Worav Weekly/21Sep06

From BattleMaster Wiki
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21Sep06 The new Abington Newspaper Issue 1.3
Printed in Riverholm, Edited by: Proximus Centauri.

CTO of Wayburg Stopped!
Shortly after the major win at Wynford last week, the Abington army continued to roll threw the opposition on her lands. A large force met the MI invaders in Wayburg, crushing them as the experiance most of the soldiers recieved in Wynford was put to good use against a wave of lesser trained men brought fresh from MI, Darka and Talerium. Carelian troops would aid Abington, the first time in this current defensive war that Abington has had help, and the timing could not have been better, for thier troops swung the momentum of the battle to Abington's favor. Follow up battles in Wayburg and Chasnoff would continue to deal significant damage to the retreating armies, and Redspan would even show up, giving more support to Abington. Perhaps this war is taking a new turn, as the allies of Abington are able to support the cause, making it ever harder for enemies to invade our land. Many nobles from the realms of Minas Ithil, Darka and Talerium were captured, and will face the judgment of Gauihu. For the first time in a while, the mainlands of Abington are free from invaders, althougth the islands are soundly in the hands of ASI. There is much relief in Abington, and at least some hope that this gap in action may be a chance for peace to spring up.

New King of ASI;
The famed Doc's Revenge, King of Ash Sea Islands, stepped down, and a new king, Malice, has taken the throne. For now little is known about how he plans to guide ASI or for how long his reign shall last. Malice the previous general of ASI, is precieved to have been supported by a hard-line faction, wanting nothing more than the utter destruction of Abington. Hopefully this zeolousness will be seen by the other rulers as an attemt to gain much more than should even be considered reprecutions for Abington's crimes.

We should remind everyone that ASI started this war under the pretence of Abington traders buying goods off the Black Market. I for one would like to know what other realms see as fair punishment for this crime? Is having the Island states back not more enough?

Abington's Vote;
Although the government of Abington isn't extrememly oppressive, the oppertunity to vote about a political issue almost never comes up in this kingdom. However for one of the biggest decisions in Abington's history, Queen Armitage III personally asked the nobles of Abington what she should do. While holding her own reservations about King Doc's Revenge's terms for surrender, she told us what they were, and listened to our feedback on the issue.

A great deal of the voices heard were of laughter, as to many the deal seemed more like a bad joke, rather than a peace treaty. Others were in anger at how much ASI would claim; and some were in a mild shock. I do not recall hearing any voice among Abington support such a one sided proposal. There were bits and pieces of the deal that most in Abington would be able to accept, but what got most people was giving up Riverholm, something that would be impossible to swallow. Also wanted was the recration of the Colony in Wayburg. Perhaps Abington might have accepted this, but even that would be a stretch; Combining the two is what got the laughter. Although no one in Abington would say were in a good situation, having repelled the current attackers, one would not say were are holding on by a thread, a thus no deal so harsh would be accepted.

Insight from Afar;
Over this last weekend, I spent a day at a small farm house in Worav interviewing Judge Moses of Ash Sea Islands. After some formalities, we got the interview started.

P "Judge Moses, what do you feel is most important about your role as Judge in ASI?"
M "ASI was a small Kingdom when I was a young Hero defending Mapo from the raiders in Tucha, the Southasland invaders were feirce fighters, and a loathsome pillagers, I put many to the sword. ASI has since grown, with so many new Nobles with so many different backgrounds, it is up to me to ensure that the core values of ASI are retained, All in ASI, know that I can be Harsh at times, but I am always fair and honest"

P "How do relationships with other judges from the realms affect you? How is your relationship to Judge Gauihu?"
M "I respect all of my peers, we have a tough charge, BUT I never allow for what they think of me to sway or guide my course of actions, I must remain true to who I am and not try to win a popularity contest, As for your Judge, I see him as a crafty man that loves his realm, he does what he thinks is best for them, many times I think that he is wrong, but it is not up to me to determine, Abington will do that. I would say that our relationship is impossible, we are vastly different at heart, I am no coward, if I insult you, I will fort you the opportunity to defend your honour in a duel, Gauihu will not, hes a judge with a pen, I am one with a sword."

P "Why is the colony in Wayburg so important? Wayburg has been Abington soil for a very long time, why now is it an issue"
M "ASI can never be safe from another Abington invasion, real or not, this is a belief that is woven into the fabric of ASI for now, The only way to prevent this invasion is to remove the threat, A smaller Abington with a few new realms on their boarders is seen to eliminate the threat of a future invasion, I would think that peace will come when Abington's capital is back in Suville where it belongs, but that is just my thinking"

P "What is the disposition of ASI Nobles towards Abby Nobles? Yours?"
M "Well, thats an asnwer that could have many different answers depending upon who you ask, But to asnwer your question, I will look at the ASI Nobles as a whole, I can say without much doubt that the ASI Nobles respect the majority of the Abington Nobles, they see them as loyal Nobles servign their Queen and their homes, It is with the leaders of Abington that the ASI Nobles hold content, They see the Leaders of Abington, your queen and Judge mostly, as leaders that with hold all of the going on's from their Nobles, ASI feels that the Abbys are grossly underinformed. It is not the Abby Nobles that this War is against, but it is their leaders.... Now when I say leaders I mean not only those that are elected, but those that take a leadership role in voicing their opinions as well; I see the Abby Noble for the most part as honest and loyal...the Abington Noble is a hard fighting Noble that will serve their Realm with the passion a bear will defend it's young"

P "What do you feel would be the best mutual way to bring peace between ASI and Abby?"
M "A change in leadership. Put the past in the Past and start a new, but of course we all know that this can not happen, So the answer to your question is not an easy one, or should I say a simple one, The threat that both ASI and Abington see in one another, be it real or just preceived needs to be removed, take away the fuel for a fight and this will be a start, So say move the Abington capital further South so they are not a threat to Ash'rily, then over a period of time things could begain to mend, but that is an unrealistic ideal as well, What would bring ASI and Abington back together quicker and tighter than Ever? Well the truth of this is abundantly Obvious, but one that scares me to mention, I know the true answer to this, the answer is one that brings fear to every leader on Atamara. If any Ruler claims NOT to know the answer to this, then they are lieing or they are a poor strategist, I believe that most are the latter"

I thank Judge Moses for the time he spent with me for this interview, and I hope the information is at least a bit of insight into his mind that we can all use to everyones benefit.