Velaryon Family/Jacaerys/Battle for Bescanon

From BattleMaster Wiki
Battle of Bescanon
Part of Eponllyn

Date 28.1.2020.
Location Bescanon
Weather Quite windy
Result After 4 rounds, Defender Victory
Attackers Defenders
Sirion; Shadowdale; Eponllyn Perdan
Elric Altenahr
Greatjon Mormont
Delphine de Montigny
Rogos V'Orlan
9630 cs (205 Inf, 207 Arch, 184 Cav, 121 SF) 17121 cs (587 Inf, 550 Arch, 267 SF)
Archer Opening
Archer Opening
Fortification Defense
no particular
632 401

Battle in Bescanon

1AAt Your ExpenseElizabethSirion61 Infline  687
2ABattlethunderFlaviaShadowdale36 Cavwedge  674
3ADim ArchersAustinSirion73 Archskirmish  860
4AGolden SentinelsLyannaSirion55 Infline  646
5AHis ShadowElricSirion88 SFskirmish  1432
6AHouse Kinsey SnipersLionelEponllyn62 Archskirmish  636
7AMejor spearsTio TomballSirion63 Infline  642
8AMounted TorenGodric TórrarinEponllyn36 Cavwedge  625
9AThe Hairy Horde from HagleyNornEponllyn26 Infline  443
10AThe Hundred CustodiansLindowShadowdale92 Cavwedge  1118
11AThunderstormsTheodiusSirion20 Cavwedge  336
12AXavax ArchersPeriuriumSirion72 Archskirmish  807
13AXavax SteelGreatjonEponllyn33 SFline  724
14DArcieri Grande MediciMatildePerdan34 Archskirmish  413
15DBathgate SpecialistsSamuel IIPerdan62 SFskirmish  993
16DBladesingersVesceriesPerdan33 Infbox  427
17DBrawneersKennethPerdan48 Archskirmish  518
18DCor DareiTsinguPerdan66 Infbox  638
19DDark rainGregPerdan184 Archskirmish  1180
20Dde Montigny GuardsDelphinePerdan41 Infline  468
21DDeath from AboveChristopherPerdan52 Archskirmish  507
22DDusk Raiders.Arther HellwinterPerdan54 Infbox  523
23DEverlight StormfrontIsanaPerdan50 Archskirmish  645
24DGuardiães de Bragan&ccediRafaelPerdan51 Infline  615
25DGuardiansJorebPerdan69 SFskirmish  1394
26DHensley GuardsElinorPerdan50 Archskirmish  636
27DKanianitesMannoPerdan98 Infline  1010
28DKitsune AmazonsScarlettPerdan38 SFskirmish  902
29DLady's LuckAlyssaPerdan50 Infline  507
30DMeuse BattalionJeroenPerdan15 SFskirmish  446
31DOpal GriffonsRogosPerdan35 Infbox  393
32DRashuda GuardsJackPerdan20 Archskirmish  296
33DRoyal WardensKayPerdan51 SFskirmish  1059
34DSilver Shield ArchersHighlanderPerdan56 Archskirmish  648
35DSkullcrushersMikialPerdan32 SFskirmish  620
36DSmith GuardsHillbertPerdan56 Archline  610
37DTruth's protectorsFrancisPerdan105 Infline  1056
38DVelaryon GuardsJacaerysPerdan54 Infline  617

13 attackers (205 Inf, 207 Arch, 184 Cav, 121 SF)
25 defenders (587 Inf, 550 Arch, 267 SF)
Total combat strengths: 9630 vs. 17121

The forces from Perdan brace as they prepare to defend their ongoing takeover.
The region owner Eponllyn and their allies attack the takeover forces.
The Sirion troops attack because they are at war with Perdan.
The Eponllyn troops attack because they are at war with Perdan.
The Shadowdale troops attack because they are at war with Perdan.

It is quite windy and the archers will have to aim very carefully.
Even though there is a fortification nearby, neither attackers nor defenders are able to make use of it, so the battlefield is in the open.

Shadow King Lindow Moonsun is spotted wielding the Glowing Sabre of Little Ogre.
Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted wearing the Bizarre Ring of Defeat.
Shadow King Lindow Moonsun is spotted reading from the Ancient Book of War.
Blood Commander Greatjon Mormont is spotted wearing the Gauntlets of Lasanar.
Lord Speaker Lyanna Arylon is spotted wielding the Flail of Avamar.
Elric Altenahr, Commander of Sirion, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, Marshal of the Army of Siriontakes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Greatjon Mormont, Blood Commander of Eponllyn, Knight of Oligarch, Marshal of the Phoenix Hussarstakes command of his army. They deploy in Archer Opening formation.
Delphine de Montigny, Dame of Aixtakes command of her army. They deploy in Fortification Defense formation.
Rogos V'Orlan, Knight of Perdan Minestakes command of his army. They deploy in no particular formation.

(legend: I=Infantry, M=Mixed Inf, A=Archers, C=Cavalry, S=Special Forces, U=Undead, M=Monsters)

Turn No. 1

 2 (36-C)
8 (36-C)
10 (92-C)
11 (20-C)
 1 (61-I)
4 (55-I)
7 (63-I)
9 (26-I)
3 (73-A)
5 (88-S)
6 (62-A)
12 (72-A)
13 (33-S)
 14 (34-A)
16 (33-I)
18 (66-I)
20 (41-I)
22 (54-I)
23 (50-A)
24 (51-I)
29 (50-I)
31 (35-I)
32 (20-A)
33 (51-S)
34 (56-A)
36 (56-A)
38 (54-I)
15 (62-S)
17 (48-A)
19 (184-A)
21 (52-A)
26 (50-A)
27 (98-I)
28 (38-S)
35 (32-S)
25 (69-S)
30 (15-S)
37 (105-I)

Royal Wardens (33) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 313 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (15) fire on Dim Archers (3), scoring 272 hits.
Xavax Steel (13) fire on Cor Darei (18), scoring 502 hits.
Dim Archers (3) fire on Everlight Stormfront (23), scoring 381 hits.
His Shadow (5) fire on Silver Shield Archers (34), scoring 528 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (28) fire on Xavax Archers (12), scoring 280 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (23) fire on House Kinsey Snipers (6), scoring 288 hits.
Skullcrushers (35) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 141 hits.
Hensley Guards (26) fire on At Your Expense (1), scoring 108 hits.
Silver Shield Archers (34) fire on Golden Sentinels (4), scoring 156 hits.
Rashuda Guards (32) fire on Mejor spears (7), scoring 69 hits.
Brawneers (17) move closer to get better shots.
Xavax Archers (12) fire on Smith Guards (36), scoring 641 hits.
Meuse Battalion (30) fire on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9), scoring 75 hits.
Arcieri Grande Medici (14) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
Smith Guards (36) have no enemy in range and hold their fire.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) fire on Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24), scoring 476 hits.
Guardians (25) move closer to get better shots.
Dark rain (19) move closer to get better shots.
Death from Above (21) move closer to get better shots.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 1702, Defenders: 2528
Battlethunder (2), Thunderstorms (11), Mounted Toren (8) and The Hundred Custodians (10) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9), Golden Sentinels (4), Mejor spears (7) and At Your Expense (1) advance towards the enemy.
Truth's protectors (37), de Montigny Guards (20), Kanianites (27), Cor Darei (18), Lady's Luck (29), Dusk Raiders. (22), Bladesingers (16), Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24), Opal Griffons (31) and Velaryon Guards (38) advance towards the enemy.

Xavax Steel (13) take 141 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9) take 75 hits from archer fire, which cause 2 casualties.
Golden Sentinels (4) take 156 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Dim Archers (3) take 272 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Cor Darei (18) take 502 hits from archer fire, which cause 10 casualties.
His Shadow (5) take 313 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
Mejor spears (7) take 69 hits from archer fire, which cause 3 casualties.
Everlight Stormfront (23) take 381 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
At Your Expense (1) take 108 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Silver Shield Archers (34) take 528 hits from archer fire, which cause 15 casualties.
Highlander DeGrey, Knight of Clermonthas been wounded by His Shadow (5).
Xavax Archers (12) take 280 hits from archer fire, which cause 13 casualties.
Periurium Baceolus, Knight of Sirionhas been wounded by Kitsune Amazons (28).
Smith Guards (36) take 641 hits from archer fire, which cause 17 casualties.
Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24) take 476 hits from archer fire, which cause 12 casualties.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) take 288 hits from archer fire, which cause 17 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 1702 (0 from close combat and 1702 from ranged), Defenders: 2528 (0 from close combat and 2528 from ranged)
Total casualties: 75 attackers, 63 defenders

Turn No. 2

   2 (36-C)
8 (36-C)
10 (92-C)
11 (20-C)
1 (56-I)
3 (62-A)
4 (48-I)
5 (76-S)
6 (45-A)
7 (60-I)
9 (24-I)
12 (59-A)
13 (28-S)
16 (33-I)
18 (56-I)
20 (41-I)
22 (54-I)
24 (39-I)
29 (50-I)
31 (35-I)
38 (54-I)
14 (34-A)
17 (48-A)
19 (184-A)
21 (52-A)
23 (41-A)
27 (98-I)
32 (20-A)
33 (51-S)
34 (41-A)
36 (39-A)
15 (62-S)
25 (69-S)
26 (50-A)
28 (38-S)
35 (32-S)
37 (105-I)
30 (15-S)

Xavax Steel (13) fire on Velaryon Guards (38), scoring 587 hits.
Dark rain (19) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 442 hits.
Brawneers (17) fire on Dim Archers (3), scoring 169 hits.
Dim Archers (3) fire on Cor Darei (18), scoring 591 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (23) fire on Xavax Archers (12), scoring 178 hits.
Meuse Battalion (30) fire on At Your Expense (1), scoring 101 hits.
Silver Shield Archers (34) fire on House Kinsey Snipers (6), scoring 121 hits.
Death from Above (21) fire on Mejor spears (7), scoring 265 hits.
Hensley Guards (26) fire on Golden Sentinels (4), scoring 278 hits.
Xavax Archers (12) fire on Lady's Luck (29), scoring 369 hits.
Guardians (25) fire on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9), scoring 692 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (15) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 294 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (28) move closer to get better shots.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) fire on Dusk Raiders. (22), scoring 473 hits.
Smith Guards (36) fire on The Hundred Custodians (10), scoring 115 hits.
Arcieri Grande Medici (14) fire on Mounted Toren (8), scoring 124 hits.
His Shadow (5) fire on Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24), scoring 499 hits.
Royal Wardens (33) fire on Battlethunder (2), scoring 461 hits.
Rashuda Guards (32) fire on Thunderstorms (11), scoring 55 hits.
Skullcrushers (35) fire on Battlethunder (2), scoring 71 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3366, Defenders: 2519
The Hundred Custodians (10), Thunderstorms (11), Mounted Toren (8) and Battlethunder (2) charge ahead, into the defenders' ranks.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9), Golden Sentinels (4), Mejor spears (7) and At Your Expense (1) advance towards the enemy.
Kanianites (27) and Truth's protectors (37) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
2 Perdan banners are visible in the melee.
5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
4 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
Kanianites (27) score 728 hits on Mejor spears (7).
Bladesingers (16) score 332 hits on The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9).
Dusk Raiders. (22) score 325 hits on Golden Sentinels (4).
The Hundred Custodians (10) score 2960 hits on Opal Griffons (31).
Thunderstorms (11) score 1095 hits on de Montigny Guards (20).
Cor Darei (18) score 463 hits on Mounted Toren (8).
Velaryon Guards (38) score 511 hits on At Your Expense (1).
Mounted Toren (8) score 604 hits on Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24).
Mounted Toren (8) score 710 hits on Cor Darei (18).
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9) score 481 hits on Bladesingers (16).
Golden Sentinels (4) score 533 hits on Dusk Raiders. (22).
Opal Griffons (31) score 280 hits on The Hundred Custodians (10).
Mejor spears (7) score 595 hits on Kanianites (27).
At Your Expense (1) score 566 hits on Velaryon Guards (38).
Lady's Luck (29) score 403 hits on Battlethunder (2).
Battlethunder (2) score 1746 hits on Lady's Luck (29).
de Montigny Guards (20) score 359 hits on Thunderstorms (11).
Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24) score 432 hits on Mounted Toren (8).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3833, Defenders: 9290

Kanianites (27) take 595 hits in close combat, which cause 11 casualties.
Xavax Steel (13) take 294 hits from archer fire, which cause 9 casualties.
Dim Archers (3) take 169 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Bladesingers (16) take 481 hits in close combat, which cause 10 casualties.
Dusk Raiders. (22) take 1006 hits (533 in close combat, 473 from archer fire), which cause 19 casualties.
The Hundred Custodians (10) take 395 hits (280 in close combat, 115 from archer fire), which cause 15 casualties.
Thunderstorms (11) take 414 hits (359 in close combat, 55 from archer fire), which cause 20 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Cor Darei (18) take 1301 hits (710 in close combat, 591 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Tsingu Orobar, Noble of Perdanhas been wounded by Dim Archers (3).
Xavax Archers (12) take 178 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
Velaryon Guards (38) take 1153 hits (566 in close combat, 587 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties.
Jacaerys Velaryon, Knight of Perdanhas been wounded by At Your Expense (1).
Mounted Toren (8) take 1019 hits (895 in close combat, 124 from archer fire), which cause 36 casualties, wiping the unit out.
The Hairy Horde from Hagley (9) take 1024 hits (332 in close combat, 692 from archer fire), which cause 24 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Norn Van der Voort, Count of Hagleyhas been wounded by Bladesingers (16).
Golden Sentinels (4) take 603 hits (325 in close combat, 278 from archer fire), which cause 25 casualties.
Opal Griffons (31) take 2960 hits in close combat, which cause 35 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Rogos V'Orlan, Knight of Perdan Mineshas been wounded by The Hundred Custodians (10).
Mejor spears (7) take 993 hits (728 in close combat, 265 from archer fire), which cause 47 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
At Your Expense (1) take 612 hits (511 in close combat, 101 from archer fire), which cause 26 casualties.
Lady's Luck (29) take 2115 hits (1746 in close combat, 369 from archer fire), which cause 50 casualties, wiping the unit out.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) take 121 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Battlethunder (2) take 935 hits (403 in close combat, 532 from archer fire), which cause 22 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
de Montigny Guards (20) take 1095 hits in close combat, which cause 27 casualties.
His Shadow (5) take 442 hits from archer fire, which cause 16 casualties.
Guardiães de Bragan&ccedi (24) take 1103 hits (604 in close combat, 499 from archer fire), which cause 28 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Rafael Bragança, Knight of Perdanhas been wounded by Mounted Toren (8).
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 7199 (3833 from close combat and 3366 from ranged), Defenders: 11809 (9290 from close combat and 2519 from ranged)
Total casualties: 262 attackers, 228 defenders

Turn No. 3

    3 (55-A)
5 (60-S)
6 (38-A)
12 (51-A)
13 (19-S)
1 (30-I)
4 (23-I)
10 (77-C)
16 (23-I)
18 (30-I)
20 (14-I)
22 (35-I)
27 (87-I)
38 (32-I)
14 (34-A)
17 (48-A)
19 (184-A)
21 (52-A)
23 (41-A)
28 (38-S)
32 (20-A)
33 (51-S)
34 (41-A)
36 (39-A)
37 (105-I)
15 (62-S)
25 (69-S)
26 (50-A)
35 (32-S)
30 (15-S)

Dark rain (19) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 509 hits.
Death from Above (21) fire on Dim Archers (3), scoring 119 hits.
Arcieri Grande Medici (14) fire on Xavax Archers (12), scoring 144 hits.
His Shadow (5) fire on Royal Wardens (33), scoring 287 hits.
Hensley Guards (26) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 258 hits.
Xavax Steel (13) fire on Truth's protectors (37), scoring 252 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (15) fire on House Kinsey Snipers (6), scoring 120 hits.
Brawneers (17) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 135 hits.
Smith Guards (36) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 190 hits.
Dim Archers (3) fire on Kitsune Amazons (28), scoring 454 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (23) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 320 hits.
Guardians (25) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 339 hits.
Skullcrushers (35) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 188 hits.
Rashuda Guards (32) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 135 hits.
Royal Wardens (33) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 647 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) fire on Dark rain (19), scoring 165 hits.
Xavax Archers (12) fire on Silver Shield Archers (34), scoring 193 hits.
Meuse Battalion (30) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 86 hits.
Silver Shield Archers (34) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 246 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (28) fire on His Shadow (5), scoring 433 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 3869, Defenders: 1351
Truth's protectors (37) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
3 Perdan banners are visible in the melee.
5 Sirion banners are visible in the melee.
4 Shadowdale banners are visible in the melee.
At Your Expense (1) score 322 hits on Truth's protectors (37).
At Your Expense (1) score 32 hits on de Montigny Guards (20).
At Your Expense (1) score 104 hits on Velaryon Guards (38).
de Montigny Guards (20) score 166 hits on At Your Expense (1).
Cor Darei (18) score 255 hits on Golden Sentinels (4).
Dusk Raiders. (22) score 252 hits on Golden Sentinels (4).
The Hundred Custodians (10) score 175 hits on Bladesingers (16).
The Hundred Custodians (10) score 718 hits on Kanianites (27).
Golden Sentinels (4) score 193 hits on Dusk Raiders. (22).
Golden Sentinels (4) score 187 hits on Cor Darei (18).
Kanianites (27) score 951 hits on The Hundred Custodians (10).
Truth's protectors (37) score 908 hits on At Your Expense (1).
Bladesingers (16) score 235 hits on The Hundred Custodians (10).
Velaryon Guards (38) score 351 hits on At Your Expense (1).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 3118, Defenders: 1731

Dark rain (19) take 165 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
At Your Expense (1) take 1425 hits in close combat, which cause 30 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Elizabeth Kabrinski, Dame of Avamar, Marshal of the Dragonhas been wounded by de Montigny Guards (20).
His Shadow (5) take 3228 hits from archer fire, which cause 60 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Elric Altenahr, Commander of Sirion, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, Marshal of the Army of Sirionhas been wounded by Smith Guards (36).
Xavax Steel (13) take 258 hits from archer fire, which cause 8 casualties.
de Montigny Guards (20) take 32 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Dim Archers (3) take 119 hits from archer fire, which cause 5 casualties.
Cor Darei (18) take 187 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Dusk Raiders. (22) take 193 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Arther Hellwinter Hall, Knight of Clermonthas been wounded by Golden Sentinels (4).
Royal Wardens (33) take 287 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
The Hundred Custodians (10) take 1186 hits in close combat, which cause 47 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) take 120 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Golden Sentinels (4) take 507 hits in close combat, which cause 21 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Kanianites (27) take 718 hits in close combat, which cause 14 casualties.
Truth's protectors (37) take 574 hits (322 in close combat, 252 from archer fire), which cause 12 casualties.
Bladesingers (16) take 175 hits in close combat, which cause 4 casualties.
Xavax Archers (12) take 144 hits from archer fire, which cause 7 casualties.
Velaryon Guards (38) take 104 hits in close combat, which cause 2 casualties.
Silver Shield Archers (34) take 193 hits from archer fire, which cause 6 casualties.
Highlander DeGrey, Knight of Clermonthas been wounded by Xavax Archers (12).
Kitsune Amazons (28) take 454 hits from archer fire, which cause 11 casualties.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6987 (3118 from close combat and 3869 from ranged), Defenders: 3082 (1731 from close combat and 1351 from ranged)
Total casualties: 185 attackers, 71 defenders

Turn No. 4

    3 (50-A)
6 (31-A)
12 (44-A)
13 (11-S)
16 (19-I)
18 (26-I)
20 (13-I)
22 (31-I)
27 (73-I)
37 (93-I)
38 (30-I)
14 (34-A)
17 (48-A)
19 (178-A)
21 (52-A)
23 (41-A)
28 (27-S)
32 (20-A)
33 (44-S)
34 (35-A)
36 (39-A)
15 (62-S)
25 (69-S)
26 (50-A)
35 (32-S)
30 (15-S)

Skullcrushers (35) fire on Dim Archers (3), scoring 142 hits.
Bathgate Specialists (15) fire on Xavax Archers (12), scoring 262 hits.
Arcieri Grande Medici (14) fire on House Kinsey Snipers (6), scoring 190 hits.
Dark rain (19) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 418 hits.
Royal Wardens (33) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 441 hits.
Xavax Steel (13) fire on Truth's protectors (37), scoring 230 hits.
Smith Guards (36) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 335 hits.
Guardians (25) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 890 hits.
Rashuda Guards (32) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 145 hits.
Brawneers (17) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 244 hits.
Meuse Battalion (30) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 78 hits.
Dim Archers (3) fire on Kanianites (27), scoring 425 hits.
Everlight Stormfront (23) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 274 hits.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) fire on Velaryon Guards (38), scoring 395 hits.
Xavax Archers (12) fire on Dusk Raiders. (22), scoring 545 hits.
Death from Above (21) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 345 hits.
Hensley Guards (26) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 203 hits.
Kitsune Amazons (28) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 447 hits.
Silver Shield Archers (34) fire on Xavax Steel (13), scoring 264 hits.
Total ranged hits suffered: Attackers: 4678, Defenders: 1595
Cor Darei (18), Kanianites (27), de Montigny Guards (20), Velaryon Guards (38), Bladesingers (16), Dusk Raiders. (22) and Truth's protectors (37) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
3 Perdan banners are visible in the melee.
3 Eponllyn banners are visible in the melee.
Cor Darei (18) score 229 hits on Dim Archers (3).
Xavax Steel (13) score 175 hits on Truth's protectors (37).
Kanianites (27) score 551 hits on Xavax Archers (12).
de Montigny Guards (20) score 141 hits on Dim Archers (3).
Velaryon Guards (38) score 268 hits on House Kinsey Snipers (6).
Bladesingers (16) score 205 hits on House Kinsey Snipers (6).
Dusk Raiders. (22) score 190 hits on Xavax Archers (12).
Dim Archers (3) score 30 hits on de Montigny Guards (20).
Dim Archers (3) score 50 hits on Cor Darei (18).
Truth's protectors (37) score 383 hits on Xavax Steel (13) (814 before overkill).
House Kinsey Snipers (6) score 24 hits on Bladesingers (16).
House Kinsey Snipers (6) score 42 hits on Velaryon Guards (38).
Xavax Archers (12) score 22 hits on Dusk Raiders. (22).
Xavax Archers (12) score 51 hits on Kanianites (27).
Total close combat hits suffered: Attackers: 1967 (2398 before overkill), Defenders: 394

Cor Darei (18) take 50 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Xavax Steel (13) take 4467 hits (383 in close combat, 4084 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Greatjon Mormont, Blood Commander of Eponllyn, Knight of Oligarch, Marshal of the Phoenix Hussarshas been wounded by Dark rain (19).
Kanianites (27) take 476 hits (51 in close combat, 425 from archer fire), which cause 9 casualties.
de Montigny Guards (20) take 30 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Velaryon Guards (38) take 437 hits (42 in close combat, 395 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
Bladesingers (16) take 24 hits in close combat, which cause 1 casualties.
Dusk Raiders. (22) take 567 hits (22 in close combat, 545 from archer fire), which cause 11 casualties, making the unit retreat from the battlefield.
Dim Archers (3) take 512 hits (370 in close combat, 142 from archer fire), which cause 21 casualties, causing panicked flight among the survivors, 3 additional men get slaughtered during the retreat.
Truth's protectors (37) take 405 hits (175 in close combat, 230 from archer fire), which cause 8 casualties.
House Kinsey Snipers (6) take 663 hits (473 in close combat, 190 from archer fire), which cause 31 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Lionel Kinsey, Count of Dulbinhas been wounded by Velaryon Guards (38).
Xavax Archers (12) take 1003 hits (741 in close combat, 262 from archer fire), which cause 44 casualties, wiping the unit out.
Total hits suffered: Attackers: 6645 (1967 from close combat and 4678 from ranged), Defenders: 1989 (394 from close combat and 1595 from ranged)
Total casualties: 110 attackers, 39 defenders

Defender Victory!

The battle does extensive damage to the local infrastructure. Production falls 37 %.
The local roads network has also been damaged.