Veritas Vincit/Leadership

From BattleMaster Wiki

The church leadership is broken down into several roles.

  • The Keeper of Truth- This individual oversees the church as a whole, and has access to the book of truth.
  • The Elder Council- This is a governing body of the church made up of elders from the church. Each person in this council has shown much dedication and passion to the church. Most of the elders one time served in lesser leadership roles in the Church. Both clergy and non-clergy members can be part of the council.
  • Elder of the Seekers- The Elder of the seeker oversee the seekers in the church. This can only be held by a clergy member.
  • Elder of the Protectors- This Elder oversees the protectors of the Church. The elder is responsible for organizing opposition against those realms under the control of evil gods. This can only be held by a clergy member.
  • Elder of the Historians- This Elder oversees the historians, making sure each historians remain uncorrupted and unbiased. This can only be held by a clergy member.
  • Elder Knight- This positions oversees the Knights and soldiers of Truth and Justice. The Elder knight organizes non clergy resistance against realms under the control of evil gods. This can only be held by a non clergy member.
  • Holy Artificer- The Holy Artificer collects sacred artifacts for the church, and hand them out to its members, either in time of need or as rewards. The Holy Artificer also will attempt to get the item repaired if severely damaged. This position can be held by both clergy and non clergy nobles.
  • Elder Members- This is a council for those of the non clergy who have shown dedication and leadership among the church. This position gives them a voice in the church.