inconsequential from a monetary perspective. More so that he were invited, personally, by the king. He reminded himself that such was probably sent to all the nobles of Earth Hall, shaking the notion of importance off swiftly. Humility was to be his saving grace, his family had told him upon leaving the safety of the estate, but young bravado had been taking the better of him up until now. His mind drifted once more to the people he might meet at the feast, what they would talk about, how they would react to his presence. Such a spectacle, attendance was not only expected, it was mandatory in Matthews eyes.

​Certainly, his next task was to see a reputable tailor.

Night -- Poryatu

Ciarghuala savoured her wine, eyes glinting like sun-struck sapphires in the hearth's warm glare as she conferred with Captain Septinia and her 1st Lieutenants of militia, Audley and Kimball. Night after night the four of them sat together in her parlour, accounts of the day's business interspersed with plans for the future, reminiscences of past battles - to which the Poryatu garrison were no strangers - leavened with ribald tales of the sort soldiers share in their private moments.

As evening turned to night her companions one by one retired to their quarters, leaving Ciarghuala to enjoy the quiet as her eyes studied the guttering flames in the hearth. On the morrow she'd inspect the garrison, that small army of sworn men who guard the land approaches to Poryatown and the arsenals of the north, and then head south to Giask at her King's invitation, wearing aires and graces wholly alien to her nature. The north could weather her absence for a week or two, but could she weather polite society?

Leaving the cups for her servants to clear away in the morning Ciarghuala stifled a yawn as she entered her bedchamber, careful not to disturb the figure slumbering within. With practiced ease her tunic and breaches fell to the floor and she slipped beneath the linen sheets and felted blankets, snuggling close to the warm body of her companion with surprising tenderness.