I play the Erendegard family.
I live in Australia. A wacky timezone.
I am the greatest.
My characters, in order of creation are:
- Actrial began his career in Oritolon. He fought in the long war with Alebad and Alowca. He was eventually appointed as a region lord. He was elected as Judge and has mainly filled that position until recently being elected as ruler. He constructed a fine palace. His most exciting recent conquest has been to help discover the foul Necromantic (multi accing) ways of Hvrek Psych.
- Eshear started out as a warrior on the South East Island. He fought hard, and was regularly highly listed in the realm helmet (a type of kills tracking system) list despite his relative inexperience. He attended the Ikalak Ball, where he became acquainted with Lady Raven Namtrah. Not too long afterwards, he was killed in battle, his thoughts for Raven mentioned in his final words, which he scrawled onto a bloody piece of paper, delivered to the realm at large by his friend Eladon Beorc.
- Namenir travelled to the Far East continent, where he joined the realm of Lasanar. He became a trader, and was later appointed as the banker of the realm. When Lasanar dissolved, he journeyed to Greater Anelia, because he had had some written correspondence with the then King Orphen Vincent. Relatively soon, he resumed banking duties, although he has great annoyance at the new bureaucracy that now allows him no direct power over anything. Nevertheless, he persists in region lord shepherding, and has built up a huge food surplus which will support the realm for many years to come.
- Dane was the son of a bastard child of some unnamed Erendegard in the past. He hunted foul beasts throughout his lifetime, but was eventually slain by an undead champion. The nobles of the family have no idea he existed. And they like to keep it that way.
- Cain was not always named Cain. He used to be named after some foreign fox or something. He ran away on a ship to Dwilight as soon as he could get away from his eccentric overbearing mother. Thoroughly ashamed, he ridded himself of that disgusting name. This may or may not have been correlated with his early wounding with a lightning bolt. Who knows. He ran around Dwilight seceding and rebelling and got himself banned a couple of times. Deciding that the country was altogether too gloomy with far too much rain, he boarded a ship to Beluaterra. After serving the realm in a more normal manner, he entered a tournament on a whim, where, much to his surprise, he won the jousting section. He still suspects that there was some inebriation event he was not invited to. In any case, he now wishes to become a famous horseman. He recently recruited a bunch of cavalry so he can train his skills in battle.
Cains tournaments:
- 2010? Tournament of Somewhere, Beluaterra, Joust First Place (??? gold)
- 28th July 2012, Tournament of Kalmar, East Continent, Joust Second Place (100 gold)
- 15th September 2012, Tournament of Itorunt, East Continent, Joust First Place (500 gold)
- 26 October 2012, Tournament of Semall, East Continent, Joust Second Place (300 gold)
- 27 November 2012, Tournament of Iforget, East Continet, Joust First Place (2000 gold!!!!)