Zeppos Family/Slomcha
Slomcha Zeppos
Profesional History Sir Slomcha Zeppos began his career in West Sirion as soldier. He became a hero when West Sirion aiding Sirion became under constant seige by Oligarch. Banned when he looted Bruck he became out of his own free will a rogue, and moved to Sirion. As a hero, Slomcha served Sirion well, and long. Rewarded by Sir Doc, and made Baron of Tabost. Left Sirion as Baron of Tabost, to join Midas Chia. He replaced his brother as Banker of Midas Chia. Joined Riombara afther the fall of Midas Chia. Joined Irombrozia, and was shortly afther appointed as High Marshal of Irombrozia. He Died age 44 in the battle of Rii outside the capitol Irombo of Irombrozia, as High Marshal.
His youth
Born in Sirion region of the realm Sirion. Slomcha showed little care about school. All Slomcha did at school was fight, and damage school property. His father sended his son to the millitary academy in Sirion Castle (a region now known as Sir Temple). Studieng in the finest millitary academy of the realm made Slomcha bloom as a student. Soon he exelled in all his mayors, and graduated top of his class. As soon as he had reached the age in wich a noble born becomes acknowledged by his pears in sociaty. Slomcha met with a lady from West Sirion. Her father was a merchant at the house Zeppos. Against his fathers wishes Slomcha courted the girl, and married her in West Sirions Oligarch citty. There Slomcha took up his rightfull place as a Noble.
The early years
Slomcha as a young noble, baught with his familly allowance, and his earnings - a house in a respected private quarter of the noble born in Oligarch citty. There his wife gave meaning to his life. Ending his life as a wild child of the Zeppos family. He became quite interested in Politics and military afairs. Such he regularly discussed military tactics and strategy with the realms general. Politicaly he kept trieng to get food send over to West Sirion trough his familly in Sirion. But his favorite times remained the battles of the realm, in wich he realy could let himself go. He never cared about death, or wounds. Facing his enemy was what he lived for. This Othronna could not change in him. Giving her many sleepless nights. Battlement battles where his favorite battles.
His Career in West Sirion was cut short. Underpaid, with a unit that was Unpaid. Slomcha acted without premeditation, and broke the law on looting. Looting Bruck region, while Sirion planned to take the region over. Slomcha, hotheaded as he was, took his unit to Westmoor region where he planned to lay seige all by himself, without seige engines, or sufficient CS. His plan, noble but foolish, was to break free the prisoners in the citty of Westmoor. The looting of Bruck led to his bannishment.
Banned from W.Sirion by Redyleye. Reason: Traitor , working against the interrest of the realm even though easily accesed info(the realm plan) tells him what to do and not. This character is VERY suspected of being an Oligarchian MULTI.
Around that same time his wife and daughter lived in Oligarch citty. He could not allow them to suffer further the public disgrase. So he turned rogue, and left with what honor and prestige he had left and went into voluntary exile.
He knew that if he had gone straight to Oligarch, his wife and daughter would suffer dearly for it. So he left for Sirion. Where upon arrival he was arrested and trown into jail. Afther pleeding only once with Sir Doc. Slomcha was released and reïnstated as Noble of the realm. The comming years he worked hard, and faught valliantly for Sirion. To proof his innocence, and clear his name. For the sake of Othronna his wife and Uma his daughter. Who still had to survive in West Sirion.
The bitter years
Sir Doc vouched for the innocence of Slomcha before the council of West Sirion. Reluctently they lifted the ban on him. The nobillity of West Sirion began treeting his familly rather well again. Untill disaster struck a second time. West Sirions captiol Oligarch fell, to the forces of Oligarch realm. His wife and daughter found no refuge, and where fored to remain behind. Their lifes faith hung in the ballance as Sirions war began to turn quite disasterous.
Slomcha was bitter, and began to fight mercyless against oligarch. No peace he would tollerate. Anyone who dared even to speak of dethroning Doc, or run against Doc. Would find himself at Slomchas Swordpoint. No other candidate he would tollerate thenthe one who would destroy Oligarch. And eventually safe his wife and daughter.
Slomcha's Nephew EbionII junior, found himself in those times as merchant in the south stuck. Unable to run the blockades anymore. Sirions merchants faced, jail time, and been robbed of their merchandise by enemy realms, before they even got within 50 miles of the enemy border. So Doc anounced his famous Docterines. Protecting the Merchants. No realm neutral or at peace with Sirion was allowed to jail, or rob our merchants. But the Docterines where used in the diplomatic latrines of east continent. This pissed Sir Doc of so much that he announced a great millitary push south, to liberate their merchants, and free their passages to Fallangrad realm, from and to Sirions lands.
Slomcha was giving command of a cavalry unit of a 200 men strong. Leading his unit in a spearpoint attack. Getting send into enemy territory, with only the main army behind him. The first battles and taste of enemy steal was his and his mates (on a side note, he went in with the most active TLs and waited for the lesser active to catch up). The losses where heavy. But the enemy got broken in their ranks.
Fighting by Docs side in these battles to save a few merchants. That was for him a light in the darkness. He knew that with this man at the helm of the realm, they could not loose. No matter how bad things got, they would prevale!
His loss
During that time of war, Slomcha sufferd the biggest loss of his life. His wife Othronna died in the Rasphouse of oligarch. Where the poor where send to, when they could not pay of their debts. His daughter became outlaw, and joined a gang of highway men. His worries did not seize. As he searched in secret the lands of Oligarch for his daughter.
Afther all his years of faithfull service to Sirion, Slomcha got rewarded by Sir Doc. So Slomcha became Baron Slomcha of Tabost. But the worries did not seize. Untill one day he did find his daughter, and braught her home with him. Time for happiness was short lived. For soon a messenger came that his brother Ebion had died in the battle for Grehk. A heroes death his passivist brother died. Before he did, the wild child of the family.
Feeling guilt for his brothers death, he left for Beluatra, and joined up in his brothers realm. Midas Chia. The Dictator Ime, a Wild one himself, had brutally sesseeded from Luz de Bia and found himself in a war for survival against the most powerfull realm of South Belluatra.
There he made friendship with his brothers friends. Among who General Rah of Luz de Bia. Things his brother started he would contineu. All thumbs at first, but he got the hang of it eventually. Not that his work saved much of Midas Chia.
Grehk fell, and Midas Chia was without a capitol. Trieng to astablish a new capitol by rebeling did not help him much eighter. He got banned from Midas Chia, and later pardoned. As his intentions where pure, and in the best interests to the realm. Even thoh he acted rush, and hotheaded for the second time in his life.
The fall of Midas chia was not prevented. So he ended up Joining up with Riombara. Where he knew peace at last.