Vulparan Family/Sigmar of House Vulparan/Battle of Lesthem
Battle in Lesthem message to all nobles participating in the battle in Lesthem - 3 hours, 53 minutes ago No. Role Army Unit Commander Realm Unit Formation CS 1 A Admyr Elite Navron Taselak 156 Arch skirmish 1973 2 A Advanced infantry Unit Witton Taselak 118 Inf line 1583 3 A Archers of the Amazons Aria Taselak 70 Arch skirmish 768 4 A Chronaguard Chronas Taselak 110 Arch line 992 5 A Citrus Sting Sepia Taselak 56 SF line 1096 6 A Daubeny Hussars Alexa Taselak 17 Cav wedge 301 7 A Death From Above Carac Taselak 120 Arch skirmish 1199 8 A Dervishes Eero Taselak 152 Arch skirmish 1601 9 A Elderwood Infantry Fenella Taselak 64 Inf line 911 10 A Fruitapults Lennox Taselak 47 SF skirmish 1060 11 A Hammers of Sigmar Sigmar Taselak 96 Inf line 1273 12 A Honeycomb Winnie Taselak 91 Arch skirmish 1355 13 A Iambic Tetrameter Bronko III Taselak 50 Arch skirmish 805 14 A Kin Troops Ahmadkin Imad Taselak 44 Inf line 742 15 A Mille Coupes Amadis Taselak 91 Arch skirmish 1345 16 A Pemrose Thorn Lucius Taselak 91 Arch skirmish 1370 17 A Peregrine Guard Bors Taselak 84 Inf line 1253 18 A Singing arrows Morituros Taselak 63 Arch skirmish 877 19 A Swords of SOL Sol Taselak 64 Inf line 826 20 A Swords of Sorcha David II Taselak 76 Inf line 1051 21 A Taselak Champion Iris Taselak 60 SF skirmish 1401 22 A The Black Guard Scein Taselak 72 SF skirmish 1464 23 A Wolf's guard Noah Taselak 53 Arch skirmish 593 24 A Wulfric's Weirdos Wulfric Halfhand Taselak 45 Cav wedge 927 25 D Beppan Archers Arvi Ikalak 92 Arch skirmish 1309 26 D Beppo Advanced Ranger Force Clara Ikalak 157 Arch skirmish 1533 27 D Clipt Guards Lykac Ikalak 69 Arch skirmish 929 28 D Crimson Rangers Enma Ikalak 82 Arch skirmish 1016 29 D Doesire Guards Hari Ikalak 41 Arch skirmish 523 30 D Dragul Guard Jaden Ikalak 45 Arch skirmish 490 31 D Hooded Fletchers Tanus Ikalak 110 Arch skirmish 1301 32 D Jewels Djuel Ikalak 153 Inf line 1793 33 D Le Monte Guards Darvan Ikalak 54 Inf line 862 34 D Madibari Vairis Ikalak 104 Inf line 1332 35 D Mistmight Guards Percyvelle Ikalak 86 Inf line 1261 36 D Pea Shooters Felix Ikalak 41 Arch skirmish 528 37 D Phalange Phlingers Vicceras Ikalak 91 Arch skirmish 1219 38 D Polytus Guards Pan Ikalak 49 Arch skirmish 663 39 D Sqlqo Melhed Army Sqlqo Ikalak 49 Arch line 788 40 D The Bloody Fanatics Ulric Ikalak 40 Inf skirmish 699 41 D The Red Swords Castor Ikalak 38 Inf line 435 42 D Tideweavers Revenge Talless Ikalak 147 Arch skirmish 1576 43 D Vigharthur's Heroes Vigharthur Ikalak 60 Inf line 936 44 D Warriors of Mayhem Zoldorf Ikalak 65 Inf line 1018 45 D Wintery Girls Winter Ikalak 51 Arch line 804 46 D Wolfvern hunter Henry Ikalak 82 Arch skirmish 1123 47 D Zircon Daggers Gideon Ikalak 31 Inf line 377
Total: 24 attackers (546 Inf, 1047 Arch, 62 Cav, 235 SF) 23 defenders (631 Inf, 1106 Arch) Total combat strengths: 26766 vs. 22515 The forces from Ikalak brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover. The region owner Taselak and their allies attack the takeover forces. The Taselak troops attack because they are at war with Ikalak.
A calm wind blows, to the joy of the archers.
Lucius Pemrose, Earl of Kerfort, Marshal of the Hammer of Taselak takes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation. Lady Talless Tideweaver, Harbinger of Ikalak, Royal of Ikalak, Duchess of the Final Order, Senator of Berakor, Marshal of the Beppo Pyrotourists takes command of her army. They deploy in no particular formation.
(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters) Turn No. 1
2 (118-I) 9 (64-I) 11 (96-I)
17 (84-I)
19 (64-I) 20 (76-I) 1 (156-A) 3 (70-A)
5 (56-S)
7 (120-A) 8 (152-A) 10 (47-S) 12 (91-A) 13 (50-A) 15 (91-A) 16 (91-A) 18 (63-A) 21 (60-S) 22 (72-S) 23 (53-A) 4 (110-A) 14 (44-I) 6 (17-C) 24 (45-C) 25 (92-A) 26 (157-A) 27 (69-A) 28 (82-A) 29 (41-A)
30 (45-A)
31 (110-A) 32 (153-I) 33 (54-I) 34 (104-I) 35 (86-I) 36 (41-A) 37 (91-A) 38 (49-A) 40 (40-I) 41 (38-I) 42 (147-A) 43 (60-I) 44 (65-I) 46 (82-A) 39 (49-A) 47 (31-I) 45 (51-A) Beppan Archers (25) fire on Wulfric's Weirdos (24), scoring 568 hits. Honeycomb (12) fire on Jewels (32), scoring 335 hits. Wolfvern hunter (46) fire on Daubeny Hussars (6), scoring 390 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 259 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 160 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Madibari (34), scoring 395 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 324 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Mistmight Guards (35), scoring 214 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Chronaguard (4), scoring 538 hits. Clipt Guards (27) fire on Kin Troops (14), scoring 308 hits. Singing arrows (18) fire on Warriors of Mayhem (44), scoring 255 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Crimson Rangers (28), scoring 157 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Vigharthur's Heroes (43), scoring 666 hits. Crimson Rangers (28) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 193 hits. Wintery Girls (45) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on The Black Guard (22), scoring 385 hits. Pea Shooters (36) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Dervishes (8) fire on Le Monte Guards (33), scoring 608 hits. The Black Guard (22) fire on The Bloody Fanatics (40), scoring 251 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Beppan Archers (25), scoring 241 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Polytus Guards (38), scoring 419 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Admyr Elite (1), scoring 403 hits.
Dragul Guard (30) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Archers of the Amazons (3), scoring 229 hits. Polytus Guards (38) fire on Taselak Champion (21), scoring 143 hits. Doesire Guards (29) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Chronaguard (4) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 302 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Wolfvern hunter (46), scoring 209 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3157, Defenders: 4795
Daubeny Hussars (6) and Wulfric's Weirdos (24) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks. Vigharthur's Heroes (43) break through the frontlines! Mistmight Guards (35) break through the frontlines! Jewels (32) break through the frontlines! Elderwood Infantry (9), Peregrine Guard (17), Hammers of Sigmar (11), Swords of Sorcha (20), Swords of SOL (19), Kin Troops (14) and Advanced infantry Unit (2) advance towards the enemy. Zircon Daggers (47) advance towards the enemy. Phalange Phlingers (37), Madibari (34), Clipt Guards (27), The Bloody Fanatics (40), Crimson Rangers (28), Pea Shooters (36), The Red Swords (41), Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), Dragul Guard (30), Hooded Fletchers (31), Polytus Guards (38), Warriors of Mayhem (44) and Doesire Guards (29) cannot join the melee, as it is too crowded.
Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
3 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Beppan Archers (25) score 178 hits on Wulfric's Weirdos (24).
Wolfvern hunter (46) score 98 hits on Daubeny Hussars (6) (164 before overkill).
Zircon Daggers (47) score 283 hits on Wulfric's Weirdos (24).
Daubeny Hussars (6) score 368 hits on Tideweavers Revenge (42).
Daubeny Hussars (6) score 213 hits on Wolfvern hunter (46).
Le Monte Guards (33) score 844 hits on Wulfric's Weirdos (24).
Tideweavers Revenge (42) score 119 hits on Daubeny Hussars (6) (200 before overkill).
Wulfric's Weirdos (24) score 1493 hits on Beppan Archers (25).
Wulfric's Weirdos (24) score 918 hits on Le Monte Guards (33).
Wulfric's Weirdos (24) score 498 hits on Zircon Daggers (47).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1522 (1669 before overkill), Defenders: 3490
Vigharthur's Heroes (43) take 666 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties. Beppan Archers (25) take 1576 hits (1357 in close combat, 219 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 33 casualties. Wolfvern hunter (46) take 422 hits (213 in close combat, 209 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. Zircon Daggers (47) take 498 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Gideon Zircon, Knight of Kietrem has been wounded by Wulfric's Weirdos (24).
Daubeny Hussars (6) take 607 hits (217 in close combat, 390 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Alexa Daubeny, Dame of Sandalak has been wounded by Tideweavers Revenge (42).
Mistmight Guards (35) take 214 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Jewels (32) take 335 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Le Monte Guards (33) take 1526 hits (918 in close combat, 608 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties. Taselak Champion (21) take 143 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 275 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties. Madibari (34) take 395 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. The Bloody Fanatics (40) take 251 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Ulric Calder, Knight of Bieth has been wounded by The Black Guard (22).
Admyr Elite (1) take 403 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Crimson Rangers (28) take 143 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties. Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 570 hits (335 in close combat, 235 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 193 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. The Black Guard (22) take 385 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Wulfric's Weirdos (24) take 1873 hits (1305 in close combat, 568 from archer fire), which cause 36 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Knight of Yayhan has been wounded by Beppan Archers (25).
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 160 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Hooded Fletchers (31) take 324 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Polytus Guards (38) take 381 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 9 casualties. Warriors of Mayhem (44) take 255 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Kin Troops (14) take 308 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Chronaguard (4) take 538 hits from archer fire, which cause 14 casualties. Archers of the Amazons (3) take 229 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 4679 (1522 from close combat and 3157 from ranged), Defenders: 7991 (3321 from close combat and 4670 from ranged) Total casualties: 102 attackers, 158 defenders Turn No. 2
1 (147-A) 2 (118-I) 3 (63-A)
5 (56-S)
7 (120-A) 8 (147-A) 9 (64-I) 10 (47-S) 11 (96-I) 12 (91-A) 13 (50-A) 15 (91-A) 16 (91-A)
17 (84-I)
18 (63-A) 19 (64-I) 20 (76-I) 21 (57-S) 22 (64-S) 23 (53-A) 4 (96-A) 14 (39-I) 32 (147-I) 35 (83-I) 43 (49-I) 25 (59-A) 26 (153-A) 27 (69-A) 28 (79-A) 29 (41-A)
30 (45-A)
31 (101-A) 33 (29-I) 34 (97-I) 36 (41-A) 37 (85-A) 38 (40-A) 40 (36-I) 41 (38-I) 42 (133-A) 44 (61-I) 46 (72-A) 47 (21-I) 39 (49-A) 45 (51-A) Wolfvern hunter (46) fire on Kin Troops (14), scoring 730 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Chronaguard (4), scoring 694 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Jewels (32), scoring 836 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Mistmight Guards (35), scoring 260 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Admyr Elite (1), scoring 330 hits. Honeycomb (12) fire on Vigharthur's Heroes (43), scoring 728 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 200 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Madibari (34), scoring 232 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 328 hits. Pea Shooters (36) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Chronaguard (4) fire on Warriors of Mayhem (44), scoring 462 hits. The Black Guard (22) fire on Crimson Rangers (28), scoring 299 hits. Wintery Girls (45) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Death From Above (7) fire on Beppan Archers (25), scoring 314 hits. Crimson Rangers (28) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 271 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Advanced infantry Unit (2), scoring 327 hits. Singing arrows (18) fire on Clipt Guards (27), scoring 312 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 207 hits. Polytus Guards (38) fire on Taselak Champion (21), scoring 93 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on The Bloody Fanatics (40), scoring 350 hits. Doesire Guards (29) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Dragul Guard (30) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee.
Beppan Archers (25) fire on Hammers of Sigmar (11), scoring 316 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on Doesire Guards (29), scoring 673 hits. Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Peregrine Guard (17), scoring 440 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Dragul Guard (30), scoring 432 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 200 hits. Clipt Guards (27) fire on Swords of Sorcha (20), scoring 201 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3402, Defenders: 5833
Advanced infantry Unit (2), Elderwood Infantry (9), Swords of Sorcha (20), Swords of SOL (19), Hammers of Sigmar (11) and Peregrine Guard (17) advance towards the enemy. Warriors of Mayhem (44), Le Monte Guards (33), Madibari (34), Vigharthur's Heroes (43), Zircon Daggers (47), The Red Swords (41), The Bloody Fanatics (40), Jewels (32) and Mistmight Guards (35) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
4 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
Vigharthur's Heroes (43) score 624 hits on Kin Troops (14).
Kin Troops (14) score 206 hits on Mistmight Guards (35).
Kin Troops (14) score 384 hits on Jewels (32).
Kin Troops (14) score 134 hits on Vigharthur's Heroes (43).
Jewels (32) score 1356 hits on Kin Troops (14).
Mistmight Guards (35) score 1093 hits on Kin Troops (14).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3073, Defenders: 724
Warriors of Mayhem (44) take 462 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 207 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 182 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties. Advanced infantry Unit (2) take 327 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Admyr Elite (1) take 330 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Madibari (34) take 232 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Vigharthur's Heroes (43) take 862 hits (134 in close combat, 728 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Chronaguard (4) take 694 hits from archer fire, which cause 19 casualties. Swords of Sorcha (20) take 201 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Kin Troops (14) take 3803 hits (3073 in close combat, 730 from archer fire), which cause 39 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Ahmadkin Imad Khader, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Mistmight Guards (35).
Crimson Rangers (28) take 272 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties. Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 182 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties. The Bloody Fanatics (40) take 350 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Ulric Calder, Knight of Bieth has been wounded by Mille Coupes (15).
Doesire Guards (29) take 673 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties. Dragul Guard (30) take 432 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties. Jewels (32) take 1220 hits (384 in close combat, 836 from archer fire), which cause 23 casualties. Beppan Archers (25) take 285 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 271 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Hooded Fletchers (31) take 328 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties. Taselak Champion (21) take 93 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Clipt Guards (27) take 284 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties. Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 316 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Peregrine Guard (17) take 440 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Mistmight Guards (35) take 466 hits (206 in close combat, 260 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Percyvelle Mistmight, Senator of Kail has been wounded by Kin Troops (14). Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6475 (3073 from close combat and 3402 from ranged), Defenders: 6437 (724 from close combat and 5713 from ranged) Total casualties: 94 attackers, 135 defenders Turn No. 3
1 (140-A) 3 (63-A)
5 (56-S)
7 (120-A) 8 (141-A) 10 (47-S) 12 (91-A) 13 (50-A) 15 (91-A) 16 (91-A) 18 (63-A) 21 (55-S) 22 (64-S) 23 (53-A) 2 (112-I) 4 (77-A) 9 (64-I) 11 (91-I)
17 (77-I)
19 (64-I) 20 (73-I) 32 (124-I) 35 (75-I) 29 (23-A)
30 (32-A)
33 (29-I) 34 (93-I) 40 (30-I) 41 (38-I) 44 (54-I) 47 (21-I) 25 (53-A) 26 (148-A) 27 (62-A) 28 (73-A) 31 (92-A) 36 (41-A) 37 (81-A) 38 (40-A) 42 (129-A) 46 (72-A) 39 (49-A) 45 (51-A) The Black Guard (22) fire on Jewels (32), scoring 572 hits. Polytus Guards (38) fire on Advanced infantry Unit (2), scoring 321 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Mistmight Guards (35), scoring 795 hits. Clipt Guards (27) fire on Hammers of Sigmar (11), scoring 350 hits. Wolfvern hunter (46) fire on Peregrine Guard (17), scoring 573 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Swords of Sorcha (20), scoring 489 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Elderwood Infantry (9), scoring 544 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Madibari (34), scoring 1067 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Warriors of Mayhem (44), scoring 595 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on The Bloody Fanatics (40), scoring 398 hits. Crimson Rangers (28) fire on Swords of SOL (19), scoring 337 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Le Monte Guards (33), scoring 202 hits. Beppan Archers (25) fire on Chronaguard (4), scoring 429 hits. Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 250 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on The Red Swords (41), scoring 618 hits. Chronaguard (4) fire on Dragul Guard (30), scoring 269 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Wintery Girls (45) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Singing arrows (18) fire on Doesire Guards (29), scoring 398 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Zircon Daggers (47), scoring 872 hits. Pea Shooters (36) have no enemy in range and hold their fire. Honeycomb (12) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 330 hits. Dragul Guard (30) fire on Taselak Champion (21), scoring 55 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Citrus Sting (5), scoring 266 hits. Doesire Guards (29) fire on Fruitapults (10), scoring 78 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 210 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 236 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 207 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Pea Shooters (36), scoring 322 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3692, Defenders: 7091
Hammers of Sigmar (11) break through the frontlines! Swords of SOL (19) break through the frontlines! Advanced infantry Unit (2) break through the frontlines! Mistmight Guards (35), Warriors of Mayhem (44), The Bloody Fanatics (40), Madibari (34), Le Monte Guards (33), The Red Swords (41) and Zircon Daggers (47) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 2):
Mistmight Guards (35) score 184 hits on Swords of Sorcha (20).
Mistmight Guards (35) score 263 hits on Peregrine Guard (17).
Mistmight Guards (35) score 179 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
Mistmight Guards (35) score 223 hits on Chronaguard (4).
Chronaguard (4) score 205 hits on Mistmight Guards (35).
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 653 hits on Mistmight Guards (35).
Swords of Sorcha (20) score 851 hits on Mistmight Guards (35).
Peregrine Guard (17) score 1434 hits on Mistmight Guards (35).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 849, Defenders: 3143
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1): 3 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee. 10 Taselak banners are visible in the melee. Warriors of Mayhem (44) score 846 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2). Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 840 hits on Madibari (34). Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 303 hits on The Bloody Fanatics (40). The Bloody Fanatics (40) score 227 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11). Swords of SOL (19) score 607 hits on Jewels (32). Swords of SOL (19) score 144 hits on Le Monte Guards (33). Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 878 hits on Warriors of Mayhem (44). Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 493 hits on The Red Swords (41). Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 280 hits on Zircon Daggers (47). Madibari (34) score 929 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11). Le Monte Guards (33) score 314 hits on Swords of SOL (19). The Red Swords (41) score 309 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2). Jewels (32) score 1379 hits on Swords of SOL (19). Zircon Daggers (47) score 186 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2). Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 4190, Defenders: 3545
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 210 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Mistmight Guards (35) take 3938 hits (3143 in close combat, 795 from archer fire), which cause 64 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Percyvelle Mistmight, Senator of Kail has been wounded by Elderwood Infantry (9).
Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 215 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 5 casualties. Warriors of Mayhem (44) take 1473 hits (878 in close combat, 595 from archer fire), which cause 23 casualties.
Zoldorf Hall, Knight of Saenna has been wounded by Advanced infantry Unit (2).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 1506 hits (1156 in close combat, 350 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties.
Sigmar Vulparan, Viscount of Figobar has been wounded by Clipt Guards (27).
The Bloody Fanatics (40) take 701 hits (303 in close combat, 398 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties. Swords of SOL (19) take 2030 hits (1693 in close combat, 337 from archer fire), which cause 39 casualties. 6 Taselak banners fall.
Sol McGahee, Viscount of Seggelin has been wounded by Le Monte Guards (33).
Hooded Fletchers (31) take 207 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Advanced infantry Unit (2) take 1662 hits (1341 in close combat, 321 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties. Madibari (34) take 1907 hits (840 in close combat, 1067 from archer fire), which cause 33 casualties.
Vairis Sarracenia, Senator of Saenna has been wounded by Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Le Monte Guards (33) take 346 hits (144 in close combat, 202 from archer fire), which cause 6 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 250 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Chronaguard (4) take 652 hits (223 in close combat, 429 from archer fire), which cause 17 casualties. The Red Swords (41) take 1111 hits (493 in close combat, 618 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Castor De La Salle, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Dervishes (8).
Pea Shooters (36) take 293 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties. Jewels (32) take 1179 hits (607 in close combat, 572 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties. Elderwood Infantry (9) take 723 hits (179 in close combat, 544 from archer fire), which cause 14 casualties. Dragul Guard (30) take 269 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 300 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties. Swords of Sorcha (20) take 673 hits (184 in close combat, 489 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties. Doesire Guards (29) take 398 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties. Citrus Sting (5) take 266 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Peregrine Guard (17) take 836 hits (263 in close combat, 573 from archer fire), which cause 13 casualties.
Bors Peregrine, Earl of Hartfort has been wounded by Wolfvern hunter (46).
Zircon Daggers (47) take 1152 hits (280 in close combat, 872 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Gideon Zircon, Knight of Kietrem has been wounded by Pemrose Thorn (16).
Fruitapults (10) take 78 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Taselak Champion (21) take 55 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 8731 (5039 from close combat and 3692 from ranged), Defenders: 13699 (6688 from close combat and 7011 from ranged) Total casualties: 161 attackers, 256 defenders Turn No. 4
1 (140-A) 3 (63-A)
5 (51-S)
7 (120-A) 8 (135-A) 10 (45-S) 12 (91-A) 13 (50-A) 15 (91-A) 16 (91-A) 18 (63-A) 21 (54-S) 22 (64-S) 23 (53-A) 4 (60-A) 9 (50-I)
17 (64-I)
20 (61-I) 2 (84-I) 11 (67-I) 19 (25-I) 32 (102-I) 33 (23-I) 34 (60-I) 40 (18-I) 41 (12-I) 44 (31-I) 29 (12-A)
30 (24-A)
25 (53-A) 26 (143-A) 27 (62-A) 28 (73-A) 31 (86-A) 36 (34-A) 37 (74-A) 38 (40-A) 42 (124-A) 46 (72-A) 39 (49-A) 45 (51-A) Chronaguard (4) fire on Dragul Guard (30), scoring 464 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Peregrine Guard (17), scoring 560 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) fire on Swords of Sorcha (20), scoring 299 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Doesire Guards (29), scoring 886 hits. Beppan Archers (25) fire on Elderwood Infantry (9), scoring 456 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 286 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Chronaguard (4), scoring 465 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 202 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 533 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on Wolfvern hunter (46), scoring 411 hits. Wintery Girls (45) move closer to get better shots. The Black Guard (22) fire on Crimson Rangers (28), scoring 302 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Clipt Guards (27), scoring 358 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 166 hits. Dragul Guard (30) fire on Pemrose Thorn (16), scoring 57 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Honeycomb (12), scoring 289 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Polytus Guards (38), scoring 152 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Pea Shooters (36), scoring 417 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Beppan Archers (25), scoring 503 hits. Pea Shooters (36) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Polytus Guards (38) fire on Citrus Sting (5), scoring 140 hits. Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Admyr Elite (1), scoring 260 hits. Singing arrows (18) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Crimson Rangers (28) fire on Singing arrows (18), scoring 288 hits. Wolfvern hunter (46) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 203 hits. Honeycomb (12) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 260 hits. Doesire Guards (29) fire on Mille Coupes (15), scoring 41 hits. Clipt Guards (27) fire on The Black Guard (22), scoring 135 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3193, Defenders: 4940
Swords of Sorcha (20), Peregrine Guard (17) and Elderwood Infantry (9) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
2 Ikalak banners are visible in the melee.
4 Taselak banners are visible in the melee.
Swords of Sorcha (20) score 731 hits on Le Monte Guards (33).
Peregrine Guard (17) score 696 hits on The Red Swords (41) (916 before overkill).
The Red Swords (41) score 60 hits on Peregrine Guard (17).
The Red Swords (41) score 69 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2).
Swords of SOL (19) score 284 hits on Madibari (34).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 560 hits on Jewels (32).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 129 hits on The Bloody Fanatics (40).
Warriors of Mayhem (44) score 539 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2).
The Bloody Fanatics (40) score 58 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
The Bloody Fanatics (40) score 81 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Jewels (32) score 1090 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 718 hits on The Bloody Fanatics (40).
Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 559 hits on Warriors of Mayhem (44).
Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 352 hits on Le Monte Guards (33).
Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 221 hits on The Red Swords (41).
Madibari (34) score 708 hits on Swords of SOL (19).
Le Monte Guards (33) score 166 hits on Swords of Sorcha (20).
Le Monte Guards (33) score 175 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 2946, Defenders: 4250 (4470 before overkill)
Chronaguard (4) take 465 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 151 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 4 casualties. Swords of Sorcha (20) take 465 hits (166 in close combat, 299 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Admyr Elite (1) take 260 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Beppan Archers (25) take 457 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Peregrine Guard (17) take 620 hits (60 in close combat, 560 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. The Red Swords (41) take 917 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Castor De La Salle, Knight of Dakan has been seriously wounded by Peregrine Guard (17).
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 286 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Swords of SOL (19) take 708 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Sol McGahee, Viscount of Seggelin has been wounded by Madibari (34).
Mille Coupes (15) take 41 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 203 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Wintery Girls (45) take 260 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Winter Exodus, Dame of Ikalak has been wounded by Citrus Sting (5).
The Black Guard (22) take 135 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Dragul Guard (30) take 464 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 2 Ikalak banners fall. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 485 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 11 casualties. Pemrose Thorn (16) take 57 hits from archer fire, which cause 1 casualties. Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 1171 hits in close combat, which cause 19 casualties.
Sigmar Vulparan, Viscount of Figobar has been killed by Jewels (32).
Warriors of Mayhem (44) take 559 hits in close combat, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Pea Shooters (36) take 417 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors. The Bloody Fanatics (40) take 847 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Ulric Calder, Knight of Bieth has been seriously wounded by Elderwood Infantry (9).
Jewels (32) take 560 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Lady Djuel Nabarl, Senator of Bieth has been wounded by Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Polytus Guards (38) take 138 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 3 casualties.
Pan Polytus, Knight of Bieth has been wounded by Archers of the Amazons (3).
Elderwood Infantry (9) take 514 hits (58 in close combat, 456 from archer fire), which cause 10 casualties. Hooded Fletchers (31) take 202 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Singing arrows (18) take 288 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Crimson Rangers (28) take 275 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Advanced infantry Unit (2) take 783 hits in close combat, which cause 13 casualties. Madibari (34) take 284 hits in close combat, which cause 5 casualties. Wolfvern hunter (46) take 411 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Honeycomb (12) take 289 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties. Citrus Sting (5) take 140 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Doesire Guards (29) take 886 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties, wiping the unit out. Clipt Guards (27) take 325 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties.
Lykac Clipt, Senator of Ibyp has been wounded by Fruitapults (10).
Le Monte Guards (33) take 1083 hits in close combat, which cause 18 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Darvan Le Monte, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Swords of Sorcha (20). Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6139 (2946 from close combat and 3193 from ranged), Defenders: 9007 (4250 from close combat and 4757 from ranged) Total casualties: 117 attackers, 173 defenders Turn No. 5
1 (134-A) 3 (63-A)
5 (48-S)
7 (120-A) 8 (130-A) 10 (45-S) 13 (50-A) 15 (90-A) 16 (90-A) 21 (54-S) 22 (61-S) 23 (53-A) 12 (85-A) 2 (71-I) 9 (40-I) 11 (48-I)
17 (54-I)
32 (92-I) 34 (55-I) 26 (136-A) 27 (55-A) 31 (80-A) 37 (63-A) 38 (37-A) 42 (120-A) 39 (49-A) 45 (46-A) Admyr Elite (1) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 624 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 321 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 115 hits. Wintery Girls (45) fire on Honeycomb (12), scoring 130 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 318 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Clipt Guards (27), scoring 271 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Mille Coupes (15), scoring 211 hits. Honeycomb (12) fire on Polytus Guards (38), scoring 461 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 280 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Taselak Champion (21), scoring 246 hits. Dervishes (8) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Mille Coupes (15) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Clipt Guards (27) fire on The Black Guard (22), scoring 198 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Archers of the Amazons (3), scoring 433 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) move closer to get better shots. Polytus Guards (38) fire on Fruitapults (10), scoring 111 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 329 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 412 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) move closer so they can fire safely into the melee. The Black Guard (22) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 339 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1647, Defenders: 3152
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
4 Taselak banners are visible in the melee.
Madibari (34) score 362 hits on Peregrine Guard (17).
Madibari (34) score 229 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Peregrine Guard (17) score 694 hits on Madibari (34).
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 558 hits on Jewels (32).
Jewels (32) score 730 hits on Advanced infantry Unit (2).
Jewels (32) score 396 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 676 hits on Madibari (34).
Advanced infantry Unit (2) score 965 hits on Jewels (32).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1717, Defenders: 2893
Madibari (34) take 1370 hits in close combat, which cause 24 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Vairis Sarracenia, Senator of Saenna has been wounded by Peregrine Guard (17).
Wintery Girls (45) take 751 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 255 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Vicceras Ramses, Senator of Kietrem has been wounded by Citrus Sting (5).
Peregrine Guard (17) take 362 hits in close combat, which cause 6 casualties. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 624 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties. Elderwood Infantry (9) take 396 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties.
Fenella Elderwood, Countess of Cirannor has been wounded by Jewels (32).
Honeycomb (12) take 130 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 292 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 318 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Mille Coupes (15) take 211 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Clipt Guards (27) take 246 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties. Archers of the Amazons (3) take 433 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties. Hooded Fletchers (31) take 115 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) take 329 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Jewels (32) take 1523 hits in close combat, which cause 28 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 16 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Lady Djuel Nabarl, Senator of Bieth has been seriously wounded by Elderwood Infantry (9).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 229 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties. Polytus Guards (38) take 419 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Fruitapults (10) take 111 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties. Taselak Champion (21) take 246 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Advanced infantry Unit (2) take 730 hits in close combat, which cause 12 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. The Black Guard (22) take 198 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3364 (1717 from close combat and 1647 from ranged), Defenders: 5924 (2893 from close combat and 3031 from ranged) Total casualties: 70 attackers, 137 defenders Turn No. 6
1 (134-A)
5 (48-S)
7 (120-A) 10 (43-S) 16 (90-A) 21 (49-S) 22 (57-S) 23 (53-A) 3 (50-A) 8 (122-A) 12 (82-A) 13 (50-A) 15 (85-A) 9 (32-I) 11 (44-I)
17 (48-I)
26 (121-A) 27 (49-A) 31 (77-A) 37 (57-A) 39 (42-A) 42 (113-A) 45 (31-A) Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Peregrine Guard (17), scoring 627 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 274 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 176 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Hammers of Sigmar (11), scoring 1104 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 320 hits. Wintery Girls (45) fire on Elderwood Infantry (9), scoring 232 hits. Clipt Guards (27) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 186 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 382 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Mille Coupes (15), scoring 354 hits. Honeycomb (12) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 662 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Clipt Guards (27), scoring 371 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 394 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 234 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) fire on Iambic Tetrameter (13), scoring 154 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 444 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 620 hits. The Black Guard (22) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 203 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 242 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Wintery Girls (45), scoring 370 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Honeycomb (12), scoring 493 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3150, Defenders: 4692
Elderwood Infantry (9), Peregrine Guard (17) and Hammers of Sigmar (11) advance towards the enemy.
Hooded Fletchers (31) take 662 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties. Elderwood Infantry (9) take 232 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Peregrine Guard (17) take 627 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 176 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Wintery Girls (45) take 2507 hits from archer fire, which cause 31 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Winter Exodus, Dame of Ikalak has been wounded by Mille Coupes (15).
Clipt Guards (27) take 337 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 8 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 6 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Phalange Phlingers (37) take 291 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 7 casualties. Honeycomb (12) take 493 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Winnie de Pooh, Viscountess of Eledrir has been wounded by Tideweavers Revenge (42).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 1104 hits from archer fire, which cause 18 casualties.
Sigmar Vulparan, Viscount of Figobar has been killed by Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26).
Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) take 382 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Mille Coupes (15) take 354 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties. Dervishes (8) take 186 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties. Iambic Tetrameter (13) take 154 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties. Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 249 hits from archer fire (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 6 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3150 (0 from close combat and 3150 from ranged), Defenders: 4604 (0 from close combat and 4604 from ranged) Total casualties: 58 attackers, 88 defenders Turn No. 7
1 (134-A)
5 (48-S)
7 (120-A) 10 (43-S) 16 (90-A) 21 (49-S) 22 (57-S) 23 (53-A) 3 (50-A) 8 (118-A) 13 (47-A) 15 (77-A) 9 (28-I) 11 (26-I)
17 (38-I)
26 (117-A) 31 (59-A) 37 (50-A) 39 (34-A) 42 (107-A) Admyr Elite (1) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 682 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 113 hits. Phalange Phlingers (37) fire on Peregrine Guard (17), scoring 747 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) fire on Elderwood Infantry (9), scoring 421 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Hooded Fletchers (31), scoring 185 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Phalange Phlingers (37), scoring 209 hits. Tideweavers Revenge (42) fire on Hammers of Sigmar (11), scoring 729 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 309 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 400 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 261 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Dervishes (8), scoring 291 hits. Taselak Champion (21) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 405 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 423 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 242 hits. The Black Guard (22) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 260 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on Tideweavers Revenge (42), scoring 759 hits. Hooded Fletchers (31) fire on Mille Coupes (15), scoring 236 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 2424, Defenders: 4248
Elderwood Infantry (9), Hammers of Sigmar (11) and Peregrine Guard (17) advance towards the enemy.
Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
4 Taselak banners are visible in the melee.
Phalange Phlingers (37) score 83 hits on Peregrine Guard (17).
Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) score 132 hits on Peregrine Guard (17).
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 443 hits on Tideweavers Revenge (42).
Tideweavers Revenge (42) score 232 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) score 209 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 128 hits on Hooded Fletchers (31).
Hammers of Sigmar (11) score 321 hits on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26).
Peregrine Guard (17) score 248 hits on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39).
Peregrine Guard (17) score 472 hits on Phalange Phlingers (37).
Hooded Fletchers (31) score 93 hits on Hammers of Sigmar (11).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 749, Defenders: 1612
Phalange Phlingers (37) take 619 hits (429 in close combat, 190 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 14 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) take 557 hits (248 in close combat, 309 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties. Elderwood Infantry (9) take 653 hits (232 in close combat, 421 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties.
Fenella Elderwood, Countess of Cirannor has been seriously wounded by Tideweavers Revenge (42).
Tideweavers Revenge (42) take 3523 hits (403 in close combat, 3120 from archer fire) (reduced due to fortifications), which cause 87 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Lady Talless Tideweaver, Harbinger of Ikalak, Royal of Ikalak, Duchess of the Final Order, Senator of Berakor, Marshal of the Beppo Pyrotourists has been captured by Elderwood Infantry (9).
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 434 hits (321 in close combat, 113 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties. Mille Coupes (15) take 236 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties. Hammers of Sigmar (11) take 1031 hits (302 in close combat, 729 from archer fire), which cause 16 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. 4 Taselak banners fall.
Sigmar Vulparan, Viscount of Figobar has been killed by Hooded Fletchers (31).
Peregrine Guard (17) take 962 hits (215 in close combat, 747 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield, 1 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat. Dervishes (8) take 291 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties. Hooded Fletchers (31) take 313 hits (128 in close combat, 185 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 8 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 3173 (749 from close combat and 2424 from ranged), Defenders: 5446 (1529 from close combat and 3917 from ranged) Total casualties: 56 attackers, 140 defenders Turn No. 8
1 (134-A)
5 (48-S)
7 (120-A) 10 (43-S) 16 (90-A) 21 (49-S) 22 (57-S) 23 (53-A) 3 (50-A) 8 (111-A) 13 (47-A) 15 (72-A) 9 (16-I) 26 (106-A) 39 (23-A) Archers of the Amazons (3) move closer to get better shots. Wolf's guard (23) move closer to get better shots. Fruitapults (10) move closer to get better shots. Taselak Champion (21) move closer to get better shots. Mille Coupes (15) move closer to get better shots. Dervishes (8) move closer to get better shots. The Black Guard (22) move closer to get better shots. Admyr Elite (1) move closer to get better shots.
Citrus Sting (5) move closer to get better shots.
Death From Above (7) move closer to get better shots. Pemrose Thorn (16) move closer to get better shots. Iambic Tetrameter (13) move closer to get better shots.
Close Combat (Defender Line 1):
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 54 hits on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39).
Elderwood Infantry (9) score 273 hits on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26).
Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) score 193 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) score 242 hits on Elderwood Infantry (9).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 435, Defenders: 327
Elderwood Infantry (9) take 435 hits in close combat, which cause 8 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Fenella Elderwood, Countess of Cirannor has been seriously wounded by Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26).
Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) take 54 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 273 hits in close combat, which cause 7 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 435 (435 from close combat and 0 from ranged), Defenders: 327 (327 from close combat and 0 from ranged) Total casualties: 8 attackers, 8 defenders Turn No. 9
1 (134-A)
5 (48-S)
7 (120-A) 10 (43-S) 16 (90-A) 21 (49-S) 22 (57-S) 23 (53-A) 3 (50-A) 8 (111-A) 13 (47-A) 15 (72-A) 26 (99-A) 39 (22-A) Taselak Champion (21) fire on Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26), scoring 367 hits. Wolf's guard (23) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 249 hits. Archers of the Amazons (3) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 260 hits. The Black Guard (22) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 756 hits. Death From Above (7) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 634 hits. Dervishes (8) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 976 hits. Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) fire on Mille Coupes (15), scoring 487 hits. Pemrose Thorn (16) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 1022 hits. Fruitapults (10) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 216 hits. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) fire on Iambic Tetrameter (13), scoring 206 hits. Mille Coupes (15) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 1050 hits. Citrus Sting (5) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 566 hits. Admyr Elite (1) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 988 hits. Iambic Tetrameter (13) fire on Sqlqo Melhed Army (39), scoring 737 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 693, Defenders: 7821
The defenders are vastly outnumbered, and panic spreads throughout their ranks.
Beppo Advanced Ranger Force (26) take 367 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Sqlqo Melhed Army (39) take 7454 hits from archer fire, which cause 22 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Sqlqo Dolan, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Wolf's guard (23).
Mille Coupes (15) take 487 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield. Iambic Tetrameter (13) take 206 hits from archer fire, which cause 4 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 693 (0 from close combat and 693 from ranged), Defenders: 7821 (0 from close combat and 7821 from ranged) Total casualties: 14 attackers, 31 defenders Attacker Victory! The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 38 %. The local roads network has also been damaged.