Windsoul Family
Concerning The Windsoul Family

I, Seronver Maranina, hereby begin the recording of the history of this family and its members. The writings contained herein I know to be truth insofar as I have learned from respective realms and people. This history shall be held within the Abbey's Upper Library, for perusal by any who choose to do so.
I begin with a list of the family members, and if they be living or dead, and if living, their whereabouts. This list will have been changed by myself or other Recorders so that it pertains to the current time. This list is made in order of appearance into these lands.
Thaliithilion - Presumed alive, whereabouts unknown.
Tarawethion - Deceased, killed during The Defense of Portion in the Colonies.
Telpefenion - Presumed alive, whereabouts unknown.
Nysissyer Lietough - Alive, currently serving as a knight in the Principality of Zonasa in the Far East.
Ardrryn Dynrode - Alive, currently serving as Pontifex of Alebad in the Colonies.
Riar Dynrode - Alive, currently serving as a knight in Ethiala in the Far East.
Agha Dynrode - Alive, currently residing in Heen in the Beluaterra as a common merchant.
Each page has a detailed history of each family member, including titles, battles, feuds, marriages, etc.